Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 153: ·HE·Silent Future

A well-dressed little loli sat in her own room, beside her, a bird like a nightingale chirped.

It is conveying the meaning of His Majesty.

She opened the drawer, and there lay a dagger adorned with vermilion gems. When she pulled it out, she saw her tender face reflected on the face of the dagger.

Holding the dagger, she slowly walked out the door, walked through the silent corridor, stepped on the scarlet carpet, and as she walked slowly up the stairs, she heard the sound of something dragging the ground.

She walked up the stairs and saw the open door of the innermost room. A person was lying there alone. Even in the night of the polar night, she could see the blood spots on the ground through the faint light.

She approached slowly, the ruby ​​on the dagger glowed brightly, and as she walked through this long corridor, the long palace dress was dragging on the floor and rubbing against the carpet, which was very obvious in the quiet night.

The man who fell to the ground raised his head slightly, revealing a face full of blood, and a blood-red tattoo lit up on his shoulder.

"Are you here...to kill me?"

Even though his face was full of blood, he still smiled and asked in a homely tone.

Hui Shuhang slowly crouched down and approached him.


"I thought you could take me away." He said, "After all, when I opened my eyes, it was you that I saw."

"I've been by your side for more than ten years."

"Really?" He said, bloodshot dripping down the corner of his mouth, looking rather weak: "...can you talk to me, before I die."

Hui Shuhang clenched the dagger, and then she approached him again, sat beside him, and threw the dagger in her hand.

The dagger fell on the carpet, and the gem gleamed coldly.

She stared silently at the empty corridor, and then her eyes fell on his shoulder.

There was a blood-red pattern there. She recognized that it was the curse pattern branded by His Majesty. Anyone who was branded would die within two hours.

...not even needing her to do it.

"How long have I been here?"

She suddenly heard his questioning.

"Have you forgotten?" Hui Shuhang said slowly, "You have been there since you were a child."

"Never go out?"

"With my company, yes, have you forgotten?" she said, "I have been taking care of you, and I know everything about you."

"I really didn't expect..." He sighed slightly: "I have done so much for the main army, and at the end, the experiment is about to be completed, and the first person His Majesty wants to kill is actually me. I thought that he would at least Keep me until the bar mitzvah."

"...Maybe because you went to see him today."

"What's wrong?" he asked immediately.

"Your Majesty, he is also hesitating. Maybe it was some of your words that made him make up his mind in advance."

"That's it." He nodded, looking a little remorseful: "...what is it supposed to say."

Hui Shuhang did not answer.

Perhaps she was uneasy herself.

"Tell me." She heard his voice: "Your Majesty, why did he send me to the altar?"

"—Because of the future." She also heard her own voice, like a puppet who could only answer, perhaps too sad, she couldn't feel what she was answering: "Your existence will make the world change, Your bloodline... itself is the source of the catastrophe in the world. You may not be reconciled and want to change something through your experiment... But Your Majesty can't wait for the day when the experiment is successful. It is His Majesty's choice to obliterate Calamity in advance. ."

"What am I?"

"You are an evil dragon, and you are a child with the blood of an evil dragon." Hui Shuhang said: "It is a disaster, a demon, a variable that should not exist, a curse on the head of the living being, whether you are alive or not You are still dead, and the moment you are brought to the altar, the world will be at peace."

"…I understand."

Su Mingan completely understood.

His Majesty's 95 favorability rating is true.

His Majesty may really have feelings for him, allowing him to live or live until he is sacrificed to the altar, but in the eyes of that ruler, maintaining the stability of the world is far more important than a single person.

Knowing that he might have the meaning of getting out of control, His Majesty did not give him another chance to live the remaining nine days, but killed him directly.

"It turns out that I am not the future." Su Ming'an said: "Kill me, that is the future."

"That's it."

She heard him coughing up blood, the person in front of her was getting weaker and weaker, and there were only a few short minutes left in his life.

"…how about you?"

She heard his voice.

"...If one day, you suddenly don't want to send me to the altar, and you want to escape with me, what kind of situation would that be?" he asked.

Hui Shuhang thought for a while.

"That won't be the case."

Even in this situation, the little loli was still graceful. She sat beside him, and the skirt was not stained with any blood. Under the faint light source, her wine-red eyes were full of determination:

"Although I watched you grow up and respect you, I have already made up my mind, everyone has their own final destiny, accept it calmly... This is the only thing we can do when we are born in this world thing."

"I mean, what if?" Su Mingan asked.


Hui Shuhang was silent for a while.

She lowered her head and seemed to be in deep thought, and then, when she raised her head again, there was a little confusion in her eyes:

"...That's possible," she said, slowly picking up the dagger that fell on the ground.

The gems shine beautifully.

"...Maybe I'm in love with you."

She approached him and said in his ear:

"Listen here - love is a very complicated thing. It's crazy, it's incredible. If I can love you enough to give up all my beliefs and responsibilities for you, then I'll take you away, no matter the cost, By all means—I will keep you alive, even if I die."

Su Ming'an recalled Hui Shuhang in detail last week. When she wanted to take him to escape, her eyes were so fiery and crazy, and when she looked at her, she had an unprecedented desire, like a burst of fire. , to burn her own past.

- It turned out that at that time, her full-value friendship became the so-called love.

"I understand." Su Mingan said.

The nightingale bird on his shoulder began to cry again, Hui Shuhang held the dagger, and his tone was extremely soft:

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"I thought." Su Ming'an looked at her: "You will say something like—[No one is a natural victim, but you are the future]."

"If I believe that you are alive, it is more useful than being sent to the altar, I will say so." Hui Shuhang's tone was very slight, as if he was talking about a bedtime story: "The premise is that we all need Trust you—you can develop a way to change the dragon's natural bloodline."

"But it's too late now."

"Yes." Hui Shuhang said, "His Majesty has made up his mind in advance. We will bring your body to the altar, and the experiment will continue. Even if the process will be slowed down, you will be rewarded for a short period of time. Peace, you are our [future]."

"...then I know what to do."

Hui Shuhang listened to his words and looked at his eyes.

His eyes were so bright and dazzling that it was easy for people to ignore the pain in their eyes.

...as if he didn't think his journey would end there.

"Then." She stretched out her hand and covered his eyes: "Good night?"

"Is there any chance to go back? For example, now you save me and let me go?"

She laughed: "I haven't fallen in love with you yet."

She smiled, but tears suddenly burst out.

When she retracted her hand, she saw that his eyes were completely closed.

She looked at the blood on her palm, the blood was still warm, and when she looked at the blood in her hand, her heart, which was always as stable as Pinghu, suddenly had some strange emotions.

"—Death is not a loss of life, but an eternity in time." She said, "Congratulations, you have become the [future] you want to be."

She lowered her head slightly and kissed the forehead of the person on the ground. The kiss was very light, like a saint kissing a token, like water disappearing into the water.

Then, with the dagger, she slashed her own wrist.

The blood dripped into the blood on the ground, gradually mixed together, and condensed into a strange pattern.

She closed her eyes and leaned against him, her breath dissipating little by little.

Su Ming'an's consciousness slowly returned to the cage.

Through this death temptation, he understood that his identity may be the source of some kind of disaster, and only by letting himself die can the world gain temporary stability.

Ching Wang seems to be conducting a study on how to change the natural bloodline, and if it does not work before being pushed to the altar, he will die.

When he was talking to His Majesty during the day, he might have hit a point of lightning that made His Majesty attack him in advance.

Su Ming'an originally thought that when he opened his eyes again, he would usher in a reversal of a certain period of time - still on that golden and white square.

But when he regained consciousness, what he saw was a barren land.

…no plazas, no servants carrying things, no escorts, not even buildings.

Looking around, the world is dead silent, as if in the wasteland, there is no living being around.

He was standing in the middle of a pile of blood-red liquid with blood all over his feet.

"…what's the situation."

He hasn't had time to look at the live room - the live room is the best way to locate the time.

He heard the system prompt:

【Congratulations! You have successfully lived to the fifteenth day!】

[Perfect clearance progress 50%]

【Achieve the normal clearance route·Zhengjun·(HE) Silent Future】

[Line evaluation: A (excellent)! 】

[(HE·Silent Future): "What I am facing is a silent future.

I just woke up and didn't know anything.

I will wait here until I am sung by all. "]

[The ending has been included and will be included in the final evaluation]

Su Mingan stared at the system interface, feeling breathless.

A sense of suffocation came instantly, like a big hand pinching his heart. His whole body felt numb as if it was electrified, and his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of cloth, and everything was hazy.

Death rollback doesn't roll back to a point in time he never experienced.

—And the strange sight in front of him was telling him that he did not die that night just now.

Instead, time continued to pass, and one day, he who was not completely dead was suddenly awakened and accepted this inexplicable ordinary HE.

…how so.

He felt himself getting more and more breathless—he had not really died that night, but had fallen into a suspended animation.

As a result, he suddenly wakes up at a certain point in the future, and the retracement point may be buried in the slumber.

[He may be in a situation where he is stuck].

Previously, he had the idea of ​​"what if I get stuck and can't clear the level perfectly", but he didn't expect to meet him in real life.

... He doesn't know if he can go back to the original point in time when he is back, but he has no time to think about it.

...In case, in case he pulls back this time, he doesn't return to the critical time point...

He felt that the whole world in front of him was upside down, and he immediately put his finger on his temple, and instantly turned back.

He opened his eyes.

He looked at the bright scene in front of him, still suffocating.

The girl biting the chocolate bar was pushing the door and trying to lead him out.


He breathed slowly.

…came back.

He doesn't know where [Death Revert] came from, but now it seems that it can bring him back from the brink of collapse every time.

[Key time point], may not change because of time, but depends on his experience.

He's always been very confident in this skill... just like he's confident that he'll be perfect all the time. If even this only recourse can't pull him back, he really doesn't know how he should go on.

Infinite rollback, rollback until crash?

He looked at the familiar scene in front of him.

When he knew that everything could come back again, the heavy feeling of falling in his heart passed away little by little.

"…What's wrong?"

During the rest of his life, Fia's hand came over.

She touched his forehead and looked into his eyes:

"You suddenly look tired... Did you not sleep well? There are bloodshot eyes in your eyes."

"It's okay." Su Mingan removed her hand: "Take me to see His Majesty."

He needed to repeat the process from that night.

"..." Fia looked at him, and suddenly "clicked" the chocolate bar.

"I remember that you often stayed up late before the game started," she said. "If you want to play games well, keep your spirits up."

"You're right." Su Ming'an said, "This is also a game, but it's a bit hardcore."

"...So you mean to play so tiredly?"

"I will rest, but not now."

Fia sighed: "I have never been able to persuade you."

She said and led him out.

On the way, Su Ming'an recalled the progress of the previous week's goals, and there was some kind of guess in his heart.

Next, he went to see His Majesty as before, and the conversation remained unchanged.

The only difference from the previous episode is that he did not use the power-holder skill to raise the opponent's favorability from 95 to 100.

He felt that the problem might not lie in the content of the conversation.

At night he went back to his room and sat at the table, waiting for the curse to strike.

He sat all night.

It was not until the polar night period gradually passed and the dim light in the square lit up that his hazy thoughts suddenly became clearer.

- He survived.

This time, he was not cursed with instant death.

That is to say, the reason why he almost failed to pass the level perfectly was precisely because of the power-holder skills he used.

…The previous time, it was also because he used the power-holder skill on Shuhang that he died.

And this time, it was precisely because he used the Power Master skill on His Majesty that he suddenly got an ordinary ending.

...it's a pit. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

If he hadn't died and reverted, he might have been forced to accept the status quo of a perfect clearance failure.

Su Ming'an looked at the word "in power" on his task bar and suddenly laughed.

"It's funny."

He smiled, only feeling a burst of sarcasm and absurdity.

"Really... funny."

A surge of exhaustion swept up.

He looked at the sky outside the window, at the never-ending barrage in the upper right corner of his field of vision.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep in the dim light of the day.

[Main Army Line·Future Line·Perfect Clearance Process: 20%]

[Survival chance: increased by 3.25%]

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