For Situ Yun, it was like a big passage in life had ended, and it was also for Xia Yi. In fact, there is a wonderful connection between old enemies and old friends, and they can all reflect their own time.

The first years were spent under the threats of Situ's family and the evil of Dongxuan. At that time, Xia Yi was still a hairy boy. In sorrow, he worked hard to be a hero. Now I want to come to Xia Yi just to smile. .

The reason why he anesthetized himself as a sage is because that is more or less what he most hopes he can become in the future. It is only now that Xia Yi realizes how difficult it is to change his original aspiration. His original aspiration can be said to be Changes have not changed, the level has changed, but the pursuit remains the same.

Killing is not equal to doing evil. This is an extremely simple truth, but the simpler the truth, the more it takes years to recognize it.

In front of the Buddhist temple, Xia Yi and Situ Yun stepped into it. Almost as soon as they stepped in, Xia Yi realized that the evil of Dongxuan had discovered them. Since the evil of Dongxuan had escaped after the first battle against the evil. Almost more than ten years have passed, and more than ten years are enough to change many things. Even if the evil of Dongxuan has completely controlled the Buddhist temple, Xia Yi would not be surprised.

In the lobby of the Buddhist temple, thousands of monks were chanting scriptures among them. An old monk who looked very dignified was sitting at the front. He was the appearance of Situ Jiuxiao. When Xia Yi and Situ Yun stepped in, he opened his eyes to face. Xia Yi smiled softly.

"I don't know what is going on in the summer?"

The Evil of Dongxuan knew that he could not run away. There must be something he didn't know if Xia Yi could find this place accurately. After seeing Situ Yun next to Xia Yi, he had a general idea in his heart. It seems that Xia Yi used it. For blood tracing techniques, his body belonged to Situ Jiuxiao, so he could naturally be traced.

"But Lao Na didn't expect you to be alive, this female benefactor. It's a blessing and great fate. You must be grateful to the Buddha for his blessing, Amitabha."

The evil of Dongxuan really looks like a respected monk now, but as soon as Xia Yi stepped into this Buddhist temple, he already smelled the smell of blood. He is now very sensitive to the smell of blood, and he can feel the smell of blood. The source is underground. There is a high probability that the evil of Dongxuan has done something cruel and inhumane underground.

Xia Yi knows all the evil things in his heart, and he won't be surprised anymore.

"Cthulhu, let me ask your name last. Although you are not the strongest innate **** I have ever buried, but you are the one that impresses me the most. You are qualified to leave your name in front of me."

The tone of Xia Yi's words at the moment is condescending. After all, the evil of Dongxuan is really not seen by Xia Yi. For this enemy who has hated for a long time, Xia Yi can give him a chance to stay famous. .


"Hehe, I am qualified to leave a name in front of you?"

"Who do you think you are? A human junior really takes himself seriously!!"

The Evil of Dongxuan laughed loudly after hearing Xia Yi's words. What Xia Yi was joking about, even if he was unbearable, he was once a god, an innate god, a god, and a **** must not be insulted!

"Also, I am not the strongest innate **** you have killed, how many innate gods have you killed? I am waiting for your humble acquired creature to be able to completely kill?"

The voice-over of the evil of Dongxuan is already very obvious. The vitality of their innate gods is outrageous, and there are too many ways to survive. After thinking about it, he was killed by the evil **** and took his body.

"What is the difference between the high and low of all the wise spirits in this world? We are not low, and you are not noble."

Xia Yi only faintly responded to the evil of Dongxuan. He has never discussed Taoism with Xiantian God. At a high level, discussing Taoism is also a way to improve himself, just like Tianding Lao Zun is with Xia Yi. The fourth step of the gods was taken in the discussion.

"Haha, the so-called equal treatment? Your human race is least qualified to say this sentence. This is a concept you created yourself."

The evil of Dongxuan continued to laugh. He wanted to gain the upper hand. For him who is good at deceiving people's hearts, language is a very effective means. It does not necessarily need to be controlled by spells and brainwashed. He just induced The dark side that Human Race already has.

"Others are not qualified, I am qualified, but it should be a waste of time to reason with you, I have always been curious about what the Tao is in the eyes of your innate gods."

Xia Yi didn't show much killing intent at this moment, because he knew that the evil of Dongxuan was equivalent to a dead person at this moment, and he would not show killing intent to a dead person.

"It is the core of the existence of all phenomena in this starry sky, and we are the regulators, and you are the saboteurs. Do you want me to be more accurate?"

"What did we destroy?"

"You are trying to go beyond what should not belong to you. Grass is eaten by insects, insects are eaten by birds and beasts, and birds and beasts are used as energy for growth by higher life. After death, higher life will replenish the heaven and the earth. Incorporating into the starry sky cycle, Tao is the supremacy of this starry sky, and the will to maintain this cycle."

"The Tao allows us to give birth to wisdom to help it maintain itself. It is a mistake to give birth to wisdom. You should be a part of eating or being eaten, just like this endless cycle."

The evil of Dongxuan said so, it sounds quite reasonable, the food chain, Xia Yi learned in junior high school, but Xia Yi knows that this is not the case at all, or this is also the wishful thinking of the innate gods, thinking that he is an adjuster. .

But what Xia Yi has to say, this feeling is like the ants suddenly breaking away from nature and starting to grab natural resources with the human race. The correct view of the human race is of course that the ants continue to be part of the ecological cycle.

This is just a matter of boring to explosive order. Whoever comes first makes sense, so they are "innate."

"I thought you could tell the truth. As expected, an existence that has power since its birth will never know what Tao is."

"Do you understand?"

The evil of Dongxuan continued to laugh at Xia Yi. Xia Yi couldn't kill him. He was very sure of this. The acquired creatures had that little method. He knew very well how the acquired creatures killed him, and he could try to avoid it.

"I don't understand, but neither of you, I understand that."

Innate creatures fundamentally do not think deeply about what it is, because they don't need it either, they understand it by birth, but they can't see the essence.

"The arrogant acquired race, I advise you to leave. I have planted countless demons among the mortals around here. I can regenerate one of them, but you can kill my body to vent my anger."

"Of course, you can also choose to control me and kill everyone around here."

The Evil of Dongxuan is very confident at this moment, because even if Xia Yi did that, he couldn’t destroy him, because he had set up demons in the whole realm of Heavenly Spirit. Unless Xia Yi had the ability to find them all, he wanted to destroy him. He is just talking.

"Is it about the same as Nightmare? This is your confidence? Haha."

Xia Yi laughed disdainfully when he heard the words. He thought that the evil power of Dongxuan would have any means to sacrifice countless people immediately in exchange for fighting power to fight him, or try to open another dark gate by any means. No, but the skills of escape and life-saving, it seems that he also knows to be afraid.

"You know nightmares?"

The evil of Dongxuan felt a little bit tricky when he heard this. His methods were indeed similar to Nightmare. Nightmare was inexplicably destroyed one hundred thousand years ago. How did Nightmare disappear? It is still a mystery among the innate gods. .

"He's a guy with a bad cry. He is not low in his ability to eat away the spirits, but he can break into the Heaven Dou mystery to help the Great Desolate Evil God. he."

"You...who are you!"

The expression of the evil of Dongxuan became extremely serious in an instant. How could Xia Yi know these past events? That was what happened when he just became a spirit!

"You should also have unity and cooperation among your innate gods. It seems that you know everything that happened 100,000 years ago. Then do you know who burned the flames of the Great Desolate Evil God in the end!"

"you you……"

The evil of Dongxuan pointed at Xia Yi, and he couldn't say anything anymore. He only thought of one possibility, and that was reincarnation! Xia Yi is a reincarnated person, the reincarnation of a strong human race one hundred thousand years ago!

And if he wants to reincarnate, his cultivation is at least full of spirits, has Xia Yi even retrieved his past memories?

"Speaking of a hundred thousand years ago, you really had the same name and surname as you. Could it be that you were the reincarnation of the Xuan Huang Dao Demon? No wonder the Broken Blade Blood Drink fell into your hands again. I think it's a coincidence, but after that, the Xuan Huang Dao Demon is not dead. !"

The evil of Dongxuan seemed to really know everything that happened in the Heaven Dou mystery 100,000 years ago. Xia Yi shrugged without admitting or denying. What kind of mysterious yellow sword demon reincarnated, he was the mysterious yellow sword demon himself one hundred thousand years ago. .

"You know a lot, do you still think you can escape now?"

"What if you are the reincarnation of the mysterious yellow sword demon! You are not him now!"

The evil of Dongxuan quickly recovered his calm. Human reincarnations are indeed very strong, but they may not be comparable to their previous lives. The Xuan Huang Dao Demon was the true heavenly monarch of the Spirit Emperor that year, and the younger generation of that year. They all thought so, even the Lingdi had been by the side of Xuan Huangdao Demon.

Unexpectedly, the Xuan Huang Dao Demon was actually reincarnated, and it was a two-time heavenly monarch who spanned a hundred thousand years!


What 100,000 years ago, what mysterious yellow sword demon Situ Yun did not understand, but she knew that Xia Yi was probably the destined terminator of the evil of Dong Xuan, Xia Yi was calm and calm from beginning to end, and the evil of Dong Xuan Has already begun to be strong.

The monks in the temple are still chanting as if they don't know all this. They are all puppets, they have long lost their own thoughts and are controlled by the evil of Dongxuan.

"Is it still a demon seed? That thing can't even compare with Nightmare. I really don't know why you are so confident. Speaking of which Situ Jiuxiao has practiced any special techniques? Otherwise, you would have changed your body a long time ago. How can you continue to use this body and rebirth with a magic seed will not have a small impact on your strength, right?"

What Xia Yi said next can be said to have caused the evil of Dongxuan to be upset for the first time. For the first time, he felt that things were not in his control, or even completely unexpected. Xia Yi was simply inexplicable. Can't use common sense to judge.

"What about the impact, you still can't solve the demon seed, it is better for us to make a deal, you let me go, I will tell you the great secret of the immortal clan, compared to me, the immortal clan is more threatening, isn't it?"

The evil of Dongxuan could no longer continue to be strong, and he began to show weakness, even using profit to lure him, Xia Yi just shook his head.

"I think it's a bit bad to treat collaborators like this? Even though neither the fairy clan nor you are good things."

"Really, I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to even know this..."

The evil of Dongxuan felt a sense of frustration at this moment. He felt that his words and deeds were completely controlled by Xia Yi, as if he was already in the palm of Xia Yi, and he couldn't escape.

"I don’t know what agreement you have reached with the immortal hybrids. They are not humans, nor are they innate gods, but they can be counted as you as human beings. Maybe the immortals are more part of the innate creatures, so you guys. Accepted the fairy clan."

Innate gods are very xenophobic. How can they cooperate with the born creatures? The reason for cooperating with the immortals is very simple. If the immortals can rule the starry sky, they will definitely treat the innate creatures kindly. The corresponding is that the born creatures suffer, but what about the two? It is not a relationship of mutual use.

Let’s just say one of the most obvious ones. Ten thousand years ago in the Xianzhan in Broken Sky City, members of the Situ family ran to Xuanhuang. It was even Xuanhuang who expressed in front of Xia Yi that they were members of the fairy clan. Is it more obvious?

At that time, Xia Yi realized that the immortal clan was more or less related to evil and innate gods.

"What's the matter? Aren't you very talkative before? Why didn't you speak anymore?"

Xia Yi saw Dongxuan's evil silently, but just watched as he said nothing. He fell into silence, and he glanced at himself after being questioned by himself.

"Is it interesting to ask you knowingly? Since you know what else to ask, I didn't expect that I was planted on the reincarnated person. You have been with the Yanhuang and the Lingdi in the same era, and now I want to come to why the Lingdi and Xuanhuang attacked the immortal clan together. There is a reason."

"That's natural, Lingdi...No, Ling'er is my wife!"

As soon as Xia Yi said these words, the evil of Dong Xuan suddenly rounded his eyes, and Situ Yun was even more stunned. The Ling Emperor's husband was actually Xia Yi! Oh my God, she used to give Xia Yi to the Demon Sect of the Destiny of Heaven.

The reason why Xia Yi didn’t kill You Xue’er Situ Yun knows, because You Xue’er isn’t Xia Yi’s descendant? Although they are descendants of the previous life, their Situ family has nothing to do with Xia Yi. Even You Hai and You Yi...even Yu'er are descendants of Xia Yi.

The Nine-Tailed Clan retains the blood of Xia Yi's previous life!

"When did your memory recover?"

Situ Yun is now starting to become curious about this, and she can't help but ask. She and Dongxuan Zhixie both think that Xia Yi is a reincarnation. After all, who could think of the reincarnation stone? Most people have never heard of it, and don't even know its existence.

"Before and after the Tianjun battle, how? Curious about this? Situ Jiuxiao and I are friends. Seeing that the body of an old friend has been invaded for so long, how can I bear it?"

Xia Yi's grinning words brought Situ Yun's curiosity, and Situ Yun's three views have been refreshed. Xia Yi is not only the reincarnation of the ancient powerhouse, but also the husband of the emperor, this is the husband of the great emperor!

When Xia Yi was communicating with Situ Yun, the Evil of Dong Xuan wanted to do something quietly, Xia Yi immediately turned his head and glared at the Evil of Dong Xuan. He deliberately talked so much nonsense with the Evil of Dong Xuan and just wanted to dig out. Some doubts he buried in his heart.

The immortal race was frantic and rebellious, and actually got involved with the innate gods and even evils, and regarded the sages and emperors of the human race as nothing. Launching an imperial war without authorization almost made the family vitality. After that, they continued to conquer, Xia Yi Now I really doubt whether the fairy clan is a human or an evil innate god!

To the entire human race, the immortal race is like a huge tumor, it threatens the fate of the entire human race all the time, but the ill humanity has been unable to wake up for a long time.

Look, the world alliance is still fighting against the boundless world. Look, the big and small worlds still want to fish in troubled waters. Look, the Dao Fa world is also chasing benefits among the two sides.

Humanity is like a twilight old man, who is already confused and can't tell right from wrong. Humanity is about to enter the long night. Who will light the beacon this time?

"Haha, hahahaha!"

The evil of Dongxuan knew that Xia Yi came prepared. He couldn't think of any means for this reincarnation powerhouse that spanned 100,000 years. He gave up because he more or less realized that he would end today. Situ Yun back then Lied to him.

What kind of silver hair and white clothes, it is clearly white clothes and white hair, but he did not think why such a young child could tell a lie at the moment he was frightened by him. He was staring at Situ Yun at the time. Any slight abnormality of Situ Yun would have him Can notice.

But he was deceived, deceived by a little girl of the human race.

"Even if you really have the means to destroy me, you can't die!"

"Human race is already twilight, you wait for the long night to come!!"

The evil of the East Xuan is laughing, laughing, no matter how hard the human race struggles, it is futile. Xia Yi stretched out his hand, and a lot of white ash spread towards the evil of the East. The Evil of the East Xuan could not be reborn with a demon seed, and the white ash instantly spread all over the lobby, and Situ Yun also lost his vision, and could only see Xia Yi's back. This scene was the scene in memory.

Xia Yi was walking towards the evil of Dongxuan, still holding a broken long knife in his hand.

"Wait... the long night is coming!"

The Evil of Dongxuan finally used this to vent his resentment and helplessness before death. For Xia Yi, perhaps the Evil of Dongxuan would completely say goodbye to the self who longed to be a hero.

He is greater than a hero, and more brilliant than a sage!

"Long night is coming?"

"Human race has me, and Xia Yi has cultivated reincarnation for a hundred lives!"


Situ Yun could not see how the evil of Dongxuan was cut off by Xia Yi. He only saw a strange red light flashing in the white ash, and the aura of the evil of Dongxuan completely dissipated without a trace. This world.

When the white ash rolled up, all returned to Xia Yi's sleeves, Xia Yi lay in front of only a corpse covered with scars and cracks. It was even visible to the naked eye that this corpse was decayed, the flesh and blood was drying up, and the skin was dry. The earth is cracked.

This body is long gone. If it weren't for the corpse of the gods, it would have died out in the years. The evil of Dongxuan squeezed out every point of value in Situ Jiuxiao's body, and the flesh, bones, hair and so on could not be left with half of the energy. When the evil of Dongxuan died, the corpse of the gods turned into sand and turned into dust, and was blown out of the temple by the wind, becoming a part of the endless yellow sand in this western wasteland.

Situ Yun watched the dust fly away. She didn't feel much real feeling, moved or sorrow. She was calm, she had made so many sacrifices, and she had seen today countless times in her dreams. Still a sense of mission.

The evil of Dongxuan finally became history.

After Xia Yi solved the evil god, his whole person's temperament was somewhat otherworldly, as if he was not in the world. The Evil of Dongxuan did not know how many times he had harmed Yu'er, and now he has finally killed it personally. Xia Yi has more or less A sense of accomplishment of accomplishing something great.

If it was before, he would definitely sigh, and even celebrate with drinking and having fun, but now it doesn't make any sense. The only thing he can feel is that he didn't do something that he regretted.

In the temple, the monks who chanted scriptures all fell to the ground. Their bodies were squirming, and many insects penetrated their skins and came to the outside world. Xia Yi directly shot a piece of black inflammation and burned them. The temple is no longer working. .

Xia Yi’s mood at this time is much better than before. He understands the roots and faces himself. People who have seen the light will not turn around and walk into the darkness. Only a few people can make up their minds to fall. Although Xia Yi is also falling , But he himself is not dark.

Melting into the darkness, there is endless light in the heart.

"Asked three steps, I...unyielding!"

"Three steps, I...I don't regret it!"

"I want to achieve the way..."

Xia Yi walked slowly to the outside of the lobby. At this moment, the entire sky suddenly became gloomy. A certain destructive aura brewed in the sky. Dark clouds spread towards the sky like ink dripping in clear water, and lightning flashed in the sky. Thunder, a scarlet robbery appeared unexpectedly.

"I'm not convinced!"

If you want to achieve the way, that is to refuse your way!

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