Lu Shixian smiled, shook his head and said, "It's not a rare visitor, this time I came here just to see you."

Su Changqing on the opposite side naturally wouldn't believe his nonsense, but he was still very happy to hear it, and then looked at him with a rather emotional tone.

"Your growth rate is much faster than I imagined."

"If you can continue to be excellent at Yanda, and make some achievements in foreign countries where the situation is more complicated, you are now a little famous in the domestic biological research circle."

This adjective is actually quite appropriate.

Although Lu Shixian has been in the news and newspapers several times, it does not mean that he has become a popular star.

Unless he makes inclusive achievements that can shock the whole country, no matter how many papers he produces in scientific research, it will be too far away from the lives of the most ordinary people.

Even if I heard it at the time, I would only exclaim: "True Xueba, so amazing!"

But as time passed, it was forgotten.

Now that several months have passed, his fame is now limited to the biological research circle.

And this situation is exactly what Lu Shixian expected.

It is true that he longs for fame, but currently he does not have the ability to transform this fame into prestige.

It's also nice to be able to keep a low profile.

After chatting for a while, Su Changqing was amazed at the breadth of Lu Shixian's knowledge.

"I have read the research results you posted on "Cell", and it has taken a big step forward in the study of the interaction between plants and pathogenic bacteria."

"And this step will directly affect other people's follow-up research on the regulatory mechanism and secretion pathway of the pathogenicity of important plant pathogens, as well as new strategies and new ideas for the prevention and control of important crop diseases."

"But it seems that I can see that your research direction still has the potential to dig deeper?"

Hearing this, Lu Shixian could only secretly think in his heart that Da Niu is indeed a Da Niu, can this be seen?

Although Su Changqing is not an academician for the time being, he does have an academic level equivalent to that of an academician.

Because he is in charge of the only State Key Laboratory of Biomedicine in the Academy of Sciences of Jinling University.

Students of biomedicine mostly deal with pathogens, and are deeply involved in pathology.

Phytopathology is slowly developed on the basis of medicine and microbiology.

The Biology Department of Jinling University has a long history, and most of the members of its Academic Committee have studied in Jinling University in their early years.

With so many big bosses behind him, he is quite secure and comfortable as the director of the laboratory.

Perhaps the only regret is that he was not selected as a member of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine.

So, Lu Shixian nodded in admiration: "That's right, my three regulatory mechanisms are all based on the fact that plants can defend against successful pathogen invasion."

"If the plant defense fails, the specific situation of the next secondary regulation is still unknown, and it is also unknown whether the conclusion I put forward before is applicable."

Su Changqing smiled and shook his head one after another: "It's not easy."

"Speaking of which, it took less than two hundred years for plant pathology to truly become a discipline."

"The research direction of plant pathology in the last century was mainly on the breeding of plant disease resistance and the genetic law of disease resistance genes. During this time, the research on plant disease resistance gradually formed two schools of thought, vertical resistance and horizontal resistance. .”

Lu Shixian quickly nodded and said: "That's right, in my third paper on gene regulation, I cited the vertical disease resistance and Discussions about horizontal disease resistance."

"As well as Professor Robinson's conclusions on the vertical pathogenicity and horizontal pathogenicity of pathogens, my main research content revolves around the resistance of major genes and the resistance of minor genes."

"It is difficult for us to go further without following the traces of our predecessors, just as Newton said: If I can see farther than others, it is because I stand on the titan shoulders."

Hearing this, Su Changqing smiled: "It's okay for you to bluff a layman when you express your feelings, but if you tell me this here, I'm afraid it will be a little confusing."

"Many of our knowledge and theories, such as group theory, matrices, and non-Euclidean geometry, have been proposed for a long time, but it sometimes takes thousands of years to be truly applied."

Speaking of this, Su Changqing said meaningfully: "If you want to step on the shoulders of Titan, the first prerequisite is to be able to climb on Titan's body."

"In fact, many people can't even learn the systematic knowledge proposed by the predecessors hundreds of years ago."

"You have never been a dean, and you may not know the number of students who fail in various subjects every year."

"Let's not talk about advanced mathematics, just talk about botany, cytology, genetics, molecular biology, anatomy, biochemistry, etc. There are not many people who can fully understand the textbooks, and there are many who fail courses."

Lu Shixian twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly. After all, physics is his lifelong enemy.

Su Changqing didn't care about his reaction, but continued to ask: "Not everyone is qualified to climb up, so you really don't consider going further in plant pathology?"

Lu Shixian still gave his previous answer to Knox: "Although plant pathology has a promising future, the field I really want to get involved in is genetics and breeding."

"I think the latter is the way to really change the world."

But Su Changqing suddenly shook his head after listening.

"I can't say you are wrong, but in my personal opinion, you are a bit paranoid!"

"You don't have to give up the advantages you have, sometimes all roads lead to Rome."

Lu Shixian was surprised when he heard this, and cast his eyes on Su Changqing's face, waiting for his answer.

Su Changqing quickly continued: "In this century, phytopathology has gradually concentrated on several major research directions. One is molecular phytopathology, which is to study the molecular mechanism of plant-pathogen interaction and its utilization strategies and approaches. That's what you've done before."

"The other is fungi and plant fungal diseases. Its main research content is the classification of half-knowledge fungi, the utilization of fungal resources, and the study of fungal diseases."

"And the last one is plant molecular virology and antiviral genetic engineering breeding."

Speaking of this, Su Changqing paused and looked at him and continued: "You may not know how much money and energy the country invests in the prevention and control of major crop diseases and insect pests every year?"

"Let's not mention major pests such as rice migratory pests, grassland moths, migratory locusts, silver moths, etc., which cause countless economic losses every year, let alone citrus greening disease, melon fruit spot disease, cucumber green Plant diseases such as mottled mosaic virus."

"So I think it's better to prevent it in the first place than to deal with it after it happens."

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