Seeing Lu Shixian thinking, Gu Hongya finally couldn't help but said: "Xiao Lu! &34;

"If it's our reason that makes you feel a little tangled, then there's no need for it."

"We're just helping with the conversation. If you don't have any specific intentions, I hope you will consider it at Yanda."

Ma Yuheng at the side glanced at her, as if to say: There is no result yet, why did you rebel.

But soon, he also said: "As your predecessor, we hope that you can make greater progress in the next time, which depends entirely on your own future academic research planning."

"So this is not some kind of moral kidnapping. You just need to think about how to treat you. No matter what, we have already brought the word, and the task is considered complete."

After the old horse finished speaking, he took a sip of tea leisurely, and he didn't look like a lobbyist at this time.

Gu Hongya who was beside him immediately gave him the same look as before.

It seems to be saying that you are not the same, so you have the nerve to say old lady?

Lu Shixian turned a blind eye to their small movements, but a warm current flowed silently in his heart.

To be honest, these two are seniors who have helped him a lot.

Even if he came with a mission from the academy, this kind of teacher who still thinks about him really deserves his respect.

Thinking of this, he finally made his own decision.

"Yan University's help to my growth is indescribable, and it still carries many good memories for me."

"And there are not many places that can compare with it in the domestic research environment."

"Whether it is from a rational point of view or an emotional point of view, I can't find a reason to reject it."

Just as Ma Yuheng and Gu Hongya were delighted by this, Lu Shixian added the last sentence.

"So I will stay at Yanda, but I cannot guarantee that I will only stay at Yanda."

But that's enough!

Their purpose of coming here has been achieved.

Is not it?

The three happily finished the meal, and Lu Shixian also went back to prepare his doctoral materials.

Generally speaking, the enrollment time of new students in China is fixed in September every year.

Except for PhDs, many colleges and universities recruit students twice a year.

Therefore, Lu Shixian can officially enter the school in March this year.

At that time, he will become a Ph.D. in the Department of Biology, School of Life Sciences, Yanda University.

But before that, he was going home.

That's right, from the Gregorian calendar, although 2012 has ended, the Spring Festival has not yet begun.

In the past year, he rarely had the opportunity to go home to visit his relatives.

When he was in the ucd plant pathology laboratory, he was too busy to find much time to connect with his family.

Moreover, the two elders felt distressed about the cost of the transoceanic phone call, so they only said a few words every time they answered the phone to report that they were safe.

But now, it's clearly time to make amends.

It may be that Lu Shixian has become an associate doctor of the Academy of Life Sciences.

It may also be that he still has a commissioned task on him.

So the college leader waved his hand and gave him a week's vacation in advance.

Regardless of the short period of seven days, the difference may be the distance between mountains and seas of people.

There is no need to fight for tickets, no crowds, and he avoids the upsurge of college students returning home.

January 19, 2013.

Lu Shixian boarded the plane from Yanjing to Jinling very comfortably.

Although it was not short of the airfare, it still made him feel bad when he paid for it.

I kept asking myself why I didn't buy a train ticket?

But the law of true fragrance is the essence of all human beings.

When he arrived at Jinling Airport two hours later, he chose to forget his previous thoughts.

After spending ten minutes, he finally arrived at the passenger terminal of the airport.

He stared blankly at the stop sign in Jinling District and remained silent.

From here by car, he will be home in three hours.

But three seconds later, Lu Shixian suddenly left the platform and hailed a taxi parked on the side of the road.

"Master, please come to Jinling University!"

"Okay! It doesn't seem like it's time for winter vacation yet?" The driver drove up to him and asked in a strong Jinling accent: "Young man, why are you going to Jinling University with your suitcase?" "

Having not heard this voice for a long time, Lu Shixian replied nostalgicly: "To meet someone here."

When the driver heard this, he immediately became interested.

Because he is familiar with this plot!

"Oh! So you are meeting your girlfriend!"

"It's not easy! The young man actually found a girlfriend from Jinling University!"

"This is the best school in our province, both 985 and 211."

"It's not easy to pass the exam. It seems that you are under a lot of pressure. No wonder you came here at this time!"

Hearing the driver's constant exclamation, Lu Shixian couldn't laugh or cry.

But now he really doesn't have a girlfriend, and he doesn't feel any pressure!

Then came the chatter of the driver.

"Relax, I've been through this before."

"My wife's grades are much better than mine, but it's a pity that she didn't bow down to me in the end."

"You are quite right about this. Men! You have to stalk her to death, and then make her unable to leave you in the end."

After passively listening to some advanced experience he imparted along the way, Lu Shixian hurriedly gave the money and left.

It seems that this big brother was also a person with a story when he was young.

Of course, coming to Jinling University was not a whim, but he had a mission.

The college needed him to send a confidential letter to Professor Su Changqing, the dean of the Academy of Sciences of Jinling University, otherwise they could communicate directly through the Internet without him having to travel a lot.

But it was just a matter of little effort, he happened to be on the way, and returning to Jinling University was considered a revisit.

Professor Su Changqing is also an old acquaintance of his.

Entering from the school gate, the landscape inside is slightly different from his memory a few years ago, and there are many strange new teaching buildings around.

It seems that Jinling University has developed very rapidly in the past few years!

Fortunately, the main road in the campus has not changed much, and Lu Shixian was able to quickly arrive at his destination, the School of Life Sciences of Jinling University.

Subconsciously looking up, the towering glass wall has dozens of floors up.

Speaking of which, compared with the old buildings in the past, the Shengke Building is now a shotgun for a cannon.

Although it was a little strange, it didn't prevent him from finding the dean's office on the top floor.

Apparently, he was lucky that the knock on the door was answered in the affirmative.

"Come in!"

Lu Shixian entered immediately, and an old man in a Chinese tunic suit with slightly white temples was writing something at his desk.

Seeing that he was still busy, Lu Shixian greeted him: "Dean Su, long time no see!"

Raising his head and seeing someone coming, the nib of Su Changqing's pen that had been moving suddenly stopped.

"Yo! Lu Shixian?"

"I just said why I woke up this morning, and the birds on the tree were chirping."

"It turns out that there are really rare visitors here!"

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