To be honest, if Lu Shixian heard what Lin Dapao said, he would definitely praise him for still having a few brushes.

If possible, he prefers to implement the more effective time-reduction interval training method.

But now, he has no time to care about these.

If there was an adjective to describe his feelings at this moment, it would be painful.

He is deeply aware that this body at this time has reached the limit of what it can do.

Practice is back to practice, but you can't practice yourself, God knows if there will be a chance to practice the trumpet again.

Exercise is a long-term process, and there is no possibility of achieving it overnight.

Choosing to complete the remaining lap, Lu Shixian finally completed the task of five laps.

When he returned to the team, a small number of classmates had already completed the task of ten laps.

As soon as he came back, he met the attention of many classmates.

Eyes are the windows to the soul. With the experience of his previous life, he quickly grasped the emotions of these children.

At this time, the relationship between classmates was still very simple, and there were not so many twists and turns.

Most of them are filled with surprise, and of course there are also Chen Yiyi's unconcealed delighted eyes and Xu Youmeng's occasional provocative eyes.

Lin Dapao's time was still very accurate, and when most of the people finished ten laps, the get out of class bell would ring on time.

The ringtone at this time is like fairy music to many people.

It can be said that for the middle school students in Jinling at that time, the physical education class included in the total score was no different from the devil class than Chinese, math and English.

After the last meeting, Lin Dapao announced that the get out of class was over, but left Lu Shixian alone.

For a while, many people gave Lu Shixian good luck. After all, everyone knew that Mr. Lin and Lu Shixian didn't get along well, and the unpleasant experience they had was still fresh in their memories.

Although they wanted to stay and watch the show, they were more willing to go back to the classroom and blow on the electric fan.

As a result, there were only Lu Shixian and Lin Dapao left in Nuoda's playground.

Lu Shixian didn't say a word either, he was not wronged when he was reborn.

Lin Dapao looked at him, but couldn't ask what he wanted to ask for a while.

So all he could do was tighten his face and keep serious.

The result is that the atmosphere becomes more and more tense.

Lu Shixian just glanced at it, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Lin Dapao is good to the students, but it is also really good to save face.

Thinking of returning to his old place in his previous life, and hearing Lin Dapao lamenting and regretting to himself, if he changed his teaching method, maybe Lu Shixian's life trajectory would become better.

Thinking of this, a piece of his already hard heart softened quietly.

&34; Alas. &34; He sighed, and had already made a decision in his heart.

Lu Shixian lowered his head and bowed deeply to Lin Dapao.

"Mr. Lin, forgive me for being capricious. I promise that I will train hard in the future and never fall behind."

Lin Dapao blinked a few times, then took off the sunglasses on his face, touched the hair that was not thick on his head, and took a deep look at Lu Shixian.

At this time, Lin Dapao, who has always been eloquent, was unable to speak a word again.

However, he took a step forward, patted Lu Shixian lightly on the shoulder, and left straight away.

After he left, Lu Shixian looked at the warm spring sun after the rain again, and laughed softly.

"Oh, go to td's grievance!"

All relationship reconciliation is nothing more than a reconciliation with the past self.

To tolerate everything about oneself, to tolerate the shortcomings of others, to tolerate the faults of others, life is a process of continuous reconciliation with the world.

Blindly covered with spikes will only hurt others and yourself.

As a boarding junior high school, Lu Shixian recuperated in the dormitory for one night.

When he went back to take a shower, he naturally looked at himself in the mirror fiercely.

Looking at his fifteen-year-old self in front of the mirror, Lu Shixian nodded in satisfaction as he touched the still thick hair and smooth skin on his head.

After getting rid of the gloom and weirdness of the past, his sword-browed starry eyes now look fresh and handsome.

Even if he is not handsome and unrestrained, he can be called Yushu Linfeng.

"Why didn't I find out in my previous life that when I was young, I was still a handsome guy, but why did I become disabled later on?"

Finally, he looked down guiltily, and then patted himself.

It's okay, it's the third in the universe.

Lu Shixian now let go of his last worries.

On Wednesday, at six o'clock in the morning, he got out of bed an hour and a half before breakfast time.

Feeling the rejuvenated body all over the body, Lu Shixian once again sang the long live of youth in his heart.

After doing a few warm-up moves, he left his not fast but solid footprints on the playground in the northeast corner of the school.

As for today's class, Lu Shixian had to be a good student for a day, bought an insurance policy for himself, and reviewed all the courses from the first to third grades again.

As for the class, he really didn't listen to it, but he still had to take the first place, after all, it was related to his future plans.

I can only say I'm sorry for Xu Youmeng, I can't keep my deep affection since ancient times, so what's the next sentence?

On Thursday, I insisted on exercising for the next day, and finally got good news from Wang Chunya. The teachers of several subjects agreed to the bet.

It is said that at the beginning, when the black-faced Wen heard that Lu Shixian would be free to move around in the remaining 100 days, he almost became an African.

But after hearing that the condition was to get the first place in the basic test, it was fine, and kept praising Wang Chunya's routines were deep and witty enough.

On Friday, with the layout of the exam venue and the distribution of admission tickets, it ushered in the last weekend before the joint exam for all junior high schools in Jinling City.

Friday should be the most exciting day for many junior high school students. After all, unlike Lu Shixian, those who only return to their hometowns except for winter and summer vacations are different. Most students only board on weekdays, and they can reunite with their families on Saturdays and Sundays.

I finally made it to the fourth class in the afternoon. There was no late self-study on this day, and it was often the busiest day in the whole school at 5:30 in the afternoon.

Many parents came out of their children's dormitory carrying big bags and small bags, with simple happy smiles on their faces.

In the classroom, many parents learned that a large-scale preliminary examination will be held this time, and they attach great importance to it, and are not in a hurry to go back. They are busy taking their children to talk to a few teachers in order to understand the specific situation of their children in school. .

The situation in Class 1 of the third grade was even worse, so that Lu Shixian and Xu Youmeng were the most leisurely ones.

A classroom that had been arranged as an examination room was suddenly empty.

Without the occlusion of other people, the distance between the two of them in such a large space seemed to be extremely close in the second row.

"You like to dream, why don't you go home?" Lu Shixian pushed away the review materials on the table and stretched.

Xu Youmeng's bright forehead suddenly turned black. She didn't know what kind of medicine this Lu Shixian had taken wrongly, and why she was not normal recently.

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