Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 436: "Would you like to walk with me?"

"..." Su Rin didn't react, and he would not be provoked by such words.

"I saw other people's eyes, they were full of ambition." Su Rin said: "These people... seem to want to bring down the leaders among them. Haven't you tried to rule them by faith? ? Obviously, in that ceremony, you did not lack fanatical believers, you should have this ability."

Su Mingan raised his eyelids.

Through the transmitted white light, he saw the eyes of people looking at him.

Ambition, desire, longing, hope, hatred, friendliness...

The desire for cooperation, the hatred of previous entanglements, the ambition to go further...

Among these expressions of people, there is only no reverence that represents faith.

"These people..." Su Ming'an said, "They are also the 'gods' in your mouth."

These people, the remaining ninety-nine people, are unwilling to become believers of anyone, and also want to obtain the "God" of the "God".

They will not subdue under another 'god', and will not be content to just raise their heads and look up at someone's back. They all have the will and ability to fight for their 'theocracy' and beliefs, and they all want to chase the front. The leader, the fighting spirit who wants to walk with it, or pull it down from the throne.

They are different from those so-called "light chasers".

They are the 'god' in Su Rin's mouth, and the 'lighthouse' in Su Ming'an's mouth.

At this time, the people who were standing on this circular platform, watching each other, reflected that sentence:

[Wanderers look at each other across the boat].

...Here gathers the top power of a world, and they are existences that can almost look at each other.

Su Rin responded, her voice barely audible under the black robe: "They can't compare to you."

"Exalted." Su Mingan said lightly.

"You're looking down on yourself too much." Su Rin said, "At least... Before that, you managed to become a real god."

Su Mingan didn't expect that Su Rin would use himself as an example.

Just as he was about to speak, white light shrouded his sight the next moment.


When being teleported, the player's five senses will subside, just like being in the cloud.

When he opened his eyes again, Su Mingan saw a dark space.

A ball of light floated in front of his eyes, dyeing the surrounding darkness a halo of yellow.

He stood alone in this dark space for a moment, and a cold system sound came:

【Contestant No.1】

[——The following is about to match the "guide" for you. 】


Su Mingan knew that this was the key link.

Guides are crucial in the eighth world.

[In the eighth world, there are one hundred "leaders" with different abilities and authority. 】

The light ball made a sound, and the sound was cold, like a system prompt:

[Enchantment, explosion, destruction, creation, doll, necromancer, insight, mirror image... One hundred "leaders" correspond to one hundred different abilities. 】

[In the following time, you will answer five questions. According to your answer, you will be matched with the one who matches you best among the 100 guides. He/she will be your helper in the next battle. 】

[Please "cherish" your guide, all your next actions will be closely related to him/her. 】

The light ball's words came to an end, and at the same time, several characters flashed past Su Ming'an's eyes.

These "leaders" are of different shapes, each with distinct characteristics. Although the specific abilities they represent cannot be seen, they can be vaguely guessed based on their appearance.

[I coexist with curse and death, sin is unforgivable, such me, are you willing to walk with me? 】

A mysterious man in a cloak who could not see his true face appeared on the screen, and his whole body was filled with an air of death and ominousness. Facing the screen, he spoke softly, his voice hoarse.

The next moment, the screen flashed.

A girl with blond hair and blue eyes, as beautiful as an elf, opened her eyes slightly. A branch full of new green leaves was held in her white hand, and with her wrist lightly raised, a small tree grew up in front of her.

[Life is my good friend, adventurer, I like you, do you want to have a new life too? 】 Her tone is cheerful.

The screen flashed.

A middle-aged man holding a staff and a red book with a serious expression appeared on the panel.

His eyes are calm, his body is tall and straight, standing on the screen like an oak tree, and a slight chant can be heard faintly.

[Adventurer, if you will walk with me, I will give you the mysteries of spells, please learn from me with a humble heart. 】

He spoke in a loud voice, as if a sentence was pronounced calmly.

The next moment, an old man with white hair, a kind smile, and a snow-white sacrificial robe appeared. The old man's body was surrounded by a warm golden light, which made people feel close to them.

[I will teach you the power of faith and light - if you are a devout believer. 】The old man said with a smile.


A series of pictures flashed quickly, and a guide of different shapes and sizes appeared on the screen.

Su Ming'an counted it, there were twelve pictures in total.

Soon, the screen closes.

[These are twelve of the hundred guides who are willing to reveal their image to the adventurers. 】

The ball of light continued:

[As the "adventurers" summoned by the altar, you and your "leaders" will form a symbiotic relationship. During these fifteen days, you can obtain props to strengthen the "leader" and arm him/her. In the same way, "leaders" who have a crush on you may also teach you the power they possess. 】

Su Mingan understood.

This is why there is a "match" with the facilitator.

If the player is at odds with his guide, it will be difficult for the two to achieve such a cooperative and symbiotic relationship. Just like Noel's kind of fun person, if he is paired with a serious and serious guide, the guide may not like Noel and will not teach him his abilities.

[In the end, there will only be one pair of winners. That is you and your guide. 】Light Ball said: 【Please manage your relationship with your guide, defeat the other ninety-nine pairs of enemies, and obtain the final victory. 】

Su Mingan nodded.

In this way, the importance of the leader is much greater than he imagined.

He suddenly found that he seemed to have picked up another big bargain.

——As a person in power who must maintain a "friendly" relationship with the NPC, as long as he does not die, almost no leader will show hostility to him. If he tries to attack the opponent again, then his guide will definitely like him, and it is not impossible for him to teach him.

Therefore, the current matching link is very critical.

——He had better choose a guide who can teach him the right abilities, so that he can learn the best things.

For example, a leader who has mastered the ability of space.

Spatial skills have always been his main means of attack. If he can take the opportunity to go further, it will greatly improve him.

On the contrary, those who have mastered the ability of "curse", "arcane spell", and "plant growth" are not suitable for him.

So, let's start with this question. I just don't know what the matching standard of the five questions will be...

While he was thinking, the light ball continued to make a sound:

[Please answer the first question below. 】

Su Mingan raised his head.

[Please listen to the question. 】The light ball glows slightly:

[First question: In your mind, which of the following three items do you think is the most important? (family, friendship, love)]

...that's the problem.

Su Mingan was thinking.

If he wants to match a leader who has mastered the space ability, he must at least know the character of the space leader, then prescribe the right medicine, and choose an answer that is similar to the leader's temperament.

In this way, it is still almost blind. Because it is impossible for him to know the character of the space guide now, nor what answer he needs to choose to be compatible with him/her.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage saw this scene and seemed very excited:

[Oh, oh, that's the kind of problem! I'm excited! 】

[This must be love, right? Can anything be more important than love? 】

[Put P, ​​which one do you save your mother and your wife from falling into the water? The correct answer is mother! I think there must be a correct answer to this question. 】

[But Su Mingan should not choose family. 】

[Well... I've heard that the relatives of the first player don't seem to be very good, except for his father...]

[The previous Shabi hacker exposed people's scars and revealed the life of the first player, everyone knows. 】


Su Mingan thought for a moment.

He hesitated for a while between saying the real answer and saying the answer chosen by the accommodating guide.


He finally chose the true answer in his heart.

Since it's still a blind selection, it's better to follow your own thoughts and at least be able to match a guy who is a good match for you.

In his heart, family affection is more important than friendship because of his father's relationship. As for love, he has never experienced it, so he doesn't know.

The ball of light flashed white, and it seemed to have recorded his answer.

The next moment, the second question was thrown:

[Second question: In your mind, which of the following four items do you think is the most important? (Force, Intelligence, Charisma, Luck)]

"Intelligence." Su Mingan said.

He answered this very quickly, he is not a lucky person, and charm has not brought him much help so far, but a pile of troublesome identities. As for force, it seemed to him less important than intelligence.

He actually felt that these questions were asked quite casually. It did not give the background or other conditions. If you want people to judge, you must at least give the applicable environment. For example, in the world game, force must be more important. And if the pursuit of perfect customs clearance, the importance of intelligence is still higher than force.

If you ask questions like this, the answers you get are actually quite random.

[The third question. 】After the white light flashed, the light ball continued to ask:

【--in your heart. 】

Its voice was still as cold as a machine, but it gave Su Mingan a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next question surprised him.

[——Do you think that among all the partners around you, which one has helped you the most? 】

"..." Su Mingan's eyes blinked.

His mouth opened, as if to answer immediately, but quickly closed again.

He thought it would still be a balanced philosophical multiple-choice question, but he didn't expect it to be directly related to the people around him.

At this moment, the barrage that was still talking about exploded instantly.

The audience seemed to be looking forward to this answer, and the names of various players were scribbled together, as if they wanted to kick the screen to make a choice for him.

The audience watching the good show called into a group, and someone was already secretly preparing to record the next answer.

For them, Su Ming'an's next answer will be a good time for them to mock some people on the forum.

Su Mingan seemed to be thinking, he was trying to come up with a reasonable answer.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly raised his head.

"I think this question should not be a pure multiple choice question," he said.

The ball of light did not answer him, and the dark space was still silent.

Seeing this, Su Mingan nodded, as if confirming his own guess.

"Then the question," he said. "The answer I chose was -- 'No answer'."

The ball of light he was staring at flickered, as if it was still faithfully recording the answer.

[Fourth question——] Its voice continued, as if it had turned over the previous question.

A smile appeared on Su Ming'an's face.

Sure enough, he guessed right. This kind of question just wants an "answer".

Then, since it is an "answer", then whether it is to choose among the options of the companions, or to choose all, or not to choose, it is regarded as a kind of "answer".

[Fourth question: Adventurer, if you know that certain endings are destined to be unchangeable - will you still do your best to do it? What is the reason? 】

Su Ming'an raised his eyebrows.

Compared with the previous questions, this question seems to be much more targeted.

"Yes." He nodded: "Because there is no need to escape."

He thought that this question should be related to the plot of the dungeon in the eighth world, and also directly related to his matching guide.

He still prefers to match those who are leaders who are willing to do their best to accomplish their goals, rather than those who are chaotic.

[Question 5: Please tell me your personal "leader" tendency? 】

last question.

After thinking for a while, Su Mingan said:

"The ability is inclined to ... that can cooperate with me. Space type." He said: "In terms of personality, it's okay. I don't want my companion beside me to be a backstaber with a ghostly plan."

The light of the light ball flickered, and then the light faded in an instant.

[A suitable "leader~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is about to initiate a transmission--]


The light shines.

Su Ming'an, surrounded by teleportation light, left the matching room.

"Ding ding--"

Before he opened his eyes and his hearing had not fully recovered, Su Mingan vaguely heard the sound of a crisp object falling to the ground.

He smelled a smell of dust.

After gradually taking back control of his body, he opened his eyes.

The eye is a wooden structure, and he is indoors at this time.

This is a somewhat crude log cabin, and the fireplace has no firewood at this time, as if it had been idle for a long time.

An oil lamp was quietly placed on a wooden chair, next to an old broom, and some potatoes, sweet potatoes and other things spread out in the corner. It seems that the life of the owner of this family is not rich, and it can even be said to be difficult.

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