Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 154: "Me and the world are fine"

A smell of disinfectant was spreading.

The hanging bottle ticked, and the images of people walking through the corridor were like ghosts, blurred in their eyes.

In the huge ward, there were voices that were deliberately lowered.

When the door was opened, Su Mingan raised his head and saw a stack of illegible paper in his blurred vision.

Although he couldn't read the words above, everything was hazy, but he just knew that this was a critical illness notice.

Beside the ear, the accompanying community members whispered:

"...Why did it happen like this, leaving a child behind, what should I do..."

Su Mingan raised his hand and wanted to take the piece of paper, but the hand of the community member next to him intercepted his hand, and the tip of the pen signed with a "swoosh".

Su Mingan put down his hand, and the moment his vision touched his palm, the moment he saw the small hand, he suddenly realized that it was a child's hand.

He realized that this was probably a dream again - due to his daily practice, he was often able to wake up from the dream, and it was rare that it was difficult to recognize the dream. As he stared silently at the white walls of the hospital in front of him, he hesitated a little in his wholehearted desire to wake up.

"Can I see my father?" He turned to the community members and said, using "father" instead of "father" as ordinary children say.

"Child, your father's condition is very good now, he just needs to stay in the hospital for a while." The unclear-faced community staff patted his shoulder gently with a gentle tone, as if coaxing a child: "Now He needs to rest, when he wakes up and is in the hospital enough, will you go and see him again?"

"You're lying to me." Su Ming'an said, "You clearly know that it will be difficult for him to wake up again."

Consternation appeared on the faces of the community members.

But in Su Ming'an's eyes, it was a circle of twisted black holes, accompanied by abnormal expressions, circles and circles, gradually shattering the peaceful scene in front of him.

"I know that," he said. "This is the last time."

The scene in front of me is shattering and collapsing.

He looked at the gradually distorted picture in front of him, like watching a silent black and white silent film, like the picture on the TV was stained with snowflakes little by little, and then gradually returned to nothingness.

He stepped forward, stabilized the image that was about to collapse, and lifted his steps. He passed through the gradually transparent community members, through the snow-white walls, passed by the ghostly silent crowd, like a fish into the sea of ​​people, he passed by the unrecognizable crowd in white coats, like a race against time , as he passed through the door of the intensive care unit, he was relieved and saw a clean white bed.

Here, everything was pure white, he saw the white quilt spread on the man like snow, the pure white bandages were very dazzling, the line of the electrocardiogram was erratic in his eyes, and everything seemed to have dark corners. Not very clear.

He saw the man's face, a familiar face, the man's eyelids closed and his chest heaving slightly.

The man seemed to be wrapped in pure white.

Su Mingan took his hand, he stood outside the hospital bed, like standing in the world, he looked at the angel wrapped in pure white, watching his life go away little by little.

By the ear, the water in the hanging bottle was ticking. It was obviously a very slight sound, but it seemed to be amplified countless times in such a quiet environment. Su Mingan closed his eyes and felt the temperature in his palms, cooling down little by little.

Finally, he seemed to feel something and opened his eyes.

It was also a pair of eyes very similar to him that met him.

"Ming An." The man looked at him, the corners of his eyes trembling with wrinkles that had already climbed up: "...You are here."


"I lay in the ICU for a long time and thought about it for a long time..." The man said slowly: "When I rushed towards the street that day, I didn't think too much, and even felt honored. But when it became like now In this way, after being half paralyzed and losing consciousness several times, I think of you."

"Ming An, Dad doesn't regret his act of saving people." He took Su Ming An's hand and slowly rolled his hand into his palm: "But, I'm sorry, Dad couldn't grow up with you."

"It doesn't matter." Su Ming'an did not withdraw his hand, but got closer to the man, his tone was unprecedentedly gentle: "I have grown up, in a month... no, more than two months ago, I just Step into the gates of the university."

"I'm very happy." The man's voice was weak but always stable. He seemed to want to raise his other hand and touch Su Ming'an's face, but in the end he didn't have the strength.

Su Ming'an stretched out his hand and held the man's hand with both hands, like a pilgrimage.

He put the gauze-covered hand on his cheek and let him stroke it.

"I'm very happy..." The man's hand moved slightly, and his fingers touched Su Ming'an's face as soon as they were touched, without sticking to the whole palm, as if he was afraid of disturbing anything.

Su Ming'an didn't move, he felt that this dream was collapsing.

A lucid dream is originally constructed by a person, a dream for himself. Once the mood fluctuates greatly, the dream state is often difficult to maintain.

He just wanted to stay here for a while before forcibly stabilized the dream.

"...Ming An, you have grown into a very good person." The man said with a smile.

"I haven't become like my mother." Su Mingan said, "I'm very fortunate. Although I have lived an extremely ordinary life along the way, I am more suitable for this world than my mother."

"Your mother, she is just too anxious. In fact, I have persuaded her many times, but she can't listen, she just loves her art too much - I don't ask you to forgive her, Ming An, but I hope her actions didn't leave you too much shadow." The man slowly put down his hand, his tone was as light as a feather:

"For us, we don't need you to be good, as long as our children live healthy and happy lives, we are very satisfied - you see, Ming An, just like your name, we were originally I hope that you will have a smooth and smooth journey in your life. Take the high school entrance examination, the college entrance examination, enter a university that you are satisfied with, study a major that you are satisfied with, find a job that you are satisfied with, and marry someone...you like. We do not require How's your grades, how much money you've earned in your life, as long as you live happily, that's fine."

"I'm fine." Su Mingan said.

He seemed to hear the ticking of the hanging bottle faster and faster, like a second hand turning a little bit.

He covered the man's hand again, feeling that it was getting colder.

"Ming An, how are you doing now? Are you satisfied with your university life? Are you getting along well with your roommates? What club activities did you join... I remember that you liked to read detective novels since you were a child, and those Tome, you should have a lot of time to read it now..." The man rambled: "By the way, if you have a girl you like, you must boldly pursue it. University is your happiest time, you must Talk about a love that doesn't make you regret... I remember the girl next to our house, she seems to like you too..."

"Very good." Su Mingan looked at him: "Everything about me is fine."


The man looked at him and laughed:

"Ming An, this world is beautiful, don't change your mind because of your mother, you have to believe... everything will be better."

The sunlight outside the window slowly fell, and a golden light band fell.

After a moment, the man turned his head slightly, and the light from the sky fell into his eyes, as if mixed with the strong emotion in those eyes.

Su Mingan seemed to see a faint smile on the man's face in the gradually blurred vision.

Obviously it is a very close distance, but it seems to be over the mountains and over the mountains.

He was looking at the man whose whole body was bathed in light, dimming a little bit.

There is a clear dividing line between heaven and earth.

Before the dream finally collapsed, he heard a near-nothing murmur from the man.

"...Ming An, you have to be well."

Su Mingan looked at the pure whiteness on the hospital bed and gradually moved away from him.

He stood there, touching the back of his hand.

"Don't worry, father." He said from a distance, towards the dimming light bit by bit, his tone was calm, as if stating something that could not be more certain.

... him and the world.

will be fine.


Su Mingan opened his eyes.

He felt himself lying on the table, his right hand was hot.

Someone seemed to be holding his hand, and the other's five fingers were tightly clasping his palm, and warm energy came in bit by bit.

He slowly raised his head, his vision became clearer, and he saw Lolita closed her eyes and rested.

She seemed to have been sitting here for a long time, and her hair was stained with some spots of light surging in from the window. She closed her eyes, and her curled eyelashes seemed quiet.

When noticing the movement here, those beautiful burgundy pupils opened little by little, and the warm light fell into her eyes, which were sparkling.

"You're awake." Hui Shuhang said, but he didn't take his hand away: "I'm sorry, because your condition doesn't look very good, I restored you without permission. I can't stand up and salute now. ,very sorry."

"...It's okay." Su Mingan glanced out the window.

Outside the window is still the big square. There are many people in white shirts busy. Today’s square is more ceremonial than yesterday. The bright yellow flags float on the upper floors of the building, like stars in the sky.

He felt warm energy coming in little by little, the sequelae of dizziness disappeared little by little, dreaming took energy, his sleep quality was not as good as before, but now he is still in good spirits.

"Okay." He released his hand and glanced at the system time. It was afternoon.

He slept from early morning to late afternoon.

"It's rare for you to sleep for such a long time." Hui Shuhang retracted his hand: "I remember before, you often said that you were afraid that you would suddenly not be able to sleep, and you would always make noise and refuse to sleep."

"I'm just tired." Su Mingan dealt with her.

Suddenly, he heard the crisp sound of porcelain cups colliding.

Turning her head to the side, Little Loli was brewing tea with an elegant technique. The crimson water light was brewing in the porcelain cup, with a refreshing fragrance.

"Mitchell black tea from Xizhou, this time is still the temperature you always like." Hui Shuhang bowed slightly and said in a soft tone, "Please use it."

When Su Mingan touched the teacup, the temperature was a little cold.

But instead of showing it, he drank as usual.

The tea should be very good, at least in his capacity, the ones given to him should be the best. But he couldn't taste it, and it felt no different from the inferior tea he drank on Zhai Xing, and it was even a little cold.

He didn't speak, but put the teacup back in its place.

"While you were sleeping, Your Majesty issued an order to give you the power of the general." Hui Shuhang took out a scarlet badge: "Because you have no magic power and cannot use the space to store the ring, I strung it into a bracelet for you. so as not to be inconvenient to carry.”

Su Ming'an looked at the scarlet badge held by a shiny silver circle in his hand, and heard the prompt from the system:

[Acquisition, Key Items, Army Talisman]

[(Main Army Military Power Talisman): With this Talisman, you can mobilize the first legion of the main army, and the contribution value of the legion is owned by the holder. 】

[Survival rate: increased by 8.24%]

[Main Army Line·Future Line·Perfect Clearance Process: 30%]


……very good.

Su Mingan put it on his hand, the badge was shiny, and there was a special film on the surface. He looked at the probability of survival indicated by the system, and felt that this step should be correct.

"Also, during your sleep, Miss Linna has been looking for you." Hui Shuhang lowered his eyebrows: "Although you said that you should not be disturbed by those nobles, Miss Linna has always claimed that things are very important and I've been standing outside all day, and I think it's necessary for me to tell you this information."


"It's the commander of the Second Army Corps, the daughter of the Duke of Berlin, and the titled lord." Hui Shuhang whispered, "You may not remember her. If you don't want to see her, I will take her back."

Su Mingan had a guess.

...should be a player.

People like this who come to see him with various names, without exception, will be players wearing a layer of character skin. They may regard him as a real NPC, or they may regard him as the same as them. The skin player, what he said would not be very nutritious.

He didn't want to see this Lina very much, but there was nothing particularly urgent right now. Thinking that Hui Shuhang had said that this person had been standing outside for a day, there might really be some news that had to be said.

"Bring it here." Su Mingan said.

"Yes." Hui Shuhang beckoned, and immediately a nightingale-like bird flew in from the window.

Hui Shuhang took Su Ming'an to a place like a reception room, and while communicating with the birds, he left two cups of black tea.

"Miss Linna will be here soon." She whispered, "Allow me to stay by your side."

"Okay." Su Mingan nodded.

The person who came should be a player. If he had to take action against him regardless of the overall situation, he was not suitable to reveal his strength.

...it would be more appropriate to keep Hui Shuhang by his side.

With that in mind, he picked up the black tea.

There was a knock on the door, and then, a girl who was wearing a complicated long skirt and moving very rudely walked in like this.

She glanced at Hui Shuhang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with vigilance, and then looked at Su Mingan.

"I have something important to tell you." The girl stared at Su Ming'an: "About my sister."

...Su Mingan probably knows who this person is.

"Hui Shuhang." He realized that there were some words that Hui Shuhang couldn't hear: "You go out first..."


A dull sound suddenly sounded, accompanied by two bone cracking sounds that made one's teeth sour.

The girl was suppressed by a sudden force and lowered her head, knelt heavily on her knees, and a suppressed pain escaped from her lips.

Standing in front of her was a little loli who was shining with light in her hands.

"Presumptuous!" Hui Shuhang said, his voice was immature, but his tone was extremely solemn:

"—Facing Your Highness, as you are, it is only suitable for you to kneel down and speak."

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