Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 820 Tongren Factory (38)

The hair all over Ding Sihan's body stood up, and his brain was completely shut down, unable to think about who the person approaching was, whether it was an enemy or a friend.

Ning Fan was supported by someone, who said without any nonsense, "Follow me."

Ning Fan was led forward, and Ding Sihan, who was holding her other arm, stepped forward subconsciously.

They soon reached the corner, but did not continue.

A light appeared in the air.

Ding Sihan's eyes were pierced by the light and she burst into tears. She saw that the light appeared from the man's hand, horizontally and vertically...drawing a door.

The light died, and darkness eroded.

The last second when Ding Sihan fell to the ground, he heard the sound of heavy footsteps running outside.

It's those bronze men...

Ding Sihan didn't know how long she had been unconscious. When she woke up, the surroundings were still dark, and the only light source came from her right side.

The light source reflected the silhouettes of three people.

It's Ning Fan and Zhong Da, and there's another... I think his name is Wei Yuanyao.

"She's awake."

Ning Fan's thigh was bandaged several times, but he still seemed unable to move. He sat there to rest and turned around when he heard her movement.

Zhong Da lowered his head and sat further away. He just glanced at it and lowered his head.

Wei Yuanyao stood up and came over, helped her sit up, gave her a bottle of water, patted her back to comfort her, "If you survive a catastrophe, you will have good luck in the future."

Ding Sihan was very thirsty. She did not refuse Wei Yuanyao's water and drank half the bottle.

"Are we safe now?"

"It's safe for the time being." Wei Yuanyao replied: "This space was separated by Mr. Zhong, and the bronze man will not be found for a short time."

Ding Sihan looked around, it seemed to be made of factory building materials...

How was it separated?

Ah, by the way... they all have skills, they are really awesome.

With three veteran players by his side, Ding Sihan slowly breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought I was going to die."

Wei Yuanyao: "Everyone is destined to die, so be patient."

Ding Sihan looked horrified, thank you for being so comforting.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

In the quiet space, the sound seemed very loud.

Ding Sihan quickly covered his stomach and looked at the others in embarrassment.

Ning Fan took out a potion and threw it on Ding Sihan, "Nutrient, it can replenish physical strength."


"Eat it, it's not worth it." Out of danger, Ning Fan returned to his usual gentle demeanor: "And if you hadn't woken me up, I might have died now."

"Ning Fan is right, there are still several hours before dawn." Wei Yuanyao continued, "How uncomfortable it is to be hungry."

"Thank you...thank you."

After Ding Sihan drank the nutritional supplement, he could clearly feel that his stomach was quickly filled and his hunger disappeared.

After Ding Sihan recovered for a while, Ning Fan asked: "You were in the warehouse at that time, how did you wake up?"

Although medicine was used on her wound, the effect was not as good as expected, and she fainted for some reason.

Ding Sihan couldn't explain clearly. He stumbled and recalled the situation at that time, "I... I had a nightmare... and I woke up with a fright."

After hearing this, Wei Yuanyao analyzed: "Maybe it's because she was not injured in the first place, and you gave her the potion. Fear caused her to have nightmares, but it made her wake up first. Good things come to you."

Ning Fan couldn't think of a better possibility and could only say that he was lucky.

Ding Sihan's desire for survival burst out at the critical moment and saved them.

"People are doing it, God is watching. Sometimes you really have to believe in cause and effect." Wei Yuanyao sat aside and sighed, "I just don't know what sin I did to be dragged into this game."

Ding Sihan: "..."

Ning Fan: "..."

Wei Yuanyao hugged his knees and pressed his cheek on his arms, "Ning Fan, do you regret entering Shanlu County?"

Ning Fan looked at his unable to move thigh at the moment, "I am a native of Shanlu County, and there are many friends and relatives I know...so, I don't regret it."

Participating in the rescue was a decision she made voluntarily and has no regrets.

"What if..." Wei Yuanyao took a breath before continuing: "What if I die here?"

Ning Fan: "That might be fate."

"That's right, humans are destined to die." Wei Yuanyao smiled, "I wonder if the Investigation Bureau will award us a hero medal, hahaha."

Ding Sihan looked envious, "You are all so powerful. If only I were as powerful as you, I wouldn't be a drag on you."

Wei Yuanyao comforted her: "Don't worry, as long as you get out of this dungeon, you will definitely become very powerful. Your starting point is different from ours, and you may be even more powerful than us in the future."

Ding Sihan knew that Wei Yuanyao was comforting him, but he still clenched his fists and said, "I want to live."

Wei Yuanyao: "Okay, then let's work hard for this goal!"


Ding Sihan thought of something, turned around and looked around, and asked in a low voice: "Are our materials... gone?"

Everyone was busy running for their lives at that time, how could they run away with such heavy materials? So I lost it all unconsciously.

Ning Fan: "It's okay. The bodies of the supervisors and maintenance workers who were killed during the day have been hidden. Those bodies should be considered materials."

Ding Sihan suddenly realized, no wonder they discussed hiding the body during the day, thinking they were afraid of being discovered by the NPC...

"Get some rest and go out at dawn."

"Aren't we going to find someone else?"

"It's very dangerous outside." Ning Fan shook his head, "I won't go out tonight. Let's have a good rest and sleep."

Zhong Da and Wei Yuanyao said that you can meet the Tongren in the factory area if you walk a short distance away. Now that she is injured and has no materials, it is useless to look for other people.

Ding Sihan hugged herself and curled up into a ball, murmuring in a low voice: "I hope everyone is okay..."

The skylight dispersed the darkness of the factory area and enveloped the entire factory area. The employees who got up early made the quiet factory area gradually come alive.

Several embarrassed figures emerged from a certain factory door. Everyone looked disgraced and looked more like refugees than refugees.

The dirty clothes had lumps of wax condensed on them, and the boards of the clothes were like wax sculptures.

Feng Changting was picking at the wax on his wrist hard, and the corners of his lips were pursed into a line. Who would have thought that the wax was actually alive...it would condense quickly if it touched it, and would spread upwards.

If Miss Zhou hadn't reacted quickly and helped them, all of them would have turned into wax sculptures now.

Fortunately, everyone has completed this process.

All that remains is firing and pouring.

Today is the sixth day...

Tomorrow is the selection day.

The coppers had to be finished tonight, not just theirs but everyone else's.


Feng Changting thought about what happened last night. The situation was not very optimistic. He didn't know how many people would die tonight.

"Miss Zhou, what are you doing?"

Hearing Shen Jiu's voice, Feng Changting retracted his thoughts and looked to the side.

Yinsu had already walked some distance away and raised his hand to wave to them, "Of course it's time to eat and sleep."

——Welcome to my hell——

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