What Happened If You Didn't Take The College Entrance Examination? I Recommend

Chapter 14 Are You Still Collecting The Paper Yourself?

As for the reason why the standard version and the deluxe version are not reached, Lu Shixian summed it up carefully, and finally pushed it to him because he did not have a system.

After all, there are so many problem-solving steps, and it takes 20 minutes to copy.

After answering the test paper in a few minutes, this person should be a tentacle monster in human skin, which is beyond the reach of human beings.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still an hour left. This time the preliminary examination was completely over.

Of course, he will not wait so long.

When the clock in the classroom pointed to 5:30, Lu Shixian got up and left the classroom.

Only the backs of the crowd were left unrestrained.

The candidates in the eighth examination room were not affected at all.

After all, Lu Shixian's prestige is too great, no matter what exaggerated things he does to be the first in grade for three consecutive years, it won't surprise people.

But some doubts are unavoidable, because before Lu Shixian, no matter how simple the exam questions were, he never made the move to hand in the papers in advance.

And the invigilator inside was a little curious no matter how indifferent he was.

I heard chatter from the teacher who had invigilated the exam in the No. 8 exam room before. There was a candidate who always handed in the paper half an hour earlier.

At first they thought that this person had handed in a blank paper, after all Jinling Nongzhong is well-known.

But when I collected the papers, I saw that the examination paper No. 32 was densely packed, except for the history, which was almost full.

Then, the male teacher in front suddenly stood up, and the invigilation card on his chest was suddenly exposed to everyone.

Under the serious Chinese character face, there is a line of words printed.

"Jinling No. 1 Middle School, senior one dean, Qian Zhengguo."

Immediately afterwards, he winked at a middle-aged female teacher sitting behind him.

The female teacher was quite upbeat, she seemed to understand what Qian Zhengguo meant, and walked slowly towards the front of the stage.

But he wandered slowly through the aisle of the examination room for a few laps, and finally stopped in an empty seat in the middle like an accident.

There is no doubt that this is Lu Shixian's examination table.

Qian Zhengguo didn't even look at the answers marked by Lu Shixian on the test paper. He turned the answer sheet over and looked at the last full answer area.

Originally, it was just a coincidence, but the more you look at him, the more concentrated your attention becomes.

Because he is different from the previous teachers who invigilate the cross-subject examination, although he is in an administrative position and has no teaching tasks.

But who is the teaching director as soon as he gets a job?

Before taking up the administrative position, he was a well-known deputy senior mathematics teacher in Jinling No. 1 Middle School.

That's why he was so experienced that he looked directly at the big questions, which was the place that tested the students' true abilities the most.

Since the question was written by the Education Research Office in charge of the junior high school, he was not the teacher of the proposition group, so even he didn't know the question.

But the test paper was on the side, and he happened to take it over for comparison.

"As shown in the figure, it is known that the side length of the square abcd is 4, the point p is a moving point on the side ab, connect cp, pass the point p to make a vertical line intersect ad at the point e, take pe as the side to make a square pefg, and the vertex g On the line segment pc, the diagonals eg, pf intersect at the point o."

Just looking at the questions for the first time, Qian Zhengguo had a general understanding of the situation of this math test.

"How to move, although it's a long story, the difficulty is not bad, but in the end it depends on how the problem goes." He nodded slightly and said in his heart.

"If ap=1, what is ae?"

"Evaluate quietly, it's not difficult."

Qian Zhengguo glanced directly at Lu Shixian's final answer to the question, but didn't respond, and looked directly at the second question.

"Prove: Point o must be on the circumcircle of triangle ape; when point p moves from point a to point b, point o also moves accordingly, find the path length of point o."

"Prove the circumcenter of a right-angled triangle? Four points are in a circle, which is meaningless."

"The second little question is also simple. Once the minimum and maximum values ​​are drawn, it is clear at a glance. The answer is not the right-angled side of the side length of the square."

Qian Zhengguo looked disappointedly at the third question.

"During the movement of point p from point a to point b, the center of the circumcircle of triangle ape also moves accordingly. Find the maximum distance from the center of the circle to side ab."

Now, Qian Zhengguo became slightly interested.

"Oh? Make a hodgepodge of four-point cocircle, circumference angle, circumscribed circle, similar triangle, Pythagorean theorem, and the maximum value of quadratic functions? It mainly focuses on problem-solving thinking, and there is no amount of calculation. It will not be the Jinling High School Olympiad team. It must be the old grandson's trick, he always does this."

Qian Zhengguo looked at Lu Shixian's answering idea with great interest. It should be solved by using the law of similar triangles. This is the simplest solution.

But when he looked at the ground, he found that the result was not.

Because Lu Shixian chose to solve the second and third questions at the same time.

"Take point a as the origin, establish the x and y axes in the direction of the two sides of the square, and set the length of ap to be x&34;

&34; From this we can see that the coordinates of point o are, and the coordinates of the point are &34;

&34;Since x ranges from 0 to 4, &34;

As for the answers to the next questions, Qian Zhengguo hadn't looked at them. The answers to these questions can be seen at a glance. The key is the thinking and steps of solving the questions.

Qian Zhengguo looked at the previous question again.

Question 24, all correct.

Next question 23, all right

Finally, to question 22, it is also correct.

"This student" Qian Zhengguo's expression gradually became meaningful, and then he turned to the front of the answer sheet.

"Lu Shixian? I seem to have heard of this name somewhere. It seems that he is the best student in the agricultural school in the past three years. I didn't expect it to be a surprise. The agricultural school has really produced a good seedling in the past few years."

As the dean of the high school, naturally he would not go to the examination room of the lower grades to invigilate the examination for no reason.

So did the second and third years of high school, and even the vice principal in charge of teaching. Although the junior high schools were assigned to different schools, they had the same tasks.

He pondered and quietly remembered the name in his heart.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard the whisper of a middle-aged female teacher next to him.

"Director Qian, the exam has been over for a minute, should we hurry up and collect the papers?"

At this moment, Qian Zhengguo came back to his senses, and quickly said with a straight face: "How did you do it? Why didn't you remind me before? What are you still doing now? Why don't you hurry up and organize the collection?"

The female teacher was speechless, she had just winked at it for a long time, but it was as if she hadn't seen this one at all.

She is just a little teacher in Jinling No. 4 Junior High School. As a little transparent, she dare not say anything or ask anything.

It's just that from the corner of the eye, he unconsciously looked at the test paper on the table, wondering whose test paper it was, which made Qian Zhengguo, who is well-known in the industry, so immersed.

But what he saw was Qian Zhengguo's big hand that had already taken away the test papers.

Regarding this, she really wanted to complain: "So you also collected the papers yourself?"

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