Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 160: "Have you not met 3 people?"


The clerk in the clothing store didn't seem to notice the movement outside. As soon as he saw the clothes on Su Ming'an's body, his eyes lit up and led him in with a pleasing smile.

Su Ming'an's windbreaker has distinct emblem patterns, perhaps this is the sign of the army. When they walked all the way on the avenue, everyone walked around them.

He walked into the store and saw many colorful fabrics on the counter.

He had only bought finished clothes in the mall since he was a child. He never thought that this was a storefront full of fabrics. He could only look at the wall to the side, with a few finished clothes hanging on it.

... But that style, the layers of creamy lace and the flashy gems, didn't quite fit his aesthetic.

He should probably be thankful that the aesthetic he admires is similar to his, and he didn't let him wear such strange clothes in the first place.

Little Loli opened the curtain and walked into the store, and saw the clothes hanging in the store.

"Do you like this look?" She looked a little surprised: "I took a similar one before, and I remember you always refused to wear it... It looks like a butterfly..."

Su Ming'an silently praised the aesthetics he admired.

He resisted a little, but when he thought of his next move, he was forced to point to something that didn't look too fancy.

"Just that one."

He said, and the clerk immediately took it down for him with a smile on his face:

"Your vision is really good. This is a garment made of Celsi fabric from Kehua. You can see that the patterns on it are all tattooed by the master of ready-to-wear..."

"The texture of the fabric is average, and the pattern looks very poor." Hui Shuhang, who was beside him, spoke immediately. Little Loli looked very unconvinced. She pointed at the dress, and said ten percent of the shortcomings on it, and directly made the clerk's smiling face stiff.

"Recently, Kehua state has not traded high-end fabrics with this state. Looking at this pattern, it looks like a recent ready-to-wear garment. It is not a Cels fabric at all." She said, suddenly remembering that this dress was from Su Ming'an, and stopped instantly. Voice.

... If you continue to say it, it is different from saying that people have bad eyesight.

Su Ming'an saw the clerk's expression of anger and dare not speak, and took the dress.

"Just this one." Su Mingan said.

He took the dress and walked into the fitting room.

He was thinking about his next move.

His clone is automatically retracted as soon as he enters the game, and can be released again when needed, so the shadow has never appeared. He thought that as soon as he entered the fitting room and isolated Hui Shuhang's sight, he would release the shadow and let the shadow move quickly in space to run away.

Otherwise, if you are in the square all the time, you will not be able to escape even if the shadow is released.

Now that he has finally left His Majesty's sight, as long as he hides from Hui Shuhang, Ying can run away.

He entered, turned around, and was about to close the door when he felt a bump in his stomach.

Little Loli suddenly bumped in, her flaxen hair was slightly pinched at the door, almost caught directly, the complicated skirt fell behind her, and was almost torn when the door was opened and closed.

She raised her head, her eyes puzzled.

Su Mingan lowered his head, also puzzled.

——It was not until she stretched out her hand to unfold the clothes in Su Ming'an's hand, and then reached out to unbutton him, that Su Ming'an suddenly realized something.

He suddenly remembered how Hui Shuhang helped him put on a windbreaker in the first episode, and his movements were extremely natural.

He originally thought that this admiration was useless enough. Not only did he need a loli nanny to take care of him, he even had to have someone help him to change his clothes.

The barrage started to get excited in an instant:

[Damn, are you coming? 】

【What is this loli doing! Let it go! Don't molest Ming Anan!】

[Pray Su Mingan don't remember the live broadcast room, it's better to forget us...]

[No, do you like looking at a man's body so much? 】

[It's weird. 】

[Don't watch crawling, I want to watch, let me be healthy! 】

[Shh, stop talking, don't let him find out. 】


"You go out." Su Mingan immediately pushed her hand away.

With her standing here, I can't stand any more avatars.

Hui Shuhang raised her head, her eyes were full of confusion.

As if she didn't expect to be rejected, her unbuttoned hand stopped in mid-air, but she didn't move at all.

"No," she said. "It's dangerous."

Her tone was persistent, and her words were very thoughtless.

Su Mingan sighed slightly.

The next moment, the light in his eyes moved slightly.

Hui Shuhang's eyes moved, as if she had sensed something. She quickly looked up and saw a young boy who suddenly appeared on top of the fitting room.

"Good night." Ying said, the space vibration filled with all the mana instantly activated!

Hui Shuhang raised his eyebrows, and the energy in his body rioted instantly. Su Mingan instantly felt a surging energy wave slapping toward him. He breathed briefly, and the sound was very obvious in the space that was about to boil.

He saw Hui Shuhang who was close at hand, and a hesitant look suddenly appeared on his face.

In this extremely brief moment of hesitation, the space vibration shook in this small fitting room.

Hui Shuhang suddenly turned around, swooped over, restrained all the energy in her body that might have hurt him, hugged him, and pressed him under him in a protective manner.


In the air that seemed to be boiling, he was completely thrown over by this small figure, she blocked him on top, and used her slender body to block this violent space impact for him.

He opened his eyes and saw her quiet burgundy eyes, which were looking at him without any fluctuations in them.

Then, the brilliance that was brewing in his eyes gradually dissipated.

The vibration range of the space is very large, and there is no way to avoid it in a small space. Su Mingan had previously felt that Hui Shuhang would not go out, so he had to take the second plan - since he couldn't run away from his sight, he directly threatened her. excluded.

He adopted this plan in order to injure the enemy by one thousand and lose eight hundred by himself. After all, he couldn't escape from the spatial vibration of Ying's full-strength strike, so he could only bear the attack together with Hui Shuhang.

But even if he dies, the clone is still there, and the loss is only career points.

... But he never thought that Hui Shuhang would not resist at all, but chose to protect him completely.

The boiling air gradually calmed down, and the shadow fell from above, barely standing on one foot in the corner.

"It's so crowded." He looked at Hui Shuhang, who had passed out in a coma: "To be able to succeed once, I thought at least one of the two of us would die. This guy seems to really care about you. But she actually I didn't think I might attack you too."

The shadow's appearance is the original Su Ming'an's appearance, which is different from the admiration.

When Hui Shuhang saw a stranger suddenly appear in the fitting room, his first reaction was not to kill him.

Even if she gave herself up to protect Su Mingan, wouldn't she be afraid of Yingying, a stranger, attacking Su Mingan again?

"Maybe she has realized something." Su Ming'an said softly: "After all, I and Qin Wang are completely different."

After more than ten years of company, he did not believe that Hui Shuhang could never see the difference between him and Qin Wang.

"Kill it." Ying said: "She is only temporarily unconscious now. She is very strong and will not lose consciousness for a long time. If you want to run, it is safest to kill her here."

"No, one of my tasks is to keep her alive."

Su Mingan squatted down and slowly picked up Loli, who was unconscious on the ground. Her body was very light, and she was as light as a feather in front of the strength of the bright state. Through the cloth, he could feel her bones smother him. hand.

She closed her eyes, her long eyelashes sprinkled with small shadows, and when those eyes with deep meaning were closed, they looked like a sleeping little girl.

"Then what do you want to do?" Ying looked at him with a smile: "There are many ways to prevent a person from going back to report the letter and to keep her from dying. Break her legs, or abolish her strength, let her Disabled, severely traumatized. Or feed her drugs that will kill her, and lock her in that empty cellar. There are four more days, and if it is safe, these methods are all good."

Su Ming'an didn't speak.

"What?" Ying raised his eyebrows: "I feel distressed? Soft-hearted? I remember that I should not be such a person. I am just an NPC. In order to complete the task, you should take these methods without hesitation... Obviously already If you don’t want to act and stand, why are you still hesitating? I remember that I’m not an indecisive person.”

"No, I'm thinking about a question." Su Mingan glanced over the fitting room.

A nightingale-like bird was standing steadily on the pole above, and a pair of bright silver eyes like jewels were silently staring at him.

This is the bird that has been following Hui Shuhang's shoulder.

The space vibration just now had no effect on this bird.

"Find an inn and put her down." Su Ming'an said.

"Huh?" Ying looked very surprised.

"We are still in the army camp now. I'm afraid that if we attack her, the contribution value of the army will be deducted."

He saw Ying's look of disgust.

"No way...you can say such a clumsy reason. Ying's face is extremely disgusting: "...but you are the main body, you have the final say, and the reason you said, I will take it as the truth. "

Su Ming'an looked at the shadow that was exactly the same as this one, and the playful and meaningless expression appeared on the same face as himself, which looked very strange.

"Let's go." Su Mingan said, holding Hui Shuhang and walking out.

At the same time, he also heard a prompt from the system:

[Attacks the key NPC (Hui Shuhang) of the main army, causing him to coma, and the route is greatly deflected. 】

【Calculating the perfect customs clearance · new route...】

[According to the player's subsequent behavior, the new route will be updated. 】

[Survival rate: increased by 12.62%]

The next system prompt made him a little surprised.

[NPC (Hui Shuhang), favorability: 70+10]

[Current Favorability Rating: Love (Love Line)]

His footsteps stopped slightly, and he immediately looked at Hui Shuhang's situation, but she was indeed in a coma.

...what is she liking for herself?

Su Mingan couldn't understand.


The clerks of the clothing store were waiting outside, they were still waiting for the movement in the fitting room.

After all, after the boy who looked like a noble walked in, the little loli actually followed.

A small space, and a fitting room... They inevitably think of something that everyone loves to think about.

Then, they also heard the huge movement in the fitting room.

With a very understanding smile on their faces, after waiting for someone to come out, they saw Su Mingan who came out holding a comatose little Loli.

Su Mingan threw the gold coins to them. After all, the clothes had been damaged by the space vibration. He has no concept of the value of gold coins, but seeing the happy expressions of the shop assistants, it should be enough to compensate.

Although the clerk looked at Hui Shuhang, he didn't like it very much, but that's all, he wouldn't kill anyone just because of his sight.

And when he walked out, the clerks started to talk openly, "I didn't expect...that such a small person can start..." "I'm still playing in the fitting room, the nobles just know how to play" "I don't know how it feels, I also I want to try..." At the time of the obscene topic, a man came out of the fitting room again.

The expressions of the shopkeepers froze.

"What?" Ying raised his eyebrows, half-smiling, "Have you never seen three of them?"

The expressions of the shop assistants are close to petrochemical.

They stood stiffly in place, eyes like children watching Godzilla dance in front of him.

Ying walked out in a good mood, and then returned to send a spatial vibration, which was not strong, but was extremely insulting, which could make these shop assistants struggle to clean up for a long time.

After hearing the prompt to gain career points, he happily followed Su Ming'an, as if he had forgotten what happened just now.


Su Mingan found an inn and placed Hui Shuhang in the best room.

She will wake up soon, and he needs to leave as soon as possible.

After taking away the space luggage on Hui Shuhang's body, he closed the door, went downstairs, and saw a bird watching him silently.

Yingniao's silver eyes kept staring at him. It didn't chirp, and the flying sound was very small. It always followed Hui Shuhang silently. At this time, it started to follow him, like a small shadow.

He went out of the stack all the way, walking through the streets and alleys. After leaving the city, he noticed several figures who came out with him.

"You're being targeted," Ying said.

"No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As can be expected, it is you who are being targeted." Su Mingan said: "You look like me now, those players remember the appearance of the first player."

Su Ming'an had already seen the news on the channel.

There were a lot of chats similar to "I saw the first player, in Kerry Town, just out of town!" Because of the sudden increase in the number of people reporting points and the same answer, many people began to believe.

"You should have an idea." Ying said, "I deliberately didn't let me cover my face or move away in space. Now... do you want to go fishing?"

Su Mingan looked ahead.

The lush forest was in front of him, and there was a stream of water vapor, and he could smell the fragrance of plants.

The moment he walked into the shadow of the forest, he said to the shadow: "I want some people to understand that not everyone can be their target."

"It's dangerous to fish alone here." Ying said, "But, really, you won't be a stepping stone for anyone."

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