What Happened If You Didn't Take The College Entrance Examination? I Recommend

Chapter 79 Keep Your Feet On The Ground And Look Up At The Starry Sky

He slammed towards the window of the laboratory building.

Looking down from here, I saw that the entire downstairs had been heavily cordoned off.

Can't see what's going on because of the obstruction of the line of sight?

Soon, the siren of the ambulance followed.

In the end what happened?

At this time, Lu Shixian received a notice from the staff of the organizing committee that all those who had finished the experiment quickly gathered in the auditorium, and were not allowed to enter or leave at will.

Lu Shixian returned to the auditorium full of doubts.

At this time, there are not many people inside, it seems that the experiment has not been completed yet.

But after waiting for half an hour, as the number of people in the auditorium increased.

Lu Shixian looked at the people who came in one after another with a slightly wrong expression.

There is one thing in common, these people seem to be in the second group.

Du Pengcheng also came in after a while, and Lu Shixian couldn't help but asked him softly: "Brother, what happened? Why is there such a big battle all of a sudden?"

Du Pengcheng took a look at him, sat in front of him and said in a deep tone: "There is a girl in the second group who is afraid of cockroaches and can't do the dissection experiment because of nervousness, and finally has a nervous breakdown. I still have some impression of that girl, who is usually very frugal. and silence, no one could have imagined that she would finally choose from "

Du Pengcheng didn't finish his sentence, but Lu Shixian understood everything.

"It's all right? I just saw the ambulance coming."

Du Pengcheng just shook his head: "Who knows? It was so sudden that no one thought of it and it was too late to stop it. After a lot of hard work, it was hard to get to this level. In the end, it was only because of a little accident, that's it."

"Is it worth it?" Lu Shixian's mood fell like a cliff, "Coming here means that he has won the first prize."

"I don't know, but as a contestant, I can understand her feelings. Everyone only sees our glory, our so-called privilege of sending and deducting points."

"But who knows how much pressure we are under? How unimaginable is the effort behind it?"

As he said that, Du Pengcheng laughed at himself: "You know that in order to get this theoretical score in student competition, I enrolled in the best remedial class we have before, and it costs nearly a thousand hours per class. In order for me to continue to compete, my dad Already sold his favorite car."

"Let's not talk about doing experiments? I don't know how much money and energy are spent. The world is inherently unfair, but we still work hard for it."

"Fortunately, my parents' temper is not bad, so I didn't waste much energy to deal with it."

"But what about other people? It's hard for me to imagine. You must know that the students are all prejudiced, and the results of the provincial one will be limited. This time, there is a high probability that I will not be able to enter the provincial team, but I have no choice."

After speaking, tears began to well up in his eyes.

Lu Shixian was silent, he was a little speechless, but he couldn't even do anything except sigh.

Things happened suddenly, and the curtain ended suddenly.

In the end, this incident was hastily turned under the conclusion of too much competition pressure and the possible existence of mental illness.

It's like a pebble being thrown into a well, except for a ding-dong sound and a few ripples on the water surface, there seems to be nothing to prove that it ever existed.

Everything returned to normal quickly, and everything seemed so natural.

He didn't know the girl's current condition, nor did he know her name.

To him, it's just a stranger.

However, his heart was deeply touched by this incident.

Just as it is said in "Tea House": Every dust of the times falls on an individual like a mountain.

He now sees everything with more and more objective eyes.

Not just competition, how many tragedies like this will happen now in 2008, or in the future more than ten years later?

There is no need to mention what happened.

Perhaps what we should see more is the problems behind it. How should we go about it?

What we should understand, and what we should do in the future, perhaps this is the key significance of this incident.

A few hours later, seeing the sky getting dark.

The Suzhou Biology Olympiad Committee for Middle School Students finally announced the final results.

"According to the results of this experimental re-examination, the competition committee will fairly and strictly calculate the results of each of you relative to the average level according to the weight, and then rank them."

"The following 8 contestants whose names I read are members of the provincial team. If they are unable to participate due to abstention or other accidental reasons, they will be replaced by the next one."

"Next, I will announce the list of members who will enter the provincial team."

"The first place is Lu Shixian from Jinling No. 1 Middle School with a total score of 239 and a t value of 1106."

"Second place, Jinling Affiliated High School, Chen Kuangsheng, with a total score of 224 and a t value of 1052"

"The third place is Jinling Affiliated High School He Mingqian with a total score of 212 and a value of 996."

"The fourth place is Li Mengmeng from Jinling Affiliated High School with a total score of 211 and a t value of 989."

"The above results will be announced on the website. If there is no objection within three days, the award ceremony will be held next week, and the award location will be notified later."

Although he won the first place in the rematch and entered the provincial team.

But Lu Shixian couldn't get excited at all.

Except for the students in the attached high school, they all need to return before the night falls.

Before leaving, Lu Shixian suddenly heard Du Pengcheng and students from other counties and cities shouting.

"Lu Shixian! Hello! Are you listening?"

&34;I now officially announce that you are now the captain of the army against the attached high school. &34;

"You are the only hope, you will definitely go on on behalf of us!"

"Tomorrow, I will forget about life competition and return to the college entrance examination. You must continue to work hard!"

"Come on, Lu Shixian! You must get out of Suzhou and rush to Guoji!"

Listening to the blessings from different places in the distance.

Thinking of Du Pengcheng's previous words, Lu Shixian gave up his previous calmness and reason.

He could no longer remain silent, he could no longer restrain the emotions in his heart.

While silently wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, he frantically waved at them in response.

"I will!"

"Don't worry!"

"I'll take this with you to the end!"

On this day, perhaps the competition brought Lu Shixian more than just grades.

Maybe they have been confused, misunderstood, and started to learn biological competition not just because of pure love.

But at least they stuck with it from start to finish.

The bright lights in the early morning may be just to figure out how the amino acids of a few polypeptide chains are connected that have never been seen with their own eyes.

Only in the light can we see the light. The world is dark, so burn yourself to light the way forward.

Maybe it sounds so unattainable and unrealistic, but this is indeed what Lu Shixian is pursuing at this time.

He suddenly realized that he was never alone.

In front of him, beside him and behind him are countless people who have the same dream as him, standing on the solid ground under their feet, looking up at the night sky full of stars.

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