"Damn it, you still dare to curse? Kill them all!" Zhang Jun was unhappy when he heard it, and broke the neck of the player from the White Elephant Country in his hand.

The other party's eyes were sluggish, and Zhang Jun casually threw him into the snow beside him.

Zhang Jun led a group of players to continue to encircle and suppress the remaining players from the White Elephant Country.

The leading player was stunned.

Are all these players from the Dragon Country crazy?

Didn't they hear what he just said?

Or do these players from the Dragon Country think that he dare not fight to the death?

"Okay, then we will all die together!" The leading player from the White Elephant Country took out something like a small ball in his hand.

The temperature of the small ball increased and finally turned red.

The terrifying energy was released and detonated halfway up the mountainside of Mount Everest, causing the mountain to collapse and the surrounding snow to fall.

An avalanche appeared that was many times larger than before.

"Fuck, these crazy people!" The player from the Dragon Country cursed inwardly and then began to run for his life.

The remaining White Elephant players were similarly hit by the aftermath, but they didn't die immediately.

It was just that their mobility was greatly restricted, and their escape speed was much slower than that of the Dragon Country players.

Among the Dragon Country players, Zhang Jun ran the fastest and took the lead.

He even disliked the people around him for running too slowly, so he carried two injured players on his shoulders and ran very fast.

"Boss Zhang, can you be gentler? I feel like I'm about to fall apart." A player couldn't stand it anymore and said.

He felt that if Zhang Jun carried him down like this, he might die before he got down the mountain.

"You kid, you keep talking nonsense. I'll take care of you alone when we get back!" Zhang Jun grinned.

The player who was carried on his shoulders felt a chill on his back, which was not so cold even when he was halfway up the mountain.

The care that Zhang Jun mentioned... that could really cost someone's life.

The player who was carried on his shoulders immediately shut up and honestly accepted the fact that his bones were about to fall apart.

It wasn't long before the group of people who were running away to avoid the avalanche stopped.

Another group of climbers appeared in front of Zhang Jun and the others.

Zhang Jun originally thought that the players from that country were causing trouble again, but it turned out that it seemed... not the case.

These people didn't have the aura of players, they were just ordinary people.

Moreover, they were panting, and it was obvious that their bodies had reached their limits and needed to rest.

"Boss Zhang, we..." A Dragon Country player seemed to be about to say something, but was immediately stopped by Zhang Jun.

"Don't talk, just pretend you didn't see it and keep going." Zhang Jun looked grim.

Even when he just saw the players from the White Elephant Country detonating the avalanche, Zhang Jun's face didn't look so grim.

This time, he received the task from above.

He came all the way here to stop these people from the White Elephant Country. For safety, the organization gave Zhang Jun a lot of information.

This included the extraordinary events in Mount Everest.

The extraordinary events in Mount Everest can be traced back to several decades ago.

This is just the most recent one. Zhang Jun alone knows that there are several extraordinary events on Mount Everest.

One of them is codenamed "Lost Climbers".

There are not many descriptions of the mission, only a few brief messages.

A group of several people, with an irregular number of climbers from different time periods, these people seem to be climbers who are lost here.

Of course, this is a better way of saying it.

The less pleasant way of saying it is... these people have actually died a long time ago, and they are not alive at all!

The clothing of these people spans a wide range, and they are not even from the same country, but they are combined together.

The risk factor is not actually very high, but it is too weird.

Ignoring time and space, they only appear in Mount Everest.

When Zhang Jun saw the scattered climbers in front, especially the huge difference in clothing and historical traces in the team, he was actually certain in his heart.

They should have encountered the guys codenamed "Lost Climbers".

Many other Dragon Country players were still watching the show, and some wanted to go over to help.

After all... there is an avalanche behind them. If these people continue to stay here, they will undoubtedly be swallowed by the avalanche.

But... Zhang Jun is the highest commander of this operation.

Zhang Jun has already spoken, but they pretended not to see it, so they naturally won't take action.

The people who followed Zhang Jun this time were all players. I don't know how many missions they have encountered, so they naturally know that there are still many strange things in this world.

Things that cannot be explained by science.

For example, this mountaineering team now.

As time passed, Zhang Jun and his team escaped, and the distance between the two sides continued to narrow. Everyone could see the appearance of these climbers clearly.

White skin, black skin, yellow skin, and different climbing equipment in their hands.

The visual impact of the combination is extremely shocking, and all that can be felt is weird!

The players of Longguo were all staring at each other.

In this situation, anyone who is not a fool can see that something is wrong.

Especially these climbers, it seems that they didn't see the avalanche behind them, and they were still talking and laughing there.

It's just that the sound of their voices can't be heard.

The two sides seemed to be not in the same time and space...

Soon, the two sides staggered, Zhang Jun and his group gradually walked away, heading down the mountain, while the group of people just now were directly swallowed by the avalanche.

Until the end, when they were about to be swallowed by the avalanche, there was no fear on the faces of these people.

The strange scene just now was seen by all the players of Dragon Country.

After the intense exercise of escaping, the heat in the body disappeared, and there was only a burst of chills on the back.

"What are those people just now? They are too creepy!" A Dragon Country player had a lingering fear on his face.

The others felt the same way.

"Do you know what other tasks we have this time besides dealing with these guys?" Zhang Jun did not hide it and started to talk about business.

All the players of Dragon Country looked over.

Do they have other tasks this time?

Why don't they know?

"Sorry, it's not that I'm hiding it from you. It's mainly because before coming here, I didn't expect to really meet them." Zhang Jun also found a place to sit down.

Without hiding anything, he shared the food and water in his hands with everyone.

"You should have felt it during this period, right? There are more extraordinary events." Zhang Jun said.

Not only are there more extraordinary events in Longguo now, but even those forgotten extraordinary events that have been sleeping in history have begun to wake up!

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