Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 428: ·"happy Birthday."

"Yeah." Su Mingan responded.


"I can't hear you." Noel stretched out his hand and pretended to be too windy.




"Speak louder, I can't hear you."


The night wind blew Nuoer's golden hair, and the faint light of the blood red light card penetrated through his hair.


He turned his face sideways and looked here, the demon fox mask on his face covered his bright smile.


"...Wait." Lin Yin couldn't help it, and burst out laughing: "Can you guys not act in this kind of drama, is it embarrassing?"


"Awkward." Lu Shu agreed.


"Su Ming'an—" Nuoer completely ignored Lin Yin's dismantling.


He leaned against the railing of the observation deck, his body almost inclined, as if he had relieved his whole body.


His hands stretched out outside the viewing platform, as if embracing the cold wind in the cold night.


Looking at his actions, Su Ming'an remembered the action of the adventurer embracing death and risk in the snowy high sky.


...Noel is a young, fearless, determined and intelligent adventurer.


"Su Ming'an - who made you the happiest today?"


Noel's voice floated over through the snow.


The bright red rope swayed behind his head, adorned with a little rose red in the night.


"Huh." Lin Yin let out an unintelligible chuckle: "A fatal problem."


This kind of question is similar to the question of who will save first if your girlfriend and mother fall into the water at the same time. Still asked in front of a group of people.


"Who makes me happiest?" Su Mingan thought for a moment.


In the slightly expectant eyes of the three of them, he said, "I can do it myself."


He really thought so.


"Happiness" is an emotion that one has subjectively obtained. To say who is the person who can mobilize this emotion most freely, it can only be himself.


"Ah, what a sly answer." Noel seemed a little discouraged.


"Cunning! The cunning number one player." Lin Yin then echoed.


Noel took off the mask.


They were at the outermost railing, and no one else paid attention to it. Noel's behavior was not very risky.


"Ming An - ask an offensive question." He shouted loudly, "Do you like Lin Yin?"


Su Ming'an: "..."


Su Ming'an: "Huh?"


Hearing this question, even Lin Yin, who had a little devil expression on his face, was stunned.


"Huh?" She raised her eyebrows: "Noel, are you drunk?"


"Ah... It seems, sure enough, each of our team is destined to be lonely." Noel seemed a little disappointed, he didn't get the expected response from the two of them: "I thought we could get the right one, but it's a pity, a pity, a pity ."


"Do you still want to stay in the team and eat dog food every day?" Lin Yin laughed and refused Sanlian directly: "Dream, it's impossible, Dabaa."


She is not someone who can't tell the difference between friendship and love.


When you meet a pair of the opposite sex, you must pair them up. This is the idea of ​​a love-brain audience, but she doesn't think so.


True love is never something that can be obtained by random pairing.


There are many more complex feelings, which will be above the so-called likes.


After a few jokes, a few people covered the topic well.


After leaving the Pearl Tower, they came to the hot spring hotel where they were staying tonight.


This is also the last stop in the true sense.


Walking through the bamboo forest path to the hot spring surrounded by stones, there is a smell of sulphur and milk floating in the air.


It's not a bathing place, it's not a hot spring bathing naked, and they don't have any other thoughts about men and women. After changing their clothes, a few people quickly soaked in the hot spring pool.


"When I was young, my parents often brought me to this place to learn tea art," Lu Shu explained.


"Well, I also remember that when my family came to a meeting, they would let me play crazy here." Lin Yin nodded.


Several people chatted without a word, and everyone was very relaxed.

The heat rises by transpiration.


Through the faint white fog, their faces were not very clear in the night, and there was an illusion that they were far apart.


The clear water slipped between Su Ming'an's fingers.


He has never soaked in hot springs.


His father died early, and his mother was no different from a lunatic. No one would bring him to such a place.


He has never even been to an amusement park, let alone a hot spring.


He looked up.


Under the night, the shadows of the trees on the side were pitch black, like the shadows of giant beasts with their teeth and claws.


But through the distant night, he could see the very clear and high-profile red light sign.


It stands like a beacon in the silent night, so that everyone who looks up can see it at a glance.


[First player, happy birthday. 】


[Wuyun is prosperous. 】


...This is the sincerity of all those who plan and raise funds.


They were carefully prepared for him, their sincere blessings on this day.


They sincerely hope that he will go on, with an unstoppable and decisive posture, powerfully, fearlessly, resolutely, and resolutely, from beginning to end.


- He saw it.


Suddenly, under his gaze, the light sign began to change.


It seems that at a certain time set in advance, the original monotonous sentence of blessing slowly faded away, and on the huge screen, the picture began to change.


The first to appear is the gentle smiling top player Lu.


"Happy birthday, No. 1 player." His voice seemed to be amplified, resounding in the night sky, even the hot spring hotel far away from the light sign could hear it.


"This is..." Su Mingan was a little surprised.


"It's not my arrangement." Noel said, "It's probably a 'surprise' prepared by others for you. Everyone's blessings are collected and edited together. It's really a good collection gift."


"..." Su Ming'an looked at the bright light sign that was particularly dazzling in the dark night.


Just like him, the people wandering on the street, the people waiting for the fireworks display on the lawn, and the people sitting by the window chatting and laughing raised their heads and looked at the brilliance in the dark night.


On the distant large screen, the picture changes.


Blessings continue.


"Happy birthday, Su Ming'an, it was a pleasure to communicate with you in the seventh world."


With blond hair and bright red eyes like irises blooming like roses, she smiled at the camera.


"Su Ming'an, happy birthday..."


Facing the camera, Yamada Machiichi, dressed in a Lolita outfit, spoke weakly but firmly.


"Happy birthday. See you in the eighth world. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"


Aini, who was unhappy, but still spoke with her face turned, looked at the camera.


"Happy birthday, the strongest No. 1 player, your plot line is perfect."


Aland, the former player on the list, smiled brightly.


"Happy birthday~ The first player."


"Happy birthday~ The first player."


The twin brothers, who are shouldering each other's shoulders, wave to the camera like looking in a mirror.


"Happy birthday, first player."


Wearing a black uniform, Wu Zhiyu of the Yangtze River system, who was drinking tea, smiled and gestured.


"I wish you a smooth future, No. 1 player."


Hubert put down the pen he was holding.






Countless images of famous players gathered in this recording.


Their birthday wishes were edited, edited, and condensed on the light screen in the dark night. The pomp is so big that every player who sees it is shocked.


They stretched their necks, raised their heads, and looked at the constantly changing picture, not even knowing that the drinks in their hands were cold.


"Oh my god…"


A subtle cry of exclamation resounded on the earth in the dark night.

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