1. The description of organelles with no membrane structure, single-layer membrane structure and double-layer membrane structure in the following plant cells is correct ()

a. Spindle, vacuole and Golgi apparatus, chloroplast

b. Ribosomes, chloroplasts, mitochondria

c. Ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, chloroplasts

d. Spindle, endoplasmic reticulum and vacuole, mitochondria

Isn't this high school biology? As long as the knowledge is firmly grasped

He dared to bet that even a freshman in high school could basically get all of these questions right.

This point of knowledge quickly popped up in Lu Shixian's mind.

Monolayer membrane: vacuoles, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus.

Double membrane: chloroplast and mitochondria.

Without membranes: centrosomes and ribosomes.

Lu Shixian barely thought, and quickly wrote a capital c on the test paper.

The whole process took less than two seconds.

According to this speed, soon Lu Shixian will come to the second part: Zoology, Botany, Plant Physiology, Animal Physiology.

A total of 35 questions are worth 45 points.

31 The primary vascular bundles in angiosperm stems come from ( )

a. Vascular cambium b. Cork cambium c. procambium d. Tertiary cambium

At this time, the benefits of mastering knowledge points and forming a knowledge framework system come, which is equivalent to directly searching for answers in knowledge curry.

Botany to vascular plants to angiosperms to primary cambium.

Because the procambium belongs to the primary cambium, forming primary vascular bundles.

Lu Shixian waved his hand and filled in the c again.

This part is his strong point, and he finished it faster than the first part.

Then there is the third part, ecology, animal behavior, 22 questions, a total of 29 points.

Finally, there is the fourth part: Genetics, Evolutionary Biology and Biosystematics, with 33 questions totaling 41 points.

For some unfamiliar topics, he just skipped over those that required him to think for more than a minute.

So his whole process of answering questions was very smooth.

When he finished answering the last question, when he turned back to look at it, there were only 8 questions that had not yet been answered.

They are all the questions in the third and fourth parts, or they need certain calculations to get the answer.

Either he had read it in a book before, but his head suddenly felt like a fragment, and he suddenly had no memory.

Finally, Lu Shixian chose to finish the calculation questions and ended the exam.

For the remaining four questions that he couldn't remember, he didn't bother to get the answers. He just left them there and prepared to strengthen his knowledge in this area later.

It's not a formal exam, so it's really unnecessary.

When he raised his head to look at the clock in the training room, it was just after 8 pm.

Lu Shixian stretched, stood up and moved around.

Recalling the process of answering the question just now, Lu Shixian actually felt a little refreshed.

It is the smooth feeling of knowledge input to output that is really fascinating.

The so-called thick accumulation and thin hair are used to describe his situation at this time.

At 8:30, Mei Ting appeared in front of Lu Shixian on time, and handed him an A4 copy paper full of answers.

Lu Shixian took it and couldn't wait to check the answer.


&34; Hey, how did I go wrong with this question? Shouldn't be&34;

Lu Shixian muttered to himself while talking.

At the end of the match, Mei Ting didn't ask what was wrong, but asked directly: "Score?"

"It should be 121 points. The situation of losing points is that there are 6 knowledge points in it that I didn't remember well, 15 points were deducted, and there were 5 multiple-choice questions with plausible answers that misled me. In the end, I didn't know why there were 2 calculation questions. That's right, a total of 16 points."

Mei Ting nodded and said: "With this theoretical score, after calculating the t value, you can almost enter the experimental rematch."

"It's not safe for you to enter the provincial team with this score. But there are still more than two months before the start of the league, and you still have room for improvement."

"Later, you have to review the knowledge points by yourself. I will mainly talk about the experimental part."

Hearing what she said, Lu Shixian couldn't help complaining secretly, he didn't learn the knowledge points by himself, she is still quite good as a shopkeeper.

After complaining, Lu Shixian hurriedly listened carefully to what was said to her.

"Experiments can be divided into macro-experiments and micro-experiments. Macro-experiments are divided into animals, ecology, plants, and plant physiology. Plant physiology rarely has experimental questions, but it is on the outline almost every year, so just in case .The main contents of microscopic experiments are biochemical, molecular cellular and genetic."

"Biochemical experiments generally test the determination of enzyme activity, the determination of the Michaelis constant, and the determination of substance content. This is a question for sending points. You just follow the instructions of the experiment and take your time. You must be familiar with some of the instruments involved, such as spectrophotometers. Centrifuges, mortars, etc.

"Molecular biology experiments generally test you to extract dna and a series of dna-related experiments, such as polymerase chain reaction and dna electrophoresis."

"Cytogenetic Experiments"

"Animal Anatomy Experiments"

"Ecological Experiment"

"Plant Experiment"

"Plant Physiology Experiment"

Lu Shixian: (ノ`Д′)ノ

Now he can't wait to throw the table, Mei Ting is feeding him like a pig, and doesn't care whether he can digest it or not.

And she spoke too fast, Lu Shixian's hands were not enough at all.

Lu Shixian doesn't know whether it is his luck or a nightmare to have such an instructor.

Fortunately, he has heard of some of the experiments in it, and is even very familiar with it. The content of this part of the experiment can be ignored for now, and the others will be recorded first.

"Do you have time tomorrow morning?" Mei Ting suddenly asked after finishing the experiment.

Lu Shixian nodded quickly, indicating that he was fine.

There is no way, Mei Ting's time is much more precious than his, the kind who can't see people at all, must seize the opportunity.

Hearing his affirmation, Mei Ting told her tomorrow's arrangement.

"Tomorrow we go to the school laboratory building and go through everything we just said. You watch me do it first, and then practice by yourself. I will only do it once. If you have any questions about the rest, you can ask the teacher in the laboratory building yourself."

"Understood? I understand and I will go first."

Lu Shixian smiled wryly, how could he dare to say that he didn't understand, and could only watch her leave work alone.

But Lu Shixian still has to sort out the wrong questions here.

While cursing the bad woman in his heart, Lu Shixian found out the content of the wrong questions just mentioned in the book, and re-consolidated his memory.

Even though Lu Shixian is still somewhat interested in biology, the process is really boring.

The whole day is memorizing, memorizing; memorizing, memorizing.

Unlike mathematics and physics, there is obvious positive feedback after making difficult problems.

But at this point, he has no turning back, the only way is to persist and persist.

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