Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 891 Oasis (13)

It is said that a long time ago there was a general who led troops to fight with great prowess and also had some mysterious abilities.

Once, he and a team got lost in the desert.

No way out could be found, food and water were quickly exhausted, and people in the team gradually died.

As more and more people died, the general did not want to watch his men die, so he decided to take a few people to find water and a way out.

It's a pity that the general never came back.

On the third day after the general disappeared, the surviving people moved numbly in one direction, as if they were guided by something.

Just when they were about to faint, they saw a pool of spring water.

After everyone quenched their thirst and recovered, they found the general's belongings in the spring.

But I searched all around and couldn't find the general.

Thinking of the inexplicable guidance that led them here, they felt that the spring water was transformed by the general. It was the general who guided them here and sacrificed his life to save everyone.

And why can the general turn into a spring of water?

That must be God.

Only God can do this.

It was the general’s desire to save them that moved God, so God fulfilled the general’s wish.

Therefore, these people took this spring as the center, stayed here to multiply, and claimed to be God's people.

That spring is called "General Spring".

Later, plants gradually grew around Jiangjun Spring, and eventually evolved into the oasis it is today.

This story sounds like there is nothing wrong with it, but if you think about it carefully, there are many problems in it.

Here, Wu Bujing also discovered that there was something wrong with this story: "If God has such great power, why didn't he save them directly instead of letting the general turn into spring water?"

Qiangwei also had the courage to say what she found strange: "Since it was the general who transformed into spring water and saved them, why don't they believe in the general, but in a god they have never seen?"

Little Zaizi: "..."

He opened his lips but didn't make a sound for a while, not knowing how to explain.

"Anyway, that's how it is!!" the little boy finally said, using his voice to cover up his ignorance.

Yinsu felt that this little kid probably didn't know much more. It was just like the rumors in a village. A kid only knew what the adults spread intentionally, but didn't know the real story.

Yinsu did not discuss this issue with him in depth: "Is there anything else?"

The kid knows this.

There are no other rumors in Streamer City.

The General Spring is at the end of Flowing Light City.

It should be the big pit she saw last night.

Yinsu asked him some more things about the village...Liuguang City.

According to Xiao Zaizi, the people living here are descendants of the team that the general once led.

The people living here are simple and self-sufficient. Even if the outside environment is harsh, they live a good life.

As for the guests…

Xiao Zai Zi said that occasionally lost travelers would come into the city, and they would help these guests and let them stay here.

When guests want to leave, they will also help them prepare the supplies and water they need for departure.

"I told you, you should let me go." The little boy rolled his eyes and demanded. He was going to find the city lord uncle to capture her and kill her! !


Yinsu personally loosened the rope for the little boy.

Seeing Yinsu's smiling face, the little boy had no intention of doing anything to him. As soon as the rope was untied, he got up from the ground and rushed towards the door.

He opened the door and as soon as he stepped out, he was pulled back again the next second.

The little cub lay on his back, his hands and feet swung together, and he lay there upright, like a mummy.


Why can't I move...

The little kid felt like he was nailed to the ground at this time, and it was difficult to even raise his head.

A face appeared above him, still smiling, with a gentle and gentle tone: "Oh, my friend seems reluctant to let you go, I'm really sorry."

He said he was embarrassed, but his words were full of gloating.

The little boy reacted and yelled: "You just promised to let me go!!"

Yinsu spread his hands, "Yes, I agreed, but what can I do if my friend doesn't agree? Hey, just bear with it."

Little Zaizi: "..."

What can he endure? !

This damn thief! !

Qiangwei looked at the mycelium-like hair on the ground with some fear, which reminded her of a common scene in horror movies.

But these hairs... are now extending from this sister.

Qiangwei quickly reassured herself that it must be under the control of her sister and would not behave like in horror movies.

...But it’s still scary!

Perhaps it was the fear of hair that prevented Qiangwei from paying attention to the little kid who was disappearing into the hair. She just passed the first lesson of witnessing death in the dungeon.

After coming out of that house, there were fewer people outside, but there were still people looking over here.

I was a little surprised and surprised when I saw her coming out of the yard. I greeted them more enthusiastically and didn't care at all what happened in that family's house just now.

Yinsu did not go into the fellow villager's house again, but walked in the direction of Jiangjunquan.

Qiangwei still grabbed Wu Bujing's arm and followed him.

She actually wanted to go to the other side of Yinsu. She finally understood that her brother was using this sister as his backer.

She really wanted to be the two useless guardians with her brother, but when she saw the hair behind Yinsu, she couldn't help but think of scenes in horror movies.

So Qiangwei feels that she still needs to adapt...

After getting farther away from the crime scene, Wu Bujing finally let go of his worries.

Wu Bujing began to mutter: "Since we were marching and fighting, how could there be women in the army at that time? Where did so many offspring come from? They couldn't have been forced by the environment to evolve and change from male to female? This story is certain has a problem."

Yinsu: "Maybe the Jiangjun Spring has some special effects."

"What special effect?"

"The kingdom of girls!" Qiangwei immediately thought of the classic novel, "Men can also get pregnant!"

Wu Bujing: "No way..."

Flowing Light City is not a country of girls either.

The residents here look normal...



It doesn't seem normal.

A bright light flashed in Wu Bujing's mind, and he immediately looked at Yinsu.

"Boss, all the residents in Liuguang City have rosy faces. Except for the darker skin, almost none of them are particularly thin. Even if Liuguang City can be self-sufficient, the place is not big... There is still desert outside, how do they do it? Eat so well?"

Yinsu: "Did you find food just now?"

Wu Bujing's eyes changed: "No, I didn't see any food. They...are not human?"

Yinsu smiled: "It might also be a cannibal."


This is not funny at all.

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