Guan Li is still unable to recover from the shock. As a swordsman, he has seen how the sword imperial soldier can recover so easily. Lin Lun is completely stupid. The imperial soldier and Xia Yi actually hold the imperial soldier. ! !

"He has a lot of good things. You have to make sure that you have a good harvest. Speaking of what happened to the woman with you, I gave you the knife. It's not too much to provide me with some news?"

The person who gave the knife was Zhao Lianbing, and she could see at a glance that Yun Nishang had a problem.

"Uh... dare to ask you who?"

"If you don't mind, call me the second wife."

"Second sister? In other words, there is also a master?"

"Yes, I have."

Zhao Lianbing talked to Guan Li, but did not notice that Lin Lun on the side was already in pain to suffocation. Such strange women who can refine demigod soldiers are actually only the second wife!


In this way, Zhao Lianbing probably asked about Yun Nishang’s news from Guan Li, and also learned about Xia Yi’s past in the Metaverse. According to the time, it happened to be after Xia Yi’s Battle of Broken Heaven disappeared. a period of time.

How did Xia Yi go to Metaverse? Is it possible that there is still a starry sky teleportation array under Heavenly Duanyuan?

Of course, these are minor problems. The key is that Zhao Lianbing has probably understood the relationship between Xia Yi and Yun Nishang. That Yun Nishang seems to have an old affection for Xia Yi, but Xia Yi has already let go, no, even at the beginning. He didn't plan to accept her.

Xia Yi’s role in making ice is quite clear. Xia Yi does not want to have too much relationship with other women besides Yu'er, let alone the two sides working together for a lifetime. Xia Yi’s caution in this regard is actually advantage.

If those who came were not rejected, she or Yun Nishang probably would not look down on Xia Yi at all. Xia Yi had said before that as Tianjun and the younger generation, there were quite a few women doing day-to-day combat. I dream of marrying Xia Yi, but that is just to value the things around Xia Yi, such as wealth and status, and not to love Xia Yi.

However, the recent series of Xia Yi's behaviors can be said to have completely caused such women to lose interest in Xia Yi. In their opinion, Xia Yi is looking for death. Isn't it short-sighted to be close to Xia Yi? Those who are still willing to be with Xia Yi at this time really like him.

From this point of view, Yun Nishang did it, but it is a pity that Xia Yi will not accept it because of this. Xia Yi also knows his current situation. He is stepping on the edge of the abyss, and if one is not careful, he will fall into it. Zhao Lianbing She had taken the initiative to jump into the abyss but was rescued by Xia Yi, she couldn't go back anymore.

And Xia Yi didn't plan to go back, so Xia Yi accepted Zhao Lianbing upright.

After a while, a figure appeared at the door again. Yun Nishang came back. Zhao Lianbing was also bright after seeing the Lord. The temperament of this Yun Nishang is really not bad. Since ancient times, it has been said that she is a woman who loves others. She is the most beautiful, she has the kind of melancholy temperament in her body, which makes people feel pity from the bottom of their hearts.

But the loss on Yun Nishang’s face now intensified this point. Lin Lun on the side looked in agony, why bother to hot face and cold ass?

"Are you Yun Nishang?"

Zhao Lianbing stepped forward and looked at Yun Nishang again. Yun Nishang looked at Zhao Lianbing with some caution. She didn't know who Zhao Lianbing was, but if she came to her specifically, it shows that Zhao Lianbing is more or less. They are all people around Xia Yi.

"What's up?"

"You're still wayward, aren't you?"

Zhao Lianbing said something confusing, and Yun Nishang could hear it. What does it mean to be self-willed? Lin Lun didn't understand, but Guan Li took another look at Zhao Lianbing. His second master is not easy. Anyone who can realize enlightenment in life and death will have a different way of thinking than ordinary people.

Guan Li is like this, so he can understand what Yun Nishang’s true heart is. Then Xia Yi, as his master, can’t be as high as his foresight. Xia Yi dares to stand upright against the immortal world, but he doesn’t know this. Many people can't keep up.

"What's the meaning?"

"Literally, I still advise you not to do this now, and treat yourself well and treat him well."

"What do you know?"

"I just understand. I have heard about you and his experience in the Metaverse. There are some things I don’t want to say clearly. I am not him. He will leave you with a thin face. I will only peel off all of them. If you It's for his good, it's better to stay away from him."

Zhao Lianbing's words were a bit ruthless and a bit too much, but Lin Lun felt a little comfortable listening to it, and he wished Zhao Lianbing would say a few more words to comfort Yun Nishang afterwards.

"Who are you?"

Yun Nishang didn't expect that Zhao Lianbing would be so unpleasant when she spoke, and she never offended Zhao Lianbing.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that he doesn't have time to play with you now. You also feel that he is alienated from you. It doesn't make any sense to continue like this, and it may even lead to bad results. Stop it. Self-deception...No, what's the point of self-directing and acting."

After finishing talking, Zhao Lianbing walked away shamelessly, giving Yun Nishang no room for defense at all. Guan Lidang didn’t see it. He just looked at the new knife in his hand very seriously. He didn’t have any background, and he walked now. It's all on your own, that is, that high-class holy soldier was sent by his other holy emperor master.

I have to say that the master is the master, he is more cruel than his two masters, and the emperor has soldiers, and the demigod soldiers are sent directly. After he saw Xia Yi, he didn't bother Xia Yi. As long as Xia Yi didn't summon him, he would even bother him. Will not go to Xia Yi.

Lin Lun went to comfort Yun Nishang immediately after that. Yun Nishang barely squeezed out a smile and said thank you. Lin Lun started to say bad things about Xia Yi and Zhao Lianbing at this time. Yun Nishang did not refute the rare things, and Yun Nishang himself was aware of it. Xia Yi was completely different from twenty years ago.

And she...

She didn't know whether it was the same as in the past.

"I'm a little tired, I'll go back to my room and rest first."

Thinking of everything that happened today, Yun Nishang sighed and dismissed Lin Lun at will. Lin Lun immediately told her to take a good rest, and closed Li's eyelids twice. Yun Nishang is also a monk. How can a monk get tired so easily? There was no loss of spirit, energy, and spirit, so I guess I was just looking for a reason to perfuse Lin Lun.

But Lin Lun took care of Yun Nishang with the utmost tenderness. After Yun Nishang returned to the room, Guan Li temporarily retracted his sword and came to Lin Lun.

"Brother Lin, please take a closer look at Sister Nishang during this period of time. By the way, remember to tell her that Master will probably not come again this time. Sister Nishang is a bit dazed. If necessary... take you out. The style of a man!"

After Guan Li finished speaking, Lin Lun shook his head immediately.

"I am a gentleman, and I will never do that persecution. You know what I am."

"Brother Lin, I'm doing it for you and sister Nishang. Master, he doesn't seem to have changed, but he is completely another person."

"Needless to say, if she really settles down and wants to pursue her love wholeheartedly, I will let it go, but I hope my sincerity can redeem her."

When Lin Lun said so, Guan Li lowered his head and sighed. Lin Lun was a very good person, his status, status and strength matched Yun Nishang, and he was even a gentleman. To be honest, Yun Nishang couldn't stand beside Xia Yi now.

Whether it is the past, the present, or the future.

"You can do whatever you want, but I can only warn you, don't do stupid things. In our eyes, the love of the sons and daughters who are hardworking and memorable in our eyes grows in front of the master..."

"Not even a fart! Don't let him miss old feelings."


In the Qingyunzong room.

Yun Nishang sat on the bed and looked at the moonlight outside the window. When she heard Xia Yi's name for the first time, she was also looking at the moon. It was still the same crescent moon as before, except that the moon in the Metaverse was not a moon, but a soldier. World, one of the nineteen worlds of the World League.

Some territories of the human race have no moon, and some territories have multiple months, but the most beautiful bright moon is said to be in the Daofa world.

Looking at Yue, thinking back to the past, recalling what Zhao Lianbing had said to her before, in fact she knew more or less what was going on in her heart, she just didn't want to admit, when did she start doing this? ?

It was like this as early as in the Metaverse...

Xia Yi’s alienation in the Metaverse era or the current indifference all highlights that she is only wishful thinking, but because of Xia Yi’s character, it more or less caters to her wishful thinking. After more than 20 years, she still has Xia in her heart. She doesn't know how many longing Yi has.

But it should still be liked, still in love, or eager.

"It seems not bad to be alone in wishful thinking for the sake of love..."

Facing Mingyue, she smiled a little, and the melancholy temperament radiated again. If a man sees Yun Nishang at this moment, she will definitely feel distressed from the bottom of his heart. Who makes the beautiful woman so melancholy? Yun Nishang's talent is not particularly conspicuous. In addition to working hard, she can go now because of her unique melancholic temperament.

On Qingyun Cliff, Xia Yi sat in the old place, closed his eyes and meditated. He was thinking about how to choose. Jiemeng and Cangwang are not simply a choice between interests. There are too many possibilities. If you choose well, Can make a very good change to the status quo.

"Xia Yi!"

Suddenly, a voice rang in Xia Yi's ear. Xia Yi opened his eyes and saw that Zhao Lianbing ran up again with wine.

"How many times have you said that you don't show up when you don't have to, you are now a dead person."

"Anyway, it's a word-of-mouth problem for you. Would you care?"

"Don't care, but it's good for me, and you don't need to pay too much, why not?"

It doesn’t matter if you do more than you pay. The cultivation world definitely knows that Zhao Lianbing is not dead, because there is Zhao Lianbing’s soul lamp or soul tablet at the front of the Taixuan Hall. Once Zhao Lianbing’s body is dead, the soul lamp will be It will go out, and the tablet will break by itself.

And many forces have naturally explained that, no matter how mortals don’t believe, they only believe in the facts they are willing to believe, even if that is an illusion created by Xia Yi, anyway, everyone likes to numb themselves, so Xia Yi will give them the whole point of strong medicine. The whole point is more addictive drug.

"Yes, after all, what do you plan to do with that Yun Nishang?"

"She? She has an old relationship with me. Let's take care of it as long as I can take care of it. To be honest, I don't really want to get involved with her now. It's not the time."

Xia Yi directly stated that he didn't want to have anything to do with Yun Nishang now, so that's good, just treat it as an ordinary retelling, don't have any further things happen, it's good for everyone.

"What do you see?"

"Nonsense, naturally you can see it."

Zhao Lianbing then asked. Xia Yi’s answer made Zhao Lianbing very satisfied. She could see that it was impossible for Xia Yi to fail to realize that Yun Nishang had already substituted herself into a certain kind of tragic role, just like a certain This kind of self-operation is normal, she profited by this temperament intentionally or unintentionally, and gradually fell into self-paralysis.

Yes, just like Xia Yi, who always thought he was a sage before, he is actually a fart sage, but a maggot who is self-righteous. Even now Xia Yi doesn’t think he is a sage, because a sage can never recognize himself. That is the self in the eyes of others alone.

The so-called sages need to be recognized by others, even if they have been doing sage behaviors, as long as others don’t recognize your sages, your sages are also demons, so sages will only appear in the heyday, because no one knows sages in the troubled times.

"Tell me about the Yongye Palace in the Yuanjie. You seem to be very domineering. You did it at the age of a girl Huaichun. How can this make the other party not miss you? When the sky is broken, you are the same to Yu'er."

"Tsk, it sounds like I didn't treat you so well, forgot the last time?"

"That's not because I paid first! We are all uncles and aunts among mortals at our age!"

Zhao Lianbing was rather dissatisfied when he talked about this. Xia Yi laughed a few times. This is a fact. Zhao Lianbing is the person he chooses even when he matures. If you leave the world aside, Zhao Lianbing is actually The time by his side is no less than that of Yu'er, and until now, Zhao Lianbing has suddenly played hard and memorable.

"Let’s not talk about it, I think she will not give up easily with that Yun Nishang. She is still dreaming, and she doesn’t look at how old she is. Does she think she’s still fifteen or six years old? Even when I was this old Do such a stupid thing!"

"I have made things clear with her, and she should have listened to it. I can't manage to listen to persuasion. When I was in Yuanjie on the spot, I thought about one thing. Her liking for me cannot become me. Reluctantly for my own reasons, otherwise it is just a kind of humanity hijacking. Now that I want to come, I had been hijacked by her once. I didn't need to manage the Yongye Temple at all. I only needed to collect the gods and prepare to leave."

Because Xia Yi is ashamed in his heart, is it really okay for Xia Yi to turn a blind eye to someone who likes him so much? That's why I ventured to enter the Palace of the Night by myself. This is still when Xia Yi has this strength and still feels that he is taking a risk. Wouldn't it be both violent deaths to change one person?

"At the most dangerous moment, a handsome young man with auspicious clouds appeared to rescue me. I had a dream when I was a child. If you did the same to me when we first met, it would be nice. I was being hunted down at the time!"

"You have offended the Zixian door to shut me up, and you want to implicate me? This is reality!"

"So we are together now."


As Zhao Lianbing said, he suddenly fell into Xia Yi's arms. Xia Yi recalled that these past events were speechless. The reality is that some ugly experiences have created the present, but the beauty in dreams is often accompanied by depression and death.

Because of the sage’s sense of responsibility, Xia Yi feels that the depression is no longer a day or two, but it has been like this for more than ten years. He was liberated from this depression after he figured it out last time. Ideals are based on reality, and there is no realistic ideal. Meaningless.

People should have ideals, but they should not forget that they live in reality all the time.

"Zhao Lianbing, Jiemeng and Cangwang, how do you think I should choose?"

"Does it matter? Of course it is boundless!"

"Oh, you really thought of going with me, and I also think the vastness is obviously better!"


A few days later, Xia Yi formally announced his alliance with Cang Mong in the Azure Cloud Sect. Boundary’s intervention is also equivalent to forcibly splitting the heavenly spirit, turning the heavenly spirit into two parts. One is the Lord and the faction headed by the Holy Land, and the other part. Of course it is the main battle group headed by Xia Yi.

The demons in the Nanling Region said they did not want to intervene in the human race. Beihai Daxia actually publicly supported Xia Yi, but no one else thought about it. After all, Daxia is now the militant Daxia tyrant in power, and Daxia tyrant is A lunatic, a guy who fears that the world will not be chaotic, no one takes him seriously.

The Buddhists in the Western Wilderness Region rarely accused Xia Yi of initiating a fight. The Zhongtian Territory Chaos League broke into pieces and withdrew from the Zhongtian Region in a short time. As for where the Chaos League has developed, many people have a good idea.

Xia Yi was able to pull into the boundless sky, which more or less allowed other people who opposed the immortal clan to find the backbone. Xia Yi finally had a "potential", whether it was a big or small one, if he didn't even talk about fighting with the immortal clan, The battle between the realms is the momentum!

During this time, Xia Yi also took out a lot of means of private possession. Someone saw that there was a very strange building in the back mountain of Qingyunzong, made of all-metal structure, and launched something into the starry sky. All major forces sent it. People have gone to the starry sky to see it, and it turns out to be some kind of institution.

Recently, there have been a lot of steel giant ships on the Qingzhou coast. There have been many metal objects hidden in the mountains and underground around the Qingyunzong. Others don’t know what these things are. Xia Yi knows very well that they are all used for launching nuclear weapons. This is only the first stage.

In order to show his sincerity, Cangmang’s first message to Xia Yi is the path that the fairy clan is most likely to choose. There are many things to pay attention to when marching in the starry sky. The fairy clan will try to avoid dangerous places and choose safe stars. Lu, Cangmang also analyzed the Xian Clan’s previous marching route and gave Xia Yi a road map with an accuracy rate of over 80%.

Judging by the route of the star map, it will take the fairy clan two years to reach the heavenly spirit, and it is not too long to put it among mortals. The second stage is to directly bury a large number of asteroids and meteorites near the star road. Nuclear weapons, the third stage is very costly, but it is also very worthwhile. Even Xuanhuang himself only proposed ideas, but did not expect it to be completed in the Tianling framework.

That is a unified satellite nuclear strike network!

Once the structure is good, the satellite cluster and the launchers on the ground can eject more than a thousand nuclear weapons in an instant. Nuclear bombs are indeed limited to the monks, but since the quality is not good, rely on the quantity to make it together!

Anyway, Xuanhuang is not in civil war anymore. The nuclear weapons produced in the past were all transported to Tianling. After Dongxuan was completely controlled by Xia Yi, the Xuanhuang people had already dared to appear in Tianling in an upright manner. Of course, the news would inevitably leak out, Xian. The true target of the clan invasion, the main Xuanhuang people appeared in Dongxuan!

The Xuanhuang people have special weapons, and the number is huge, which can make up for the lack of combat effectiveness of the middle and low-level in an instant. But in fact, there is one thing that Xia Yi didn't know. Someone who knew Xia Yi actually mixed into the Xuanhuang people and ran to Xuanhuang. Played for a while.

That person was Xia Zheng. Xia Zheng brought Xia Xun with him. It was funny to say that Xia Yi never knew that there was someone in his back who could figure out his details clearly. Da Xia finished his attack on Qingyun Sect last time. After that, he hadn't left behind, and there was Xia Zheng's flag in Qingyun Sect.

Being able to return to Xuanhuang to see before the war started, this was considered to be fulfilling Xia Zheng's last wish. Although Xia Yi didn't know it, Xia Zheng even pretended to be a mortal silent, until Xia Zheng was satisfied and slipped back to Tianling. Xia Yi didn't even know the news.

Dongxuanyu, Qingzhou.

Xia Zheng and Xia Xun passed by Qingyunzong. They had just returned from Xuanhuang. Xia Zheng still held the latest mobile phone in his hand. It was full of travel photos. Xia Zheng always smiled unconsciously when he looked at the photos.

He smiled very happily in every photo. He has not been so happy since he was born.

"Xiao Xun, you said I left this phone to him, what would he feel when he saw it?"

"I guess it will be very upset."

"Haha, it's right to be unhappy. I have always been in contact with Xuanhuang. I didn't expect to dare to speak up now, but it is also right. Now he has this strength. Now that there is a transmission channel here, Tianling must be known to everyone. ."

Xia Zheng told the truth that it would be nice to know it a few years earlier. Unfortunately, in reality, I didn’t know this earlier. Fortunately, it’s not too late. Under the guidance of Brother Xuanhuang, he stepped out of the space channel. He saw Kunlun Mountain and breathed. After reaching the air of Xuanhuang, after feeling the heaven of Xuanhuang.

At that moment, tears filled his eyes unconsciously, and Xia Xun couldn't make a sound even more.

Come back quietly, leave quietly, leaving some simple memories, this is his last, the only comfort at the end of the day, there are many new things that he hasn't had time to try, but time is running out, he is not yet Be prepared.

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