At 13:30, Lu Shixian, as the captain, needs to hold the provincial card and lead the team into the examination room.

Suddenly, I saw a large group of teams wearing the same uniforms on the right.

With only seven or eight big cats and kittens in each province, this team immediately attracted the attention of the audience as soon as it appeared.

"According to my observation of the stars at night, this team belongs to the Dongshan provincial team." Chen Kuangsheng asserted mysteriously.

But he was ruthlessly ridiculed by his teammates.

"Come on, now we all know that there is a first team and a second team in Dongshan Province. You can see it at a glance, and you need to watch the stars at night."

However, Chen Kuangsheng, who was exposed, didn't care at all. As long as I wasn't embarrassed, the embarrassing one meant someone else.

"Then let me tell you something you don't know. Do you know who the thin guy with glasses on the left is?"

I haven't paid attention to it and have no sources of news. Naturally, no one can know.

So Chen Kuangsheng said quite proudly: "Don't look at him as weak, but he is actually a super fierce man."

"How fierce? Can it be as fierce as Lu Shen?" Some people were a little dissatisfied.

Lu Shixian quickly waved his hand and said, "Let's just joke about Lu Shen's words in private. There are so many strong enemies in the national arena. You will never know how strong your opponent is."

"And affected by many factors, I don't think anyone can guarantee that he will win the gold medal. So don't mention it outside. If I fail to perform well, I will show others a joke."

Chen Kuangsheng's pretend was affected, and he quickly signaled that he had important information to share, and continued to introduce: "This person's name is Wang Fuwen, from Yingdong No. 1 Middle School, last year's Informatics Competition National No. 1."

Hearing this, the whole team almost lost their voice.

"This is too outrageous. I only heard about Tao Zhexuan's 13-year-old international mathematics competition gold medal. I didn't expect to see a high school student who won the national first year."

"Although he is far behind Tao Shen, he is still much better than us, so why is he now participating in the competition again? Both the competition and the information competition seem to be niche?"

Chen Kuangsheng chuckled and said, "You don't know that. Naturally, your grades are not enough for Yanda Mizuki's recommendation quota. It is said that there is only one place difference."

"Student competitions and information competitions are the same. You need to memorize a lot of knowledge points. The key point is that this person's memory is extremely abnormal. Even if it is not as exaggerated as a photographic memory, I guess it is not too bad."

"He just moved to the biology competition this year, and he directly won the first place in the provincial first gold medal, so their school has high hopes for him."

There is really nothing to say about this except awesome.

Sometimes you have to sigh that some people can achieve far higher achievements than you in the same time.

At this time, the team from Dongshan Province had already entered.

They also quickly stopped the chat topic created by Chen Kuangsheng, hurried to the competition area, and sat in the disrupted seats.

Waited for a while.

At 14:00, the theoretical part of the exam officially started.

The game time is from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and there are three hours to complete this theory test.

After getting the test paper, Lu Shixian habitually evaluated the paper.

The number of questions in this set of test questions is the same as that of the entrance exam, with a total of 120 questions and 14 pages.

And the topic setting is very strange. The previous ones don't seem to be difficult, and they are all routine topics.

But in the second half, especially genetics, evolutionary biology and biological systematics, which is the fourth part, Lu Shixian is a little dazzled just by the length of the topic.

To put it simply, the simple is too simple, and the difficult is too difficult.

So it is possible that the theory test does not distinguish students very much.

So this is the national exam?

Before he had time to sigh, Lu Shixian decided to do the questions first. Anyway, the problems are at the end, and it will not be too late to have a headache.

Looking at the first question, the key to the success of artificially planting ginseng, Panax notoginseng and other traditional Chinese medicine lies in ( ).

a Control the proper temperature

b control adequate moisture

c control weaker lighting

d provide fertile soil

Lu Shixian laughed, isn't this the rabbit calling the wolf's door-is the meat delivered?

He's not being polite when it comes to crop testing.

First look at the options, the abiotic factors in the environmental factors.

Secondly, look at the title stem. Ginseng and Panax notoginseng belong to the understory plants of dense forests.

In the last second, it is deduced that weaker lighting is required, which is the answer c.

In fact, this question is still somewhat interesting. If you ignore the word key, you will feel very painful.

Because all four options seem like the correct answer.

Question 2: At what stage of the cell cycle does cell differentiation occur?

Seeing this question, Lu Shixian thought for a moment that he was doing a biology question for the college entrance examination.

Still need to see options?

certainly! Because he wants to find out which option is the interphase of cell division.

It is already quite painful to do the problem to this point.

Because looking for options directly from the answer is equivalent to seeing everything at a glance, which is boring.

Sometimes, it is interesting to leave suspense looming.

The third question: i (inner cell mass) belongs to?

Lu Shixian was about to cry, and quickly looked for embryonic stem cells in front of his eyes.

Question 4: Which of the following characteristics is unique to cancer cells?

He resisted the urge to cry and directly recited all the characteristics of cancer cells.

"1 Cells grow and divide out of control."

"2 has infiltration and diffusion."

"3 Cell-to-Cell Interaction Changes."

The first three parts were done so smoothly that Lu Shixian almost thought he had taken a fake test paper.

As time passed, Lu Shixian finally encountered the first obstacle on the road.

Define inference questions.

Inversion refers to the phenomenon that two breaks occur on a chromosome at the same time, and the middle segment is reversed 180° and reconnected, so that the sequence of genes on this segment is reversed.

A section of definition is directly given, and then the question is asked, there will be different situations when homologous chromosomes synapse, among them?

This kind of question is very demanding, requiring you to quickly understand the given definition, and then use the knowledge you already have to infer the answer.

But for this kind of question, for him now, he really feels the fun of doing the question.

You will also achieve this state when you clearly understand every detail of the synapsis of homologous chromosomes.

After completing this question, he immediately encountered the first calculation question that required written calculations.

The topic is the probability of genetic diseases in the offspring with the most in the high school biological genetic test.

Although Lu Shixian really wants to complain, hey, he will have a premarital examination in the future, and it will be too late to give birth without a premarital examination.

So calculating the probability is useless at all.

Well, let’s go back to the topic: Congenital deaf-mute is a genetically heterogeneous single-gene recessive genetic disease. A couple are both congenitally deaf-mute, and their gene compositions are a1a1a2a2 and a1a1a2a2 respectively, so their offspring are congenitally deaf. What is the probability of dumbness?

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