Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 819 Tongren Factory (37)

Ning Fan applied special ointment and the wound stopped bleeding. Unfortunately, the wound was too deep and it would take time to repair.

Ding Sihan asked tremblingly again: "They...will they be okay?"

The wound no longer hurts so much, and Ning Fan is in a much calmer mood, "They are all old players and will not die so easily."

Ning Fan took out another ordinary potion and threw it over, "Drink it and take the time to replenish your strength. You shouldn't stay here for too long."

Ding Sihan hurriedly caught it, "Thank you... thank you."

Being chased by the bronze man, Ding Sihan, who was highly nervous, squatted in the corner holding his knees. The beam of light shone on the bronze man not far away, casting strange shadows one after another.

Ding Sihan stared at the shadows. Unknowingly, the shadows began to distort, and they seemed to come alive...

The shadows kept twisting, like flickering candles.

Even the bronze figures began to raise their arms and legs... The shadows intertwined with the bronze figures and walked towards her...


Ding Sihan opened her eyes suddenly, but it was pitch black and she couldn't see anything.

The remaining fear made Ding Sihan breathe heavily, and his heart beat like a drum.

The dark environment made Ding Sihan more and more frightened. She stretched out her hand and asked, "Miss Ning... Ning Fan?"

Ding Sihan quickly touched something, but it was not familiar human skin, but cold metal... metal? Copper...Bronze man? !

His eyes had adapted to the darkness, and Ding Sihan vaguely saw a tall figure standing in front of him.

It was missing an arm, but it was tall... very tall, standing like a hill in front of her.

Ding Sihan felt unprecedented pressure.

Fear made her body stiff and unable to move. She could only look at the tall figure in front of her.

Run...run quickly!

Why can't I move...

Ding Sihan held back tears and her limbs were still stiff.

The bronze man with a broken arm began to move. It bent down. As it got closer, Ding Sihan could see its face clearly.

It was a face with pits, the right eye and cheek were melted, and the other half of the face was also rough.

The bronze man's facial features were blurry, but she felt that this bronze man looked... like herself.


Ding Sihan's hair was grabbed by the bronze man, she screamed, and she found that her body could finally move.

She waved her arms and beat the bronze man, but hitting the bronze man with her fists had no effect.

The bronze man grabbed her hair and dragged her on the ground.

The copper man didn't know where to drag her, and his butt rubbed against the ground, burning with pain.


It hurts...Help...someone help her! !

No...no one will come to save her.

She is going to die.

She was going to die in the hands of this bronze man.

But she didn't want to die...she was still so young.

Her family, friends... She couldn't bear to leave any of them, how could she die here.

She can't die...can't die!

The strong desire to survive made Ding Sihan calm down. She protected her head with one hand and groped in her clothes with the other.

Where...where! She remembered that she had put it in her pocket, but why was it missing? Hurry up, hurry up...ah! Touched it! !


A finger-width blade was pushed out.

Such blades will not cause any harm to copper people.

Ding Sihan didn't intend to do anything to the bronze man. She touched her hair. Fortunately, she had long hair and the bronze man didn't grab the roots, giving her room to operate.

The blade was sharp and cut the hair easily.

As soon as her scalp relaxed, her body stopped.

Ding Sihan immediately rolled to the side, then got up and rushed forward. She seemed to hit something in the middle, it should be a bronze man, but she didn't have time to look, there was only one thought in her mind.

Run forward...



Ding Sihan tripped over something under her feet and threw herself forward, hitting her head on the ground. The dizziness made her lose her mobility.

Ding Sihan shook his head and groped the ground with his palms. In the confusion, he felt the flashlight and the warm ankle...

Ding Sihan turned on the flashlight and shot it behind him.

The shadows of countless bronze figures were stretched into elongated shapes by the beam. This scene was exactly the same as what she saw in her nightmares...

But the shadow is not distorted, and the bronze figures do not move... No, the positions of these bronze figures seem to have changed, they are too close to me!

Where...where is that monster?

Why can't I see it? Where is it hiding?

Ding Sihan didn't know if it was the light beam that inhibited the bronze man's movements, and no monster approached him.

She supported the ground and stepped back. While shining the light there, she touched the warm ankles up to her thighs, waist...shoulders...

"Miss Ning! Ning Fan... Ning Fan, wake up!" Ding Sihan shook Ning Fan vigorously, "Wake up quickly!!"

Ding Sihan saw the shadows begin to twist and sway just like in the dream, and the standing bronze man began to move its arms and legs like a rusty robot and approached her.

"Ning Fan! We're going to die if you don't wake up!!" Ding Sihan's trembling voice was filled with despair.

The bronze men started very slowly, but soon their movements became smoother and their speed became faster and faster.

Ding Sihan's shouts did not receive any response.

The bronze man in the front row had already arrived in front of her. Ding Sihan subconsciously covered her head with her hands, "Ah——"

Her shoulders sank slightly, and her body was pulled back, falling into a warm embrace.

Countless fluorescent lights flew out, like burning fireworks, rushing towards the crowd of copper people like streams of light.

The stream of light hit the bronze man's body and exploded, blocking the bronze man's progress.


The back of Ding Sihan's neck felt hot, and the smell of blood instantly reached the tip of her nose.

"Ning Fan, Ning Fan, don't die. If you die, I will die too..."

"stand up!"

Ding Sihan got up while crying. Ning Fan stood up with support on his side and hung directly on Ding Sihan.

Ding Sihan's legs also became weak, and the two of them almost fell to the ground again.

"If you can't run away, we're really going to die."

"No... no way!" When Ding Sihan heard that he was about to die, he suddenly gained strength and lifted Ning Fan up.

Ning Fan touched the door of the warehouse, and Ding Sihan immediately supported her and ran out the door.

The light in the warehouse was about to disappear, and the bronze men started to move again, and they caught up...

Ding Sihan listened to the footsteps getting closer and closer behind her and wanted to run faster, but she couldn't do it herself, and neither could Ning Fan.

"We can't run away..."

"Move forward and don't make any noise."


Ding Sihan suppressed her cries and tried to move forward while holding on to the wall, but it was so heavy... so tired that she could no longer use her limbs.

"Ning Fan."

A muffled call came from the darkness.

Ding Sihan looked up and saw a figure at the corner a few steps away.

The figure was walking quickly towards them.

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