The next day's exam came as scheduled.

After the bombardment of the sea of ​​questions on the first day, many people began to feel a little numb.

The entire examination room on the second floor was a little quieter than the first day, and everyone hoped that it would end quickly.

Soon, a reminder that English listening was about to start came from the loudspeaker in the classroom.

Although his English scores were not particularly good before the college entrance examination.

But during college, through reading a lot of English literature and papers, his English has made great progress.

Writing English papers is no longer a problem for him.

CET-4 and CET-6 are no problem, otherwise he wouldn't be able to graduate without this hard requirement.

The first short listening section has been played, and Lu Shixian hastily looked at the questions and options of the test paper.

"how is the weather today?"

According to the content of the listening just now, the general idea is that the weather is very good today, and Xiaofang wants to go out, so she has to buy an umbrella in advance.

Lu Shixian was slightly taken aback, there is something wrong with the person who wrote the question.

This is the first question, and I started to set traps.

If you didn't hear the previous one and only heard "a kd of ubrel" at the back, then there is a high probability that you will choose the c option ray.

Unfortunately, if it rains, how can you say that the weather is good?

An umbrella here should refer to the sun ubrel.

Lu Shixian quickly wrote down the correct option a sunny.

With a glimpse of the leopard, we can know that the most important thing in English is to understand its main idea. If you can understand everything, English is actually not as difficult as Chinese. After all, Chinese culture has been extensive and profound for five thousand years.

The five small listening comprehensions are finally over, and we come to the big listening comprehension, which is a piece of audio to answer several questions, which is a test of people's comprehensive ability.

It's a pity that these are just food delivery for Lu Shixian, and the so-called listening is the same as asking him what he had for breakfast.

As soon as the hearing was over, Lu Shixian turned on the sweeping mode again.

Cloze? Not enough to watch.

reading comprehension? Ten lines at a glance.

vocabulary use? Come at your fingertips.

Finally came the composition session. Lu Shixian is still a little addicted to composition, at least it is a bit challenging.

Lu Shixian reviewed the questions with great interest.

"Jinling City is a city with a long history. Please introduce your hometown. The number of words is about 80, and keep it clear, neat and coherent. Please do not mention your real school and name in the text."

Anyway, that's probably what it means.

For English composition, after so many years of torture, Lu Shixian summed up some experience.

In one sentence, it is: reviewing questions is very important, reviewing questions is very important, reviewing questions is very important. In fact, the scoring points and deduction points are all in the title.

Don't deviate from the topic is the premise, which is exactly the same as Chinese. Once the bull's head is wrong, the full score of 20 points will go down to five points.

A well-organized subtext needs to be divided into paragraphs. First, second, and last, such conjunctions will not get points if there are no basics. It is better to have detailed sub-arguments.

Neat writing means that you can practice your handwriting well in the first day of junior high school, so there is no need to say much.

The coherence of the writing is nothing more than the need to echo the beginning and the end, that is, to summarize the first paragraph as high as possible in another way.

Um? What is advanced?

It is beyond the outline, how to exceed it, as long as you don’t make grammatical mistakes, you will win half of the battle.

In fact, this kind of composition, Lu Shixian can only say, as long as the vocabulary is sufficient, the difficulty is much lower than that of Chinese composition.

Without even thinking about it, he just picked up a pen.

“as everyone knows that jl is one of the ost beautiful cities all over the su provce lt is really fao for its long history and…”

"to beg with..."


"The false analysis..."

“as an nseence…why not e to this aazg city tot a rest and have a look of these beautiful scenesjt cherish this hardly-t chancedon&39;t hestitate”

After finishing the last word, Lu Shixian put down the pen, looked at the composition just written and nodded.

"This should be about the same. It looks much more simple. It's better to be conservative. It's not a good thing to be too super-class."

One step ahead is a genius, two steps ahead is often a madman. Lu Shixian takes this very seriously. Some educational resources are not accessible to him in his current environment. If some things appear in advance, he can't explain them at all, and they will explode if they don't pay attention.

Thinking of Zhai's situation in his previous life, which was exactly the opposite of him, yet he still had such a big impact on his own.

Even if he really wants to conduct academic research now, many important scientific achievements are still presented in his mind.

With his current small arms and legs, he really couldn't bear some things.

For example, the first exploration of black holes by human beings can only be done slowly, and it is really easy to tear the eggs in one step.

"Forget it, let's develop obscenely first. Stay calm, it will take off sooner or later anyway." Lu Shixian completely extinguished the thoughts in his mind just now, and calmed down.

At the right time, meet the right person, do the right thing.

This is the only way to success.

Very good, I just wrote a composition, and had another epiphany, this wave of blood earning.

Lu Shixian suspected that if he was reborn in the world of high martial arts, he would have been invincible long ago, so that he is still competing with some brats for rankings.

Abandoning the fantasies in his mind, Lu Shixian handed in the paper half an hour earlier and left.


It was lunch time at noon, and Lu Shixian seemed to be able to feel the students' eagerness to move.

There are only two more exams left!

If Lu Shixian had some impatience in his heart to speed up the process before, now he is extremely indifferent.

There are only one hundred days left in his junior high school career, he just needs to have a clear conscience and leave the rest to time.

Don't be surprised by favor or disgrace, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; go and stay unintentionally, look at the clouds in the sky.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the physics exam started on time.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the math test started on time.

It only took Lu Shixian 20 minutes and 25 minutes to rush to the front of the enemy camp.

Then it took ten minutes and fifteen minutes to kill the enemy general.

Thinking about it, I can be regarded as a low-profile version of "Warming Wine and Slashing Huaxiong"!

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