Chapter 23: Instructions for killing three thousand heroes, punishment of not being allowed to play cards for two weeks

The expressions of Yami Yugi and Yugi began to change. They were kidnapped, brainwashed, and had their bodies snatched away. No, was this experience too bad? And grandpa, what did you do? You are so old, how can you still be tempted by beauty?

"Really?! I was actually brainwashed?! Which bastard did it? It couldn't be the guy who was inhabiting Tapirang's body again! The same goes for Kyoko, Honda and Grandpa. We must remind them to be careful when we go back It’s one o’clock!”

In the audience, Jonouchi's face became ugly. While angry, he also felt extremely worried. He actually didn't particularly care about taking action against him, but he couldn't accept taking action against his friend.

"AIBO, it seems we have no choice."

"Another me..."

"The lost memories can be retrieved by ourselves. According to Xingyuan, in the future after Duel City ends, I should be able to retrieve the memories, and the future can also be experienced by ourselves, but only in the end This special power cannot be missed. Even if you know the future development, it is impossible to completely prevent bad events from happening. After all, the enemy may change their plans due to the butterfly effect, so it is safer to choose this one. "

"Ah, since you said so, of course I support you. Let's work together to lose the memory!"

"Then, it's decided, for the last reward, we will choose this special power."

Yami Yugi answered firmly.

"As you wish."

Hoshihara smiled and rolled out a golden ball of light, which integrated into Muto Yugi's body. Both Yami Yugi and Yugi immediately closed their eyes and began to sense the special power.

"Okay, the winner's reward has been awarded, and then it's the loser's turn. Judai, this is your consolation reward, the deck enhancement card pack."

Hoshihara also turned his attention to Judai and waved a card pack to appear in front of Judai.

Judai took the card pack with a look of surprise on his face: "As a loser, I can actually get an enhanced card pack as a reward? So what's the difference between this consolation reward and a special reward?"

"The difference is that yours is a deck-enhancing card pack. There are five cards in the game's enhanced card pack, and you can also choose your own series. But you can't choose your own series, and there are only three cards in the card pack."

"So that's it, but as the loser, if you have the enhanced card pack, you will make money. Now let me see what kind of three cards they are!"

Judai accepted the reality very freely, and then began to open the card pack with great interest, seeming to have completely forgotten about the punishment.

"The first one, Elemental Hero Flame Man, can retrieve elemental heroes that have been fused and added to the hand. It's a pretty good new hero! Then there's the second one, Elemental Hero Golden Captain. Is it retrieving skyscrapers this time? The last one is the third one. Zhang, skyscraper strike, oh oh, this picture is a flaming winged man and a skyscraper, and there is a full moon, isn't this super cool! "

Listening to Judai's excited words, Xingyuan nodded in agreement: "It's indeed quite handsome. After all, this is a card made for the famous scene of killing three thousand heroes."

"Specialized in killing three thousand heroes? A famous scene?"

Judai couldn't help but be stunned, while Kaiba, Jack, Kaito and other duelists in the audience all felt inexplicably being targeted.

"Yes, it is designed to kill the Three Thousand Heroes. After all, the Flame Winged Man and the Skyscraper are the three thousand nemesis. In many dimensions, there are various cases of the Flame Winged Man and the Skyscraper killing the Three Thousand Man. Those scenes, It’s all condensed into this card!”

Saying that, Xingyuan waved his hand again, and various cases appeared on the big screen. The flame winged people counterattacked to kill the ancient mechanical giant, the flame winged people counterattacked to kill the Chaos Warrior - the Envoy of the Pioneering, the flame winged people counterattacked to kill the Chaos Warrior, The Flame Winged Man counter-killed the Blue-Eyed White Dragon, the Flame Winged Man counter-killed the Lava Demon God, and so on.

As these scenes continued to be released, Kaiba and others looked at Judai with increasingly unkind eyes, but Judai did not notice anything and instead became more and more excited.

"Specialized in killing three thousand heroes, I really didn't expect the Flame Winged Man to have such a title! It's interesting. I can't wait for the next duel. I will find others after the remaining two duels are finished. Let’s have a fight, it’s great to try out the power of the new cards!”

After saying that, Judai turned his attention to the audience and began to consider who would be more suitable for a duel in the future.

However, at this time, Hoshihara used his mental power to control Judai's head and turned it back, turning his gaze back to Hoshihara.

"It's a pity, Judai, please don't think about duels for now. Don't forget that as the loser, you still need to accept punishment!"


Judai's expression changed, and he suddenly had a bad feeling.

A wicked smile appeared on Xingyuan's face again: "I should have said it before, your punishment is not a particularly excessive punishment, but the punishment that is most suitable for you, so you should do the same as that person first Accept the punishment of not being able to duel for two weeks!"

"No duel for two weeks?!"

Judai's expression changed drastically, and he was so frightened that he began to lose color.

"That's right, within two weeks from now, no matter what method you use, don't even think about dueling. If you use the duel disk, the duel disk will not be able to start normally. If you use the deck directly, the deck will also be different due to various This is the punishment you have to accept!"

"No way!!!"

Judai screamed and his whole body turned to stone.

In the audience, the duelists except Wan Zhangmu and Caesar were all extremely surprised. Is being unable to duel for two weeks considered a punishment? Although they are all duelists, they don't duel every day. It's okay to take a break, right?

Banzhangmu and Caesar are different. They know very well how much Judai likes duels and how inseparable they are from duels. Therefore, they also know very well how tortured it is for Judai not to be able to duel for two weeks. Therefore, , they were even more afraid of Xingyuan, a fun-loving person, and they were all determined not to lose in such a duel, otherwise they could hardly imagine what kind of punishment they would receive.

"Same as that one? Who is that one? We shouldn't need to be punished, right?"

Yami Yugi, who has fully mastered the special sensing ability, opened his eyes and looked at Hoshihara in confusion.

Xingyuan's smile disappeared from his face, and he twitched the corner of his mouth: "That person does not refer to you, but one of my father's students. He also has a character that loves dueling very much. He is the first person to be banned from dueling for two weeks. The victim is that guy.”

Chapter 24: Unabashed malice, high-speed duel and the leader of the Three-Point Cult

Both Yami Yugi and Yugi fell into silence, some of them didn't know what to say. There's no need to inherit the father's legacy in this regard, right?

At this time, Judai finally came to his senses and began to struggle: "Wait a minute, Mr. Hoshihara, I have to take the final exam of Duel Academy after I go back. If you prohibit me from participating in duel, I will be unable to take the final exam and be expelled from Duel Academy." Yes, please be patient!"

Hoshihara looked at Judai expressionlessly: "Do you think I don't know which time period I pulled you from? You actually want to lie to me. It seems that you think two weeks is too short. Bar?"


Judai immediately covered his mouth and looked like he was about to cry. Why did he find out so clearly whether he had already taken the final exam? Is this really unnecessary?

"Hmph! You know what's going on. Then, you two should go back to the auditorium. The second duel is about to begin."

After giving Judai an evil look, Hoshihara finally waved his hand to teleport both Yami Yugi and Judai back to his place, and controlled the big screen to start randomly selecting duel modes and duelists again.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, you can't duel for two weeks, you must be very comfortable!"

As soon as he returned to the auditorium, Judai collapsed on his seat, and Wan Zhangmu beside him started to get angry.

Judai didn't even look at Wan Zhangmu, and groaned feebly: "It's been two whole weeks, how am I going to spend these two weeks! Help!!!"

Caesar suggested seriously: "Since there is no way to fight in actual combat, how about learning more theoretical knowledge? I think theoretical knowledge should also be able to help you continue to become stronger in the tenth generation, so that you can reduce the chance of suffering this kind of punishment next time. possibility.”

Judai was immediately confused. What Caesar said made sense. He definitely didn’t want to experience this kind of punishment again. However, he was not interested in theoretical knowledge at all. Could it be that we should choose the lesser of two evils? ?

Next door, in the DM area, Jonouchi asked curiously: "Yi Yu, have you really obtained that special power?"

Yami Yugi and Yugi nodded at the same time, and then Yugi said hesitantly: "We have indeed gained the ability, and we even completed the first test here."



Before Jonouchi could react, Kaiba immediately frowned.

Yugi continued with a strange look on his face: "Yes, because Hoshihara seems to have a certain amount of malice towards both Jonouchi and Kaiba, but it's not just you either. He only has no malice towards five of the duelists present, and among these four people Including me, well, but his malice is not particularly serious, it’s probably just the level of malice that he wants to give you special punishment.”

"It's strange. I've obviously never seen him before. Why would he be malicious to me?"

Jonouchi was a little confused.

"Hmph! He himself said that he is a fun-loving person. Under such a premise, it is normal for him to be malicious towards us, but why is he not malicious towards a few duelists, including you?"

After Kaiba glanced around, he couldn't understand. If Hoshihara only had no ill intentions towards two of them, he could also guess that he was giving special treatment to the two female duelists, but five people, including Yugi, were He was a little confused.

"I'm not sure about this either."

Yugi blinked and looked at Yami Yugi with an inexplicable expression. He always felt that the source of the malice might be related to their respective dueling styles, because among the five people who did not have any malicious intentions in Hoshihara, he was included, but there was no Yami Yugi.

Yami Yugi looked helpless. He naturally sensed what Yugi sensed, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, Xingyuan's malice could be said to be unconcealed. He could only try his best to win every duel. Victory avoids suffering.

Outside the DM and GX areas, other duelists were not in the mood to chat like Yugi and Judai. After all, duelists from one world would only appear once in a random duel, so the next people to be randomly picked would be people from their four worlds, and they all had wishes they wanted to fulfill.

Yusei wanted to revive his parents and the people who died in the disaster, Akira wanted to change his childhood experience, Yuma wanted to find his missing parents, Kaito wanted to cure his brother, Yuya wanted to bring back his missing father, Yuto wanted to save Liuli and the Ultra Dimension, Yusaku wanted to find his lost memories, and Revolver wanted to solve all the Ignis and save the world. These duelists basically had their own goals, so they were all relatively eager to participate in this so-called random duel.

But there were only two games left in this round of random duels, which meant that only two people had the possibility of realizing their wishes, and only four people had the opportunity to compete for the opportunity to realize their wishes. The others did not even have the opportunity to participate, and could only wait for the subsequent rounds with increasingly slim hopes, so they could not help but be nervous.

Soon, in the eyes of all the duelists, the words jumping on the big screen finally stopped. The first to stop was still the duel mode, and this time, it stopped at "High-speed Duel·Change".

"Change, is it through the normal rules? But high-speed duel, does it mean that one of the duelists selected this time will be in our world?"

In the V6 area, Aoi looked at Yusaku with some uncertainty, but Yusaku shook his head and gave a negative answer.

"No, I think we won't be chosen this time. First, the two duel kings in the worlds marked as DM and GX are obviously aware of the so-called 'Duel City Rules', while the 'High-Speed ​​Duel Rules' are only known by the duelists in our world. This is the conclusion drawn from the expressions of other duelists. Second, the owner of the arena, Xingyuan, stated from the beginning that he is a fun duelist, so he is unlikely to want to see a one-sided situation unless one of the parties seriously offends him. Third, the announcement of the arena stated from the beginning that fairness is only relative. In this case, Xingyuan is more likely to secretly interfere with the selection of the duel."

Aoi opened his mouth, but didn't know how to respond. Although his analysis should be correct, why did he explain it in three points? Wouldn't it be better to connect them together? Doesn't he have some obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Revolver couldn't help but twitch his eyes. Although the three-point summary method was given to the other party by him, there was no need to explain everything with three points. Could it be that this was also a sequelae left behind?

Chapter 25 The Second Arena Battle, Kaito VS Yuto

Soon after Yusaku finished speaking, the names of the two duelists selected also appeared on the big screen. The red duelist was Kaito Amagi from the Z4 world, and the blue duelist was Yuto from the A5 world. As expected, as Yusaku had guessed, no duelist from the V6 world was selected.

And not only that, according to the current situation, Yusaku can even guess who the two duelists of the next duel will be. The 5DS world and the V6 world are the only two worlds with female duelists in the audience. Isn't it clear that the next duel will be Izayoi Akira vs. Aoi Zaizen? It's really an undisguised black box operation!

With emotion, Yusaku glanced at Aoi, but he didn't think of leaving the arena and returning to the original world immediately. After all, this was just his guess, and he couldn't be sure. Even if he was sure that his guess was correct, it was not completely without gain. After all, Aoi's previous experience and her brother's identity destined her to be hostile to the Knight of Hanno. Even if he didn't intend to drag Aoi into the battlefield of a direct confrontation with the Knight of Hanno, this could not be changed. Therefore, as long as Aoi could win, there should be a lot of useful things in the future related information she obtained.

As for Aoi, if she failed to win, there would be nothing she could do. Just treat it as an ordinary spectator and ordinary intelligence collection. Although he was not too interested in the duel, it was still necessary to collect relevant information about people who might become opponents, not to mention that Revolver was still here.

While Yusaku was thinking a lot, Kaito and Yuto looked at each other and walked into the special space at the same time.

Then the two people who were looking at the rules of "High-speed Duel·Revised" were almost stunned at the same time. It was fine that there were only three monsters in the Monster Zone and the Magic Trap Zone, and there was no Main Phase 2, but what was this so-called skill? The duelists were actually allowed to carry a skill in the duel. This was really a novel way of dueling.

Surprised, the two began to check the so-called skills, and then they found that the skills were actually divided into general skills and exclusive skills. General skills were naturally skills that could be used by multiple duelists, while exclusive skills were literally skills that only Kaito and Yuto could use.

With different ideas, Kaito and Yuto quickly skipped the general skills and began to carefully look at the exclusive skills.

"What? It's obviously a No. card, but it doesn't have the effect of not being destroyed by monsters other than No. cards?"

"What? Pendulum monster? This isn't that guy's?"

Obviously, these so-called exclusive skills have brought a lot of surprises to the two of them, and even the common skills are not lacking in surprises. I will not repeat them one by one here, but just skip this stage and see the result in the duel.

One hour later, Kaito, who was holding the Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon-shaped surfboard, and Yuto, who was holding the Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon-shaped surfboard, walked out of the special space at the same time and came to the central duel stage. However, the time outside was still not passing, so when the duelists except the duelists in the 5DS and V6 areas saw the two people holding the surfboards, they were stunned. Some of them couldn't figure out why Kaito and Yuto were holding surfboards.

But there was no way, after all, the rules randomly selected were "High-speed Duel·Change", not "Duel Link·Change", so naturally they had to use surfboards as vehicles, and Kaito and Yuto spent an hour in the special space. In addition to adjusting the deck and selecting skills, they also spent some time to adapt to the ability to control the surfboards that they had mastered out of thin air, which was quite hard.

"Okay, both duelists should now fully understand the relevant rules of 'High-Speed ​​Duel·Change'. So, let's enter the corresponding high-speed venue now. Let's start, the standard venue from the VRAINS world, the city surrounded by the wind of data, unfold!"

Amid the confusion of the duelists, Xingyuan waved light from his hands, and the central duel stage was transformed into a virtual city that made Yusaku and the other three feel very familiar, while Kaito and Yuto stood on a high-rise building in this city respectively.

After looking at each other, Kaito and Yuto threw out their surfboards at the same time, jumped out, and began to control the wind of data.

"Really? You can control the surfboard while dueling? Isn't this a bit too difficult?"

In the audience, Z4 area, Yuma was already a little dazed. After all, he was a bit clumsy, so he knew it was difficult for him to control the surfboard while dueling. If he was the one who was randomly picked instead of Kaito, he might have lost halfway before the duel started.

"This is really..."

Astral also shook his head, not knowing what to say. Although Yuma's physical fitness was not bad, it was still too difficult for him to surf and duel at the same time, right?

Next door, in the 5DS area, Yusei and Jack looked at each other in silence. Is it difficult to duel while surfing? Then what about them dueling while riding a bike?

"Very good, both duelists are really skilled! Then, the second duelist arena battle! From the strongest dragon rider in the ZEXAL world, the strongest No. card hunter, Amagi Kaito! Against! The most miserable and mature rebel among the four protagonists in the ARC-V world, Yuto! The duel begins!!"

"Huh! The strongest?"

"The protagonist? The most miserable?"

Obviously, Kaito and Yuto, who knew from the game and Judai's experience that Hoshihara would spoil the plot at this time, did not think of starting the duel immediately, but focused on the prefix address mentioned by Hoshihara.

Then, Kaito showed a smile that was not sure whether it was satisfaction or self-mockery, while Yuto was extremely shocked. He was actually the so-called protagonist, and the most miserable of the four protagonists. What was going on?

"The strongest dragon rider!"

In the audience, Kaiba, Yusei, Jack and other dragon riders looked at Kaito seriously. Although he was not the strongest dragon rider in the six worlds, he was not weak to be the strongest dragon rider in one world. He should be a strong opponent for them.

Zero did not pay too much attention to Kaito's title, but looked at Yuya who was stunned. He was one of the four protagonists. As expected.

Chapter 26 Saving girlfriend and saving brother, shocking skills

"Hehe, do you want to know the origin of this title? Do you want to know your future? Do you want to save the people closest to you? Then, do your best in this duel! Only the winner of this duel can get the chance to realize your wish!"

In the eyes of Kaito and Yuto, Xingyuan was like a tempting devil, explaining with a bad smile.

Hearing such words, Kaito and Yuto also took their eyes away from Xingyuan and looked at each other.

"Huh, Kaito, although you are not the Kaito I know, I still want to say, I am very sorry! In order to save Liuli, in order to save the super dimension, I must win this duel! I will do my best here and fight for everything I have!!"

Yuto spoke first and made an extremely firm declaration.

Hearing this, Kaito's expression also changed slightly, but in the blink of an eye it returned to its original appearance, as if it had never changed.

"Hehe! Save your companions and save your own world? It seems that your opponent is me, and there is a reason for it! But you don't have to feel sorry, because the person who will win this duel is me! Unlike you, I don't need to save any world, I only want to save my brother! For Yangdou, I will do anything, and I will never lose no matter what kind of duel! Therefore, the person who has to win is me! Duel mode! Photon conversion! Ha!!!"

Kaito also made a declaration without showing any weakness, and then began to shout loudly in the surprise of Yuto. Then, Kaito's clothes changed from black to white in this loud shout, and a blue-green pattern appeared around his left eye. A half-moon blade-shaped duel disk appeared out of thin air on his left hand.

Seeing this scene, Yuma in the Z4 area in the audience also exclaimed at the same time: "Ah! I forgot that I didn't bring D-viewing glasses to the previous duel. How did we see the AR image!"

Ryoga looked at Yuma speechlessly: "Idiot, even Astral and the elves have materialized in front of us, haven't you discovered the difference between this place and our world?"

"Ah, so what?"

Astral sighed helplessly: "Observation result 16, Yuma, you are really an idiot!"

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