As Xia Yi's voice fell, the red robbery thunder brewed more violently in the sky, and a sense of depression that wanted to destroy the world enveloped half of the Western Wilderness. Xia Yi clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and stared at the sky. Finally, he slowly let go of his hand.

"Fine, it's not the time yet."

Xia Yi shook his head and directly forcibly blocked the transformation of his realm. This is not the first time he has done this. In the past ten years

He has done it many times, but the catastrophe that appears is more terrifying than once. It is not for testing, but for destroying. The previous few times, because of the shackles of the road, even the cloud of robbery could not be formed, and Xia Yi can already attract the cloud of robbery. .

But to survive this catastrophe, he must be sanctified.

But if you want to be sanctified, you must survive this calamity!

This is like an infinite loop. It is difficult to break it. Xia Yi would have been able to become a saint without a catastrophe. But the chains of the great avenue will get him stuck at the end. Then this devastating catastrophe will fall, even if the emperor is still alive. save him.

Xia Yi forcibly blocked his level of advancement, and the cloud of robbery slowly disappeared. At this time, Xia Yi's skin was covered with Dao patterns. These Dao patterns densely covered every inch of Xia Yi's body, hair and skin, and were separating Xia Yi from heaven and earth. Between the links.

Xia Yi is like a picture scroll, full of words that do not belong to the world.

"By the way, Situ Yun, are you interested in returning to Hongzhou to rebuild Situ's home?"

Xia Yi was not affected by the frustration he couldn't break through. He got used to it. He started to change the subject directly, and Situ Yun wouldn't ask Xia Yi more, just as he hadn't seen it.

"Is it necessary?"

"If you want, it's necessary, if you don't want to, it's not necessary."

The Situ family has a long history in Tianling, and they have assisted the great emperors of the past dynasties, and they have more or less the luck of Tianling. It would be good if the Situ family can continue.

"Then... will you allow me to leave Qingyun Sect?"

"Your value is exhausted."

Xia Yi only replied to Situ Yun with a little bit of indifference. Situ Yun smiled lightly. She took out the mask that she had been wearing in Qingyun Sect. For more than ten years, she masked the Qingyun Sect, and she didn't know her heart. Unconsciously transform in tranquility.

She looked back at the empty hall. There were countless mortals under the hall worshiping through the heavy palaces. The mortals did not dare to lift their heads. She was shocked by the vision of the sky just now. She took out a knife. Cut off his own hair, and forget the mundane world.

Finally, the bare-headed Situ Yun walked towards Xia Yi with her mask in her hands, and Xia Yi reached out and took the mask.

"If you think I still have use value at any time, I can continue to sweep the floor for Qingyunzong."

Situ Yun was also tired, so she decided to simply become a monk. Xia Yi, a member of the Situ family, did not kill all. The Situ family could survive without her. She would continue to manage the temple and grant mortals the Dharma.

From then on, the ancient Buddha of the blue lantern does not ask whether it was right or wrong.

"Then you can take good care of this temple. There may be many disciples of Qingyunzong coming here in the future. I believe they will like the Western Desolate Region very much."

After speaking, Xia Yi's figure dissipated in a breeze, and Situ Yun silently leaned down and knelt down for a while. Her first kneeling after becoming a monk was not to kneel to the Buddha, but to kneel to the person who made her feel relieved.

Over the Eastern Profound Realm and Shanzhou, Xia Yi's walking back to Qingyunzong passing by here suddenly stopped. He felt a strange aura. He quickly descended the flying height and found that there was a sect on the ground that opened the small heaven and earth formation. This kind of formation is generally used by the protector of the sect, and the opening of the formation shows what disaster this sect is encountering.

When the height became lower and lower, Xia Yi saw which case it was. There was a chain hanging near the mountain, and the chain was holding a huge Tai Chi gossip plate. Xia Yi had fought on this one before. This force was called Da Yi. The college can be regarded as a touch of scenery in Xia Yi's memory, and it is also the last stability before the change of Shun Guo.

"Why did Dayi Academy start the guardian formation?"


The entire Eastern Profound Realm is under the control of Xia Yi alone. He has explicitly forbidden other forces to conquer too much. Unless the force is frantic to destroy the sect, is Dayi College the kind of sect that can do bad things?

Certainly not!

Without thinking about it, Xia Yi directly landed on the Tai Chi gossip plate of the Dayi Academy. Before landing, Xia Yi already felt a trace of blood, and there was definitely something wrong with Dayi Academy.


The Guardian Formation of the Dayi Academy cannot protect the Quanzong, but only the huge Tai Chi Bagua Pan. The rest of the academy is not within the scope of protection. There were many disciples standing on the huge Bagua Stone Pan, more than ten years ago. Many lecturers I have met are also there.

Before it was too late, Xia Yi immediately noticed the reason. Dean Lin of Dayi College was being attacked by a mysterious strong man. He and a few elders were standing outside the formation, seemingly to protect the disciples from entering safely.

There is only one person on the other side, but it makes Dayi Academy so embarrassed, but there is no way. After all, things like cultivation bases are crushed at a higher level, and the higher two levels are no longer in the same dimension.

Descending to the ground quickly, Xia Yi's speed can be described as a flash of wind, and he appeared directly in front of Dean Lin without any warning, and the mysterious strong man was now facing Dean Lin with a sword.

Jianfeng attacked with pure power, cutting the void and buzzing. With this hand, Xia Yi could judge that the opponent was not an ordinary person, even if he could not make a shot, it would be pure power. Divide spirit.

Although the opponent is very strong, Xia Yi is only slightly surprised. These methods are indeed surprising, but they can't hurt him. Xia Yi stretched out his hand and flicked his finger across the gap. At this moment, his flesh, blood and bones were highly unified, and at the same time, he exerted his strength. Gathering at Xia Yi's fingertips, the sword shining with cold light was instantly shattered, and the mysterious powerhouse also stopped.

"In my place, attack the forces under my jurisdiction. Which force are you from?"

Nowadays, except for the five powers of Taixuan Hall, Martial Arts City, Demon God Mountain, Beihuang Palace, and Tianding Holy Land, no other power dared to call the Ban Qingyun Sect alone. If the Supreme Profound Hall master does not break through as the holy sovereign, then the Qingyun Sect's status It is equivalent to the second Taixuan Hall.

The mysterious powerhouse did not answer. Xia Yi carefully observed the mysterious powerhouse at this time and discovered that this was actually a woman. She covered her face and looked cold and merciless, but gave Xia Yi a sense of familiarity.

"Sect Master Xia! She is the next girl! I don't know what evil curse she has hit. Since Tianjun was taken away by the mysterious expert after the war, she has not contacted me. Now she suddenly came back and killed the disciples directly at Dayi Academy."

"What? Is she Lin Nianqing?"

Xia Yi turned his head and stared at Dean Lin. Dean Lin nodded heavily. Xia Yi immediately looked back at the woman in front of him again. Not to mention it was the first glance. Even after a few more glances, he couldn't think of this and that. Lecturer Lin.

The relationship between Xia Yi and Lin Nianqing is actually quite ordinary, neither close nor far away. It is impossible to tell who she is at a glance like her father did, but why did Lin Nianqing suddenly act on her own forces?

And even Xia Yi couldn't recognize it, showing how strange Lin Nianqing is now? Xia Yi used the monk's way to recognize and judged from a person's breath, while Lin Nianqing's father used his appearance. Perhaps Lin Nianqing's appearance has not changed, but his temperament has definitely changed.

"Lin Nianqing, what are you doing!"

Xia Yi questioned loudly, and at the same time, he noticed that there was blood on Lin Nianqing’s sword. She might have killed several academy disciples. Xia Yi frowned slightly, and immediately let the mirage judge whether Lin Nianqing was He was manipulated, but the answer from Mirage made Xia Yi even more puzzled.

The mirage dragon could not feel any soul power belonging to other people from within Lin Nianqing's soul.

"Are you being persecuted by someone?"

Xia Yi continued to inquire. Since there was no control, there was only the possibility of being coerced. However, Lin Nianqing still did not answer, and even her expression did not change. The only thing that changed was that after Xia Yi arrived, her The eyes kept staring at Xia Yi.

Then, suddenly showed killing intent!


Xia Yi felt Lin Nianqing’s killing intent without any emotions, and felt baffled. Let’s not say that he has not offended Lin Nianqing. Even the killing intent itself is different, because of selfish desire, because of anger, because of jealousy, and because of Hate and wait, but Lin Nianqing's killing intent was unreasonable and without emotion.

"Never mind, I will subdue you first and then ask slowly."

Lin Nianqing is very strange now, and even the combat power is weirdly strong. Compared with Xia Yi and Jing ten years ago, even if it is slightly inferior, it is not inferior to much. This is very unreasonable. After all, Lin Nianqing suddenly changed. Too much stronger, even the character has changed.

If it weren't for the mirage reminder, Xia Yi would have thought that Lin Nianqing had been taken away by someone.

Although Lin Nianqing showed murderous intent to Xia Yi at this moment, she still knew that she was defeated by Xia Yi. She did not attack or even defend. She just stepped back and looked at the empty bamboo forest behind.

Xia Yi followed Lin Nianqing’s gaze and quickly noticed that there were people there. Although there was nothing unusual, there were definitely some people standing there with high-level means. He could distort the perception and make it impossible to notice him, if not. Lin Nianqing looked in that direction, Xia Yi might not even notice it.

This person...definitely not easy!

"Huntian, Youye!"

Xia Yi didn't talk too much nonsense and took out the Broken Blade Blood Drink as a lore. The world fell into darkness at this moment, but soon returned to light, and a figure appeared in front of the bamboo forest where there was nothing.

This is a middle-aged man. He stretched out his palm, and there was a knife mark on his palm, and blood was slipping from it.

"The Dao body is worthy of being a Dao body. Although it is abolished, its combat power is also domineering. It really can't be too big."

This middle-aged man didn't seem to expect that Xia Yi could hurt him. The reason was very simple, because he was a holy person, a holy person standing on top.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly a Venerable appeared, Xia Yi was quite surprised, but Xia Yi judged from the first words of this Venerable that the other party was not a celestial spirit person at all, and a celestial spirit person would never call him a Taoist body. , Either by his name or called Tianjun, Tianling people know how he became Tianjun.

He relies on physical training!

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you seem to have a special place in her heart."

"I used to be her student. She cares about paying attention to me. Of course it is a good thing, but it's about your shit, foreigners, come to my Eastern Profound Realm to do evil and be careful not to protect your head."

Xia Yi didn't know exactly which realm the other party came from, but it was definitely not the holy lord of the heavenly spirit. Xia Yi's remarks were actually a bit arrogant, but Xia Yi had a reason to dare to say it. This holy lord gave Xia Yi the feeling that Not as strong as the Master of the Supreme Profound Hall, although he could not defeat the opponent, he would never lose.

"Although you are indeed extraordinary, you are too high on yourself. Your realm is only a mere mere true monarch. Others are afraid of you, but in the eyes of our venerable you are just trash."

The Venerable Outlander looked down on Xia Yi very much, but he was not to blame, even the Venerable of the Heavenly Spirit might not be able to understand Xia Yi's current combat power.


There is no stern words about the Holy Venerable's contempt for Xia Yi, so it's good to look down on him. The taste of being valued by the enemy is not uncomfortable. Xia Yi hopes that everyone in the world will treat him as just a true sovereign of waste.

"So, are you going to make a move forcibly? You, a Venerable Outlander, behave in Tianling, and you don't really put Tianling in your eyes."

Xia Yi was talking about it. He hoped that the saint would be more arrogant, and it would be better to say a lot of insults to the heavenly spirit. Xia Yi had secretly prepared the mirage dragon to prepare the photo crystal, if he stood from the perspective of the heavenly spirit to deal with the saint. , And can reap a wave of respect from others.

Even if it can't be dealt with, it's just a miserable sale, so many cultivators in Tianling will more or less remember that he is for Tianling.

"I just didn't take you seriously. I'm not hostile to Tianling. Why are you so anxious to prove yourself? I heard that you used the imperial soldier to explode as a threat to prevent the Holy Spirit from killing you. You really are Wasting the grace of my human emperor, then you dare to speak this way to me with the confidence to blew the emperor soldier, right?"

"But once you explode the Imperial Soldier, how many things will remain in this area."

This saint seems to have some understanding of Xia Yi, but what he understands is relatively one-sided. They are all superficial things. Xia Yi doesn’t give any explanation. If he wants to think so, he thinks that way. It is possible to underestimate the possibility, and achieve miraculous effects with the sudden explosion.

Xia Yi couldn't kill the Lord at all, so he could only use this in exchange for a small advantage.

"It will all turn into dust, including you of course!"

"Hehe, then I'm really honored to die on the imperial soldier's self-destruction. I didn't have any interest in your life and death, but it is a pity that you occupy an important position in her heart. I don't want to give up this hard-won nothing. To purify the body, it has been too long since the saints have appeared."

The lord sighed vigorously at that, as if he was acting in a one-man show. The four words "too forgiveness" caused Xia Yi's brows to be stirred twice. Of course he knew what it is for "too forgiveness". This is the realm of cultivation since ancient times. There is a legend.

The reason why people make mistakes, know how to sacrifice, and protect other things is because of "emotion." The seven emotions and six desires make people degenerate and noble. The biggest difference between humans and innate beings is that they have love.

To be too overwhelmed is to completely cut off the seven emotions and six desires and transform them into the existence closest to the Tao. It is said that once it is completed, the affinity of the innate creatures to the Tao is higher than that of the innate creatures.

"All plants and trees are sentimental. If people are ruthless and even less than innate creatures, are they too ungrateful to teach? That's a cult!"

Xia Yi almost doesn't have any good feelings towards Taishang Wangqingjiao. This is already a fundamental denial of himself as a human being. What is a strong person who has no affection? Will to walk on the road? Or it is a selfish rule.

"How can ordinary people understand that I teach mysteries? I now have a proposal to tell you that you will kill her and make her too ungrateful. I swear to help you deal with the immortals in the name of the sect."


This saint stared at Xia Yi like this after speaking. In his opinion, this is a very good suggestion. Since ancient times, none of the descendants of Too Emotional have been mediocre, and they have almost become gods from generation to generation, but it is difficult for them to be too Emotional. , It is not something that ordinary people can do, and the special physique that is most suitable for the doctrine of too much emotion is the pure body without desire.

"Let's not say if you can do it, but you will. A too high sect is also worthy to fight against the fairy clan? Are you playing with me?"

Xia Yi laughed directly when he heard this. He controlled Dongxuan, and there was a whole Xuanhuang behind him. He did not dare to say that he could deal with the immortal clan in the reincarnation. Being able to fight against the fairy clan is simply joking.

"You don't even know how honorable Taishang Wangqingjiao is. Look at her, what strength she was only ten years ago? And now she just got in touch with Taishang Wangqing, she hasn't cut it yet. Once it cuts the love, I won't be as good as her. "

"Until she is completely forgotten, it is the moment when the **** is born."

The lord stared at Lin Nianqing and said, the expression on his face was a bit fanatical. He seemed to regard Lin Nianqing as a certain object of worship. There are very few descendants of Shang Wangqing, and they are all single passers. Every one born has incredible combat power.

"Ha ha."

Xia Yi just smiled at this indifferently. Now the Human Race has no gods, and no new gods have been born for tens of thousands of years. Only the old gods of the past have proclaimed themselves. These self-appointed old gods have long been unable to keep up with the times. The great roads will change. A little bit Xia Yi is deeply moved.

The Dao power of 100,000 years ago is obviously much clearer than it is now, and there is a difference that Xia Yi can't explain clearly. That difference is probably the key reason for the lack of gods now.

The old gods were enlightened in the past, have fallen behind the times, and their combat power is severely limited. Only the current gods born in this era are the real powerhouses, just like the difference between the current emperor and the other world emperors.

And it is precisely because of this reason that whoever becomes a **** first is the overlord, the various realms of the human race are trying to make new gods born in their own realm, but even his innate Dao body is restricted by the shackles of the great road, too What about the descendants of Shang Wangqing? It's not that the last obstacle can't be broken.

In the age of godlessness, becoming a **** is easier said than done!

I am afraid that only the true Eucharist born in this era can become a god.

"Which power in this age of godlessness has never tried. If you are too stubborn, is it possible that you are the number one power of my human race? If not, you are talking about becoming a god, it is simply that living in the past is not realistic, and you and I have nothing to do Anything to talk about, Lin Nianqing stays, and you leave me."

The current situation is actually very clear. Lin Nianqing cannot escape in Xia Yi's hands. Xia Yi's dignified Qingyun Sovereign represents the extreme speed of this day. If Xia Yi is willing to urge Qingyun nine tactics regardless of wastage, at most one He will be able to travel from Dongxuan to Xihuang in no time!

What a terrifying speed is this?

"Young man, don't be too self-righteous. It's a matter of time. You can't deal with the fairy clan. After you die, her father will die. Sooner or later, she will lose love for being too good. Why don't you make her perfect?"

"Why should I be perfect? ​​Don't say she wants me to be perfect, she doesn't even have herself now!"

"What is too unforgiving, in my opinion is an unintentional puppet!"

Killing one's own dear relatives and loved ones, how can this **** sect be strong? It's just a group of power carriers that have lost their hearts and have no root system. They are purely containers of power. What's the difference between them and a weapon?

"You don't understand, you don't understand the mystery that I teach. A common man is a common man, and he can only be a common man in his entire life."


The Venerable Sovereign, who was too sacred, shook his head, and he really felt like a deceived **** stick to Xia Yi. I really don't know how he cultivated to the realm of the Venerable.

"It's useless to tell you more. Ordinary people don't want to understand in this life. Poor, really pitiful, and sad. Since giving up to give up too much, this is so stupid!"

"How ignorant, how vulgar, if so, then I will dedicate you to Tai Shang!"

The Venerable Master of Forgetfulness feels a little strange to Xia Yi. This way of tone, this pious and obsessive attitude is like a mad believer after being brainwashed, and his words also made Xia Yi notice some key messages. .

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