"No one on my side thinks I can win. Joining in Cang Mang is a good name for me. It is very important to me now. Everyone uses each other. Your alliance and the enmity of Cang Mang is good for me. , So how can I refuse?"

"Oh? But doing so will lead to innocent people in our two circles..."

"It's my shit!"

The strong Jiemeng hadn't spoken yet, Xia Yi interrupted him directly, and the strong Jiemeng lowered his head and laughed a few times before reaching out his hand to applaud Xia Yi.

"Sure enough, your so-called benevolence is just for others to see? I really don't know if these news will cause your reputation to collapse."

"If you want to tell me whatever you want, I don’t know what you talked about with the immortal clan, but the content should have a borrowed name, it’s not good for Cangmang, and Cangmang is not stupid. Until now, what innocent people are still talking about. If I am truly benevolent, you will die today, because your high-level people are the first evil."

The strong man in the Jiemeng smiled again when he heard the words. He nodded. Before seeing Yun Nishang know Xia Yi, Xia Yi didn’t look very young, so he more or less regarded Xia Yi as a junior, but now he absolutely I don't think so, Xia Yi's thinking is very thorough.

"That's easy to say, Sect Master Xia is a wise man, there is no eternal enemy but eternal benefit."

After speaking, the strong man of the Jiemeng looked around, Xia Yi immediately understood, stretched out his hand and waved at random, the space was locked, the voice could not be heard, and even the spirit power could not enter the Qingyun Palace.

"In fact, Sovereign Xia, you still have the possibility of cooperating with our world alliance. We will disclose a lot of internal information about the immortal clan, and we can also stumble upon the immortal clan without affecting ourselves. Instead of being used by the boundless, we Isn’t it more like a mutually beneficial relationship?"

The powerhouse of the Jiemeng offered an opinion. To tell the truth, Xia Yi was moved. Cang Meng was only detrimental to the Jiemeng under the name, but the Jiemeng could provide genuine help. People often betrayed and betrayed. What's more, it is a realm, and between the realms only depends on the benefit and not the human relationship.

"I feel that my cooperation with Cangwang should be considered again."

Xia Yi thought for a while, and smiled at the powerhouse of the Jie Meng. At first, the two fought back and forth, but now they smile at each other. Once they reach a consensus, what hostility is there? Jiemeng can bring Xia Yi more than the boundless.

"It's so good."

The strong man in the world alliance stretched out his hand, and Xia Yi also walked over and reached out to shake hands with each other. The juniors behind the world alliance were puzzled. They couldn't hear what the strong man in his own side and Xia Yi said, but There is always a stalemate between the two.

After talking for a while, the powerhouse of the Jiemeng and Xia Yi have more or less achieved their goals.

"Well, Sect Master Qingyun is not an enemy right now. If you want to stay and relive the past, you can just remember not to be too fanciful."

After talking with Xia Yi, the powerhouse of the Jie Meng generously agreed that the junior stay in Qingyunzong for the time being. Seeing the people here and Xia Yi somehow became friends, Yun Nishang breathed a sigh of relief, but Guan Li did not. Relaxed, but frowned, he knew better than Xia Yi the style of Jiemeng.

He is now wondering whether he should say...

In the end, Guan Li, Lin Lun, Yun Nishang, and Wen Mei stayed behind, and the juniors from the other world leagues all left. It was the first time Lin Lun and Wen Mei saw Xia Yi, but they all had their own reasons to stay. , Xia Yi wouldn't say anything, he was a guest from afar, and Qingyunzong still had to receive it.

It's just that as soon as the realm alliance powerhouses left, the Sang family woman from the boundless family entered the Qingyun Palace.


"Sect Master Xia deliberately let me hear this, is he trying to show his sincerity to us?"

After the Sang family girl entered the main hall, she glanced at the juniors of Jiemeng, Lin Lun's expression immediately changed, he took a step forward slightly, and protected Yun Nishang, Guan Li's expression remained unchanged, Wen Yu wanted to immediately Contact the powerhouses who just left, but he thought about it and let it go.

Xia Yi dared to do this. How could he not have any means to intercept communications? In fact, Xia Yi did have it. The Junk Mirage was still very powerful in this regard.

"To be precise, I want to ask about Cangmang's sincerity. You have heard the words of Jiemeng. Whoever assists me is more helpful."

Xia Yi is now chasing for profit, but not for people. Even if Yun Nishang and Guan Li are in Qingyunzong, Xia Yi also gives priority to these business matters. As for the old things, it can be put later.

"What kind of information about the fairy clan can be provided by the Jiemeng? Some superficial things are not available to us. The immortal clan won’t let Jiemeng know important things. It's just a mitigation plan, but I know what you mean, we Will provide weapon pill magic weapon and some combat power, is this all right?"

"Very good."

After hearing this, Xia Yi nodded in satisfaction, and it didn't matter who cooperated with him. He would help whoever benefits him.

"Several members of the world alliance, please contact me. I want to form an alliance with Cang Mang again."

Xia Yi now began to beat the people of the league again. The woman of the Sang family twitched her mouth. Xia Yi is too realistic. These words are directly spoken in front of others, but this kind of cooperation is actually the most reassuring, as long as it can be done forever. Guarantee enough interest, Xia Yi will never betray.

"Xia... Sect Master Xia! Isn't it too shameless for you to do this, and treat the agreement as nothing! You have already negotiated with our world alliance, why use such small means to continue to be greedy for good!"

Lin Lun stood up at this time and wanted to ask for justice, and probably wanted to show himself in front of someone. Xia Yi now doesn't bother to care about agreement and integrity. He wants benefits, large enough benefits, agreement and integrity. It's shit.

"Yun Nishang, help convey what I mean."

Lin Lun called, Xia Yi directly ignored him and looked at Yun Nishang. Yun Nishang stared at Xia Yi's eyes. She saw it and realized that Xia Yi didn't care about her, but just being watched had already caused her. Enough to feel happy.


Therefore, she nodded and took out the message Yujian in Lin Lun's incredulous eyes.

"Neon clothes you!!"

Lin Lun was shocked, and immediately grabbed Yun Nishang's shoulder. Xia Yi glanced at Guan Li at this time. Guan Li was silent for a moment, walked forward and directly pulled Lin Lun away, and then pressed him firmly.

"Sorry, Brother Lin."

"Guan Li, why are you doing this, what's wrong with you? Wu Zong is not thin to us, how can you do such a thing!"

"Master's order cannot be violated, it is offensive."

Guan Li didn’t explain anything else. He just held down Lin Lun. Lin Lun heard Guan Li’s story about his master. The white-haired Danzun was Xia Yi. Without Xia Yi, Guan Li would be nothing but a death. A little kid fighting in the family.

"Very well, worthy of being a teacher's apprentice."

There is only one person who is truly Xia Yi’s apprentice in name, and that is Guan Li. Many of the Qingyun Sect’s disciples are just named. The betrayal of Guan Li and Yun Nishang made Lin Lun feel grief and indignation. One is the beloved and the other is a close friend. , But in the face of a person who doesn't value them at all, they can actually do this.

After a while, Yun Nishang received a reply, saying that Jiemeng needs to think about it for a while.

"It's okay, think about it slowly, I'm waiting for the answer."

If the Jiemeng did not come up with anything that moved Xia Yi's heart, Cang Mang would form an alliance with Xia Yi. Although Jiemeng was angry but had nowhere to send out, this is the reality. If he could rely on Yun Nishang to force Xia Yi to submit, Jiemeng would have long since In doing so, the powerhouse of the Jiemeng League decided to lure him with advantage just because he realized that Xia Yi didn't care about Yun Nishang.

The women of the Sang family have to take it now. Xia Yi is openly seeking them to benefit, so that they and the Jiemeng are more determined than anyone else. For Xia Yi himself, it is a gain, and the fisherman gains from the battle between them and the Jiemeng. Li, but no way, Xia Yi, the fisherman, ate them to death.

"I am also waiting for Jiemeng's answer, I want to see if Jiemeng can keep up with us."

The Sang family girl smiled coquettishly and turned to leave. Seeing that the atmosphere was not suitable for him to stay in, An Yu also found a reason to leave. Only the juniors of the Jiemeng and Xia Yi were left in the Qingyun Palace.

Yun Nishang took the initiative to walk a few steps forward. She looked at Xia Yi in front of her and wanted to reach out and touch her. Lin Lun, who was subdued by the prison, gritted her teeth, and her eyes were a little red. This is definitely the worst in his life. On a tragic day, he couldn't figure out what he had done wrong, maybe the only mistake was to like a woman who was infatuated with other people.

"You are still the same as before..."

She looked at Xia Yi's gray hair. Xia Yi's gray hair was just an expression of not actively suppressing the qi, and only affected her personal image.

"It's just that the appearance is almost the same as when you were in the Metaverse, but it's a coincidence. I didn't expect you to come out of the Metaverse."

"I... I worked hard too! Because I wanted to see each other again, my hard work was not wasted at all."

"From what it looks like now... yes."

Xia Yi always smiled. His actions and demeanor were neither intimacy nor alienated. He just maintained this relationship. Although it was broken, the subject was broken. How fragile is the relationship involved?

"I'm really happy to see you again."

"Me too."

Xia Yi still had a false smile. Yun Nishang could clearly feel the indifference hidden under the false smile, but she was happy, she was happy, and she was happy when she saw this smile. Is she a little bit mean?

But joy cannot be faked.

Lin Lun was suddenly silent now. The woman he fell in love with at first sight, the woman who had always been cold to him, finally agreed with him, but changed her face easily and flattered a man who didn't value her at all. This pain caused Lin Lun. The heart is twisted.

This world is really too much. There are always people who can easily get what other people dream of, even dismissing it and not cherishing it at all. This analogy makes Lin Lun a little broken.

Yun Nishang is like a good-looking kitten, constantly telling her thoughts in front of Xia Yi. In addition to nodding, Xia Yi made a perfunctory um, and Lin Lun's lungs were going to explode. Can't you reply?

And Guan Li, who subdued Lin Lun, was speechless. This was truly a human tragedy, but Xia Yi’s demeanor in the Metaverse was too dazzling. Even now, he is also a magnificent emperor who can fight the Holy Emperor. The past is only high and not low.


That night, Lin Lun was mentally prepared in the guest room prepared by Qingyunzong, and planned to talk to Yun Nishang. As a result, Yun Nishang was not in the room, only about standing outside the guest room and practicing with the knife as usual.

Guan Li has been swinging a knife whenever he is free for more than two decades, and has never stopped, because he knows that only in this way can he control his own destiny.

"Guan Li, where's the neon clothes?"

"Go to Master."

Guan Li said lightly to find Master, which made Lin Lun angrily step forward and grab Guan Li's collar.

"Your master is the Thousand-Blade Saint Emperor! How much grace you have received the Thousand-Blade Saint Emperor, don't you have any points in your heart!!"

Lin Lun directly pointed out Guan Li's current master, Guan Li sighed, and he didn't want to talk more about this issue.

"Of course I remember, but without him, without the white-haired Danzun, I would never have met Master Qianbian from the beginning. He would have the grace to recreate me."

"But he doesn't value you at all, and the Emperor Thousand Blades treats you like a grandson!"

"I know."

"Then... Then can't you tell who is lighter and who is heavier!"

"Of course I can, so I hope that I can not make any choices. If I have to make a choice, I will do my best."

After Guan Li finished speaking, Lin Lun slowly let go of his hand. This was Guan Li’s own problem, and Guan Li also made it very clear that he would not draw a sword against the Jiemeng, nor would he draw a sword against Xia Yi. If he had to draw the knife at someone, he would draw the knife at himself.

"What about neon clothes, what kind of favor does he have for neon clothes?"

"I went to the Yuanjie Yongye Temple alone to rescue her, and even destroyed the Yongye Temple. At that time, the master was only the emperor, and the Yongye Temple had half a monarch. This happened more than 20 years ago. "

"What are you talking about!! Twenty years? Twenty years ago he was just the emperor? But now..."

"Yes, this is the master, even now, the white-haired Danzun is worthy of his name."

Xia Yi was able to fight the Saint Emperor. In this scene they saw with their own eyes that the powerful Saint Emperor on their side was repelled by Xia Yi's finger. Is that overbearing really something that people of their generation can have? This is the terrifying existence that defeated the bottomless Jing Yi.


Lin Lun knew that he could not beat Xia Yi, and perhaps it would be impossible in this life. No matter how high his talent is, he is still a junior, and Xia Yi is already on an equal footing with the older generation of the Jie Meng, and even started a war against immortals. Facing the boundless and world alliance, even the Tianding Holy Land, the strongest power of Tianling, was unwilling to mention Xia Yi's name.

This is a hero of a party, and he is just a junior with a unique talent in the world league.

"Brother Lin, I don’t know if I should say it inappropriately. You know how popular Sister Nishang is in the Jiemeng. How many people pursue her? Wen Yu has shown good intentions secretly. You know why Sister Nishang is only slightly open to you. A little bit of it?"


"Because your personality is very similar to the master at the time."

Guan Li’s words were a fatal blow. Lin Lun’s mouth twitched crazily. He thought it was his sincerity that moved Yun Nishang, but he never thought that he was just like Xia Yi, he was just a way of imitation. The botched shadow to come.


Lin Lun's body gradually became weak. He felt that his feet were a little soft and he was already a bit untenable. The feeling that this effort was completely denied made him feel heartbroken.

"Brother Lin, let it go appropriately, you are not to blame, no one is to blame."

Guan Li comforted Lin Lun and felt sorry for his brother, but there was no way. Compared with Xia Yi, Lin Lun was as small as a worm. Even he did not expect that the hero who stirred the wind and rain was his. Master.

After leaving Metaverse, Guan Li gained a lot of knowledge, and his strength was also improving step by step, but every time he recalled that white-haired figure, Guan Li could not raise any desire for comparison. He had never compared himself with Xia Yi. , I think about it now maybe because in his heart, he has long accepted the idea that he can never beat Xia Yi.

And this is also true!

If the strong do not die, they will only become stronger.

"I'm just waiting for the neon clothes to come back..."

Lin Lun hesitated for a while before he sat down and watched Guan Li swing his knife. At this moment, a woman walked from the door. She was a woman with a very unique temperament. Her appearance was not bad at all. Compared with Yun Nishang, it is only high and not low.

Do not……

Perhaps it is far better than Yun Nishang, because she feels like a celestial lady walking in the red dust.

"Are you Xia Yi's apprentice?"

The woman walked directly to Guan Li. Guan Li nodded in doubt, wondering what the woman was looking for.

"You use a knife. Help me see how this knife is."

After speaking, the woman took out a knife from behind and closed it. It was a long knife with a broken blade. It looked tattered but had a strange beauty. It was glowing blue and white under the moonlight, and even if it was a sharp knife. If there is no cultivator to use it, it will gather on the knife. I am afraid that it will be directly used by mortals, and mortals can also injure the cultivator by relying on the knife energy on the blade.

And the rank of this knife...

It has reached the level of a demigod soldier, and is even above the peak holy soldier.

"A good knife... a peerless knife, but this knife shouldn't be bloodied yet, and the knife's energy is still lingering. Is it just being refined?"

"Forget it, I made it with reference to this knife."

After speaking, the woman took out a knife again. This knife looked no different from the previous one, but its aura was more restrained. The moment Guan Li saw it, she couldn't help but want to touch it until the moment she held the knife. Guan Li burst into a horrible knife intent, and he looked at the knife with his eyes wide open, and there was still a touch of incredible in his eyes.

"This is... what kind of weapon, what a terrifying will... I saw that this knife once slashed through the clouds and the clouds, cut through the heavens, and slashed to the heavens."

Guan Li swears that this is the strongest knife he has ever seen in his life, and he may never see such a strong knife again in the future.

"Broken Blade Blood Drink, Emperor Shenxiao’s weapon, I asked your master to lend me to play with, so I refined this sword as a reference. If you don’t dislike it, take this sword I refined, better than yours. That bad stuff is good."

After finishing talking, Zhao Lianbing glanced at Guan Li’s current knife. Although it was a high-class saint soldier and the refining methods were not bad, it was too ordinary and did not have any outstanding advantages. The request of the Holy Soldier.

"This is the sword of the emperor... Does the master actually have emperor soldiers..."

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