"My name is Xu Youmeng, not someone who likes to dream, do you know?"

Lu Shixian waved his hand: &34; What do you mean by dreaming? Could it be that he still wants to be a father? &34;

Xu Youmeng naturally didn't know what allusion came from the following words, but she could clearly understand that what she said was definitely not a good thing.

Seeing that the textbook in Xu Youmeng's hand was already hanging in the air, he was about to have the first intimate contact with his handsome face.

Lu Shixian begged for mercy one after another. The injury was minor, but if it disfigured it would be a major incident.

"Xu negative in the past, you came here, and dreamed of Wushan. I am satisfied now." He spoke at an extremely fast speed, and read a poem that seemed to have nothing to do with it.

If other people hear it, they will only find it inexplicable, because it contains Xu Youmeng's name.

But as he listened, Xu Youmeng's eyes soon filled with tears.

The textbook in his hand trembled and fell.

"How do you know?" Xu Youmeng questioned Lu Shixian, resisting the strong emotions that were about to burst out of his heart.

Lu Shixian looked at the girl who suddenly exuded strong grief, and was stunned.

She looked like a tigress just now, why is she about to start crying now.

To be honest, this sentence was a message Xu Youmeng left for him in his graduation classmates before he left in the graduation season.

Except for these three sentences, there is nothing else on it, let alone a signature.

Although it is a bit baffling, it is easy to see from the initials that it was left by Xu Youmeng.

At that time, he had a cold personality, and he was extremely indifferent to Xu Youmeng. He would just ignore these things when he saw them, let alone have any curiosity to explore them.

Now I just think of this matter, and I will naturally quote it when I think of it.

"Is there any problem?" Lu Shixian looked at her blankly.

But the girl just stared at her blankly, quite determined to break the casserole and ask the end.

Lu Shixian only felt that his head was a bit big, and he was just teasing the girl, why did this kind of oolong appear.

He had no choice but to tell the truth: "Okay, I'm not pretending, and I'm showing my cards. I'm actually from the future. I saw you write these with your own hands, okay."

But seeing the girl's tears about to burst, her towering chest began to heave violently.

"No, I'll say it right away, I just saw your name, plus I read some poems before, and I thought of it by chance."

Lu Shixian hurriedly made up an excuse on the spot. He suspected that if he didn't speak clearly, according to the girl's determination to break the casserole and ask the bottom line, he wouldn't have to leave the classroom today.

Even though it was made up, and even he felt that he couldn't bear to scrutinize it carefully, Xu Youmeng seemed to have accepted this statement, and his mood gradually stabilized.

"Tomorrow I won't release the water, you better hope you can win forever."

Xu Youmeng put down these words, took a deep look at him, and finally left with her belongings in her arms.

Only the inexplicable and extremely speechless Lu Shixian was left.

What the hell is this? Today's pretend behavior is a complete failure.

The most important thing is that it is too difficult to be a human being, and now no one even believes in telling the truth, but they firmly believe in nonsense.

The world is going down!

The most important thing is, do you still need to release water? Even in the previous life, you only beat me once in the senior high school entrance examination when you calculated your physical test scores and your brother was not performing well.

Thinking back to Xu Youmeng's situation in the same grade in his previous life, although the total score of Biological History was better than him, ranking a few places higher than him, it was not much better.

Being able to win him is purely due to the luck of the players.

Some details that he hadn't noticed before were slowly discovered by him.

If he remembers correctly, Jinling High School's admission requirements for passing the high school entrance examination in Jinling District are the top 20 in the city, and the rest is self-enrollment.

Xu Youmeng seems to be as far away as herself, but the admission list cannot be faked, and she still entered Jinling High School even though her ranking did not meet the requirements.

I also remembered that the news that Xu Youmeng was admitted to Jinling High School did not spread, but only appeared on the admission list.

Thinking of such a major event that is conducive to recruiting students, Jinling Nongzhong did not make a big publicity.

This is extremely abnormal.

Then, the following reasoning is very simple.

Damn, this girl is actually the second generation? ? ?

I thought I had secured the winning ticket, but I didn't expect that people were already waiting for me at the finish line.

It turned out that the clown was himself!

Lu Shixian's face turned green, as if a lemon essence was alive.

What is the first grade in the third grade? Can I eat it?

Soon today passed in a daze, and it was a good habit he developed in his previous life to never get entangled in one thing.

Lu Shixian quickly adjusted his unbalanced mentality and became full of enthusiasm again.

"What is the second generation? I am the first generation, the god of the future schoolmaster of Huazhi Kingdom."

Life is already so hard, why are weekends so short?

It's a heavy topic that can never go away.

On Saturday, Lu Shixian ushered in a rare long time alone ti.

He made some adjustments to his previous plan.

In terms of physical testing, after several days of persistent training, Lu Shixian has felt that his body has adapted to this training intensity. The only physical test is 1,000 meters and five laps.

My current score is 4 minutes and 54 seconds, which is converted into a grade score of 1 point.

Oh my goodness, I finally ran under five minutes for the first time.

Lu Shixian breathed a sigh of relief, God knows how much effort he has spent for this 1 point that others can get casually.

No way, the foundation of this body is too bad.

But speaking of it, the debts of this life should be repaid in the previous life, isn't it a matter of course?

Lu Shixian was really speechless.

In terms of grades, Lu Shixian was as steady as an old dog, and quietly asked Wang Chunya for a few real past high school entrance examination papers.

Chinese, after 40 minutes, the subjective questions are a bit difficult to evaluate.

"Well, I don't think it's a big problem to deduct 1 conventional point. As for the composition, the focus is prominent, the context is clear, and the emotion is sincere."

Lu Shixian was even moved by himself, why don't you give me full marks?

So he took out the red pen and drew 119 in the test paper.

Mathematics, 20 minutes to finish, what kind of brother is this?

Lu Shixian didn't even look at the reference answer, and gave it full marks.

In English, he finished 30 minutes, and the listening comprehension, which only took up a quarter of the score, took half of his answering time.

No way, people are playing hooligans, what can you do?

Facing the reference answer, Lu Shixian drew a series of continuous and graceful ticks.

The results are out, "all right!"

"Well done!" Lu Shixian coolly wrote down at the end of the test paper the most evaluations Wang Chunya gave him.

So is this the achievement that made him work so hard in his previous life that he became insane?

Lu Shixian suddenly remembered a well-known advertising slogan by a certain "easy girl".

xxx---Mom no longer has to worry about my study!

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