The world is really amazing, you never know what will happen in the next second!

The interview question for Lu Shixian's group is, how do you view life?

He suddenly smiled. As a gold medalist in the Ministry of Biology, he has too much right to speak on this topic.

He has a depth and breadth on this issue that no one else can match.

Because there are too many great biologists in front of him to help him answer this question one after another.

There is the founder of the theory of evolution, Darwin.

There is the king of botany, Linnaeus.

There is the Homer of the insect kingdom, Fabre.

There is Harvey, the pioneer of the world's blood circulation laws.

With so many great men supporting him, his confidence suddenly rose again.

Because there is no restriction on this topic, as long as you don't deviate from the topic, you can speak freely.

Soon someone was the first to speak.

"I think life is the most precious thing in our life. There is only one life for everyone. How should this one life be spent?"

"I very much agree with Ostrovsky's words, whenever you recall the past, you can not regret for wasting your time, and not be ashamed for doing nothing."

"The value of life lies in optimism, progress, positivity and dedication. The meaning of life is not only to continue, but more importantly, to increase its value as much as possible. We must be good at discovering the truth, goodness and beauty in life, so that life is full of abundance and splendor."

The person who dares to be the first to eat crabs really has two brushes.

The judge teacher on the stage nodded and scored on the paper. Obviously, the student's performance was not bad.

Lu Shixian frowned suddenly, it seemed that another bad news appeared.

It seems that the interview does not fully examine the content! The proportion of abilities in other aspects may be more important.

Although his content is a bit rotten, but he is eloquent and calm, and he must have no problems in social life, so he has been recognized.

The second speaker was a girl.

"Whether we are the successful people envied by others or the mediocre waiters envied by others, as long as we can treat life kindly, cherish the milliseconds of life, and enjoy the reality of life and the joy of life, our life is meaningful and will be A strong man of life.

"The meaning of life is to live happily and to bring happiness to those around you as much as possible."

The girl answered very gracefully and without stage fright.

But also because of this, Lu Shixian's eyes became more dignified.

He couldn't help sighing in his heart: It seems that he underestimated these children before.

At this point, they are indeed the elite of the elite, and now expecting them to perform abnormally is already an extravagant hope.

The only thing that can change the result is your own performance.

Soon it was Lu Shixian's third-to-last turn.

Lu Shixian was ready and stood up with a smile.

"Before the development of natural science, people were puzzled by the colorful and colorful life, they often regarded life and inanimate as two completely different and unconnected fields, and believed that life was not subject to the inanimate. The laws of motion of living matter."

As soon as Lu Shixian finished speaking, the candidates around him suddenly turned their heads to look at him.

And the judge teacher's eyes lit up, as if saying something interesting!

His voice continued.

"Later, in the 1940s, people realized that life is a form of movement of matter. The basic unit of life is the cell. The phenomenon of life is the manifestation of the comprehensive movement and transmission of matter, energy and information in this complex system."

"The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, explained how we evolved from life in the ocean to human beings. It tells us the genetic code of life: species are variable, living things evolve, and natural selection is living things The primordial drive of evolution."

"Father of genetics, Mendel's three laws of genetics expounded the recombination of genetic factors of life, personally pushed the theory of pangenesis to the cloud, and boarded the throne of genetics of life."

"Schrödinger, the father of wave mechanics, wrote "What is Life-Physical Views of Living Cells" telling us that physics and chemistry can explain the phenomenon of life in principle, and played the harbinger of revealing the microscopic mysteries of life genetics."

"Watson and Crick, the fathers of dna, proposed the dna double helix molecular structure model. The model successfully explained how dna is replicated through the unwinding of the double helix, using each single strand as a template to synthesize a complementary strand, and how genetic information is Encoding in the form of base sequences on long chains indicates that people are about to unravel the mystery of life heredity and help people understand life processes more deeply."

"Bertalanffy's life system theory, Prigogine's dissipative structure theory, and Harvey's blood circulation theory, etc. later revealed to us the beauty of the world of life."

"They have almost answered all the questions of life from 1 to 100, but there is still no answer from 0 to 1."

"Where does life originate? In the rose garden that seeks truth, while they are in full bloom, they are also full of thorns."

"One day, we will definitely understand where life comes from and where it will go. The answer may be hidden in this continuous exploration."

"And one of my future goals is to make some modest contributions along the way!"

"My speech is over, thank you all!"

After speaking, Lu Shixian bowed and sat down.

And the candidates around have been stunned for a long time, as if they were stupid.

We are talking about the meaning and value of our own lives here, and he has moved eighteen generations of human ancestors here.

It's outrageous!

As a result, the speeches of the next two candidates were directly affected by it.

Not only did they not know what to say, but even the listeners didn't notice what they said.

Seeing the judges nodding to him just now, Lu Shixian felt relieved.

This should be over!

Lu Shixian breathed a sigh of relief, walked out of the examination room, relaxed again, without any burden.

At the school gate, I met Jiang Yunkun and planned to return to school after lunch.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, the two got on the bus to the train station and bid farewell to the city silently.

Whatever this trip brought him?

It's all come to an end, after all, it's worth regretting.

On the same day, Lu Shixian returned to Jinling.

The re-examination of the juvenile class has come to an end for now, and Lu Shixian has returned to the normal life track.

However, this track is relative to him and does not apply to others.

There is only less than a month away from the National Biology Competition, and he needs to pick up the content of this aspect.

The next day, I went to the classroom.

The students around him also knew that he had gone to Huake University to participate in the re-examination of the junior class.

One by one was curious.

Lu Shixian was also mentally prepared and prepared a draft to answer their various questions.

As a result, the first question caught him off guard.

"Lu Shen, what does the female (male) who participated in the re-examination of the youth class look like? How is his appearance?"

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