Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 892 Oasis (14)

At the end of Liuguang City, there is General Spring.

The large pit surrounded by stones was now filled with clear water.

In the center of the pit, there is a big tree. Its branches and leaves are so prosperous that it blocks the entire Jiangjun Spring. Fragments of skylight fall from the leaves and are mottled on the clear water, as brilliant as broken gold.

The residents lined up to fetch water, quietly and reverently. Even when they communicated, their voices were lowered, and no one made a loud noise.

Even when they saw them coming, no one greeted them with a playful smile, as if it would offend them.

Wu Bujing was surprised, covered his mouth and whispered: "This tree..."

He wasn't here last night, but others were.

They said there was only one big pit, but they didn't say there were trees in the big pit.

Yinsu looked at the tree thoughtfully. The tree reminded her of the tree in Zhumeng Apartment.

But the two trees look different.

【Jiangjunquan·Holy land of water that never dries up·? 】

[Bloodwood tree·an ordinary tree]

[Low wall stack]

[Public wooden bucket for fetching water]


[Liang Chengcai·Residents of Liuguang City]

[Liang Da Niu·Residents of Liuguang City]

There is still a question mark about Jiangjun Spring, but apart from the special name of that tree, there is no question mark...

Yinsu stared at the tree and didn't know what he was planning. Wu Bujing didn't dare to go there by himself, so he could only stand on the outside with Qiangwei and watch.

At this moment, a player came over.

"Hey...you guys are here too?"

Two female players came over. One was named Xuan Taotao (táo). She was wearing a mask and black clothes, but her twin ponytails were tied with two bows made of red ribbons.

Xuan Taotao seems to be young, but her temper is not very good. She has a bit of a young lady temperament - fortunately, she doesn't like to talk very much.

The other one is called Fu Ling, a martial arts trainer who speaks in a carefree manner, probably because of regular exercise, which makes people feel very powerful and safe.

The one who spoke just now was Fuling, and her eyes paused on Yinsu.

The difficult problem that Miss Hao Shan left for them this morning made it so that everyone now has to supervise each other and cooperate at the same time.


However, if there is really a spy... then you have to thank them properly.

The current situation is unknown. Fu Ling has no ill intentions towards Miss Hao Shan and has no favorable impressions.

So she didn't shy away from Yinsu and said hello directly.

The other party took the initiative to say hello, and Yinsu responded politely.

The eldest lady, Xuan Taotao, was not so good-tempered. She raised her head slightly and stared at Yinsu with her black and white eyes: "Hey, how did you know there was a spy in our team?"

"I was just talking nonsense."

"You're talking nonsense?"

"Yes, I am sowing discord." Yinsu said in a calm tone, "Is this the answer you want?"

Xuan Taotao: "..."

Xuan Taotao heard that the woman said this deliberately.

"I'm just curious about how you know. If you don't want to talk, just don't. Why are you so weird?"

Xuan Taotao snorted coldly and turned his head away, as if he didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Fu Ling: "..."

Yu Conngling said, don't mess with this guy.

Fuling and Xuan Taotao were not very familiar with each other and didn't know much about each other, so they didn't say anything to avoid causing trouble.

She turned around and asked Wu Bujing: "Xiao Wu, how long have you been here?"

Wu Bujing answered honestly: "I just arrived..."

Fuling took the initiative and said: "We just found out that this water source is called General Spring, and the water source of the entire Liuguang City comes from here."

Fuling looked at the big tree: "There were no trees here yesterday..."

"There were no green plants in the city last night." Wu Bujing said, "So it's quite normal for a tree to appear here."

"That's right..." Fu Ling felt heavy when she thought of the green plants all over the city. "It was an empty city last night. I don't know how these people and green plants came out. No one felt anything at all."

Fuling and Wu Bujing started to communicate, Qiangwei and Xuan Taotao stared at each other, and neither of them spoke.

Yinsu did not interfere in their exchange, walked towards Jiangjunquan, and lined up directly behind the team.

The NPC in front of her looked back at her and lowered his voice: "Do you want to fetch water? You don't have a container with water. If you want to fetch water, you have to bring something yourself."

Facing the NPC's kind reminder, Yinsu was not very polite and smiled sinisterly: "No, I want to put some poison."

The NPC's eyes suddenly widened, and the kindness on his face gradually disappeared.

When the NPC was about to completely change his face, Yinsu immediately stretched out his two index fingers, put them against the corners of the NPC's mouth, and said, "I'm just kidding, why are you still angry? Don't be angry. You will easily die if you are angry."

"???" What is this foreigner talking nonsense! !

The corners of the NPC's mouth were forced to turn up, and the expression was stiff and unnatural. No matter how you looked at it, it looked ferocious.

The NPC didn't expect that Yinsu would move his hands and feet. He was stunned for a full two seconds and then tilted his head back to avoid Yinsu's disruptive hand.

"Guests should not joke around here." The NPC stared at her coldly, "If you anger the tree god, the tree god will punish you, and the guests may not be able to bear it."

"Tree god?"

Yinsu tilted her head and looked at the big tree in front of her: "This tree?"

The NPC's eyes became colder, "The tree god has given us abundant water sources. Everything we have is given by the tree god. Please be respectful and don't offend the tree god."

Yinsu rolled her eyes and covered her mouth cooperatively, indicating that she would stop talking nonsense.

The NPC snorted coldly and then turned around.

Yinsu began to observe these NPCs fetching water.

Every time they fetch water, they will devoutly say something like, 'Thank the tree god for the gift' or 'The tree god bless'.

There doesn't seem to be any requirements between the two. You can say whichever you want.

The team moved forward quickly, and it was the turn of the NPC in front of Yinsu.

To fetch water, you need to do it yourself, using a public bucket to fetch the water and pour it into your own container.

The NPC threw the public barrel into the spring water. Just as the NPC bent down to lift the water, his body suddenly moved forward and fell into the water with a crash.


The crowd in line immediately became panicked.

"Someone fell into the water!"

"Quick, pull him up quickly."


"Hurry up, pull me up! Come and help me."

"Blood...there is blood!!"

"Go and call the city lord!!"

Wu Bujing and others who were standing in the distance heard the sound of falling into the water, and their expressions were startled. Why... fell into the water?

No one saw what happened, and when the sound was heard, the person had already fallen into the water.

So several people were at a loss at this time.

Wu Bujing glanced at the figure in the crowd, and an idea flashed - did the boss do it?

But what are you doing pushing someone into the water?

Are you toying with NPCs?

...It’s something a big boss would do.

Although Wu Bujing didn't understand Yinsu's real intention in doing this, he didn't dare to say anything nonsense at this time. He raised his feet and wanted to pass, but was stopped by Fu Ling.

——Welcome to my hell——

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