Lu Shixian frowned, it seemed that this classmate was a bit out of touch.

I don't know, don't keep mentioning the word "small" in front of others.

Don't judge people by their cover.

Considering that he was a first-time offender, Lu Shixian didn't think too much about it.

Others didn't come here with malice, and I didn't need to be like a hedgehog.

"It's not too young, it's already the first year of high school."

Now, many contestants are paying attention.

It is rare to be able to enter the league re-examination in the first year of high school.

"Then which school are you from? I really can't recognize you without a school uniform." A tall and thin boy next to him suddenly asked with interest, "Nice to meet you, I'm Du Pengcheng from Yancheng No. 2 Middle School."

Hearing his self-introduction, Lu Shixian raised his brows. Isn't this the handle against the army of the attached middle school?

The student with the highest theoretical score?

Since others asked, Lu Shixian was not hypocritical, and responded generously: "Jinling No. 1 Middle School, Lu Shixian."

Jinling No. 1 Middle School and Gao Yi, the combination of these two words is simply synonymous with dark horses.

Coupled with the title of Lu Shixian, Lu Shixian is like the king of the dark horse.

As soon as this remark came out, almost all the students in the auditorium turned their heads in a tacit understanding, looking for the person who just spoke.

Many teachers who were adjusting the equipment on the stage also stopped and looked at Lu Shixian.

The unbelievable expression on Du Pengcheng's face was clearly visible.

"Lu Shixian?"

"Are you the Lu God who suppressed so many top students from the attached middle school?" After Du Pengcheng finished speaking, he suddenly saw the eyes of the attached middle school students in front of him suddenly look a little unfriendly, and immediately remembered that this was his home field, so he dared not say any more.

Lu Shixian did not expect that the nickname of Joking Words would spread to other schools.

He didn't want to be blocked by people from the attached middle school before leaving the school gate.

He hurriedly blamed him in a low-key way: "Don't dare, I'm just lucky. I got a lot of questions right after I got lucky."

"If you want to talk about God, it's you, Du Shenqiang, who broke through the oppression of the attached middle school on behalf of Yancheng alone. Under their double-team, you can still achieve such good results."

"You are the role model we need to admire and learn from."

Now, Du Pengcheng's forehead actually started to sweat, thinking that this dark horse is not only dark enough but also poisonous.

&34;nonono, how can I be able to represent Yancheng? If you want to say that you are the most amazing, 140 points is really unattainable. Today we don't even want to compete with God Lu! &34;

"Do you think so?" As he spoke, Du Pengcheng suddenly called for reinforcements.

"That's right, I guess we'll still have to run with him this time, and we'll have to rely on God Lu to show his power." At this moment, another sycophant took up the conversation.

As more people chatted, Lu Shixian suddenly became overwhelmed.

who I am? where am I? Am I really that good?

&34;Hello? &34;

Fortunately, at this time, the sound of adjusting the microphone suddenly came from the stereo, telling them to stop chatting and farting.

The person holding the microphone on the stage was Su Changqing, the chairman of the Biology Olympiad Committee for Secondary School Students in Jiangsu Province and also the dean of the School of Life Sciences of Jinling University.

Glancing at the time on the watch, Su Changqing began to speak.

"Congratulations to all of you who have successfully come to the scene of this year's provincial team selection competition. Being here in itself represents a kind of success. I believe that the certificates issued to you in a few days will provide a little bit of information for your entrance. help."

"So, no matter how you perform today, everyone should look at it with optimism, and don't place too much emphasis on the results of this exam."

"Next, please follow the staff to the laboratory in two divided groups. Every operation of yours will be recorded and scored by the invigilator, so please think carefully before starting."

As Su Changqing announced the start of the rematch, all the contestants found their positions and went to different places.

When they arrived, it was exactly nine o'clock in the morning.

The experiment of the league is not as strict as the national competition. The national competition needs to do four experiments, while the league only needs to do two.

One in the morning and one in the afternoon. After summarizing the results and determining the quota for the provincial team, today's business is over.

Soon, Lu Shixian got the experimental topic for the first half, which was a biochemical experiment: determination of the Michaelis constant of catalase.

This question is within the research scope given by Ting Mei, and Lu Shixian has done it before, but there are many measurement methods in this experiment, and there is no special provision in the question.

If it is the conventional one, just repeat the previous operation, as long as there are no mistakes, there will be basically no major problems.

The reagents placed on the laboratory table are only hydrogen peroxide solution, potassium permanganate solution and other basic solutions. Doesn’t this mean potassium permanganate titration?

Lu Shixian took 6 Erlenmeyer flasks and added reagents according to the set experimental sequence.

According to the experimental design, the operation is carried out step by step, and finally the Michaelis constant k is obtained according to the experimental results.

Lu Shixian's steps completely copied Mei Ting's. Even if Lu Shixian only learned half of it at her level, it was enough for the invigilators to look at him with admiration.

Although there is only an experiment in the morning, this one is more complicated, and there are fifty points for just one set of questions.

Rao is Lu Shixian's skilled operation, but for the sake of stability, he deliberately did not speed up.

By the time he finished the experiment and wrote the experiment process, it was past eleven o'clock.

In the afternoon, the topic was announced. The dissection in the animal experiment was only performed on Xiaoqiang.

When he heard this topic, he was a little overwhelmed, why is it an animal experiment.

It's not that he has any opinion on Xiaoqiang, it's that he was tortured by Mei Ting to the point of throwing up.

Ever since she knew that Lu Shixian's shortcoming was animal experiments, Mei Ting brought a few invertebrates for her to dissect every few days.

Cockroaches were frequent visitors, and he vomited several times at first, but he gradually got used to it.

Hey, I still have to repeat it if I vomit, unless he doesn't want to share.

According to the standard dissection process, Lu Shixian observed the abdomen of the cockroach, then cut it along the edge line, then pulled the abdomen shell, and then removed the yellow fat.

Finally, the digestive system is displayed intact, and then the experimental records are made.

The whole process does not exceed an hour, and this question is over.

The invigilator next to him looked at his swift movements and gave him a thumbs up.

However, what he didn't know was that Lu Shixian's skillful movements were the price for many Xiaoqiangs to die one after another in his hands.

After signing, Lu Shixian changed his clothes and came out of the laboratory ahead of schedule.

Smelling the fresh air outside, he stretched, and the dullness in the laboratory just now was swept away.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard the siren roaring outside.

what happened? How did the sound of sirens appear on campus?

Lu Shixian's heart sank suddenly, did something happen?

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