Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 152: ·zero%

[Identity information has been automatically supplemented. 】

[Access to admiration · New identity readme: "I know that my birth was a mistake, I really shouldn't exist, but I will live until the day I should die - that day, I want to see my results, like Like the wind, it flies to every corner of the continent. I want to see a young child who has just started to speak, and can call my name and be grateful to me. I want everyone who has benefited from me to kneel down in gratitude and remember I."】

[Integrity of identity information: 55%]


Su Mingan followed Fia out of the room.

And the moment he stepped out of the room, he saw the corner of Little Loli's skirt again, appearing in the corner of the corridor.

But this time, Hui Shuhang did not come up directly to separate Feiya, but waited for them to come out, and then silently followed behind, like a loyal follower.

Su Mingan is going to see that "Your Majesty" this time.

He wants to use the skills of those in power.

If the favorability of that majesty can be pulled to the highest point, then all the difficulties in front of him will be solved.

The preparations on the square were still going on. He saw that the channel chat was being reported by Dabo Dabo, and there were many people who wanted to switch camps and were looking for various ways.

As she walked towards the tallest golden-white building that seemed to float in the clouds, Hui Shuhang seemed to have noticed something. She stepped forward and walked in front of him.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I'm going to take him to see His Majesty." Fia said, "It's about the latest developments in the experiment."

Feiya's reason seemed to be very good, Hui Shuhang frowned slightly, and then did not object.

But Su Ming'an could see worry from her expression.


Until he stepped into this building, he always cared about Hui Shuhang's expression.

"Take care of yourself."

Fia whispered something in his ear, then closed the door for him.


The door closed behind him, and Su Mingan walked into the hall alone.

He saw the spiral staircase in front of him.

The layout of this hall is very strange. The walls and floor are transparent and ice-white, and there are no patterns or gems. After confirming that there was no one on the first floor, he walked up the stairs and saw the platform on the second floor. of bright colors.

The sky in this world is not bright, but it can ensure that the light source is always stable. He saw the stable light sprinkled on the transparent platform on the second floor, and then saw a touch of mercury-like color.

"—I traveled to the mainland before and found that people are generally ignorant. So many forces will create sects and create an illusory image of a **** who can bring hope and happiness to the people to help them win people's hearts."

Su Ming'an suddenly heard a voice, it was the man on the second floor talking.

That person's voice was very cold, like a cold spring rustling past, Su Ming'an instantly remembered the phrase "be optimistic about him" when the world started before he even opened his eyes.

...that's what this guy said.

"The power provides the foundation for the sect, and the sect provides the power with fame and fame. Many forces are such a complementary group. The crisis in the world, the cold wave, the torrent, the earth fissure... For many people who don't understand, it is heaven. Punishment is a judgment from heaven. They are so eager to pursue their own happiness, and they are so afraid of the judgment in the name of "God"..." The man turned his head, his voice was extremely cold, but there was a pair of Yingying The smiling eyes seemed to contain the aura of the sun and the moon. His smile is soft and gentle, and his expression is approachable, which makes people feel a sense of intimacy unconsciously.

It's like there is a thousand radiance in front of him, and when he stands under the light, he can make people involuntarily believe everything this person says.

He seemed to have been waiting here for a long time, and he was not surprised by Su Ming'an's arrival. When he turned around, he walked slowly, his silver hair fluttering, like the water light condensed on the moonlit night on the lake in the Northland.

But Su Mingan saw that he was wearing a crown-like jewel crown.

...This is probably that His Majesty.

Characters at the ceiling level of the entire plot copy.

"You said." His Majesty asked gently, his tone was extremely calm, as if communicating with his peers: "...If we can conquer them not only in terms of strength and interests, but create an image in the name of God to make these foolish people How convenient is it to obey us both physically and mentally?"

Su Ming'an met his eyes.

He was a little lost for a moment.

[A mental attack has been detected, and it is being judged... (The mental point is greater than 40 points / the rank is greater than the second order, and any one of them can be judged to pass)]

【Judgment passed. 】

[You have entered the perfect clearance line, the main line and the future line. 】

[“—I am the future, even if I just slept for a long time and didn’t wake up.”]

[Perfect clearance progress: 5%]

The system voice instantly woke him up.

He woke up immediately, realizing that he had almost escaped the judgment just now.

Fortunately, his line seems to be on the right track, and it seems that he must come to see this majesty.

[You are communicating with the key NPCs of the future line and the main army camp. 】

[Please note: This line is extremely dangerous, please try to gain the trust of the other party. 】

"Is that so?" Su Ming'an said, "So, you want to become the shaped **** you say?"

"Our beliefs are free and full of humanity, and we just want people to rely on them." His Majesty responded with a smile.

"You didn't say that just now." Su Mingan also smiled, facing this extremely dangerous NPC, he was a little excited at this time:

"—You want people to give up thinking, let them turn from reason to emotion, from people to your slaves, you need to stimulate their inner desires and servility, and make them pay for one thing as they should. You You want to separate the three, six, nine, and so on, you want to solidify the class...you want everyone to think that class is innate and that rebellion should not be practiced."

"But if there is class, there will be resistance." Su Ming'an spread his hands and continued: "If you want everyone to let go of their thoughts of rebelling against you and follow you, it is not something that can be done by so-called brainwashing and ignorance. It is an independent individual, and everyone will have their own choices. What you should do is to set up a goal that everyone can move forward with, and you need to...become a beacon in the eyes of everyone..."

He said excitedly here, and the barrage was flashing as expected:

【I'm coming! Jasmine version 2.0! 】

[I actually gave birth to some thoughts of "It's finally here"...]

【The record is recorded! I'm ready to record the screen, this is the forum! 】

[When will this NPC Kangkang be influenced? 】

[The other party seems to be a key NPC too... It's still the top one, not as simple as Jasmine, right? 】

[Suggested change to: Debate Competition]

[Suggested change to: Edward also cried when he saw it. 】

[Damn it, is it Edward's turn after persecuting Aini? Great! 】

[There is a request for the next victim... No, there is a request for the next affected person...]


The other's footsteps stopped.

When looking at him, his smiling eyes changed slightly.

"Jin Wang... I remember that you didn't care about these things before." His Majesty looked at him: "You can actually say this."

"In this era, you are their king. What you do and what sect you want to establish has nothing to do with me." Su Ming'an said: "I don't care about the hardships of the people at dawn, and I don't care how much they are deceived. , because I am not their ruler, because they [have nothing] to do with me."

His Majesty looked at him, his eyes slightly fixed.

"It's your freedom to change the world into your shape and what you want it to be like." Su Ming'an said, "--because my position is the same as yours, so long as I can ensure that my experiment goes smoothly, I can take advantage of whoever's belief you want."

He said, preparing to activate the power-holder skills.

"..." His Majesty looked away slightly, and then said softly:

"……Is that so?"

Su Mingan immediately activated the power-holder skills.

[The skill starts to activate, please keep your eyesight. 】

[NPC (Saint Kai), favorability: 95+5...]

……What's this?

Su Mingan was stunned when he saw this system prompt.

He had already prepared a reminder to see a negative favorability score, but he didn't expect the system to prompt a backhand and blind him.

...the initial favorability is 95 points?

He looked at the other party, and the other party's expression had not changed. He didn't have obvious emotional fluctuations like Hui Shuhang's in the first week. After adding five points of favorability and reaching the full value, everything seemed to be nothing. Same happened.

[NPC (Saint Kai), favorability: 100]

[Current Favorability Rating: Eternal Trust]

[Note: The current favorability has reached (friendship line highest)]

[Note: The highest favorability has advantages and disadvantages, please proceed with caution. 】


Su Mingan realized that the skills might not be in place, but he did not choose to go back.

95 points and 100 points are two completely different concepts.

His Majesty at 95 o'clock wanted to kill him, perhaps because of his goodwill in His Majesty's eyes, and nothing was important.

But at 100 points...he is the most important person in the eyes of the person in front of him.

The crisis of life and death should be able to escape like this.

"Let's not talk about this for now." His Majesty said, "The results of this experiment have a great impact. You should not go out recently to prevent thieves from peeping. After the coming-of-age ceremony, I guarantee that no one will touch you."

...Isn't it a rite of passage to die?

Su Mingan thought - maybe because of the 100 favorability points, the other party changed his mind at this time.

Just like Hui Shuhang once, she used to take him away without hesitation, as if she had left everything behind.

"You have completed your six-year project, do you have any new ideas?"

His Majesty continued to ask, like a chat between friends.

Su Ming'an read Qin Wang's experimental diary and had a general understanding of his research. He said according to what he knew:

"I am very interested in energy storage methods." He said: "The ability of the world is high and low, and some areas are so barren that there is no energy for them to absorb and cultivate. I want to develop a method that can store energy. In this way, even those with no ability in the radiation zone can fight freely."

"It's really another innovative proposition in the field, an idea to change the world." His Majesty sighed: "You always like to go against the sky."

"This difficulty is even greater than the talent reform. I need to systematically review the ability system and conduct in-depth research on energy. It is expected that it may take decades or even to overcome." Su Mingan immediately began to show his value.

He knew that even if his favorability was the highest, he should not let his guard down.

"Don't suppress yourself too much." His Majesty patted him on the shoulder: "Before the coming-of-age ceremony, it is a rare free time. You can relax around the square, or accompany Fia. She is your fiancee after all."

"I want to use some troops." Su Mingan made a request.

"Army? I thought you didn't want to get involved in these struggles."

"I don't go out with the army, I just put on a name and direct the movement of the army."

He saw the big waves of reporting information in the dungeon chat. If it was just a name, the contribution value harvested by the army would also be included in his name. Even if the reporting information was wrong, the army returned without success. Not bad either.

Relying on the strength of the forces is much better than going to the forest to find the revolutionary army to fight alone.


He got a positive response, and then, he stepped out of the hall.

When the door behind him was about to close, he heard another sentence from the person behind him:

"Other than that, you just need to study it well, and leave everything else to us."

He took a step, turned around, and saw the rare emotion in His Majesty's eyes.

The door slammed shut, blocking his subtle vision.

He went all the way back to his bedroom.

For some reason, when he came out, he didn't see Hui Shuhang and Feiya, as if he was the only one left.

He went back to his bedroom and opened the window.

The sky outside the window was still that blue-purple color, but it seemed that it was the rest time at night, the lights on the square were dimmed, the whole square was dark, and no one could be seen carrying things.

He went through the communication with that His Majesty in his mind, thinking about what was wrong.

The favorability reached the highest value, and the other party also promised to give him the army, and did not even stop him from meeting with Fia. Everything seemed to be going very well.

It stands to reason that in the end, I should have a high probability of surviving...



Su Ming felt a sense of urgency in the crisis, and an inexplicable panic was alerting him.

Then ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a faint message that he had put in the past gradually appeared in his mind.

It stands to reason that all his self-help behaviors can improve his ultimate survival rate.

……but why,

In the course of the communication where everything seemed to be going well,

——He didn’t hear the [survival rate improvement] prompt from the system?

He quickly opened the system bar, and then suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat.

He spread out his hand covering his mouth, and there was a pool of bright red blood in his palm.

At this moment, the system panel appeared in front of him.

As he endured the pain that came from the bottom of his heart, he saw an extremely clear and obvious number displayed in front of him——


【Survival rate: 0%】

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