That afternoon he returned to Jinling No. 1 Middle School again.

Although the holiday has passed, the outside of the school is still immersed in the joy of the Spring Festival.

But in the school, the students in the third grade returned to school with heavy steps, and the whole school could only see busyness and anxiety.

Under the thin wall, it seems that two completely different worlds are separated.

Although there is only a short seven-day vacation, Lu Shixian doesn't feel this way at all.

Due to the early return of the third grade, correspondingly, the staff in the cafeteria, dormitory and printing room, as well as the teachers in each class also need to end their annual leave early to serve them.

So don't feel how hard you are, there are always people who silently pay for them in the invisible corner.

In contrast, studying in a bright and spacious classroom is already such a happiness.

Lu Shixian returned to the dormitory and changed his bed sheet and quilt cover.

At night, the third floor of the teaching building is already brightly lit, but on the third floor of the complex building across a few walkways to the right, there is only one light shining alone.

That was the last book that Lu Shixian read Mei Ting recommended to him alone in the biological competition training room.

Fundantals of biostatistics, the basis of biostatistics.

It is a very classic introductory textbook on biostatistics, written by Professor Bernard Rosner of Harvard University.

Although the Chinese version was published in China in April 2004, recently Lu Shixian has become addicted to reading English monographs.

There is no derogatory meaning here, but after you can really understand it, you will find that there are still some subtle differences between the translated and the original text.

It is the so-called weakening effect of information in the process of transmission, no matter what medium or media it passes through, it will be more or less lost.

So this is why university teachers now recommend international monographs and advocate the principle of reading from the original.

Lu Shixian opened the plain blue-green cover and began to study.

To put it bluntly, biostatistics is the application of mathematical statistics to biological research. It is the principle of applied mathematical statistics, the use of statistical

A science that uses design methods to understand, analyze, infer and explain various phenomena and experimental investigation data in the life process. It belongs to the interdisciplinary category of biology and mathematics.

His statistics are not very good at all and are relatively weak. Statistics mainly use probability theory to establish mathematical models, collect information from observed samples, conduct quantitative analysis and summary, and then make inferences and predictions.

It has applications in almost any discipline, from the natural sciences to the social sciences to the humanities.

And this book covers general descriptive statistics, including normal distribution, Poisson distribution, binomial distribution, statistical inference, single-sample inference, two-sample inference (parametric test), and non-parametric test.

As well as categorical data, time series testing, such as fisher test, log rank test, and statistical methods in biostatistics are covered in this book.

Almost all the statistical knowledge used in the sci papers is in this book, which just helped him make up for the lack of statistics by the way.

Since tomorrow is the day for Mei Ting to check the situation, Lu Shixian rarely works overtime.

At eleven o'clock, all the lights in the classroom had been extinguished, and it was pitch black looking through the window. Lu Shixian stretched his waist and looked at the last quarter of the content.

There is no other way, as long as you work hard, the iron pillar will be ground into a needle.

Lu Shixian gritted his teeth, whether it is a pillar or a needle depends on tonight.

It wasn't until 1:30 in the evening that Lu Shixian massaged his swollen eyes, turned off the light and left.

Apologetically, he woke up the dormitory caretaker who was about to fall asleep. In the corridor of the dormitory, he could see a lot of light through the crack of the door.

It seems that late at night is not his stage alone, there are many people who are studying all night long.

But Lu Shixian couldn't bear it anymore, and he fell asleep directly when he returned to the dormitory.

Friday, February 8, 2008.

His biological clock failed for the first time. When he woke up and looked at the time, it was already eight o'clock.

If there are still ten minutes left, maybe he is still in a hurry.

But now that he was late, he didn't panic.

Slowly go to the cafeteria to see if there are any steamed buns left to fill the stomach.

Then I did a simple warm-up exercise on the playground to move my body.

Finally arrived at the classroom, entered through the back door and sat on the seat, the whole process was done in one go.

The teacher on the stage just glanced at him, and then continued to watch the scenery.

No one paid attention to and pursued his lateness.

All day today, he didn't listen to the teacher's lecture or review the content of high school.

He summarized the knowledge he had learned before, rearranged it in his mind, and established a detailed knowledge framework system.

This is convenient when you need to use it, you can quickly remember and call it.

The biology competition is really different from other subject competitions, such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, and there are too many things to memorize.

In contrast, there is not much content to test the logic of thinking.

Many people think that biology, economics and other subjects are liberal arts because of this.

Soon it was time for dinner.

Lu Shixian only ate until he was 90% full, so as not to affect his state later.

Going up to the complex, he was a little surprised to see Mei Ting sitting on the seat in a snow-white down jacket.

This was the first time she had appeared so early.

Lu Shixian approached her while showing a smile.

"Teacher Mei, happy new year!"

"Is there any red envelope?"

Mei Ting gave him a cold look, knowing that his skin was itchy again.

Then throw him a stack of papers from the bag.

"Take the red envelope, I hope you like it."

Lu Shixian took it and saw that it was indeed a printed test paper.

So is this the first practice of the new year?

"It's time to start. Two hours, it's 6:30 now, I'll come back at 8:30." Mei Ting gave him a look.

"Inside information, don't spread it out. This test paper is the real test paper for the theoretical part of the league in previous years that my best friend got in Yanda."

"Although t-sre calculation is not possible now, if the theoretical score of the previous provincial teams is almost never lower than 120, you can weigh it yourself."

Lu Shixian nodded to show he understood.

After Mei Ting left, he took a deep breath, and instead of doing the questions first, he started to browse the questions.

Completely different from mathematics, the number of questions in the biology league test paper is surprisingly large, with a total of 120 questions and a total score of 150 points.

It doesn't matter if there are too many questions, the key is that they are all single-choice questions and multiple-choice questions.

Lu Shixian calmed down the fluctuating mood in his good heart, and began to look at the first part of biochemical principles, microbiology, bioinformatics, and cell biology, a total of 30 questions, with a total of 35 points.

The title of the first question made him relax a little.

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