It is worth mentioning that each representative team is assigned two volunteer girls.

The girls in Dongshan Province are still very enthusiastic.

With the help of the sister, each of them claimed their admission card, entry manual, two sets of entry uniforms, a tourist map of Dongshan Province and some souvenirs.

In the end, Suzhou Provincial Team imitated other teams and took a group photo with the mascot of the 16th Student Competition.

Forgive him for really not being able to recognize what the mascot is.

In the end, they also looked up at the photo of Daoqing Middle School in Dongshan Province in the previous international subject competitions.

It has to be said that at this stage of the national competition, it seems that the money is not bad at all, and everyone lives in a big hotel.

Two people live together in a large room, and they won't feel crowded.

Eleven people, six rooms, the last single room that was vacated was of course led by Feng.

Lu Shixian's cohabitation partner has been replaced by He Mingqian, who seems to be a boring gourd.

His personality is completely different from that of the witty ghost Chen Kuangsheng, and he doesn't like to talk, but he doesn't care.

Speaking of which, this was his first visit to Daoqing City, Dongshan Province. It is said that the most famous scenic spot here is the highest peak on the Wanli coastline, Laoshan Mountain.

It's a pity that the national competition is too important, and it will officially start tomorrow, so he is really not in the mood to see the scenery.

In the evening, Team Leader Feng summoned all the provincial team members to his room and started a meeting.

"The opening ceremony will start tomorrow. I believe your teacher Liu has already told you about some of the competition procedures in the national competition, so I won't go into details."

"So tonight I will mainly talk about some precautions during the national competition. Although it is a commonplace thing, it is still repeated in the annual national finals."

"First of all, you must adjust your mentality. Over the years, I have seen too many players who are obviously very strong. When they arrive at the national finals, they are very nervous, and then they perform abnormally. In the end, they fail to live up to several years of hard work and fall short."

When it came to this topic, Team Leader Feng spoke with a heavy tone, and it seemed that he was really touched.

"Then there is almost one day before the official exam. During this time, I hope everyone can pay attention to the time and not stay in the state of training. If you take the exam under the condition of mental fatigue, you will know the consequences in your heart."

"It's just an exam, and it won't determine your whole life at all, so no matter what the final result is, your future still has infinite possibilities. The more you get to the end, the more you have to calm down and let everything go."

"Finally, we will have dinner together at the restaurant on time at 7:30 tomorrow. After we finish eating, we will go to Mingzhi Square to gather with the big team."

After saying this, Team Leader Feng announced that the meeting was over, and everyone went back to their rooms.

At this time, several of his teammates no longer had the leisure time to chat, and the smiles from the past were no longer on their faces.

It seems that everyone is a little nervous!

Back in the room, I happened to see that He Mingqian was already reading a book.

Lu Shixian didn't want to disturb him either, and went straight to sleep after taking a hot bath.

On the second day, time was a little tight.

Lu Shixian interrupted his unshakable exercise routine for the first time after many days.

The breakfast was very rich, but almost all the people in the team were a bit tasteless.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, a total of 30 teams gathered in Mingzhi Square, and people were dazzled by the various uniforms.

If it weren't for the names of the provinces marked on the team cards, it would be difficult to recognize them.

Of the nearly 100,000 candidates across the country, only 240 of them went to the national competition.

Seeing this, Lu Shixian couldn't help but sigh, it's really a big wave washing away the sand.

But it's not over yet, and finally there's the sifting of gold in the sand.

This road is really too difficult!

At exactly nine o'clock, all the teams arrived, and the counting of the number of people was completed.

According to the schedule, now is the time to participate in the opening ceremony.

Because the weather in Daoqing City has been very good recently, the venue for the opening ceremony was chosen to be the largest stadium No. 1 in Daoqing Middle School.

The opening ceremony was presided over by the vice principal of Daoqing Secondary School.

Then came the headmaster's speech.

The director of the National Biocompetition Committee delivered a speech.

Speech by the leader of the education and publicity department of Daoqing City.

The deputy director of Dongshan Science and Technology Department delivered a speech.

The National Biology Competition Expert Group took the oath.

Finally, the representatives of the participating team members from Dongshan Province took the oath.

The entire process of the opening ceremony was very cumbersome, but everyone in the audience seemed to be listening very seriously, and the applause was naturally full of effect.

To be honest, Lu Shixian is not interested in the opening and closing ceremonies at all.

If possible, he wished to start the exam now, but there are some things that he cannot change, he can only change himself.

So I can only endure the whole process and watch it as self-cultivation.

From time to time, I can also learn acting skills, at least it is not wasted.

After finally making it to the end of the opening ceremony, I was told to take a group photo in Mingzhi Square.

He still didn't understand this, it was the first time he saw a group photo taken at the beginning of a competition.

Could it be that he was afraid that someone in the future would fail the exam and couldn't accept the fact that he left early?

Lu Shixian guessed with some evil taste.

Compared with scissors, Lu Shixian successfully completed the process perfunctorily.

I looked at the time, it was already 11:00.

The arrangement at this time is to look at the examination room.

I have to say that, after all, it is a national competition, and the fairness is still well arranged.

But it is worth noting that there is a big trap here. If Mei Ting hadn't reminded him before, he might really fall for it today.

The examination room for the theory test is okay, just look at the venue and the seats.

But the experimental exam began to deceive people.

All the experimental equipment used in the experimental examination will be displayed in the examination room.

Then here comes the interesting thing. Isn’t it a must-have skill for a master to guess the experimental topic through the experimental equipment?

But what you can think of, how can other competition committees not think of it?

To be honest, what you are playing now is already left over from what others played a few years ago.

Therefore, extremely misleading tools have been placed in the national competition experimental examination room in the past few years.

For example, if you put a scalpel on the test bench, you may think that you are going to dissect an invertebrate.

But in fact, he may bring up the topic of vertebrates and ask you to show it the bones, and the scalpel is actually a cover.

All in all, instead of giving you information, these devices can mislead you.

When it comes to the big national stage, it is useless to play some clever tricks, you can only rely on your own accumulation day after day.

Therefore, when Lu Shixian looked at the experimental examination room, he just remembered the location of his own experimental table and the placement of experimental equipment.

11:50, lunch time.

There is still an hour of lunch break later, but Lu Shixian is sure that few people will be able to sleep.

The one who can fall asleep at this time must be a great god.

Lu Shixian only dared to squint a little, not daring to sleep too hard, so as not to affect his performance in the afternoon.

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