It's no wonder that when he read it, it was difficult to understand, and he hadn't made any progress for three days in a row.

Later, he learned to be smart, but only focused on reading content related to general biology.

At that time, he wondered that less than one-sixth of the content of such a thick book involved general biology.

Still wondering what it means for Mei Ting to recommend it to him?

Well, Lu Shixian understands now.

Now it seems that the clever brainstorm at the time turned into a clown.

Lu Shixian now understood a truth.

For the elders or teachers who are walking on your way, what they say is often based on their own personal experience and summed up the experience.

Most of them are very beneficial to you, and you may not be able to see them from your current perspective, and you may even have resistance to them.

But with the passage of time and the growth of experience, you will find how precious their advice at that time was.

At this time, after introducing the extracurricular books, Liu Xianhua began to get into today's topic.

"If you are interested, you can look for it later. Today's content is mainly a summary of the theoretical part."

"The types of theoretical questions in the national competition are actually not very different from those in the league, but the number of questions in the national competition will be larger, and the proportion of difficult problems will increase. At the same time, the proportion of micro parts will increase, and the proportion of macro parts will decrease. "

"So let's start with the first part of cell biology, microbiology, and bioengineering"

"Cell biology is just the study of biological knowledge at the cell level, but its content is almost the most complicated among several branches. Because it is all about the microscopic part, it is also relatively difficult to understand, and it is very difficult to learn."

"I believe that everyone has taught themselves before. The main research is cell structure and function, cell differentiation and regulation of important life activities of cells, cell aging and apoptosis, cell origin and evolution, and cell engineering."

After speaking, Liu Xianhua's gaze began to wander around the classroom.

"Then let me ask you a question to see how well you know about cell biology?"

The teacher's questioning is indeed an inescapable fate in the classroom.

Often by observing the expressions and actions of students before asking questions, we can see how well a student has mastered relevant knowledge points.

In the classroom, except for Lu Shixian and the quiet He Jingqiu, everyone else was very active, obviously confident.

Seeing the students being so active, Liu Xianhua asked quite satisfied: "What is the mechanism of action among e1, e2, and e3 in the cells?"

As soon as this question was raised, the few people who were eager to try it froze for a moment.

who I am?

where am I?

what am i doing

"Why can't I even understand what the question is?"

Looking around, only Lu Shixian's gaze remained unchanged, and Liu Xianhua knew something in his heart.

"If no one can answer this question, then simply answer what are e1, e2, and e3?"

As soon as this remark came out, the classroom was still so quiet.

Liu Xianhua had no choice but to continue to ask: "Does anyone know the answer to this question?"

But the field is still quiet.

Liu Xianhua cast his eyes on Lu Shixian, but found that he still didn't respond at all.

"This kid really doesn't see the rabbit and doesn't throw the eagle!" Liu Xianhua complained in his heart, and then said: "Students who answer this question can have an extra chance to experiment tomorrow."

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Shixian's eyes lit up, and he immediately raised his hand.

Liu Xianhua was funny and helpless, so he had no choice but to point him to the stage to answer.

Lu Shixian went up and explained e1, e2 and e3 respectively on the blackboard with chalk.

e1: ubiquitin activating enzyme; e2: ubiquitin conjugating enzyme; e3: ubiquitin ligase.

"Their mechanism of action is ubiquitination, which refers to the process in which ubiquitin is covalently bound to the target protein under the catalysis of a series of enzymes. The ubiquitination process usually requires the synergy of these three ubiquitinases."

"The process is a bit complicated, so I'll make a long story short."

"First, when ATP supplies energy, ubiquitin-activating enzyme e1 activates ubiquitin molecules."

"The ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 then delivers the activated ubiquitin molecule to the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2."

"Finally the ubiquitin ligase E3 attaches the E2-bound ubiquitin to the target protein."

After Lu Shixian finished speaking, Liu Xianhua began to applaud him, and the surrounding team members also looked at him with admiration.

They are already in the second year of high school and have no clue about the question just now, but Lu Shixian is only in the first year of high school now, but he is so familiar with this knowledge point, and there is no lag in the description.

No wonder others are called God Lu, this is the gap!

"Student Lu Shixian is very good! Although what he said is very concise, it is basically the same as what he said, with little difference."

Liu Xianhua first praised Lu Shixian, then directly regarded him as someone else's child and began to educate others.

"Everyone should learn from Lu Shixian. Biology competitions are very different from other subjects, but they also have something in common, that is, accumulating steadily."

"What kind of dark horse? What turned out to be out of nowhere? In fact, it's just a manifestation of accumulation."

At night, almost everyone pressed their swollen temples and rushed back to the dormitory.

"My God, didn't you just talk about the summary? Why do you have to talk about everything? I have never heard of some things that Mr. Liu said." The little beauty Li Mengmeng looked at Lu Shixian with big eyes, admiring .

"Lu Shixian, why do you know most of what Mr. Liu told us about expanding knowledge? Where did you learn it?"

Before Lu Shixian could speak, Wang Dongxiang, a high school student next to him, had become his number one fan and immediately replied.

"It's right to call him Lu Shen now. I'm really convinced. Look at Teacher Liu's surprised look today, I'm dying of laughter!"

But Chen Kuangsheng who was next to him seemed a little unconvinced, so he turned his head and said, "You are doing well today, but we are in misery. Lu Shixian, you are too cruel. Do you have the heart for the rest of us to be educated all the way?"

Lu Shixian smiled secretly, and then pretended to be helpless.

"I don't want to, but Lao Liu said that if you answer it, you will have another chance to experiment tomorrow. I admit that I am moved."

Hearing about the experiment, Chen Kuangsheng regained his vitality.

"Just wait and see how I will show off my power in the experiment class tomorrow. I used to ask my dad to practice in the research institute every day."

Lu Shixian was speechless for a moment.

All right! No wonder he was so proud before, he was still a second-generation student.

Disrespect, disrespect!

However, in the second day's experimental class, everyone's classroom was replaced by a laboratory in the School of Biological Sciences.

Lu Shixian's performance made them dumbfounded again.

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