Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 986: Reality Keeps Going

The first is to keep going

Pu Tingchun looked at the balance car twice and said, "If I can find the maker, maybe I can discuss it with the maker to see if I can find a solution."

Pu Tingchun looked at Yin Su: "Does Miss Su know this maker?"

Yin Su shook her head: "But I can ask."

Yin Su took out her phone and found Jing Suisui, typed a message and sent it.

Jing Suisui replied quickly.

【Unknown Creeper: What are you asking about him for? Do you want to buy more? I still have a lot, I can give you. 】

Yin Su: "..."

How many did the big investors hoard? ?

【Su Dashanren: No, I want to see if I can increase the speed and height. 】

【Unknown Creeper: Oh. 】

【Unknown Creeper: I don't know if it's dead or not, I'll get back to you after I get the news. 】

【Su Dashanren: OK, thank you. 】

【Unknown Creeper: You're welcome, just sell me one after you research it. 】

【Su Dashanren: No problem. ]

Yin Su thought Jing Sui Sui would take at least a day to reply, after all, from what she said, she was obviously not familiar with that person.

Who knew that while she was having a meal and chatting with Boss Kang, Jing Sui Sui's news came.

[Unknown Creeper: Not dead. ]

[Unknown Creeper: Baiguo Village, Chixiang District, Shanchi City, the specific address is unknown, if you want to find him, you can only go here, he doesn't answer the phone or go online, his temper is weird and difficult to deal with... But as long as you are willing to spend points, you can do anything except let him die and kill people. ]

Yin Su: "..."

Shanchi City...

The alien Taibai in the monster world seems to be from this city.

Shanchi City is a little far from Lanjiang City, and it takes about nine hours to drive.

Yin Su gave the address to Kang Mai and asked him to send someone to look for it.

Kang Mai is not very interested in balance cars, of course, if he can really make one, he should be able to sell it for a good price.

After all, those players who have just entered the dungeon will need this kind of prop that can escape.

However, the biggest limitation is that players without space cannot bring this item into the game, so it is not that useful.

But... players who can make their own items are very useful.

Boss Kang is very interested in collecting all kinds of players.

So Boss Kang went there excitedly.



Yin Su returned home, and the plaster statue never disappoints. Fortunately, after being repaired by the hair monster and Dai Ling, this guy knows to throw away things that will not break.

Yin Su changed into comfortable home clothes and lay on the sofa to browse the forum.

The forum is very lively during this period.

It is mixed with all kinds of strange gossip, which is bloody and bizarre, and very attractive.

Yin Su likes to read these gossips to relax when he has nothing to do.

Yin Su rested at home for a day, and then continued to lead a new group of teams in the Investigation Bureau.

Try to bring another group of people in before the end of the fixed copy. It’s okay if the time is too tight, they can train slowly later.

So Yin Su is even busier every day.

Wu Bujing looked like he had no desire to live every day, but his partner showed up these days.

Du Zhubai still had a bald head, came and went without a trace, and followed Wu Bujing like a ghost.

Wu Bujing was often frightened by her, and then Du Zhubai rolled her eyes to show her disgust.

Yin Su was curious: "What have you been training these days?"

"Being chased by tigers, crocodiles, dinosaurs... Being chased by various animals." Wu Bujing hung his head and spoke weakly.

"Nothing else to train?"

Wu Bujing: "She said that what I have to train now is to run faster... I think I run pretty fast."

"Then have you been caught up by an animal?"


Wu Bujing's silence was deafening.

"That proves that you are not fast enough." Yin Su said ruthlessly: "You have to keep working hard."

Wu Bujing: "..."

He regretted it a little.

What do you mean you only need to call her... Bullshit! ! Women's mouths are deceiving!!

Wu Bujing buried his head in eating.

He now consumes too much energy every day and can eat three bowls of rice in one meal.

Wu Bujing was eating vigorously when Du Zhubai suddenly stood up and reached out to pull him.

Wu Bujing didn't swallow a mouthful of rice. His face was horrified and his tone was vague: "I haven't finished eating yet..."

"Something happened. I need your help."



In the medical room.

Two bloody players were lying on the bed. Liu Liu and another healing player were treating them.

Unfortunately, the effect was not good. The condition of the two was still very bad and they could die at any time.

Du Zhubai and Wu Bujing suddenly appeared in the room.

Although he didn't know what the two people lying on the bed had experienced, Wu Bujing knew that they were in critical condition at a glance, and he didn't care about anything else. He stepped forward and held their hands.

His treatment generally does not require physical contact.

But physical contact will be more effective.

Wu Bujing joined in, and Liu Liu and the other therapist did not dare to stop and continued to maintain their lives.

The wounds on the two injured people began to heal quickly after Wu Bujing started to treat them, and then completely disappeared.

Skin injuries are easy to treat.

But the internal organs of these two people were almost severely damaged. Under normal circumstances, they should have died long ago.

They are not dead yet, probably because of the props and the treatment by Liu Liu and others.

Outside the treatment room, Yin Su stood in front of the transparent observation window, looking at the scene inside.

Captain Ogawa Rei, whom I met last time in Yamaga County, was also guarding with a solemn expression.

Yan Yuanqing came back from Shanlu County at some unknown time and was walking quickly this way.

Oga Ling called out: "Vice team."

Yan Yuanqing nodded, looked at Yinsu and greeted her: "Miss Su."

Yinsu gestured to the treatment room: "What's going on?"

Yan Yuanqing didn't know what was going on yet, "Captain Wei, please tell me the details."

Wei Heling: "The Nightmare Advent member Yan Baimei we captured last time was interrogated after she was brought back and it was discovered that she had participated in the Lingyue Pavilion incident before."

In the Lingyue Pavilion massacre, a couple named Han were murdered during a banquet. No one survived, including all the guests who attended the banquet that day.

No murderer has been caught in this case.

"We followed this clue and found something else... The case at Ling Yue Pavilion was planned by Nightmare. However, during the pursuit of the clues, the people from Nightmare noticed that they deliberately set a trap. Among our people Got the trick..."

Everyone else was dead, and these two were the only ones left alive.

The more Yan Yuanqing listened, the more solemn his face became, "Where were these two people found?"

Oga Ling: "It's two kilometers away from the crime scene. He should have escaped..."

Yinsu leaned against the glass window and looked at the bloody two people inside: "Maybe they were released on purpose."

Yan Yuanqing immediately called someone on the phone to clear several nearby medical rooms, and then asked people to surround the medical room.

Only Du Zhubai in the treatment room had good fighting ability, and Yan Yuanqing arranged for someone to go in to protect the therapist in case of any situation.

This was just their speculation without evidence, but the person lying inside was their companion and they had to save it.

Hopefully they're just overthinking it.

They were just lucky enough to escape.

——Welcome to my hell——

It’s the end of the month, my dears, if you still have monthly tickets, you can vote~~

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