Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 437: ·【have not seen you for a long time】

[I am a **** representing reincarnation and incompleteness. 】

【I love you because I love the world. 】

[The key is in front of the door. 】

[As you turn around. 】

[Please see me, hold me tight, believe me. 】

[Time is short, years are fleeting. 】

[Delusional person, I make time stop for you. 】

[——"Nine Gods Reincarnation Notes"]


"Cough, cough, cough!"

Several heavy coughs sounded.

Su Ming'an, who had just opened his eyes, took a breath and inhaled a smell of dust.

There was a dryness in the air, as if sucking volcanic ash, and a dry grainy feeling drilled straight into his throat.

"Cough cough..." He coughed heavily, touched the hard bed board, lifted the thin quilt, and called out the system mirror.

It seems that this is still a role-playing world, and his appearance at this time is not his own, but it looks somewhat similar to him.

The person in the mirror had black hair and black eyes, and his eyes were a little red due to a severe cough. He looked like a young man as a whole. He looked very young, and he should be no more than twenty-five years old.

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and noticed a name floating above his head.

Looking closely, it was the three words "Su Ming'an". There is also a parenthesis after it: (the name is only visible to the player).

It seems that even in a role-playing world, other players will know which player this person is, and there will be no situation where players pretend to be NPCs to deceive other players.

The barrage has already announced the time on time, and began to look forward to the situation in this world:

[Looks like a medieval backdrop. 】

[It's so dark outside the window, the brightness of this environment is not too high, and there seems to be something black floating in the air... Is it smog? 】

[Su Mingan seems to have possessed a poor boy? It's really rare. Before, it was either a famous saint teacher in the world, or the **** of Yunshangcheng who once saved the world. I thought he would always follow this kind of aristocratic tone. 】

[Is it a plot of a desolate aristocrat reflexively slapping his face? I'm looking forward to it...]

[But this time, there will be no longer a eldest lady who will call out "There is no woman who likes you more than me in this world", and no one will call him "Rin" anymore. When he woke up this time, there was no one around...]

[No one will call "Captain" to the live broadcast room...]

[Hey, are you finished yet? stop stop stop! 】


"Cough! Cough..."

Su Mingan wiped his face.

He didn't expect that when he opened his eyes, he was greeted with a violent cough, which could not be stopped until now, as if his throat was blocked by something.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, he immediately unscrewed the mineral water in his backpack and quickly poured it down his throat. After moistening his throat, he felt that the strange foreign body sensation in his throat disappeared a lot.

...is it because he was panting too hard when he opened his eyes?

He got up and walked along the sound of the crisp object falling to the ground that he heard before opening his eyes.

Opening the door, he saw a rusted key lying on the stone steps in front of him.

It should have been the sound of the key falling to the ground just now. I don't know who threw it here.

He didn't rush to pick up the key, but raised his head first and looked at the environment outside the door.

The first thing that caught my eye was a bright red figure.

It was a figure in a red robe, standing outside the door at this moment, with his back to him.

The sky that the man in red was facing was not a normal night, but a strong sense of ominousness.

It seems that there is pitch-black ink smeared on the sky, smearing the original silent color into different shades, like some twisted living thing, struggling and rolling in the sky, which makes people look a little disgusting.

Under the sky, pitch-black fluid substances like jagged rocks piled up around them like hills, like solidified sludge, completely wrapping this piece of heaven and earth. Even the trees on the side were wrapped in a dark fog.

This is a forest-like area. It's just that those trees are pure black, as if they were stained with mud, and even the leaves are dead black, like dead cicadas, without any breath of life.

The house where Su Mingan was located was a wooden house in the mountains. This black mud is like a large garbage heap, almost all around the wooden house.

It was past twelve o'clock in the morning, and it was late at night. The light at night was very bad. Only a blackened moon hung in the sky, reflecting a little faint light, so that he could barely see the scene outside the wooden house.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Su Mingan took another breath, choked by the black particles in the air, and began to cough violently.

Judging from the current situation, the environment of this world is definitely not good. Not to mention the weird sludge that spreads all over the world, even the air quality seems to be covered with smog, and it is still a visible black smog.

...like a "polluted" world.

He walked out of the room while coughing, and the wooden door made a squeaking sound, as if to be inferred.

He raised his eyelids, the thick sludge filled his vision, and he took a step, as if he was struggling in a world surrounded by black mud.

In the darkness, in front of him, the man in the blood-red robe remained motionless.

The vast, deep black sky lay behind the man, and under the shroud of the dense dark cloud-like night, the figure looked thin and thin.

However, the color on that person's body was extremely bright, like a throbbing, bright fire in the dark night, stubbornly blooming with the most dazzling brilliance in the dark.

The red-robed man just stood there quietly, and the particles floating around could not get close, like a flame that dispelled the haze, like a crumbling blood-red flag.

——It was like he was fighting this dark world silently with the power of one person.

I do not know how it is.

Obviously it was just a tiny figure.

When Su Mingan saw the other party standing under the rolling night, he actually felt that the other party was fighting against the whole world.

It's like seeing Zhang Ying's epic oil painting engraved in his mind. It's like making people hold their breath unconsciously, not wanting to break this artistic sense.

The extra bright red was quickly engraved in his eyes, like a fire burning violently in his eyes.

While approaching the red-robed man, Su Mingan heard the sound of the familiar world of the system.

【Welcome all players to the eighth world! 】

【World Name: God Festival】

[Basic tasks for all players: Please work with your "leader" to do your best to live to the last moment of this world! 】

[Player's personal advanced task: (determined according to the role the player plays, is being issued...)]

[Perfect clearance: (will be activated when the player survives to the "final link")]


"Ding dong!"

[The task of the ruler: pretending to be an NPC (Boss Rabbit), inspecting this world venue, current progress: 1/100]

[Task reward: Advanced status of "powerful person". 】

[Punishment for mission failure: The status of "powerful person" is returned to the second level. 】


At this time, Su Ming'an observed through the small split screen that Ying Hua Zuo's boss rabbit had begun to wander around the venue. There is an invisible enchantment around Ying's body, which can help him separate the black mist floating in the air. Perhaps this is Ying's unique understanding of space ability.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Su Mingan paid attention to it for a while, and then quickly retracted his attention. While coughing, he felt his temples jumping suddenly, and he seemed to have a bad premonition.

He poured mineral water, rubbed his temples, stepped down the last stone steps, and planned to say hello to the "guide" standing in front of his house. If nothing else, this person should be the guide he matched. I don't know what abilities the other party has.

He is already prepared, if the opponent's ability is not particularly good at pulling his crotch, he will not go back and choose again. After all, re-election is no different from blind selection, and maybe a worse leader will be matched. The sequelae of repeated deaths are difficult to equate with the gains.

He coughed violently, and after a few coughs, he felt that he had finally coughed up the grainy feeling.

He decided to avoid deep breathing or rapid breathing in this world, so as not to choke himself to death.

"Are you my guide...?" he said, walking towards the red-robed man.

However, in the process of taking a step, he suddenly felt that his vision was a bit wrong.

Normally, in his field of vision, there are two bars on the left, one green and one blue. The green bar represents health, and the blue bar represents mana. But now, he saw one slowly emerging, and below the two, a bright orange-red strip.

"..." Su Mingan frowned, and his originally relaxed mood was instantly messed up.

……why is it you again.

He really wanted to wipe this disgusting orange-red strip that had popped up out of nowhere.

At the same time, the system voice continued to relentlessly broadcast in his ears:

[The eighth world includes san value (sanity value) settings. 】

[Please note: The san value is closely related to the player's mental state. If it is too high or too low, different events will be triggered, which will affect the final ending route of this world plot! 】

[Players should always pay attention to the changes in the san value. 】


[san value: 90/100]


Perhaps it was because Su Mingan had a good rest a few days ago. His san value at this time was 90 points, which was much better than the start of the sixth world.

But... when he saw this value, he was already in a bad mood. No matter how high the value of this orange bar is now, it looks disgusting.

However, the appearance of the san value actually seems very reasonable. After all, compared to the previous world, the world environment this time is much darker, like a world born from the mud. Even the branches of the trees on both sides are pitch-black, reminiscent of a terrifying black fairy tale.

Dark shadows fluttered in the sky, as if there were dark cloud-like living creatures struggling in the shadows. Su Ming'an just took a few steps before he noticed that a strange voice was whispering in his ear.



"...Bai and Jiu..."

The murmur was indistinct, and it even made one wonder if it was the sound of the wind blowing by the ears. In this extraordinarily quiet and depressing night, even the wind sounded like a roar.

Just listening carefully, Su Ming'an's san score quickly dropped by 3 points, and he immediately retracted his attention.

Hearing the movement of Su Ming'an approaching, the man in red robe turned his head slightly, revealing a floating strand of silver thread.

The bright red robe swayed gently with the man's movements, like a flower in the mud.

"Are you awake?" The red-robed man said softly, his voice hoarse.

"Are you my person guide?" Su Mingan repeated.

"Yes, I am your 'guide', adventurer." After the red-robed man said this, he paused for a moment, as if thinking.

Ye Feng gently lifted up the red-robed man's robe, and a low voice murmured from it.

"Strange." The red-robed man said, "I seem to have forgotten a lot of things..."

The red-robed man stopped talking after saying this, and seemed to have fallen into a long silence.

Su Mingan waited for a while, and seeing that the man in red robe had not spoken, he directly asked:

"—Then, my guide, what ability do you possess?"

He wanted to know what abilities the red-robed man he matched had possessed, which was the key to his success in the eighth world.

Listening to his question, the man in red robe let out a slight sigh.

The sigh was very light, like a feather floating in the night wind.

"The guides have different abilities... Doll, Necromancer, Insight, Mirror Image, Duel, Explosion... I know the other ninety-nine guides. The field is almost invincible and omnipotent... and unfortunately, I am the most inconspicuous one among them. Being assigned to me, I can only express... I am sorry, I am sorry for you, adventurer, your victory this time. It's not big." The red-robed man said.

Su Mingan frowned slightly.

According to the rules, he has learned that the "leader" seems to have a very important position in the battle situation in the eighth world. The leader will not only be responsible for guiding the player, but also help the player to fight when necessary. Will teach their abilities to the player.

If his leader has insufficient potential and cannot grow up, he needs to change his action strategy. Even, he can choose to go back, even if he blindly chooses a guide, at least he will not choose a guide with the ability to count down.

"So, who are you?" Su Mingan asked again, he at least needed to find out the other party's name and ability.

The figure in the red robe finally turned his head.

White hair fluttered in front of the red-robed man's forehead, revealing a pair of exceptionally clear eyes.

When he saw his appearance, the red-robed man seemed to be slightly stunned, and he didn't speak for a while.

The night wind blew through the bright red hood, and the exposed pair of eyes seemed to be a little red, as if a sudden burst of tears had accumulated.

"That..." Just as Su Mingan was about to speak, the man in the red robe was shaken, as if he had been awakened, and quickly made a sound.

"My name is - Sibel. My ability can't be used in battle at all, and I can't win at all. If you insist on walking with me, what awaits you will only be death." The red-robed man wiped his face. From the corners of his eyes, the faint tears were wiped away: "Sorry, it may be because the wind is too strong."

"It doesn't matter." Su Ming'an said, "Before that, at least let me know your abilities."

He knew that this time he was matched with a weaker, and it was estimated that he had to be replaced, but before the re-election, at least let him find out the situation of the other party.

At this time, some strange shadows firmly covered the red-robed man's face, covering the red-robed man's face steadily, so that Su Mingan could not see the true appearance of the other party, and only saw a pair of pale Eye.

"My ability, you will only be disappointed when you hear it."

Sibel said softly:

"It's just...incompetent..."

This ability seems to be too weak to speak. After a long pause in Sibel's voice, he gradually continued the following sentence:

"...It's just a 'prophecy'."

When he heard this word, Su Mingan, who had been preparing to read the file again, was slightly taken aback.

What did he just hear?


"Give up victory, hide, adventurer, I'm sorry, I'm too weak, I can't beat anyone, and I don't have direct combat power. We will only face death in the end..."

The red-robed man turned around again, and the skin on his overly pale hands was exposed to the black mist, making a slight "Zizi" sound.

The extra large red robe fluttered gently in the night wind, like a brightly burning fire.

... The red-robed man seems to have returned to the silence of silently watching the night.

Like a human being holding a torch, he is igniting the fire of declaring war with the gods in the sky.

However, the silence at this time was even more difficult.

Looking at the lonely prophet, Su Mingan stepped forward and took the other's shoulder from behind.

He was gently surrounding the other person with a moderate intensity, neither offensive nor alienating, as if giving a friendly encouragement.

... a prophet.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

...this is a perfect combination of abilities.

"But I need you." He approached the bright red robe, whispered softly, swept away the idea of ​​changing people before, his tone was almost gentle: "Will you win with me, okay?"

The red-robed man's voice trembled slightly: "Adventurer, I have to remind you that I am the weakest of all, and I am the 100th leader..."

"It's okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Mingan opened his arms, as if standing behind the torch that was about to go out, and took over the tiny flame.

In the silent night, he leaned down, as if hugging a small fire.

"...Because I'm the No. 1 adventurer."

He said:

"...and win with me."



【Final God Festival · Countdown to the 15th day】

[Remaining surviving players: 100]


[No.1 Adventurer Current San Value: 87 points]

[No.1 Adventurer · Current Guide: Sibel (Prophet · Guide Ranked 100th)]

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