"Before, it could only be said that it was not popular, but now it is a little stronger, and it is qualified to be called a general province of biological competition with other provinces."

Hearing Liu Xianhua's words, all ten people sitting in the classroom fell silent in unison.

Sometimes this is the case. The more you go out, the more you can discover the gap between yourself and others, and the more you can realize the importance of learning. The more you learn, the more you can discover your ignorance.

In such an atmosphere, no one made jokes, and everyone listened carefully to the rest of Liu Xianhua's speech.

Liu Xianhua probably didn't expect that a sentence he said casually would have such a big impact.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Liu Xianhua's lecture ended.

Everyone has a deeper understanding of the National Entrance Exam.

Back in the dormitory, Lu Shixian found that the indifference towards him from the other three seemed to have weakened a lot.

Lying on the bed after taking a shower, I happened to hear them discussing which song was the best recently released, and it seemed that the discussion was quite heated.

"I think "The Old Man and the Sea" is really nice, and the ordinary lyrics contain profound meaning." Wang Dongxiang, the little fat man, took the lead to lead the charge.

"It's because you guys didn't listen to "Don't Talk" by God of e, I have a hunch that it will become a classic ten years later!" Chen Kuangsheng firmly stood for it.

As he spoke, he turned his attention to Lu Shixian again.

"Lu Shixian, talk about it too, there are a lot of songs released this year, and there is always something you like."

Lu Shixian didn't expect that he would also be cueed, so he turned over and said without thinking.

"Let's "Tao Xiang"! This has always been my favorite song."

But what he didn't expect was that several people said with doubts: "What song is this, why haven't I heard it?"

Now, Lu Shixian was in a big embarrassment, he remembered it.

Well, "Tao Xiang" will only come out in October this year, and it's only July now, so it's impossible for anyone to have heard of it.

Thinking of this, he had some deep self-examination. It seemed that he had been a little bit drifting recently, and he didn't even think about speaking.

Finally he shook his head and said: "That's my mistake, I haven't paid attention to this recently, I don't know which songs have been released.

"However, I like the classic "Nocturne" very much. As soon as the nocturne is played and I go to the stage to accept the award, I like this feeling."

Wang Dongxiang suddenly realized: "So you like Jay Chou, fire is fire, but now many people don't like him, in fact, I think his songs are not bad."

Chen Kuangsheng shook his head and said, "He can't do it, it's fine if he can't hear the words clearly, and there are news that he is from the Sun Country."

After Lu Shixian listened, he was speechless and unable to persuade him.

Later, they will know what it feels like to still listen to the old songs from ten years ago after so long.

All prejudices come from the limitations of the vision and cognition of the environment.

At this time, the brother sleeping on the upper bunk opposite Lu Shixian suddenly said with a smirk: "What you said is too childish. If you are a man, you should listen to fly to other people's windows."

As soon as this remark came out, the subject of the discussion just now changed to girls.

So-and-so looks the best?

How is so-and-so in shape?

So-and-so seems to be secretly dating someone.


It seems that no matter what era it is, these problems always persist in the boys' dormitory.

Of course, the girls' dormitory seems to be the same, but the type is different.

the next morning.

The biological clock woke up Lu Shixian very punctually.

He stretched himself, feeling that he slept well last night.

He had found a little secret to falling asleep, as long as he fell asleep before the three of them, he would not be afraid of snoring.

After all, his sleep quality is very good, as long as he can fall asleep, then everything is fine.

After getting up, Lu Shixian quietly washed and left the bedroom.

He quickly found the newly built No. 3 Stadium of Jinling University.

After running a few laps according to the usual exercise plan, Lu Shixian went directly to the classroom after eating breakfast.

As soon as he arrived in the classroom, Lu Shixian saw Liu Xianhua wearing a gray coat, and was already sitting at the podium preparing for lessons.

Watching Lu Shixian come in, Liu Xianhua looked at his watch subconsciously, and then smiled.

"Lu Shixian, you came back early, it seems that you really want to be the captain."

When he mentioned this again, he was speechless. What's wrong with Mr. Liu? This matter is hard to pass.

He quickly changed the subject and said, "It's getting late, the sun is already drying my ass. And if it's early, you are the first."

Liu Xianhua didn't put on airs either, talking to Lu Shixian, he felt that he hit it off.

"I have been in Dean Su's research group during my doctoral period, and I have never worked as a teaching assistant before. I have no experience!"

"Who knew that Dean Su suddenly asked me to train you for a week on the grounds that I also had the experience of being recommended for students. "

"If you don't prepare lessons well, I will be miserable if your entire army is wiped out."34;

With that said, Lu Shixian understood.

He asked curiously, "Then Mr. Liu, how was your biology competition going?"

Asked about this, Liu Xianhua shook his head and said, "I'm ashamed to say that our province won the only national first gold medal back then, and I failed to enter the national team to win glory for the country."

Now, Lu Shixian didn't know what to say, and was shown a wave of Versailles without paying attention.

It's not easy to enter the national competition. Well, it can be seen from the only national one seedling in a province.

The two of them spoke without saying a word, and soon all the students in the classroom arrived, and Liu Xianhua started the first class of the day.

"Okay, today officially starts the first day of teaching content, mainly a summary of theoretical knowledge."

"Because the time is only seven days, even if I use these seven days to talk about theory, I will never be able to finish it."

"Therefore, this time I will mainly talk about the overview, so that everyone can have an in-depth understanding of the theoretical part of the national competition."

"After all, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. What I hope to teach you is not only the method of solving problems, but the method of independent learning."

As he spoke, he suddenly picked up a book from the podium and displayed it in front of everyone.

"First of all, I am not selling books, and I have nothing to do with them. The reason why I recommend it to everyone is because this book is called the Bible of biology by many people. If you want to go further, here is This book is a must read."

"The knowledge covered in this book is enough to make it one of the most classic biology textbooks. Let me tell you, all biology academic competitions, from the most powerful American biology competition abo to Polish biology Competition BBO, even the highest level IBO in the end, Capbell Biology can become a perfect textbook."

This aroused the interest of everyone in the classroom. They all stood on tiptoe and straightened up to see what book could be called the Bible of biology.

As the cover slowly appeared in their sight, the name of the book came into view.

"capell biology"

Lu Shixian was immediately dumbfounded, because he seemed to have known this book before.

Isn't this the book that Mei Ting recommended to him to consolidate the foundation of general biology?

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