Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 862 Do you want to try the monster world?

Chapter 862 Monster World·Want to try it?

The thoughts in his mind turned around, and Taibai appropriately revealed his doubts: "You guys? Do you have any companions?"

She just called that woman Ayisha, so who is this weirdo?

Yinsu replied casually: "Aguai is a monster, not an alien."

A series of question marks appeared above Taibai's head.

Didn't she just come to this world?

Taibai felt that she was not telling the truth, but when he talked to her just now, she did seem to know nothing.

It's a pity that Yinsu didn't mean to clear up the confusion.

Taibai was probably also thinking about what happened to her. The two of them fell silent, and for a while the only sound was him eating.

A few minutes later, Taibai had finished eating the food in his hand.

Taibai remembered another more important thing: "Miss Su, your game panel can still be used, can it contact people in the real world?"

"No, I just can open it."

"...That's it."

After they entered this world, everything related to the game disappeared.

"You are the first person I have met who can open the game panel after entering this world. I have never heard of such an example before. And the fact that you have no amnesia is also very special."

This matter is very important, and Taibai feels that he should find a way to bring her to meet other people in the organization.

Yinsu probably knows the reason.

Because the way they came here is different.

Although she hasn't figured out how to go back yet, she can definitely return to the real world.

Yinsu was not in a hurry to understand the world with Taibai and let him rest first. She left the second floor first and took away his weapons.

Before leaving, he asked the woman named Ayisha to stay and take care of him.

Taibai felt it was more like surveillance.

As soon as Ayixia waited for Yinsu to leave, she immediately twisted her waist and walked to Taibai, sat down, took his arm, Mingyan's face turned slightly red, and her voice was charming: "Sir, can I help you rest?"

Taibai: "..."

Miss Su asked you to take care of me. Isn't that how you take care of me?

Taibai took out his hand and refused in a gentlemanly manner: "Thank you, no need."

Ayixia leaned against Taibai, lying on his shoulder and breathing heavily: "Am I not beautiful? Does your husband dislike me?"

Miss Su took away his weapon and obviously didn't trust him very much.

Of course he didn't trust her that much.

The identity of the player has certain filter bonuses, but there is no guarantee that every player is a trustworthy companion.

Taibai didn't push Ayixia anymore, "Do you want to try the blood of a foreign race?"

Ayixia's eyes lit up and she couldn't report it...she had to have a taste of what foreigners were like.

Don't even think about that alien, but this... there was a lot of blood on him, and she just wanted to secretly lick it.

But I didn't expect him to be so enlightened...

"Is that okay?" She looked at Taibai shyly.

"Of course, it's just some blood." Taibai pressed open the unhealed wound on his wrist and handed it to Ayixia's lips.

She's just a C-level alien, Taibai hasn't taken her seriously yet.

So even if she loses control for a moment, he can still subdue her.

Ayisha looked at the bright red blood seeping out from the wound, her pupils dilated slightly, excitement and greed intertwined.

The blood that emerged gradually fell down, and Taibai reminded in a low voice: "Girl, don't waste it."

Ayisha's body trembled, she held his wrist, leaned forward and bit it.

The blood entered her mouth, and the crisp and sweet smell instantly overwhelmed her. She had never tasted something so delicious...

Aisha wanted to take a big sip, but her mind and body had their own ideas, and she couldn't take a sip at all.

The area on the arm where the seal was stamped was slightly hot.

Ayixia recalled what Yinsu had just said, asking her to take good care of this man and not let him get hurt...


Damn it! Damn it! !

Taibai was still wary that Ayixia would lose control, but unexpectedly she held his wrist in her mouth and froze, her expression changing from shock to ferocious.

"Miss Ayisha, what's wrong?"

Ayixia reluctantly let go of Taibai and said something against her will: "Haha, I don't like it very much either..."

Taibai: "..."

If your eyes weren't so hot, I would believe it.

"Is it Miss Su who won't let you go?" Taibai quickly thought of the key.

Ayisha said fiercely: "She asked me to take good care of you when she left. Don't let you get hurt. I can't disobey her."

"Can't you disobey her?"


Ayisha was stuck, and there was something she couldn't say.


Ayisha was going crazy because she couldn't eat the delicious food in front of her.

Taibai thought for a moment, she must have used a method to control her by placing the alienated person next to her...

"I caused the injury myself." Taibai smiled and pointed at the wound that was still bleeding, "Miss Ayixia, please help me stop the bleeding."

Ayesha looks at him.

Taibai handed over his wrist and pointedly said, "If Miss Ayixia doesn't bite hard, it shouldn't hurt me."

Ayixia's eyes moved, and the air was filled with an alluring sweetness.

But Ayisha did not lose control and was still rational. She stared at Taibai for a moment and suddenly sneered:

"I don't know anything, and I won't let you go, let alone find out anything from me. I can't tell you even if I want to. It's useless for you to bribe me."

Taibai didn't refute, just smiled: "Does the girl still want to give it a try?"


Ayisha was still moved.

She smacked her tongue secretly, recalling the taste...and couldn't help but swallow.

This damn alien seduces her! !

Ayisha glared at him: "You volunteered!"


Ayisha took Taibai's hand, lowered her head and put it on the wrist. She learned the lesson from last time, she didn't dare to bite it.

After trying a few licks, Ayixia didn't feel the strange restraint. She was delighted. She held Taibai's hand and licked the blood that overflowed from the wound like a kitten. From time to time, she glanced at Taibai to warn him that he would suddenly Get angry.

Taibai sat quietly without any movement.

"Is Miss Su really called Su Renren?"

"Ah... I don't know." Ayisha said vaguely: "She didn't tell me what her name was."

Ayisha really doesn't know her name, Aguai calls her a crazy woman...

"When did you and her meet?"



Taibai tried to ask a few more questions, and Ayisha answered them all, but the answers were extremely perfunctory, either he didn't know, he didn't know, or he couldn't tell and dismissed him.

Every time after answering, I never forget to urge him to press more blood.

Taibai felt that she deliberately lied to him about his blood.

As for the weirdo...

Aisha didn't answer a word. She probably couldn't say anything.

Although Ayixia's answer was extremely perfunctory, Taibai was almost certain that today was Miss Su's first day in this world.

——Welcome to my hell——

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