Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 429: "Make a wish."

Such a grand pomp is almost gathering the blessings of a world.


The meaning and weight of the blessings of well-known players are shocking.


And after the collection of blessings from these well-known players, it is the blessings of ordinary people.


Their pictures, piece by piece, piece by piece, were pieced together to form a continuous video of blessings, as if the lights of thousands of homes in various districts were connected in an instant.


"—Happy birthday! Su Ming'an! You are the number one player forever!"


This is a young man whose face flushed with excitement.


"Happy birthday, young first player."


A woman with white hair, kind-hearted eyes, and a kind smile.


"...Su Ming'an, you have to believe that you deserve to be loved by more people."


This is a well-dressed woman with short hair.


"Happy nineteenth birthday! Great big brother!"


The child pulling the bright red balloon, grinning with unaligned teeth, smiling innocently.


"Brother Ming An, happy birthday, I wish you a perfect clearance all the way!"


This is a young blond girl waving a small fist.


"Su Ming'an, happy birthday."


"First player, happy birthday."


"Brother Ming An, I wish you a happy birthday. Please take care of us normally."


"Anchor anchor, when did you hire a housekeeper? Brother Cereal is too crazy!"


Blessings echoed in the silent night.


It crossed the long night, and crossed the long distance, like a light that ripped through the night, pierced this way, and penetrated into the ears of every listener.


The pervasive emotions, the rich emotional colors, the joys and sorrows that communicate with each other, connect everyone who looks up.


The heat is passed together, and in the night wind by the spring water in winter, a strong and intoxicating temperature is gradually brewing.


And as the object of blessing, the "first player" in people's mouth——


The young man who had just turned nineteen was silently watching what was happening in the dark night.


In the silent darkness, the subtle sound of water murmured in my ears, and the air flowed in each other's silence.


The warm mist rises up, and the white air lingers, as if sinking into a beautiful dream.


Warm air poured into his chest.




He moved his lips slightly, but said nothing.


"I think--"


Above the light screen, a mechanical sound of blessing suddenly came. Its voice is loud and distant, like a rest.


This voice seems to have been mechanically synthesized, so you can't hear men and women, and you can't hear young or old.


...it is like the convergence, change, and combination of countless voices, like the wish and crystallization of countless people.


"I think—I think you can go to better, farther places and study any subject you like."


"I hope - I hope that after the game is over, you can have a lover you like, and I hope you can smoothly enter the palace of marriage without being disturbed by the world."


"I want to see you shining in the spotlight, I want to see you who can give a speech without stage fright no matter what the occasion. At the same time, I also hope that when you are tired and depressed, You can go to any place where there is no one at any time.”


"You can be liked by more people, and you should be liked by more people. As long as you make a phone call, someone will rush to you and participate in every important moment in your life. Beside you There will be no shortage of people who love you and care about you."


"You can step into the hustle and bustle of the world and face all eyes. You can also enjoy peace and solitude and become the 'ordinary person' as you say."


"Even if we are just passers-by in your life, inconspicuous passers-by, a corner audience under the stage, even if your eyes have never been cast on us, we are still willing."


"We love you like this, and really like you who are so dazzling and unique."


"You can be the light of the times, the guide of the future, and the most powerful first player."


"...It can also be just a young man who has just passed his nineteenth birthday, an ordinary student in your mouth."


"It doesn't matter where you are now, what you are doing, whether you have seen this video, or whether you have received our most sincere wishes and hearts for you."


"We like you."


"...I like this one, you are the only one in this world."


"Su Ming'an."


"The first player."


"We wish you—"


"Not afraid of the past, not afraid of the future."


"What you ask for is what you want, and what you do is a smooth road."


"The road ahead is mighty, and everything can be expected."


"Where you go, it's all hot land."


"—"First Player Birthday Party Action · All Planning Team" Sincerely."




White light flickers.


The bright-colored screen made a crisp "click" sound, and then the screen went black in the sight of countless people.


The video is over.


Su Ming'an stared at the giant light sign with a black screen.


The slight sound of water rushing past his ears, he blinked, his face flushed red by the heat.


"—I'm still watching, let's eat cake."


Noel pushed a cart from nowhere.


On the cart was a birthday cake with candles that had just been lit.


"Wow, there's also cake, so thoughtful." Lin Yin immediately climbed out of the hot spring, she seemed to like these sweets.


The drops of water slid onto the damp stone bricks along her movements, and she tutted her tongue in admiration while eating:


"...That video is really grand. It's almost like a birthday celebration in front of the world."


Noel smiled and didn't answer her.


He pointed to the ladder next to him, indicating that he could climb up the eaves from here.


"Let's go, let's go up to eat. It will be early in the morning, and there will be the last fireworks display. The scenery is good." He said.


Of course, they all jumped up directly, only Lin Yin had to climb the ladder bitterly.


"It turns out that you have to eat cake on your birthday." After climbing the eaves, Su Ming'an glanced at the fruit cake stacked with layers of cream.


Speaking of which, he still didn't know which country Noel was from.


The candle-lit cake is very simple in style, not particularly delicate. There are no complicated patterns on it, giving people a very simple and refreshing feeling.


"There is no custom of eating cakes like this in my house." Nuoer said with a smile, "I asked Yinke to make it for you."


"Yin, Yinke?" Su Ming'an imagined the scene of the giant crow making a cake, and the picture was a bit unreadable.


No wonder this cake looks so rudimentary.


Nuoer raised his knife and fork, cut a piece of cake without candles, and handed it to Su Mingan who was sitting on the eaves.


The cold wind of the snowy night blew on the body, accompanied by the cold cream entrance, with a unique coldness.


"The hot spring I just soaked in, and the cold wind blows again..." Lin Yin mumbled, wrapping his white cotton robe tightly.


Even if she was able to run around in a short skirt, her physique was not so good that she could withstand the cold wind, and now she was shivering.




A crisp sound.


Nuoer held the fiery red stone in his hand, and a red flame appeared.


"Don't be afraid, there is this." He smiled, stood up, and the temperature control tool in his hand lit up.


The cold wind seems to have ceased at this time, and the temperature in the air begins to rise.


Lin Yin's trembling movements stopped, and her face became hot.

The surrounding air seemed to gradually become warmer, and along with it, was the prelude to the zero-point fireworks festival.


"You look up—"


Several people looked up.




The first splendid fireworks suddenly ignited hot in the night sky at this moment.


There seemed to be cheers from the crowd not far away, accompanied by dense applause.


The final celebration, the fireworks display began.


The dazzling bright colors enveloped this quiet eaves, all kinds of brilliance shone on the faces of several people, and the night sky above them was brighter than the daytime at the moment.


Su Ming'an wiped the cream from the corner of his mouth and raised his head.




Another fireworks burst sounded.


His eyes instantly froze in the splendid fireworks.


...so that when he retracted his sight in an instant, there were still remnants of light spots in his eyes, and the bright star-like eyes of his companions broke into the field of vision in an instant, taking over that moment of light.


Two cakes appeared on the plate in Noel's hand.


"—I wish each other a prosperous martial arts."


Noel got up and held up the cake plate in front of the beacon-like blood red light sign.


"I wish us a prosperous martial arts!"


Lin Yin shouted loudly.


Nuoer scratched his head: "I specifically went to check the information. Next, it seems that I want to make a wish?"


"Make a wish! Make a wish!" Lin Yin cried, looking more excited than anyone else.


"Let's go together." Su Ming'an said.


Several people participated in it, they closed their eyes and thought of their own wishes in their hearts.


At this moment, the cold night wind seemed to be hot.


The slightly long black hair on his forehead brushed Su Ming'an's eyebrows, he opened his eyes, and the itchy warm wind caressed his cheeks.


Beneath the splendid waterfall of light, he saw two extremely bright light spots left in the field of vision, as if Noel was looking into his eyes.


A group of four, sitting or standing, in the last few seconds of the end of the year, facing the bright fireworks in the sky, made a wish for a better future.


Lin Yin closed his eyes and thought to himself:


[May my Lin family be safe and prosperous, and my parents have a happy life...]


Lu Shu closed his eyes and lowered his head:


[May I one day... get my revenge, avenge my family, and... I hope I can continue to walk with the "good people" in my heart. I hope this hopeless game ends soon, and we can completely break away from this cruel dungeon...]


Noel clapped his hands and closed his eyes:


[May I... find the ideal "new world" as soon as possible. May the companions... not be an island. May those children... get what they want. 】


Su Mingan looked at them and closed his eyes.


The night wind blew on his cheeks, and the light of the fireworks gradually faded away as the sky darkened.


"--All right?"


The three opened their eyes one after another.


"Okay." Su Mingan opened his eyes.


"I'm curious, what wishes do you have." Noel said: "You should have all the strength, power, and status now, right? You are really standing in a position that is envied by countless people."


"Don't say what you wish for!" Lin Yin immediately followed up: "It won't work if you say it out loud, just know it in your heart!"


She was lying on the eaves, moved over little by little, stretched out her hand, and patted Su Ming'an's shoulder.


"Wish or not, we're here today, and we're really having a good time. When this **** game is over, we'll have to get together and celebrate, ah, and those old friends, and my mom. , I really miss them, and when the game is over, I must reunite with my former friends..."


Lin Yin said, thinking about the future: "Also, there is the boiled fish fillet from my hometown, it's delicious, I miss the taste of my mother's cooking, I miss home... Wait for the game to end. , I must have a good cry with my mother..." She patted Su Ming'an's shoulder vigorously, patted, and then moved slightly,


She suddenly saw—


There was a faint light of water in the man's eyes.


"Okay." Su Mingan closed his eyes, and the water in his eyes disappeared: "After the game is over, we will all meet again."


He spoke with great certainty, as if stating a fact that must happen.


Lin Yin laughed.


"Okay." She said, "...We will all meet in the world after everything is over."


"It's a deal." Noel stretched out his hand.


"A word is settled." Lu Shu followed.


The four of them put their palms together, and the palms and backs of their palms were touching.


They hid the things they didn't say in their hearts.


The night wind brushed against their cheeks, and the candle flames were clearly visible.


Lin Yin would not say that during the day, the lottery they drew was prepared in advance.


When it was Su Ming'an's turn to draw, there was only "Da Ji" left in that box.


Lu Shu would not say that he was the main planner of that world-class birthday video.


He, who never left his real name, was the busiest person in this crowdfunding campaign.


Noel would not say that, in fact, there is no second-hand ticket dealer "Xiao Xiao". Those four tickets were created by the New World Guild, which gathered the power of one guild and united the province.


And he has been planning his itinerary and stayed up all night.


...and Su Ming'an wouldn't say it.


won't say what he made a wish.


In that silent world, on the eaves, among the bright red fireworks.


In front of the burning candle, he closed his eyes and made his nineteenth birthday wish.


Or in other words, not a wish.


...and more of a [oath].




[Nineteenth birthday, a brand new year. 】


【I make a wish here—】


【I must……】


[I must—complete the level perfectly to the end, and end the game with my own hands. 】


[I want to take everyone, together, home. 】






The last spark of fireworks bloomed in the night sky with the cheers of the people.


After blooming, it vanishes into ashes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ disappears in an instant, leaving behind a shattered, eternal beauty.


We didn't meet before the splendor, and disappeared after the bloom.


The colors of the fireworks fade away.


The gorgeous fireworks festival ended at this moment.


At the same moment, everyone's system time beats synchronously and precisely——






【2022/01/01, 00:00】




A billion people, in such a strange, bizarre, confusing, and frightening game that represents opportunities and challenges, and is full of hope and despair,


Under the splendid, grand, short-lived and beautiful fireworks of the prosperous age,


A new year has passed.








【2022/01/01, 00:01】




[World Games·Remaining Real Players: 986325380]




[Number of players who have completed all the remaining games in the world: 93]

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