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Chapter 886 Forgotten, Mount Everest

Behind the tree, the monster that they thought was a wild man ran out from behind the tree.

"What the hell?" The diving staff rubbed their eyes with horror.

But when they opened their eyes the next moment, they found that the shadow was still behind the tree, extremely blurry.

There was no sign of movement at all.

Was it because of his dazzled eyes?

Seeing that the photo had not changed, he was relieved.

The photo was fixed at the moment it was taken, so how could it be changed?

"It seems that I have been under a lot of pressure recently. I must have a good drink after that guy comes back." The staff regarded the "dazzled eyes" just now as the pressure of work.

This incident was quickly forgotten, and they could not even remember it.

I don't know how long it took, and the photo that Lao Zhang had just sent disappeared together.

In this group, Lao Zhang's previous words were all there, but the photo disappeared.

But the strange thing is that everyone forgot the whole fact of the photo.

Even when they checked Lao Zhang's disappearance later.

The performances of several people were surprisingly consistent.

Lao Zhang? What Lao Zhang? When did he speak in the work group?

But until the staff of the investigation took out the chat records of several people in the work group, several people were confused.

They didn't remember this incident at all!

As if forgotten by the world, just like the disappeared Lao Zhang...

"What is this guy doing, driving the submarine so fast?" The diving staff frowned.

If it weren't for the normal images from the submarine, he would have thought something had happened.

In the images sent back by the submarine, the diver was sitting in the submarine without taking off his diving suit.

He controlled the submarine to move continuously towards another sea area.

He even looked at the surveillance camera from time to time, as if he was saying hello to him?

"When did this guy work so hard? Didn't we agree to slack off together?" The person in charge of recording yawned, and stopped watching the surveillance camera because he was a little bored.


Mount Everest

The highest mountain in the world!

A group of people are climbing on Mount Everest, but the equipment of these people is a little scary.

There are nearly 100 people in the group.

You know, climbing Mount Everest is a very dangerous thing.

Generally, in order to ensure the climb of one person, a large logistics support team is needed.

If so many people climb together, if there is any accident, almost the whole army will be wiped out.

There will be no situation of carrying wounded people, but just leaving them here to die.

After all, in such an extremely cold environment, the lives of ordinary people are extremely fragile.

But the strange thing is that these people wearing and carrying extremely professional instruments have not fallen behind after such a long journey.

It's just that their breathing is a little rapid.

This group of 100-person investigation teams has long been able to reach the top of the mountain, but for some reason, they have been staying halfway up the mountain.

At an altitude of about 5,000 to 6,000 meters, the environment here is extremely bad.

The surroundings are white, and a leader in the team holds an instrument in his hand, as if he is looking for something.

The radar in their hands kept flashing, but they never got the result they wanted.

"Still haven't found it?" A person at the back of the team stepped forward, speaking a language that was not Dragon Country's, but with a smell of curry.

"No, the radar in my hand didn't respond." The leader said.

"We have to move faster. This is Dragon Country's monitoring range. If they find us, it won't be easy for us to leave."

"We are all players this time. What can Dragon Country people do to keep us?" The leader's tone was full of disdain, as if he didn't take Dragon Country's players seriously.

"Don't forget why we came here this time. Don't make trouble." The man reminded him at the end, and then he didn't say anything more and returned to the team.

The disdain on the face of the leader still didn't fade, looking at the radar in his hand.


The red dots on the radar began to change, one by one... Then, they were surrounded.

"Fuck!" The leader cursed.

A tall man, wearing only a short-sleeved shirt on the upper body, holding a rocket launcher in his hand: "Damn it, is this the place you should come to?"

Countless Dragon Country players appeared behind Zhang Jun. They have been lying in ambush here for who knows how long.

Unlike Zhang Jun, who only wore a short-sleeved shirt.

Although the physiques of the others were good, they were not as abnormal as Zhang Jun.

The snowflakes that kept falling around melted immediately after falling on Zhang Jun, and white mist emerged around him.

The terrifying heat around Zhang Jun made the players who woke up around him feel warm.

After Zhang Jun appeared, the group of 100 people below began to get restless. There was no extra words between the two sides. Props appeared in their hands and a fight began!

Zhang Jun pulled the trigger, and the rocket in his hand was launched, flying towards the White Elephant Country players below.


A huge noise came, and the avalanche began!

A terrifying avalanche appeared, burying Zhang Jun and his party, along with the players below.

However, this level of avalanche could not kill the players, but their movements were restricted to a certain extent.

Before long, more than half of the players from the White Elephant Country were killed or injured, while the players from the Dragon Country were injured a lot, but few died.

The snow was dyed red, and the players from the White Elephant Country gradually realized that things seemed to be out of control.

"If you don't let us live, then we will all die together. Get out of my way!" The leading player from the White Elephant Country had a ferocious face.

This was a threat.

The purpose of doing this was not to really want to die together, but to make Zhang Jun and his party not be so decisive.

Let them leave.

Otherwise, even if Zhang Jun could kill them all, he would definitely have to pay a painful price.

It's a pity... The players who followed Zhang Jun this time were all uneducated and could not understand what the other party was saying.

"Damn, what is this old guy talking about? He's talking nonsense." Zhang Jun asked the Dragon Country player next to him, holding a player's neck.

"Uh... Boss Zhang, do you think I can understand?" The Dragon Country player spread his hands helplessly.

"Captain, I think this guy is scolding us. Look, his veins are exposed. It seems that the code content is very high." Another Dragon Country player said.

They are all dog-headed military advisors.

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