The shortest line segment is between two points.

So Lu Shixian did it quickly, but what left him speechless was that by the time he finished, there were less than half of the people left in his examination room.

The smugness that Lu Shixian felt just now disappeared without a trace.

Well, in front of geniuses, it's all about flying.

Anything that walks in a straight line is hell.

12 noon sharp.

It's cooking time again.

Jiang Yunkun looked at Lu Shixian's expression, as if he looked okay.

So he asked while ordering: "What is the math problem in the re-examination of the University of Science and Technology of China? I really haven't understood it."

Lu Shixian shrugged and said: "There are ten questions in total. The difficulty is slightly lower than that of the Mathematics Competition League. Answer questions and fill-in-the-blank questions account for half. The question types are number points, line substitution and abstraction."

Hearing this answer, Jiang Yunkun quickly took a sip to regain his mood.

"Is it so cruel? You really deserve to be in the junior class!"

Lu Shixian also shook his head helplessly and said: "So I don't have much confidence now. His inspection mechanism is too unfriendly to me. The biological knowledge I learned a while ago is completely useless."

Hearing this, Jiang Yunkun laughed, and joked: "Now you know that biology is not easy to deal with! The current environment is like this, why don't you come back and continue learning mathematics?"

In the end, this sentence was exchanged for Lu Shixian's merciless death stare.

He figured it out. Ever since he got into the car of the biological woman, the seat might have been welded to death, and he couldn't get out of it.

It was exactly three o'clock in the afternoon.

The physical test is officially open.

Lu Shixian took a deep breath to adjust his mentality, and looked at the question.

Okay, okay, there are multiple choice questions.

But even with multiple-choice questions, Lu Shixian quickly froze.

Ground-state hydrogen atoms absorb photons and release electromagnetic waves?

He could still understand the content of Bohr's theory. After a hydrogen atom in the ground state absorbs a photon, the atom will transition from a low-energy state to a high-energy state.

But what the hell is releasing electromagnetic waves?

I don't understand!

Install the experimental device according to the experimental schematic diagram?

Oh my God! Why are there still experimental questions?

At this point, Lu Shixian is a little nervous.

A fine layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

There was also a short circuit in his head.

A pang of remorse suddenly appeared and lingered in his heart.

The final result was that Lu Shixian didn't know how he got out of the examination room.

But there is one thing, he is clear.

That is, he failed his physics exam, that's for sure.

Sometimes I have a hard time knowing how many points I can get for the bad test papers I made.

I just really don't want to think about it.

Jiang Yunkun saw that Lu Shixian seemed to be in a bad mood, so he didn't ask about the exam.

The night sky in July is dotted with stars and the moon is bright and clean.

Lu Shixian made a pillow with his hands and bathed in the moonlight.

The hot evening wind blew, and he lay on the bed, but his body felt a little chilly.

The thoughts in my heart gradually diverged with the physics exam in the afternoon.

To be honest, he hated the feeling of being at the mercy of the test paper in front of him and not being able to control it.

The reason for this situation in the afternoon is that the itinerary is too tight and the preparation time is tight, which is only an objective reason.

Perhaps the main reason was that he was proud, and he had to admit that he had underestimated the enemy before.

First of all, he didn't make a reasonable study plan to deal with this retest at all.

He didn't make detailed preparations in this regard, and he didn't even figure out the amount and type of questions in the retest in advance.

Sure enough, no pain, no gain.

Secondly, reading some physics tutorial books that are not very useful with a fluke mentality is actually an ostrich behavior that paralyzes oneself.

And this is extremely inconsistent with his usual habits.

It seems that the recent smooth sailing has made him a little complacent.

It has to be said that a deep self-dissection is a very painful act.

Mental torment often lasts longer than physical pain.

He who was always optimistic was actually a little melancholy at this moment.

It turns out that I really am not omniscient!

It turned out that the feeling of failing the exam was so uncomfortable!

It turns out that I really can't do two-front combat?

Do you have to give up like this?

But the physics test was really ugly, and he couldn't even tell the result.

He was really unwilling.

He clenched his hands into fists with all his strength until he got a red mark.

But what can I do if I am unwilling?

The world does not run according to his will, and he has no chance to change the facts that have happened.

Suddenly, a raving voice came from the room, it was Jiang Yunkun talking.

"Lu Shixian, you are too strict with yourself. This is a good thing, but it often backfires when you are too harsh."

"Remember what should be remembered, forget what should be forgotten, change what can be changed, accept what cannot be changed. It should be yours, you can't hide it, it's not yours, you can't ask for it."

"We are one of the mortal beings! If you look up, you can't see the ground, and if you lower your head, you can't look up to the sky."

"So why be irrationally demanding?"

The sound came to his ears, and Lu Shixian's fists suddenly loosened slowly.

Yes, is there anything perfect in life?

Besides, it is not to the point of giving up yet, there are still two days of exams.

Just like the previous math league, who knows what will happen at the last moment before things are over?

He was a little worried about gains and losses, caring too much about the past and worrying too much about the future.

But yesterday has become history, tomorrow is still a mystery, only today is a gift from God.

Thinking about it, and at some point, Lu Shixian fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, he calmly walked into the examination room that made him extremely disappointed yesterday.

According to the retest arrangement.

The mathematics learning ability test starts from 8:30 to 11:30 in the morning.

The physical learning ability test starts from 15:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon.

Then two professors will teach the relevant knowledge respectively, and then take the exam immediately.

Speaking of which, this kind of ability testing method is really rare. Except for the juvenile class, he has hardly seen it in other places.

However, I have to say that this is very beneficial to him. His self-learning and understanding ability has always been his strong point.

It's just that this kind of inspection is very intensive, and the exam is done immediately after learning. It requires a lot of concentration and consumes a lot of mind.

So as soon as he landed on the bed at night, he fell into a deep sleep.

The third day was also the last day of the juvenile class re-examination.

The assessment method this time is more special because it is an interview.

The interview method adopts the group discussion mode. Each group of candidates is divided into two parties (4 people to 4 people) to discuss around the specified topic, and the whole interview is videotaped.

It seems that the interview questions of each group are different. As soon as the questions of Lu Shixian's group were announced, his heart suddenly shook violently.

Because his chance to come back seems to have come.

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