Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 809 Tongren Factory (27)

Of course no one wants to contribute to the factory.

Work is valuable, life is even more valuable.

So the employees turned their heads away in a tacit understanding, continued working, and ignored him.

The NPC yelled angrily: "Ah! Uh-huh..."

Seeing the vessel containing high-temperature copper water getting closer and closer, the anger in the NPC's eyes finally turned into fear, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

Just when Yinsu was about to pour the copper water in, the fear in the NPC's eyes almost overflowed. He nodded awkwardly, and the vague syllables in his throat kept expressing one meaning.

Yinsu put down the copper water and signaled the younger brother to release his mouth.

"I said I said I said..."

Yinsu sat back on the chair, "It would have been better if it had been like this earlier, if you have to force me."


The NPC regretted so much, why did he talk so rudely just now!

"Say it."

"Factory... Ordinary employees in the factory don't know the specific production process. Everyone only needs to do their job well, and in the end they can make a complete bronze figure."

Yinsu laughed out loud, "Are you kidding me?"

"No, no!" NPC immediately denied: "Although ordinary employees don't know the specific production process, the director has a complete production process."


Sure enough, you still have to be the director.

"Only the director really knows. I didn't lie to you." The NPC thought Yinsu didn't believe it, so he repeated it again.

"Well, I believe you."

"..." The NPC lowered his eyes, hiding the twisted viciousness in his eyes, and asked in a low voice and humbly: "Then can you let me go?"

"Of course..." Yinsu said ruthlessly when the NPC looked up, trying hard to hide the viciousness deep inside, and before the joy fully emerged, "No."

The NPC's entire face seemed to be frozen.

"My materials are useless, so I'll use you to make up for them."

The material workshop only has two days to apply, and now the time has passed, so you can only find the ‘materials’ yourself.

Yinsu came out of the production workshop and met Ning Fan and others.

Ning Fan and four others were there, as well as Liu Yanlai and several other players. They ran over from the other side, looking extremely embarrassed.

Yinsu soon knew why they ran away.

Behind them followed a dozen bronze men.

"..." Good guy! Is this for restocking? Yinsu took a breath and sighed: "There are so many bronze men."

Yinsu turned around and ran away, not forgetting to grab the material package carried by her younger brother.

The two younger brothers were confused for a moment, "Bronze man?"

After a while, their expressions changed slightly, "Bronze, Bronze Man is alive!"

The next second they were bumped into by Ning Fan and others. Their bodies staggered a few times, then they quickly turned around and ran.

hateful! !

The big devil actually ran away on his own! !

The sound of dense footsteps kept coming closer and further away. After repeating it several times, it finally disappeared.

Only then did everyone who was holding their breath dare to let go.


"Hiss, it hurts..."


A flame lit up.

This is a small utility room, and with Yinsu and her two younger brothers, 12 people are crowded in it, which is really crowded.

Liu Yanlai glanced at everyone, "Is everyone okay?"

"Minor injury, nothing to worry about."

"I'm fine."

"I'm fine too."

"Then take a rest here first." This place is too far from their dormitory. If you go out, you may meet the bronze man.

Yinsu sent the two younger brothers out, but they were reluctant, but unfortunately they were thrown out ruthlessly by Yinsu.

"What are you doing?" Yinsu found a place to sit down and asked curiously: "Where did you recruit so many bronze men?"

Shen Jiu made a sound and spoke first: "Boss, you don't know how speechless this copy is..."

Shen Jiu crackled as he spoke.

During lunch, they tried to get two supervisor badges and figured out the process of making bronze figures, so they wanted to give it a try first in the evening.

"Who knew that the requirements for entering the workshop were not single." Shen Jiu said so excitedly that he started dancing.

You need the correct work badge to enter the workshop, but you can't take someone else's work badge, so they thought of their supervisor.

It is true that you can enter with a supervisor badge, but...

They're stuck with scheduling.

Entering the workshop outside of working hours will attract coppers.

For example, Ning Fan and others were all assigned to the night shift tonight. It was correct to enter the workshop with their supervisor badges.

But there are players who don't have night shifts tonight, and it would be wrong to enter the workshop.

Then he was chased by the bronze man.

"Who would have expected this!" Shen Jiu sighed, "It's been eight lifetimes of bad luck. Is this a copy given to others?"

Yinsu gave her friend pity and sympathy: "It's quite unlucky."

Yinsu was glad that he listened to the advice.

If she hadn't listened to her younger brothers' suggestion last night and gone directly, she would have been kicked out by the Tongren... No, she was kicked out by the Tongmen even though she didn't go!


After Shen Jiu told what happened to them, he became curious about Yin Su: "Boss, why were you there just now?"

Her location was the production workshop... Why was she there?

Yinsu said casually: "What else can you do in the production workshop? It can't be dating a copper man."


Production workshop...

Everyone immediately thought of the steps for making a bronze figure.

"You...you're already two steps behind?" Liu Yanlai was a little surprised.

"Oh, that's not the case." Yinsu sighed, "I'm back to zero now."


A few short words contain a huge message.

She made a copper figure, but for some reason it failed.

In the dim space, the slightly jumping flame was the only light. The astonishment and surprise on everyone's faces disappeared with the light.

They haven't started yet...

Liu Yanlai took a breath and asked what he was thinking: "So, why did your production fail?"

"You want to know?"

"……May I?"

"Why should I tell you in vain?" What they just said was not enough to exchange this clue.

"Why didn't you tell us? Aren't we now a community of destiny?"

Yinsu looked at the person who spoke, looking like a newcomer.

When he met Yinsu's gaze, his eyebrows beat wildly, and there was a slight chill in his heart.

This is a fear.

Just like facing those NPCs.

Yinsu was not angry, but answered him with a smile: "Because I have no morals."

As soon as these words came out, the new player blushed slightly, lowered his head and did not dare to say anything anymore.

Liu Yanlai was very sensible: "Miss Zhou, can you give me a price?"

Yinsu stretched out his hand, spread his fingers and shook them in the air, "50."

Five hundred thousand...

It might be too much for one person to take, but if we all work together, one person won’t be able to get much.

"Let's get together?" Liu Yanlai asked Ning Fan decisively.


Last time, Liu Yanlai had shared the 50,000 yuan from Cai Qiwen's clues with them, so Ning Fan was very happy this time.

Yinsu quickly received the points transferred from Ning Fan. She pursed her lips and smiled, "The director has the correct production process."

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