Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 808 Tongren Factory (26)

After Yinsu finished eating and went to work, Ning Fan and others were already there. Seeing Yinsu coming, they greeted her.

"Ms. Zhou, we have figured out the process of making bronze figures."

"Congratulations." Yinsu said in a calm tone, not really paying attention and not intending to inquire.

Ning Fan knew that she might already know, so he didn't say anything more.

The production process of bronze figures is divided into three steps-cleaning-firing-pouring.

Now all they need to do is clean up.

But no matter which step, you need to use factory equipment.

Employees cannot delay their work by participating in the competition, and there will be no equipment idle for them to use during the day.

So only at night...

Yinsu only learned about the number of deaths last night, and then entered the office.

The four of them had no choice but to discuss it among themselves.

"You need to use the material workshop to clean materials, but you need a work badge to enter other workshops, and the rules are that you cannot take other people's work badges..."

If you use his artificial cards, you will be attacked. Feng Changting has already experimented with this.

You can also sneak in. After all, the exploration team has sneaked in before, and it will be fine without being discovered.

But when they were exploring, they were just looking for clues. Now they had to use equipment. How could they sneak in here?

It's simply an endless loop.

"What about the other contestants?"

"I observed that they didn't do anything after receiving the materials. It seemed that they had no intention of participating in the competition at all."

Commonly known as - put out badly.

Even if there are people who really want to participate in the competition, how many can they monitor in such a big factory?

Shen Jiujiu held out two fingers: "I have two ideas. First, there are players in each workshop who can divide work and cooperate; second, we are supervisors. Although the supervisor has jurisdiction over the workshop, he is not restricted from entering other workshops. "

Ning Fan first denied his first thought: "Division of labor and cooperation are not safe."

Putting aside the issue of trust, it is inherently dangerous at night, and they can’t even protect themselves well. How can they be expected to protect the ‘materials’?

Shen Jiujiu didn't really want to choose the first one, "Then I can only choose the second one, to be the supervisor."

Ning Fan signaled Zhong Da and Feng Changting to express their stance.

Feng Changting: "Okay."

Zhongda nodded in reply.

"Okay, let's do it during lunch."

At night.

Yinsu is on duty tonight. His duty is to patrol the workshop under his jurisdiction. As long as the employees are doing their jobs well and no one is yelling or causing trouble.

If a supervisor has a special quirk, he or she can find fault with the employee.

Yinsu was too lazy to find fault. After telling them to work hard, he led the other two younger brothers who also needed to be on duty to the material workshop.

They hummed and helped Yinsu carry the bags containing materials.

The supervisor has special privileges and can enter without wearing a material workshop badge.

There were far fewer people in the workshop than during the day, but only one assembly line equipment was not running.

The entire assembly line has been cleaned and is so clean that it reflects light.

But every cleaning tank is dry, with no water in it.

Yinsu asked someone to start up the assembly line equipment first, and the cleaning pool gradually filled with clean water.

The younger brother has already put the materials on the operating table next to him.

In other assembly lines, everyone only does their own step, and the rest is handed over to the next person, but now they need to complete all steps themselves.

Yinsu did not take action immediately, but first strolled to other assembly lines to observe and learn.

[Cleaning pool·Cleaning agent 1]

[Cleaning pool·Cleaning agent 2]

[Cleaning pool·Cleaning agent 3]

There are different cleaning agents in each cleaning tank.

There was no water in the unused assembly line, let alone any cleaning agent... Yinsu walked around twice and couldn't find any cleaning agent.


Yinsu simply and roughly changed the assembly line.

She drove the other NPCs to the clean assembly line and occupied the original one.

The NPC dares not speak out when she is angry - after all, she can knock people on the head and throw them directly onto the console to use as materials.

The supervisor has greater power at night. After a brief confrontation, the NPC did not dare to offend her and silently changed the assembly line.

Yinsu didn't plan to do the work by herself, so she ordered her younger brother to help her clean up.

By the time she came out of the materials workshop, it was already an hour later.


"The production workshop." Yinsu put his hands in his pockets, "You have to work hard."


The second step in making a bronze figure - firing.

The firing step is more troublesome. You need to make a clay mold that is larger than the material first, then process the material, cover it with mud and sand, and fire both at the same time.

After success, put the material into the larger mud film, and finally proceed to the third step - pouring.

These can all be done in the production workshop.


Yinsu looked at the melted work and turned to look at the two boys doing the work: "Did you do this on purpose?"

"No...no." The younger brother trembled: "We are operating according to your instructions!"

The two younger brothers almost knelt down and swore they didn't do anything.

Yinsu sat on the chair, not particularly angry. If he succeeded at one time, then there would be something wrong.

Yinsu looked at the failed work and pondered.

She followed the procedures of these NPCs. Which step went wrong?

"It's so easy to make a bronze figure. Don't waste materials. It's ridiculous that you still want to make a perfect bronze figure." An NPC next to them stared at them gloomily, as if they were dissatisfied with their waste.

Yinsu glanced at him and suddenly ordered his younger brother: "Catch him."

Younger brother: "??"

Speaking NPC: "???"

The NPC was quickly pressed in front of Yinsu, "You seem to understand very well, why don't you tell me how to make a bronze figure."

"Let me go!" the NPC struggled and yelled: "Don't think that because you are in charge, you can do whatever you want."

"Eh..." Yinsu stretched out a finger and shook it, "The supervisor can do whatever he wants."

Yinsu bent down slightly and spoke softly, "I can find any reasonable reason to make you a material, believe it or not."


The NPC glared at Yinsu with resentful eyes, "I won't tell you anything!"


Yinsu ignored the NPC's gaze and stood up to get the melted copper water. She seemed to have thought of something fun and laughed out loud: "You two open his mouth and let me see if I can make a complete copper." People."

The NPC's pupils were shattered: "How dare you...wuwuwu..."

The two younger brothers were very obedient and held him down directly.

After all, if they don't take action, the fate of this NPC will be their fate.

"There's nothing I dare not do." The girl smiled brightly. "Practice makes the truth come true, right? I'm just doing experiments for the factory to find a more efficient and faster way to make bronze figures. It's your honor to choose you. This is for the factory. Make an offering, how can you resist?”

The veins on the NPC's forehead popped out, and the bulging eyes made him look as ferocious as a demon.

"Uh-huh...uh-huh..." She was talking nonsense! !

The NPC glanced at the other people in the workshop with his peripheral vision, roaring in his throat, wanting them to stop this madman.

The employees in the workshop were all looking at this side, and some even took two steps this way.

Yinsu raised his eyes to look at them, and the smile on his lips gradually became abnormal: "You also want to contribute to the factory?"

——Welcome to my hell——

It’s April in a blink of an eye. There’s a new month. Those who have a guaranteed monthly ticket can vote for Susu~

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