The whole poem uses symbolic rhetorical techniques, using Yi Ren to describe the beautiful woman or talented person yearning for in the heart, and using the situation "on the side of the water" to describe the generally unattainable pursuit in life, expressing the author's pursuit of the beautiful woman longing for in his heart Or the unobtainable melancholy and sad feelings of talents.

Lu Shixian was quite satisfied after finishing writing in one stroke.

This question has a total of three points. If you think about it with your butt, there is a high probability that there will be a total of three points. If you only fill in the expression of melancholy and sadness, you can only get one point.

Judging several scoring points based on the score, so as to get the score, is the most basic skill of Xueba.

Just like the upgrade of slaying monsters, the current Lu Shixian is equivalent to driving a large phone to slash mobs.

Cut melons and vegetables along the way, and soon reached the last level.

Composition title: The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is a national first-class railway connecting a certain city in Qinghai Province to a certain city in the Tibetan area. It is one of the four major projects in the new century in China. The plateau railway with the highest altitude and the longest route in the world.

This railway will be fully opened to traffic this year. What do you think of this?

Except for poetry, there is no limit to the style of writing, and a composition of about 600 words should be completed.

When Lu Shixian saw the title, he recalled some gossip at that time.

I don't know which ghost wrote this composition. Originally, the above-mentioned topic had been pre-determined as the composition topic for the high school entrance examination, and it has been kept hidden.

However, it was released in advance by the teacher who did not know the inside story, and the people who had already rested in the closed hotel were forced to contribute some brain cells.

It is said that this teacher was later given a lot of alcohol by these big bosses. It is not known whether his liver function is still intact.

In mourning for the teacher's tragic experience a few months later, Lu Shixian began to make an outline in his head and typed out the draft.

Regarding the question of what do you think of this kind of subjective essay on current affairs materials, Lu Shixian of course chose to sit and read it.

Just kidding, this type of composition is easy to say, and difficult to say.

Because generally a little bit of brain knows to write the main theme and it's over.

So there is basically no possibility of deviation.

But how to write the main theme composition well is also a technical job.

It's like flattering, some people can hit the horse's eyes, and some people can hit the horse's hooves just by blowing.

It seems to be a very simple operation, but it is very difficult to get a high score.

Lu Shixian began to analyze how to write this composition praising the motherland.

First of all, the most suitable style of this kind of main theme composition should be argumentative essays, prose and narrative essays are not acceptable, otherwise, why is there only argumentative essays in the public examination?

Secondly, what kind of argument and evidence should I use to make the article look more noble. After all, feeding the teacher a state banquet is not at the same level as feeding the teacher a box lunch.

In the end, what kind of central idea should be used to sublimate the theme? The end of the composition is the argument, and the end of the argument is the praise.

Every year, great events and great figures in the history of our country are praised at least tens of millions of times, if not hundreds of millions.

To stand out from the tens of thousands of times, it is more difficult than for a tadpole to find a mother to cast a good baby.

However, Lu Shixian has ten years more advanced vision than others. Although the raw materials are somewhat low-grade due to the inability to produce bugs, the form is high-level.

I sing the praises of the motherland not because I need to sing the praises of the motherland forcibly, but because I firmly believe in my heart that the heroes of the motherland are worth remembering, the mountains and rivers of the motherland are beautiful and rich, and the cause of the motherland is incomparably great.

As long as you have faith in your heart, you can write articles that are full of emotion, infectious, and passionate.

If you feel embarrassed, you don't have to.

Because that is the admiration and admiration for the great achievements that have been completed!

That is the cherished love for the beautiful life now!

That is the earnest expectation for the bright future of the motherland!

If you feel ashamed to write it yourself, how can you touch people's hearts?

If you can put your thinking at the highest point, covering the glorious past of the entire country and the bright vision for the future, then it is relatively successful in sublimation.

So how do you write a good argumentative essay? Rely on sincerity.

What do you think of the opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway?

Does this topic still need review?

Not at all!

There is no need to question it at all, let alone any pros and cons.

Dialectically, you just can't live with the success you have achieved in the past, and you can't live with the better and better life now.

So Lu Shixian put pen to paper like flying.

"The vast snowy land and the majestic Kunlun have witnessed the miracle in the history of world railway construction. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway has given birth to the Qinghai-Tibet Railway spirit of "challenging the limit and creating first-class bravely."

"Wandering on the top of the plateau, the snow in Mobei brings the greetings of the new wind, and the endless railway is like a soaring dragon. I praise the hard work of these builders. I cherish the hard-won life now. I praise my The motherland is prosperous and prosperous."

"Craftsman spirit, ingenuity to build dreams..."

"Cherish the present and work hard..."

"The rise of great powers, the revival of China..."

"When we are proud of the opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, when we are proud of the great achievements of the country, we, the future successors of China, should also..., the belief of serving the country with loyalty is as firm as Mount Tai, and the lofty and sincere heart is as hot as lava. .”

"The sun rises in the east, and its way is bright. Now China is more and more prosperous. Praise me, beautify me, and build me. The three work together to build a beautiful, prosperous and strong China. I firmly believe that the future of China will be prosperous." There will be times when the waves break, and hang the sails on the clouds to help the sea.”

After writing this, Lu Shixian let out a long breath.

"Although the arguments are a little low, but with this progressive writing structure and the sublimation of emotional content, it should be OK."

Of course, handwriting is also a factor that determines the composition score. Lu Shixian upholds a principle in this regard, keeping it neat and tidy, so that the marking teacher can feel happy.

At this point, the language test is almost over.

As long as the answer sheet is not wrong, the inspection is basically hell.

Bloody facts have proved that unless the error is 100% confirmed, the probability of subsequent revisions is not as high as the first completion.

"Ding ding ding..."

Soon, the bell rang.

"The exam time is up, all candidates stop answering the questions."

Lu Shixian didn't hesitate, put the test paper flat on the table, covered the answer sheet, and left the classroom without looking back.

The examination room is closed and not allowed to enter during non-exam time.

So after lunch, everyone can only go back to the dormitory to rest.

At this time, whether it is dining or returning to the dormitory.

There were voices discussing the exam situation everywhere.

The act of answering is even more ubiquitous.

Regardless of past and present lives, Lu Shixian is a person who doesn't like to get the correct answers in the exam.

Because it's so stupid to waste energy on a pointless thing.

Is not it?

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