Chapter 20 The consequences of forgetting to close the door, the arrival of the super magician

When Judai said the name of the ice hero, Yami Yugi also focused on this new hero and began to guess what effect this new hero has.

"The new hero, Absolute Zero?"

[Elemental Hero Absolute Zero: Fusion/Effect Monster, 8-star, Water Attribute, Warrior-type, Attack: 2500, Defense: 2000]

[Fusion/Effect: "Hero" Monster + Water Attribute Monster

This card cannot be Special Summoned except for Fusion Summon. The attack power of this card increases by the number of face-up Water Attribute monsters on the field other than "Elemental-Hero Absolute Zero" × 500. When this card leaves the field, all monsters on the opponent's field are destroyed. 】

However, as soon as Yami Yugi finished speaking, Judai on the opposite side leaned forward and half-knelt on the ground.


Yan Yugi was shocked and even began to wonder if there was something wrong with the card printing rules of this arena.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yugi. I'm fine. It's just that after Absolute Zero appeared, I suddenly felt very tired, as if I had just finished a long-distance run, so I couldn't control myself all of a sudden."

Judai stood up again, looking at his body in surprise while explaining.

"Suddenly feel very tired? As if I had just finished a long-distance run? Could it be that this so-called card printing rule is to use our own power to construct the card? So we need our spirit and will to burn violently to use this rule?"

Yan Yugi's IQ is still very high, and he immediately made a guess based on Judai's description and the requirements for activating the card printing rule.

In the special audience, Xingyuan put down the fork in his hand and responded: "Of course it is constructed with your own power. Although I am not lacking in that little power, the cards constructed in the duel and the newly born elves in the cards will follow you back to your world. In this case, is it really okay to construct the card purely with my power?"

"If that's the case, then it is indeed more suitable to construct it with our own power, but even the elves are born with the cards? The rule you constructed is really incredible!"

Yan Yugi nodded and looked at Absolute Zero with amazement.

"And it's not an ordinary elf, it's a powerful elf with a very high degree of completion, which can be used as a super bodyguard with only a little mental power or a little physical strength."

As he said, the big screen also showed a picture of Xingyuan controlling an unknown elf and punching through a wall, which amazed the duelists.

"Although I have long known that the elves have incredible power, I never thought that the power could reach this level. It is no wonder that the consumption of an elf with such power is so great. However, with this consumption as the calculation unit, after using the card-printing rule twice, I should fall into a weak state. Can anyone really use the card-printing rule three times?"

Judai was very skeptical about this. After all, his body was already very good, but he still couldn't last three times, let alone others.

"Of course, Judai, you are still not strong enough, and don't forget, there are some special circumstances!"

"Special circumstances...ah!"

Looking at Yami Yugi on the opposite side, Judai immediately understood what a special situation was. A body with one soul can only support two times, and a body with two souls can naturally support three times.

"Forget it, it seems that I asked an unnecessary question, let's continue the duel. Mr. Yugi, I will end my turn like this."

"Oh? You won't continue to use the card printing rules?"

"Although my spirit and faith have not declined at all, and my physical strength should be able to support the second use of the card printing rules, I should not be able to successfully use the second card printing rules. After all, Absolute Zero is indeed the most suitable card printed, and it has perfectly met my needs. Mr. Yugi! Witness the power of Absolute Zero. At the moment when my turn enters the end stage, the negative effects of the chain material will take effect. Use the effect of this card to fusion summon Absolute Zero to destroy it!"

Before Judai finished speaking, white spots of light began to overflow from Absolute Zero.

Seeing this, Judai also began the next explanation: "And with the destruction of Absolute Zero, Absolute Zero's own effect is also activated. When this card leaves the field, all monsters on the opponent's field are destroyed! Go, Absolute Zero, Absolute Zero Punch!!"


With Judai's shout, Absolute Zero, who was about to dissipate, punched the ground with all his strength, and countless ice blades immediately protruded on Yami Yugi's field, piercing the Black Magician, Dragon Knight Gaia, and Winged Fantasy Beast Chimera into pieces.

"Destroy all monsters on the opponent's field? It's a really powerful effect, and it's the most suitable card for the moment. Then, activate the special effect of Winged Beast Chimera. When this card is destroyed, you can activate it by targeting a Baphomet or Beast King Kaje in my graveyard, and Special Summon that monster. I Special Summon Baphomet in Defense Position."

[Judai: Hand: 4 cards → 5 cards → 2 cards → 3 cards → 2 cards → 3 cards → 2 cards → 4 cards → 3 cards → 5 cards → 0 cards Life Points: 400]

"Baphomet? The attack power is 1400. Although it is enough to defeat the Bubble Man, it is impossible to defeat the Ejection Turtle, let alone cause any damage to me."

"That's true, so it depends on the next draw! In my turn, I draw a - card!!"

After pulling out the top card of the deck with full momentum, Yami Yugi smiled again.

"Judai! Next, let me borrow your card!"


"I activate the magic card, Dark Mass Production Factory, to target two normal monsters in my graveyard. Those monsters are added to my hand! I add the two cards Black Magician and Dark Knight Gaia from my graveyard to my hand. , and then activate the effect of the field magic fusion gate to fuse the black magician and the dark knight Gaia!"

"So, what is the effect of Fusion Gate?!"

"Yes, your Fusion Gate is indeed a field magic card that can activate effects on the opposite side! Come on, Black Magician, Dark Knight Gaia, lend me your power! Fusion Summon! Come out, Unknown fusion monster!"

In the call of the game, the black magician and the dark knight Gaia merged into one in the fusion whirlpool, allowing the melee magician holding two knight guns and riding a black horse to gallop out, announcing the complete end of the duel. This is where the Guide Knight-Black Magic Cavalry appears.

Chapter 21 Winner——Muto Games, awards and enhanced card packs

"Super Magical Knight - Black Magical Cavalry?"

Yami Yugi lowered his head and glanced at the card that appeared out of thin air on the duel plate, and nodded with satisfaction. It was indeed the most suitable card for the current situation. It could indeed guarantee him victory in this duel, and the strength of the card was quite high. , it can be said that it was earned with blood. As for the physical and mental strength consumed by printing a card, he was not as defenseless as Judai. Just printing a card would not cause him to fall.

[Super Magic Knight-Black Magic Cavalry (Super Magic Knight-Black Cavalry): Fusion/Effect Monster, eight stars, dark attribute, magician type, attack power: 2800, defense power: 2300]

[Fusion/Effect: "Dark Magician" + Warrior-type monster

①: This card's attack power increases by 100 times the number of magic and trap cards on both sides' fields and graveyards.

②: When this card attacks a defense position monster, it inflicts combat damage to the opponent equal to the amount of attack power exceeding that defense power.

③: When the effect of a magic, trap, or monster targeting a card on the field is activated, it can only be activated by discarding 1 card from your hand. That activation is invalid and destroyed. 】

"This attack power?!"

Judai was stunned because after the appearance of the Black Magic Cavalry, the attack power that had already reached 2800 points was actually increased again, and it was increased by several thousand points at once.

"This is the special effect of Super Magic Knight - Black Magic Knight. Although it does not destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field like your Absolute Zero, it can destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field according to the number of magic trap cards on both sides' fields and graveyards. Increase the attack power. Each time you have one, the attack power of the Super Magic Knight - Black Magic Cavalry can be increased by 100 points!"

Judai lowered his head and glanced at his duel board, and the corner of his mouth twitched. Mr. Yugi's side was okay, there were a lot of monster cards in the deck, but on his side, the deck was completely based on magic traps. The total number of magic and trap cards in the graveyards on both sides is at least over fifty. It's no wonder that the attack power of the Black Magic Cavalry has increased to such an exaggerated value.

"However, if you just increase your attack power, it is still impossible to defeat me. Although Catapult Turtle and Blister Man will be defeated by Mr. Yugi's Black Magic Cavalry and Baphomet respectively, Mr. Yugi, you don't have a third one either. The monster came to attack me, which means I can still retain my remaining 400 health points!”

"The listed Vadokana!"


"Judai, I didn't say that the Black Magical Cavalry has only one effect, right? Don't forget, this is the most suitable monster for the current scene! Come on! Super Magical Knight-Black Magical Cavalry, against the ejection Turtle attacks! Magic shot!"

The corners of Yami Yugi's mouth raised upwards, and he shouted and extended his right hand forward, causing the Black Magic Cavalry to immediately launch a charge, carrying black magic power all over his body and hitting the catapult turtle, and then smashed the catapult turtle to pieces with one shot.

"The second effect of Black Magic Cavalry is that when this card attacks a defending monster, it will inflict piercing damage to the opponent! Therefore, Judai, take these thousands of points of damage!"

"No way!!!"

Screaming, Judai was directly knocked away by the black shock wave, his health points were completely emptied, and he even owed a tube of health points, so he lost the duel.

In the audience, the duelists showed clear expressions. Sure enough, the game won as they expected. After the chain of soul relay and monster recovery came out, the result of the duel was already obvious.

"Unfortunately, Judai, it seems that we are better."

Yami Yugi put away the duel disk and walked towards Judai with a smile.

Judai jumped up from the ground, still smiling: "No, Mr. Yugi, I'm not sorry at all! Being able to have such an interesting duel means that I can't be considered a loser anyway. ! Sure enough, I still have to say that, it was a happy duel!"

As he spoke, Judai also made standard gestures and said his mantra.

"Did you win? Judai, you are really an interesting duelist. Let's have another duel after we all become stronger!"

Yami Yugi was stunned when he saw this, and then he burst into laughter and stretched out a hand to Judai.

"Oh!!! We must have another duel in the future!"

Judai also held Yami Yugi's hand with excitement.

At this time, Hoshihara slowly descended from the sky onto the duel field and began to declare the end of the duel.

"Okay, the first battle in the Duelist Arena is over. The winner is Muto Yugi. Therefore, Muto Yugi will receive three special rewards, while the loser Yujo Judai will receive a consolation reward and a punish."

"Ah!!! I forgot about punishment!"

Judai's face immediately fell, and he was obviously a little worried about what kind of punishment Hoshihara, a fun-loving person, would give.

Hoshihara glanced at Judai with a half-smile: "Don't worry, it's not a particularly excessive punishment, it's just a punishment that suits you very well."

Judai hesitated to speak, but what you said made me more and more worried.

"Then, let's first award three special rewards to the winner. The first one is to strengthen the deck owned by the duelist. I will give a card pack to strengthen the deck, so that the winner can The strength of the duelist becomes stronger, but the cards in this card pack are just cards, and they do not come with elves like the cards printed in the duel. Therefore, in the game, which series of cards should you choose to strengthen? ?”


Yami Yugi and Yugi were both stunned.

Xingyuan nodded: "Yes, series. There are too many series in your deck, including the Black Magic series, the Magic Girl series, the Chaos Warrior series, the Gaia series, the Elf series, and the Chestnut Ball series. Magnet Warrior series, Destruction Sword series, Phantom Beast series, Demon Summoning series, in order to avoid you not being able to get the cards you want, it is better for you to choose one of the series to strengthen. Of course, if you don’t want to choose, you can. Choose a random card pack that contains all series of decks, a random card pack that contains all card pools, and a general-purpose magic trap card pack that can be used to enhance magic traps. It’s up to you.”

"General-purpose magic trap card pack..."

Hearing this name, Yugi's eyes suddenly lit up, leaving Yami Yugi helpless for a while.

"AIBO, although I also know that you prefer to use powerful trap cards, that's not the right card pack for you to choose, right?"

"Ahem, of course I know this. For the first card pack, we are going to choose that one."

"Ah, it can only be that one."

"Black Magic Series Card Pack!" X2

Chapter 22: Hello, Rabbit-Eared Demon King, Goodbye, Rabbit-Eared Demon King, kidnapping physique

"It seems that you have made a decision. Then, I will hand over the Black Magic series enhanced card pack to you as you wish."

With that said, Hoshihara snapped his fingers, causing a card pack packed with black magic to appear in front of Yami Yugi, who took it in his hand.

However, after getting the card pack, Yami Yugi did not open the card pack immediately, but continued to wait for the remaining two rewards issued by Hoshihara, which disappointed Judai who was curious about the contents of the card pack.

"Then, there is the second special reward, which is soul purification! This reward can remove the souls and spirits of other people who are parasitic on you, so that things here can be prevented from being parasitized after you return to your world. The person in your body knows, what do you think, do you want to accept this reward? "

"Soul purification?!" X2

Both Yami Yugi and Yugi were shocked. Someone actually parasitized their souls on them? What the hell is going on? Who on earth did such a method?

Can the soul actually be parasitic on other people?

Judai and other duelists in the audience wanted to express such doubts, but after taking a look at Yugi next to Yami Yugi, they all swallowed this meaningless question. After all, the fact was already obvious.

However, among the many duelists, one person's expression became more and more strange. This person was naturally Kaiba. He now felt that his outlook on life was becoming more and more broken.

After pondering for a moment, Yami Yugi and Yugi looked at each other, and then asked cautiously: "Xingyuan, let me confirm, you are talking about 'you', right? You mean the other souls parasitic on me and AIBO, not me. Is this the case with AIBO’s current integration?”

"Of course not. The soul I'm talking about parasitizing on you is this rabbit-eared devil."

Xingyuan waved his hand as he spoke, and the phantom of An Tapiliang with a gloomy face was materialized in front of everyone's eyes.


In the audience, Jonouchi couldn't help but exclaimed, and Kaiba was also surprised. After all, he was also a classmate of Yugi and the others, so he still knew Tairyo.

"No, you are not Tapirang, are you the Dark Duelist inhabiting Tapirang's body again? Or is it the same one as last time? But, the Great Rabbit-Eared Demon King...could this be your name?"

An Yuxi looked at An Yuliang's shadow with a strange look on his face, and asked in a strange tone.

"Who would call a name like the Rabbit-Eared Demon King? This guy is obviously talking nonsense, don't you have any normal judgment?!"

Anbailiang was furious in an instant, but the white fur on his head became more like rabbit ears because of his anger.

The corner of An Yuxi's mouth raised slightly: "I see, Rabbit-Eared Demon King, I remember your name. After returning to the original world, I will call you by this name the next time we meet. But for now, please Please leave for now, Xingyuan, and please use soul purification on us."

Yugi looked at Dark Yugi with a subtle expression, but I couldn't tell that the other one was quite sinister.

An Zhiliang was annoyed and started to say harsh words: "You guy! The game, don't think it's over like this. When you return to the original world, my body will immediately sense that this part of the soul has disappeared. It’s all about you, the guy who built this damn arena, I will come here to cause trouble for you sooner or later!”

"If you say so, I welcome you. As long as you can find this place, I don't mind you coming to trouble me at all! So, come on, Mr. Rabbit-Eared Demon King!"


Before Yami Tairiang could finish speaking, Hoshihara wiped out the part of Yami Tairiang's soul that was parasitic on Yugi with a wicked smile, and his whole person immediately showed a feeling of revenge.

Seeing this situation, many duelists were confused. Could it be that Xingyuan had a grudge against the rabbit-eared devil?

Hoshihara: It’s not really a grudge, it’s just that I can’t stand it. And it’s not that I can’t stand this rabbit-eared devil, but the other one. But if I have to say it, there is one among the duelists present. I can’t stand most of them! (艹艹艹)Protruding!

"Ahem, okay, let's continue! Next is the third special reward. It is also a reward tailor-made for you in the game. Do you want to recover your lost memory, or do you want to know the fate of your original destiny? What about future development, or a special power? Choose one of three!"

"Another me!"

Yugi immediately became excited. He knew very well how much Yami Yugi valued the lost memory. This was a rare opportunity!

However, Yami Yugi did not make a choice immediately as Yugi thought, but continued to ask cautiously: "Can I ask for the specifics of these three choices? Can restoring the lost memory bring back what I lost?" Are all memories restored? Or can only a part of it be restored? How much of the future can we know in one year? Or in ten years? What is the special power? Where's the power?"

"It's quite prudent, so let me explain. Restoring your memory will naturally restore all the memories you have lost. As for future development, you can only know the future development until the end of Duel City. By the way, After the end of Duel City, you can't recover your memory. You can't recover it until a later time in the future, so don't think about picking one and getting one free. As for the last special power, it is a sensing ability. As long as there is someone If you have malicious intentions towards your family and friends and plan to take action against them, you will be able to sense the other person's presence and planned actions in advance, which is a power that is very suitable for you. "

Both Yami Yugi and Yugi fell into silence. The two options of restoring memory and future intelligence did not exceed their expectations, but what the hell is this special power at the end? A power that suits them well? Could it be that something often happens to their family and friends?

From the expressions of Yami Yugi and Yugi, Hoshihara naturally could tell what they were thinking, so he started to explain enthusiastically: "Yes, just as you thought, accidents will often happen to your family and friends! Even if they don't Counting what has happened in the past, in the future of their original destiny, your friends Jonouchi, Honda, and Kyoko have all experienced kidnapping incidents. In addition, Jonouchi and Kyoko have also been brainwashed, and Honda has been kidnapped many times. Take control of the body, and your grandfather Shuangroku Muto is even more amazing. He was robbed, seduced by beauty, and kidnapped. This fate has not ended even in the tenth generation and their era! Even the tenth generation! In the original destiny, the enemy used your grandfather Sugoroku Muto as a hostage to threaten Judai."

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