Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 821 Tongren Factory (39)


No, is the boss still in the mood to sleep?

Where can they sleep?

They could only watch Yinsu leave. Liu Yanlai sighed, "Let's go and find someone else."

Instead of going back to the dormitory, they went to the cafeteria.

Sure enough, the two scattered teams met in the cafeteria with a tacit understanding.

"Where is Zhou Ruoshuang?" Liu Yan came to scan the crowd and found that there was one missing person. "There is also a person named Lu Sheng who is not here either."

Li Li, Xin Zhi, and Zhang Hui died last night, and Huang Zhiyu disappeared. Counting Yin Su, there should be 12 surviving players.

But now there are only 9 people here.

There are five people from Liu Yanlai's side and four from Ning Fan's side.

Guan Can: "Isn't he dead?"

Ning Fan: "Lu Sheng is a newcomer and has a low chance of survival. Zhou Ruoshuang's control skills are not weak, so he shouldn't die that easily."

"Do you want to go look for it?"

"The factory is so big, where can we find it?" Guan Can sneered: "Look at us, injured and disabled, and still in the mood to care about others. I want you to go, but I won't go."

Although Guan Can's words didn't sound nice, he wasn't wrong either.

The factory area is too big.

Zhou Ruoshuang and Lu Sheng could be in any corner.

As for their own situation... pollution and injuries, although the medicine did not fail, it slowed down the healing of the wounds, and they were also very embarrassed.

"I have added Zhou Ruoshuang as a friend. I will transfer her points to see if she can respond." Shen Jiu said as he called up his personal panel.

Guan Can, who is also Shen Jiu's best friend, said strangely: "Why do you want to join everyone?"

"We are all friends." Shen Jiu laughed, "Expanding columns is my hobby."


Shen Jiu transferred 19 points to Zhou Ruoshuang.

Unfortunately, there was no movement from Zhou Ruoshuang's side.

"It seems the situation is getting worse." Shen Jiu closed his personal panel and looked at the others.

The old players are powerless at the moment, and the new players have problems protecting themselves. If Zhou Ruoshuang is not dead, she can only rely on herself.

Fortunately, someone quickly changed the topic and started talking about what happened to them after they separated last night.

After learning the true meaning of "The bronze man will not be resurrected", several people on Ning Fan's side were a little speechless.

They were chased everywhere by the Tongmen, but the way to deal with the Tongmen was clearly laid out in front of them.

"We have all seen the resurrection of the Bronze Man with our own eyes. This impression has been formed. When we meet the Bronze Man next, it will be difficult to change this inherent impression..."

"Players with mental skills will be fine, just brainwash them directly." Wei Yuanyao thought this plan was great, "Can Zhou Ruoshuang's control system..."

Liu Yanlai, who is more familiar with Zhou Ruoshuang's abilities, answered this question: "She is not mentally controlled. She can only control her by force and cannot change her mind."


"What about the props? Does anyone have such props?"

Liu Yanlai and Ning Fan emphasized their process of cleaning materials and applying wax, trying to tell them every detail they knew.

Cleaning the workshop is of little significance, it can only let them know that NPCs in the workshop are becoming more and more unrestricted.

The process of waxing is slightly safer, because they have already stepped on all the minefields that should be stepped on.

"That..." Ding Sihan raised his hands tremblingly, his expression hesitant and reserved.

Facing the looks cast by others, I felt a little more nervous.

Ning Fan patted her shoulder and said, "Now we are brainstorming. You can say whatever you want without fear of making a mistake."

Perhaps inspired, Ding Sihan took a breath and slowly exhaled, "I seem to have seen an NPC using the wax you mentioned when I was in the maintenance workshop..."

Ding Sihan was exhausted every day in the first two days in the maintenance workshop. She followed the NPCs to repair this and that. The dirty work was all hers.

Zhang Hui is an old player, and he can occasionally find ways to sneak away, but she doesn't dare.

Every time, she had no choice but to bite the bullet. Fortunately, the NPCs did not harm her except for asking her to do dirty work.

But because she kept following him, she also saw various operations performed by the NPC during maintenance.

Among them was the kind of wax they just described.

That's what maintenance workers use to seal...

Ding Sihan said cautiously: "There is a kind of engine oil in the maintenance workshop that can melt the wax... I saw an NPC do this."

Some repairs require removing the sealing wax first, repairing and then re-sealing.

The maintenance worker didn't dig it with his hands at all, but poured a kind of engine oil on it, and the sealing wax turned into water.

"The job arrangement of maintenance workers also has a deeper meaning." It is not only because of the safety of maintenance workers, but also the most critical clue.

So there are only two places for maintenance workers...

"What you said is very useful." Ning Fan affirmed Ding Sihan.

Ding Sihan's face showed a bit of joy: "It's good if it's useful."

The group of people quickly discussed their actions during the day to recover from their injuries and obtain the kind of engine oil Ding Sihan mentioned.

Wei Yuanyao added: "We also have to be careful of Chen Yi who pretends to be a corpse and does evil things in secret...it is hard to guard against someone who turns his companions into bronze men."

Just like Li Li, just die.

Chen Yi is the Sword of Damocles hanging above his head, casting layers of shadows on everyone's hearts.

Yinsu didn't know what the others were doing, and didn't want to know. After eating, she was still in the mood to 'cultivate' a relationship with her younger brothers, and then skipped class and went back to the director's dormitory to rest.

Xiao Tao, the newly appointed deputy director, was given the important task by her and was fully responsible for all work.

Xiao Tao: "..."

The deputy director is inappropriate.

Yinsu slept until the afternoon. When she got up, the dormitory was dark. If it weren't for her mobile phone, she almost thought she slept until the night.

Yinsu asked the hair-haired monster to expose the window, and the light from outside poured in.

Yinsu had something to eat and was standing by the window looking out, when Xiaotao knocked on the door.

She also brought a document.

It’s about the Bronze Man Competition.

There is nothing important, just to remind the contestants that today is the last day, and they need to put the made bronze figures in the designated place before dawn tomorrow.

"Have you met the factory director?"

"No." Xiao Tao shook his head, "This is what I saw in your office..."

Yinsu sat in the chair frustrated, the factory director was a coward...

"Do you really want to participate in the Bronze Man Competition?"

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Tao hesitated, "I heard that the employees who participated in the Bronze Man Competition and won awards disappeared in the end. The Bronze Man Competition is an ominous competition."

"I just like ominous games." Yinsu put his hands on his thighs and said as boldly as a madman, "I want to see who is the ominous one."


Yinsu thought of another thing, took out a photo album and spread it in front of Xiao Tao, "Xiao Tao, help me look at this."

Xiao Tao looked along Yinsu's finger.

It was a somewhat old photo, a group photo, in which a man was holding a woman's waist in a rather intimate pose.

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