Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 863 Monster World, you are so hungry

Chapter 863 Monster World·You are so hungry

Since it was her first day here, her identity was much simpler.

After confirming this, Taibai knew what he should say in the next conversation.

The little blood that seeped out of the wound was not much, so Taibai had almost no damage. He found something to wrap around the wound.

Ayixia was a little dizzy, and she didn't want to pay any attention to Taibai at this time, let alone take care of her... She moved lightly and stood far away.

"You look so disgusting."

An unfamiliar voice sounded, and Taibai looked over.

A woman came over from the other side, her kimono was dirty and torn, and she was looking at Ayisha with a frown.

Ayisha was still immersed in the delicious food, "He tastes good."

The woman's expression became even more disgusting, "You don't mind if he dies. Are you so hungry?"

Taibai thought she might have misunderstood something.

Ayisha curled her lips: "What are you thinking about? I'm talking about his blood. Ah... do you want to try it? The alien race is really delicious. It would be even better if you could eat it whole..."

Having said this, Aisha's red face showed a bit of intoxication and greed.

The woman sneered coldly and said with great disdain: "Whoever eats that thing is a waste without pursuit."

Waste Aisha: "..."

That thing Taibai: "..."

The cement monster glanced at Taibai. She also had greed in her eyes, but it was different from Ayisha. She wanted to kill herself...

The cement monster took one look and looked away, "Where is that crazy woman?"

"Going down." Ayisha glanced downstairs, "Didn't you see her?"

The cement monster cursed: "I saw it and asked you what a waste."

Ayisha: "..." It's not necessary to say nothing about trash.

Yinsu came back half an hour later and asked the cement monster and Ayisha to prepare to leave.

They had just commandeered this place and hadn't even started to clean it up properly. There was nothing left to pack. The most they could do was to carry the legacy of the Cardinal Organization.

"Why do you want to leave here? Didn't you say you would use this place as a base for the time being?" Ayisha asked in confusion.

Yinsu said nothing and walked out quickly.

Ayixia touched the tip of her nose and took a look at Taibai. She must wear this...

"Can you walk by yourself?"

"……it should be OK."

The medicine Su Renren gave him had fully taken effect at this time, and he had no problem walking on his own.

"Then let's go." Ayisha urged.

Yinsu and the cement monster walked in the front, Taibai was in the middle, and Ayisha was at the end.

The four people soon left the abandoned factory, surrounded by grass and grass. Except for a road, there was no other living creature.

Occasionally, you can see some dilapidated buildings that have long been uninhabited, piles of debris, and huge pipes with unknown uses.

They didn't go far when they heard the roar of a car ahead, and the sound was coming this way.

Yinsu immediately went deep into the grass and got into the stacked pipes. The others followed her into the pipes.

The pipe is so big that a person can almost walk upright in it.

No one said anything, listening to the roar of cars outside getting closer.

The hair monster probed the entrance of the pipe to observe and fed back the information to Yinsu.

It was the silver-white heavy armored vehicle that I had seen before. There were three of them, and they were speeding towards the Cardinal's station.

It's the Guards.

Two cars had passed, but the speed of the third car suddenly slowed down and gradually stopped.

Someone got out of the car and was looking over here.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I seemed to have been disturbed by something just now. It was a bit strange."


"I'll go over there."

The sound of conversation came vaguely.


Someone is coming this way.

A weird smile immediately appeared on the cement monster's face, and he wanted to go out and fight.

Unfortunately, she was grabbed by Yinsu and could not rush out. She could only squat awkwardly next to Yinsu and stare at the exit of the passage with dissatisfaction.

Taibai touched the bracelet on his wrist. As he pressed a certain place on the bracelet, slight fluctuations spread out from the air.

Yinsu glanced at him.

Taibai didn't speak, he just gestured, which probably meant that he could block some detection equipment.


The sound is getting closer.

Yinsu glanced at the hair lying on her shoulders. The hair monster immediately understood Yinsu's meaning and silently extended from the bottom of the pipe and wandered close to the ground.

"Did you find anything over there?"


"Then leave quickly, they are urging you."


The man glanced at the pile of pipes in front of him and then at the device on his wrist. He found nothing unusual and turned around to leave.

In the grass, a strand of hair was curled up in the air. It stood up and stared at the back of the person leaving, watching them get into the car and leave.

The hair monster retreated into the pipe and retracted into Yinsu's hair.


Yinsu let go of the cement monster.

The cement monster snorted: "Just kill them, why are you hiding?"

Aisha felt that this colleague was really cruel and murderous, "Those are the guards. Killing one of them will attract a group of people."

The cement monster bared his teeth: "Then kill a bunch of them."

Yinsu ignored the cement monster and looked at Taibai: "Didn't you say they can't track you?"

Although Taibai said that he had used the medicine, the aura belonging to the foreign race would soon dissipate.

But Yinsu still went out for a walk.

As a result, it was discovered that a guard vehicle was driving this way.

They didn't stop at any time and rushed towards the direction where Cardinal was stationed.

Whether they were going somewhere else or discovering something, they couldn't stay there.

"It stands to reason that it cannot be tracked." Taibai rubbed his cheek, "But I can't guarantee it 100%. It may be that I left some biological information, or they may have used someone with special powers who is good at tracking."

Taibai paused and said in a sincere tone: "And it's not necessarily for me."

The Cardinals organization was slaughtered.

Maybe something slipped through the net?

Maybe someone sent some signal in the middle?

Organizations like Cardinal must have connections with the people in the Guangming District, so it's not surprising that they would join the Guards.

"Are you sure you've killed all the Cardinals?"

"Of course." The cement monster was questioned about his ability and said unhappily: "I killed them according to the number, and there were not many of them."

Yinsu pondered for a moment, "Get out of here first." No matter who he came for, it was not safe to stay here.

The Omniscient Group is a behemoth.

Yinsu, who was extremely short of information, did not want to register there at this time.

"Is there any safe place?" Yinsu asked the cement monster.

"Black Wolf, their place is pretty good. It's underground and very secluded. Last time I sneaked in to kill that stinky rat and almost didn't come out. Damn it... wolves should live in the mountains and forests, like rats, living underground. What's the name of a black wolf? It's better to call them a black rat." The cement monster cursed twice and grinned: "Hey, let's kill them. Oh, they are still rich."

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