Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 159: ·be fast asleep

All the way, the sky is getting dark at this time.

Hui Shuhang put the 500-strong army behind him outside the city—if it was an outing outside the city, it would be fine. If he entered the city and followed the army, anyone who saw it would be trembling.

...she was overconfident. She was confident that in such a small town, she could protect him well.

Perhaps she never thought that danger would come from her side.

Su Ming'an was thinking about his next move, and when he raised his head, he heard a respectful voice from the city gate guard when he was talking to them.

"Hello, the entry fee is a copper coin."

Perhaps because their clothes are too conspicuous, they are out of tune with the people around them who are carrying luggage on their shoulders and wearing plain and shabby clothes. When they enter the city, the surrounding is like a natural circle. The children who were crying originally stopped at this time when the adults stopped drinking, as if they were afraid of disturbing them.

Su Mingan watched Hui Shuhang pay the entrance fee without saying a word, and then took him inside.

He heard a rush of water, and turned his head to the side, it was a river with lanterns floating.

"Kerry is now celebrating the Lantern Festival." Hui Shuhang whispered to him, "I brought you here because I thought you had never seen it before."

Su Ming'an looked at the river.

Starry night, boats sailing on both sides of the river, wind and lights gradually connected into a line, and the lights of lotus flowers shone all over the city.

Even though the sky is still shimmering, the river is like the Milky Way on the ground under the light of the stars in the air, giving people the illusion that they are still in a dream.

Surrounded by the screams of hawkers and the crisp laughter of children, all kinds of folk conversations were mixed together, and the festive cold wind hit his face.

He tightened the windbreaker on his body and watched this beautiful scene, but he felt that his body was getting colder... It was like he was unconsciously getting cold. The temperature on his body was inevitably dropping a little bit, gradually approaching the environment. temperature.

"...what's wrong with you?"

His hand was gently pulled up, and a warm energy passed in. Hui Shuhang looked at him with concern in his eyes.

"It's so cold." Su Mingan told the truth.

"Yeah." Hui Shuhang didn't mean to say more.

She held his hand, and through a layer of silk gloves, he could feel that her hand was also cold, similar to his own temperature. But a stream of energy slowly flowed in from that end with warmth, and gradually pulled him out of the ice cave.

The barrage looks very happy, and they seem to like this kind of plot of two people holding hands:

【Take it! 】

[Won it a long time ago, I feel that it has been won from the beginning of the dungeon. 】

[Brother Ming An, what route is this going to take, is it the army? 】

[Definitely the main line, the advantage is too great, I can't see where he is in danger, it's too easy to earn a contribution value...]

[This dungeon is so gentle, it’s much better than the previous underworld dungeons, I knew I would end up too…]

[No, the first few have probably been staying in the first player's live broadcast room, let's take a look at the other players' live broadcast room, the low status is now worse than death... One by one is as frightened as a quail. 】

[For details, please refer to Mizushima Chuanqing, which is a free gift. 】

[I'm still very concerned about what Mizushima Chuanqing did! This person turned the live broadcast on and off, and didn't say a word, shouldn't it really be...]

[It's over, Yueyue Prairie. 】

[It's over, Yu Ruohe prairie. 】

[It's over, the Soviet-style prairie. 】

[It's over, I'm on the prairie too. 】

[——The front wake up! It's time to get up! 】


"Is this better?" Hui Shuhang asked softly.

Her tone was extremely soft, completely different from her previous gesture of commanding her subordinates, the gentleness seemed to be only displayed at this moment. The ice of the outer shell completely melted, and the energy she passed over was very similar to the temperature in her eyes at this time.

"...Why is it so cold." Su Ming'an said in a statement tone, like muttering to himself.

"Because it's the polar night," she said, "it's okay, the warmth will come... After your bar mitzvah, there will never be such a cold season again."

She held Su Ming'an's hand and walked forward slowly.

Along the way, Su Mingan saw a lot.

Hui Shuhang did not lead him on the avenue, because once they walked on the avenue, their costumes would attract everyone's attention. In the streets and alleys, he heard bursts of laughter and laughter, and also saw many homeless people sleeping on the floor rolled up in oil paper.

Beside the fountain in the square, there were bards with luggage, children happy for the ceremony, and pedestrians dressed in wealth. Hui Shuhang bought him a string of things like candied haws, which he said was to add some festive atmosphere.


When passing an alley, he chewed the food in his hand and heard a sound similar to a cat meowing.

He turned his head sideways, looked in, and saw a black cat staring at him in this corner where no light was shining. The cardboard box ravaged under the cat's paws, squeaking and moaning.

He didn't want to pay any more attention, but he saw a layer of frost on the edge of the cardboard box.

In the alley full of pots and sacks, an old man leaned against the wall, his skin wrinkled like the bark of an old tree. When he looked closely, he saw that a thin layer of frost had condensed on the man's body, which penetrated into every corner of the old man's clothes with his mouth open.

The old man bowed his head, his expression was peaceful, and there was no sound.

Like rotting remains in the shadows, mice dying in the streets.

During the lantern ceremony, in the cramped space, the old man was frozen to death silently.


The black cat stared at him and moved slowly, just jumping on the old man. He heard a crisp "click" sound, and after the frost shattered, he saw a scrawny old man protecting a child who was also frozen to death.

He heard a silver bell-like laughter. Under the sky outside the alley, children in padded jackets chased after you, and beautiful fireworks flew into the sky, exploding a beautiful brilliance.

He looked away.

Hui Shuhang held his hand and warmed him a little bit, dispelling the physical and psychological cold a little bit.

"Are you all right?" she asked softly.

Su Mingan released her hand.

"Hui Shuhang." He suddenly said, "Have you been in the army as long as you can remember?"

"Yes." Hui Shuhang said, "Since I was born, I have been tasked with protecting the main army."

"Then what do you think—" Su Mingan turned his head: "Is the world we are in now real?"

He knows that this copy has been divided into many. What he is now is only one of them, the copied one.

Everything he saw, heard, and learned should be fictitious, a virtual world built by a copy, only to allow him to pass the customs.

But now, he may be a little hesitant... What is real and what is fiction?

Hui Shuhang won't think her world is fictional, because in her memory, she has always lived here and has all the memories of this world.

He would also think that his life on Zhai Xing would not be fictional, just because of the [impression] in his mind.

He who believed so strongly seemed no different from Hui Shuhang.

He didn't wait for Hui Shuhang's answer, and said softly:

"Hui Shuhang, man is a creature that is easily deceived."

He felt his hands tighten.

"If you struggle with this, you don't have to." She said, "We are born with emotions and desires, we have five senses, and we can perceive everything and judge everything with our own mind... Even if what we see is fiction, you But I can firmly believe that you who think like this are definitely real. You have a [future].”

... is the future again.

Hearing what she said, Su Ming'an's ears almost got calluses.

He felt that the conversation with Hui Shuhang was always separated by a thin film, like looking at flowers in the fog, the words of the two were always not on the same line.

He moved his steps and left from the alley to listen to the laughter outside. He finally made up his mind. After walking for a while, he pointed to a clothing store and said, "Come with me to have a look."

"Okay." Hui Shuhang followed his will and walked over with him.

As he was walking on the road and was about to step into the store, he suddenly felt the energy around Hui Shuhang suddenly fluctuate, and then he heard a particularly sharp voice:

"Puppet army - go to hell!!!"


There was another tremor on the ground, and the people who were still lively stopped for a moment.

The surroundings are clean.

Su Mingan turned around and looked over, and saw a skinny child who was heavily pressed to the ground by Hui Shuhang's energy, a pool of bright red blood seeped from the ground, and the child's hand was tightly holding a broken dagger.

Depending on the quality of this dagger, it may not be able to kill people.

The child was pressed to the ground and seemed to want to stand up. He struggled violently, but he could only exchange for a piece of blood that was gradually dyed.

Hui Shuhang wanted to kill him directly. But Su Mingan raised her hand and stopped her.

"—You stole my father and my brother, leaving only me and my mother. My mother starched the laundry all day, and the money in exchange was not enough to fill her stomach... Later, the puppet army came again, and even my mother was robbed. Go, are you satisfied now? Uncle Tom, Aunt Jaylin... our whole village is empty!"

The clothes on the child looked shabby, as if he was begging in the city for a living, his expression was crazy and full of fear, like a sudden rush of blood, and he was timid in the face of death.

When he saw that Su Mingan didn't let anyone kill him, he immediately poured out all the words.

"—You collect taxes indiscriminately, pull people away as soon as you fight, we have nowhere to go, and we are about to die, but you look like you are living a good life..." The child gritted his teeth: "Now it shows another The appearance of a deputy good person is hypocrisy! What? Everyone is looking at you, and they dare not kill me directly anymore?"

Su Mingan looked around. The hawkers who were hawking and the pedestrians who were passing by to watch the excitement all lowered their heads under his gaze, for fear of causing trouble.

Even when the child was crying and crying like this, no one said anything.

"What a disgusting mouse." Hui Shuhang said, the energy rioting on his body became more obvious, the child was overwhelmed by the surging momentum, and his face flushed red at this time, and he couldn't say the next words.

Su Ming'an knew this situation. The magic of another world looked beautiful and could satisfy all people's fantasies about mighty power. But when this situation really exists, the class will be stretched infinitely because of such a large power gap.

The class is solidified, and the superiors can easily execute the lives of the inferiors. Due to the huge gap in power, the inferiors cannot even resist.

If they can't awaken an ability that can make them turn over, I'm afraid they will live in fear and fear all their lives.

That's why... Su Mingan realized how important the experimental results he admired were.

But His Majesty the Holy Revelation was still eager to get rid of him.

Perhaps, that His Majesty also did not want such achievements to spread on the continent and shake his rule. The results of the experiment will only be firmly in his hands, so that he can expand his territory, develop new forces, and build a new [Prosperous Age].

"—[I hope that one day, my achievements will fly all over the continent like the wind.]"

Facing the child's resentful eyes, Su Mingan said these words in a very soft tone, his voice was inaudible.

But Hui Shuhang heard it.

She turned her head sideways, the energy in her hands relaxed slightly, and her expression was confused.

"[I want everyone to be able to live upright on the wasteland, and I want them to stop kneeling and kneel, and I want their blood to stop meaninglessly spilling into the soil. Those who want to leave will stay away from the war, and those who want to return will have You can go home.]

[—I will go to a grand death, but I want new-born warblers, children who no longer cry, and grateful people to sing at my grave. ]"

Su Mingan slowly finished these words, tapped the palm of his hand, and smiled:

"...That's it, I understand."

"What?" Hui Shuhang asked, slowly lowering his hand.

The child got up from the ground in a hurry, and it seemed that he had no intention of rushing up again. He stared at Su Mingan with some unexpected eyes, and then picked up the worn-out dagger without turning his head. rushed out.

The flow of people began to walk slowly, but no one dared to look this way any longer. They lowered their heads, and everyone was in danger, as if they were avoiding the two of them, and surrounded Su Ming'an in a big circle.

[Be kind in the state of "Ming", get 1 career point]

"The reputation of the main army doesn't look very good." Su Mingan knew that the "puppet army" in the child's mouth was referring to the main army.

"The people are always stupid, they don't understand the importance of [stability]." Hui Shuhang comforted him: "In order to fight against the disorderly revolutionary army, war is a necessary sacrifice."

"—Then why did the revolutionary army come here?"

Su Mingan said in a low voice.

Hui Shuhang blinked, her hands tightened, but she didn't speak.

"An infinite loop." Su Ming'an said, "Under this morbid order, only a steady stream of revolutionary troops will appear, and then there will be endless regular troops to conquer them..."

"I let that child go, and hatred will be buried in his heart. When he joins the revolutionary army in the future, he will remember the shame of today, and then return this hatred to the enemy who stood in front of him. "

"—But these people in the main army are clearly forced from his village, innocent people."

"He thought he was going to be on a **** enemy, he thought he was avenging the people who were pulled out to join the army, but no."

"His hatred~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is only returned to the group of people he wants to save most, including himself."

"Sometimes the sharp edge is not just the enemy. The main army is essentially the same as the revolutionary army. He is just a blade used in the hands of the superior."

"This child will only kill who he once was in the future - unless there is a moment when the war comes to a complete halt, no matter which side wins."

He said, and slowly walked into the clothing store.

Hui Shuhang lowered her eyelids, and then, the bird on her shoulder suddenly appeared.

"Your Majesty." She watched Su Ming'an gradually melt into the shadow of the store, and then said softly to Yingniao on her shoulder:

"...We, can't we really trust His Highness once? If it is His Highness..."

In response to her, only silence.

She coughed violently suddenly, and after putting away the blood-stained handkerchief, her expression gradually became firmer.

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