Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 985 The Golden Country (End)

Neither Jing Suisui nor Master would take the initiative to talk about this matter. Lin Youzhi did guess it after his own observation.

With Yin Suchu here, Lin Youzhi didn't dare to gossip anymore, and called her mother in her heart for help.

After finally waiting for Yinsu to leave, Lin Youzhi leaned against Guofeng with a look of exhaustion, "It's so scary."

Guangfeng: "..."

It's not that scary.

The process of exchanging hearts for heart-shaped gold went relatively smoothly without any surprises.

After everyone gets the heart-shaped gold, they lie down in the gold coffin and get the key to pass the level.

Jing Suisui walked to Yinsu's side and said, "Call me next time there is a copy of death."

This is the first time Yinsu has seen someone so active in entering a dungeon of death. Look at Boss Kang, he loses contact as soon as he mentions this.

"You want to enter the death dungeon so much, are you not afraid of dying?" Even if you follow her into the dungeon, you may die.

Jing Suisui: "We have been heading toward death."

Yinsu sighed: "If I have the chance, I will invite you."

"Thank you." Jing Suisui tightened his black robe and said, "Goodbye."

After saying that, Jing Suisui's figure disappeared in front of her.

Yitong and the three others were talking to Du Xia, and they also had some polite words. Everyone said goodbye and left the dungeon one by one.

Basement 6, Room 1.

In addition to the team that entered the dungeon, there were also two members responsible for staying behind.

For them, Du Xia and others just disappeared and reappeared in an instant.

"Sister Xia."

"Let's look at Xian Xinzhi first." Du Xia pointed to Xian Xinzhi next to him.

When Xian Xinzhi came out of the copy, his body had returned to normal, but he still seemed to be able to feel the pain caused previously.

Xian Xinzhi did not refuse to check himself first.

Du Xia looked towards Yin Su: "Miss Su, are you taking a rest now?"

Yinsu: "Take a break for half an hour and call the next group."

Die early... No, work early and rest early.

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements right away." Du Xia asked He Fanghui to take the others out for inspection and rest while she went to call the next group.

Yinsu asked for leave from the school and took the rest of the group with him in two days.

Next, it depends on their training.

If you want to enter the death dungeon, you probably have to practice hard in the dungeon.

After the first batch of training, Yinsu went to Jiang Qi to ask for her reward for teaching - space props.

Jiang Qi was happy and gave it to her directly.

"The space is not big, about the same size as a room of about ten square meters, but it can accommodate both dead and living things."

The Investigation Bureau has no extra space props, and this one was left behind by a member who died not long ago...

"Look, if it doesn't work, I'll find a way to get you a bigger one."

Yinsu didn't need much space, so he was very satisfied with it: "Okay, it's enough."

Jiang Qi was a little confused: "I remember Miss Su should have space, why do you need a space prop?"

She could take out things at will, and that time in the dungeon, the corpse she picked up also disappeared out of thin air.

There is definitely room for her.

Is the space too small?

Yinsu chuckled: "It's okay not to mention the broken space."

Jiang Qi: "..."

Even a very small space is precious, so why should the space be destroyed?

Yinsu and Jiang Qi talked about the monster world again. Yinsu was not sure when he would go in next time.

She had to wait for the invitation to pop up on its own...

So Yinsu felt that Jiang Qi and the others had to find other ways to enter the monster world.

"Miss Su, do you think there is another way to enter the world of monsters?"

"Maybe there is."

There are so many things you can do in the world of monsters.

That world can be said to be the lair of the ‘god’, so just give it a blow.

After discussing with Jiang Qi, Yinsu went directly to Boss Kang to find Pu Tingchun.

Pu Tingchun was wearing a cute plush headband, her pink face was full of spring, she was jumping up and down as she walked, looking very happy, her long pink hair flying behind her.

When the little girl saw Yinsu, she quickly returned to normal. She walked up to Yinsu with small steps and looked at her with clear and bright eyes, "Miss Su, why are you here?"

"I want to ask you something."

Pu Tingchun put his hands on his chest and said, "You ask, I will tell you what I know."

"Going to your place?"

"Oh oh oh, yes!" Pu Tingchun quickly led the way, but not to the previous floor. "Due to the spar incident during this period, the boss changed me to a larger room, hehe."

"Boss Kang didn't bully you, right?"

"No, the boss treats me very well." Pu Tingchun was very grateful to Kang Mai, and his words were full of respect.

While the two were talking, they arrived at the floor where Pu Tingchunxin's room was located.

This room occupies almost a third of the entire floor, including Pu Tingchun's living room and studio. It is also equipped with an agent and two assistants, one in charge of the studio and one in charge of her life.

In this way, Pu Tingchun only needs to be responsible for forging, and the agent is responsible for negotiating prices and communicating with customers.

The agent and two assistants had gone to do some work at this time, but Yinsu didn't see anyone.

Pu Tingchun took Yinsu directly into the small living room and brought water and snacks like a little squirrel.

Before the two of them got down to business, Kang Mai knocked on the door and came in.

Boss Kang sat down on the pink sofa that Pu Tingchun had carefully taken care of. His burly figure made the sofa look much smaller.

Boss Kang gulped down two glasses of water, "Miss Su has been at the Investigation Bureau recently, how come you have time to come to me, is there something big going on?"

"No, just come and take a look."

Kang Mai was suspicious, "How is the team at the Investigation Bureau going? Can they enter the death dungeon?"

Yin Su felt that Boss Kang overestimated himself and the people in the Investigation Bureau: "I am a human, not a god, and I cannot create gods."

Kang Mai: "..."

Kang Mai changed the subject: "Why did you come to see Xiao Pu?"

Pu Tingchun also looked at Yin Su obediently, waiting for Yin Su to ask questions.

Yin Su took out the balance bike, "This thing, see if you can find a way to make it fly higher, or increase its speed."

Pu Tingchun took the balance bike and looked at it, and quickly said: "This is a prop made by the player."


Pu Tingchun frowned slightly, "Player-made props are different from game-produced props. It is easy to add buffs by stacking props in the game, but it is difficult to make player-made props."

"But..." Pu Tingchun thought of another possibility: "If there are wind crystals or flying and speed crystals, it should be possible to speed up or take off."

Crystals with attributes are not so easy to get.

She only has two attribute crystals now. Even if she is lucky, one of the crystals is just right, and it is a bit of a waste to use it to upgrade the balance bike.

Yin Su pondered: "What if it is modified from the beginning of manufacturing?"

"Uh..." Pu Tingchun thought for a while: "It shouldn't work? The player who made this balance bike should have thought of such a simple and basic function. If it is not added, it can only prove that it is not feasible..."

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