Soon, the pleasant breakfast time will come to an end.

Until Lu Shixian left, there were no weird and deliberately targeted remarks.

His current study life is too simple, in addition to studying or studying.

Facts have proved that not all the protagonists will encounter the plot of pretending to face and forcibly lowering their intelligence.

Lu Shixian stretched himself on the way to the examination room.

It's a pleasant life to move forward step by step towards the established plan.

This time, the joint test is carried out in full accordance with the mode of the senior high school entrance examination, and the schedule is also the same.

Even outside the school, various anti-cheating measures were arranged.

The exam time is divided into two days, the first day is Chinese in the morning, biology and history in the afternoon.

The next day is English in the morning, physics and mathematics in the afternoon.

It seems that no matter what the exam is, the Chinese exam is always the first one.

Therefore, the subjectivity of language still plays a role, and there is no unified reference answer.

As long as the composition does not deviate from the topic, at least even if your answers are all bad, you won't come out and cry.

When he walked to the examination room, the eighth examination room seemed to be full.

Looking at many people holding review materials in their hands and still muttering words, it seems that they should be cramming to fill in the blanks.

Lu Shixian didn't feel any contempt, he had done many such things.

Even if you memorize it well, you will always feel anxious when you haven't written the answer on the answer sheet.

Therefore, some people even started to do the fill-in-the-blank questions instead of doing multiple-choice questions.

At this time, the benefits of coming later are reflected.

He doesn't have to look around for a seat anymore.

Just looking at it at a glance, the only empty seat in the middle must most likely be his own exam seat.

Sure enough, when he walked up to him, his own information was recorded on it.

Lu Shixian sat up, arranged the answering tools neatly, and began to check.

He is a senior examinee, and his examination age has reached his twenties. He will not make some low-level mistakes.

There was nothing wrong with the inspection, Lu Shixian unconsciously began to wander.

Spring is still comfortable, neither hot nor cold, and there is no damn cicadas disturbing his concentration, only the flags fluttering in the wind in the distance are flying.

Soon the sound of writing on the blackboard drew his attention.

"Calm down and answer seriously."

I only saw two unfamiliar invigilators walking into the classroom at some point, because he had basically met all the teaching staff of Jinling Agricultural Middle School.

In order to ensure fairness to the greatest extent, this should be the invigilator who came to rotate from several other middle schools.

Even the teachers from other schools, facing Jinling Nongzhong, which is the lowest in the ranking, did not show any contempt or perfunctory in the middle, and behaved very professionally throughout the process.

How can there be so many contradictions and conflicts? With the strength of the country and the progress of the society, in fact, most of the time the world is really better than it is believed.

One after the other, the invigilator in front finished writing on the blackboard and announced loudly: "This is the first exam of the Jinling City High School Entrance Examination Simulation Joint Examination, the Jinling Agricultural High School Examination Center, the eighth examination room. Please check your admission tickets to prevent mistakes. examination room."

"Please consciously obey the discipline of the examination room. After entering the examination room with the examination admission ticket and barcode, take your seat according to the number, put the examination admission ticket and barcode in the upper left corner of the examination table, and accept the verification of the invigilator at any time, except for 2b pencils and black signature pens."

"If you encounter problems such as test paper distribution errors, unclear handwriting, reprints, missing prints, or missing pages, you can report to the invigilator. If you do not abide by the discipline of the test room, do not obey the arrangements and requirements of the test staff, violate the principle of fairness and justice in the test, and be identified as cheating on exams, etc.”

Even though I have heard it many times, I almost know it by heart.

But it can be said that this is the first time that Lu Shixian listened to the discipline of the examination room so seriously.

The same place, different mood, different scenery, nothing more.

After the integrity of the test paper envelope was demonstrated under the monitor, the test papers were finally distributed to everyone.

After filling in all kinds of information, as the exam bell rang, many people began to use the time just checked to review the questions, and began to write impatiently.

Lu Shixian was not in a hurry, but lowered his head and smelled the test paper lightly.

A fresh, pleasant scent of ink filled his heart, as if two old friends were having a conversation.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

&34; Me too! &34;

While others had already started to do the fifth multiple-choice question, Lu Shixian finally started to do it.

To be honest, not only the content of the senior high school entrance examination, but also a vague impression of the composition, even the content of the college entrance examination has long been forgotten.

It has been almost ten years since he graduated from high school, and the content of this simulated test paper for the senior high school entrance examination is quite unfamiliar to him.

But this does not affect him to answer the question with one hand.

Lower your head to examine the first question.

Which one of the following groups of words is correct in writing and pronunciation of the dotted words ( ).

Lu Shixian's eyes were like piercing eyes, and he quickly found out the bone spirit hidden in it.

The option a is to seek, but it is not advisable to take it.

The b option is to worship, but it is a bit inappropriate to worship.

Option c seems to be true.

As for option d, let’s forget it, the fake ones won’t be true.

Lu Shixian wrote a capital c on the test paper with a swipe of a pen.

The second question, the correct one of the underlined words is ( ).

In the third question, among the following sentences, the item that does not have a grammar problem is ( ).

Soon it was time to write poems silently.

Mountains and rivers are full of doubts and no way out, next sentence?

Resisting the urge to fill in "Going to run today", Lu Shixian wrote down the correct answer.

Why do my tears often contain tears, next sentence?

Good guy, Lu Shixian's mind keeps popping up because I pretended to be too deep.

Lu Shixian:

He sighed and put down his pen, he couldn't do this question anymore, it was all the wisdom crystallization of netizens in his previous life.

After struggling to complete the fill-in-the-blank questions and other small questions, Lu Shixian finally came to reading comprehension.

Please read "Jian Jia" and complete the next three small questions.

The first subtitle, this poem, uses the description of the scenery. What kind of scene do these scenery show us?

Beautiful women (talented people) are in front of you, and you can't get it if you ask for it.

What else could it be, a dog lick.

What is the end of licking a dog? Nothing is left after licking.

Nature is a bleak sight.

The second sub-question, what emotion does the author of this poem express?

This kind of problem is actually what Lu Shixian is most afraid of. Having an oolong in his previous life is quite ridiculous.

After a certain language test, the original author of a certain reading comprehension replied that he himself didn't know what kind of emotion he wanted to express when he wrote it, so he wrote it when he thought of it.

So the essence of this kind of topic is to see if you understand the general idea, and then express the general idea in another way.

Of course, it is impossible to write about dog licking here. If you want to score points, you have to pack it.

After thinking for a while, Lu Shixian immediately took up a pen and wrote it.

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