"Now, take an oath."

Seeing that everyone else had agreed, Tianding Lao Zun asked them to make the final guarantee, which is to jointly swear an oath.

"If necessary, I will wait for Xia Yi and Qingyunzong to be killed, and I will never keep my hand!"

The same sentence was spoken by five people at the same time, and there was a ripple in the space at this moment, and this discussion also means that Xia Yi may be completely hostile to the heavenly spirit, and the heavenly spirit is completely biased towards the fairy clan and is willing to be a dog for the fairy clan. , Of course, this is a fact that has been settled long ago.

If it weren’t for Xia Yi to have the means to explode the emperor’s soldiers, Tianding Lao Zun would destroy the Azure Cloud Sect by himself. After taking the aisle oath, no matter what he thought, he couldn’t easily violate it in the end. They are the holy ones and violated the Taoist oath. The end of the game was terrible.

"In addition, Supreme Profound Venerable, I remember that Zhao Lianbing should not have died yet. Now I can release the news. This Xia Yi has used mortals for so long, and it is time for him to reap the fruits of his own life. The person who protects the people, he protected a demon who killed hundreds of millions of mortals. Now let's see how he explains it."

"Speaking of which, your good impression of him is only because he was a disciple of the Supreme Profound Hall, without this level of identity, does he think he has you as the Hallmaster in his eyes?"

Tianding Lao Zun could see what the Supreme Profound Hall Master was thinking. The Supreme Profound Hall Master was also cunning. He wanted both parties to be innocent and wanted to watch a show. The Supreme Profound Hall Master didn’t say anything. He really didn’t care about the life and death of Xuan Huang. , He just gave Xia Yi a little benefit, if Xia Yi can survive, it will be considered a good destiny in the future.

But since he has decided to do it, he must not be allowed to turn over, otherwise he will not be able to turn over, and he is most afraid of indecision. Now is the time to be decisive.

"I know, I just don't want my investment to be wasted. It's too late to say anything. Once I confirm that I want to sell, I won't let him live."

Hall Master Taixuan is not stupid, don't pretend to be kind when you do it, it is meaningless.

"Bailong Demon Lord, I also know that you don’t care about Nanling Region at all. You are just making excuses not to move. The Demon Mountain has almost become your personal back garden. You have a long life span. We all understand the things that are not good for oneself, but if you don't express your opinion today, he Xia Yi will not embarrass you, the immortal clan will embarrass you, don't you think?"


Bailong Yaozun's expression suddenly became a little unhappy when he heard that, not because he felt insulted, but because this was the truth. It was indeed just an excuse not to control, and to enjoy the good fortune, the dragon race was very greedy by nature. It won’t take time to build something and inherit something.

This is also a manifestation of the loneliness of the dragon clan.

Like a mirage, knowing that Xia Yi's internal world is good, he will not appear in the outside world at all.

"Don't worry, for my old bones to enjoy a few more years of happiness, I won't be lazy when I need to move."

There are no fixed concepts of good and evil in the saints, they are just making excuses for their own interests. Xia Yi was not much better before, and it is almost the same now. After the battle between the heavenly spirits and the immortals, it is not that you want to go. Let Xuanhuang not be destroyed.

It is impossible for people to be perfect, absolutely impossible.

On the other side, in the Azure Cloud Sect.

Li Ming stood on the Qingyun Cliff, standing in the formation left by Xia Yi to send a message to Xia Yi. Xia Yi was not in Qingyunzong and could not even be contacted. He only left one formation for emergency contact. This time, Li Ming He came to say goodbye to Xia Yi. He would not fight with Xia Yi because he couldn't see the possibility of Xia Yi's success. He decided to continue practicing until the day when he could deal with the immortal clan.

Xia Yi didn't stop Li Ming. Li Ming's purpose was different from him from the beginning. Li Ming was for revenge, and he was more for protection. It is not too late for a gentleman to avenge him for ten years, but if he can't protect him at that time, he will never be too late. There is no chance.

When Li Ming first found Xia Yi, Xia Yi didn’t feel Li Ming’s sincerity, so he didn’t even give him the true copy of the chaotic air change technique. Li Ming has been blinded by hatred. Although the two have the same interests, But the road is blocked,

The way is different, so I don’t seek each other, but Li Ming is still willing to help Xia Yi one last favor. He will stay in the chaotic air forbidden area. Once Xia Yi comes in contact, he will immediately destroy the space channel to prevent the fairy from going there. Xuan Huang.

It is now in the fifteenth year since Tianjun's war, and it has been a year and a half since Lin Nianqing was injured. It was about three months before the arrival of the immortal clan, and Xia Yi had been on the run for almost a year and a half.


Xuan Huang, in a university classroom somewhere, the teacher is explaining about the application of cultivation theory and modern technology. A young man is holding a pure white jade in his hand. He doesn't look very good. He stares at the white jade for a long time. The meeting suddenly smiled helplessly.

"Li Ming is really amazing."

This young man was Xia Yi. The last place he wanted to see was the Xuanhuang, so he left an emergency contact formation in the Azure Cloud Sect and came over. He didn't tell anyone. For more than a year, he Running around Tianling, to see the crime camp in the end of the North, to the barbarians to bask in the sun, go to the Western Desolate Region to make a few incense sticks, and go to Boyang City to personally test the talents of the mortals.

After the realm was loosened, Xia Yi only practiced for a month before reaching the bottleneck. His accumulation was too terrifying. Others were unable to keep up with the realm, and his realm couldn't keep up with the realm.

Today, Xia Yi came into the university on a whim. This university is exactly the university Xia Yi applied for 25 years ago. The disciplines have changed. Many things have been linked to the theory of cultivation and spiritual energy, and many new ones have been introduced. Xuanhuang has many entertainment methods, not as boring as the cultivation world.

But Xia Yi's stinking and embarrassing operation is still the same as before. In Tianling, he beat the younger generation of invincibles. He was a rare opponent 100,000 years ago. He was still abused by people when playing online games and crushed Internet cafes. With more than a dozen mice, the online games after 25 years are outrageously complicated. Xia Yi doesn't understand at all, and even wants to greet the planning family.

If it weren't for Xia Yi to check out with Lingshi, the waiter in the Internet cafe would have cursed people.

However, the most annoying thing is that Xia Yi and others are banned by the server when his family members are greeted. Now he really wants to beat people along the network cable. Why has the quality of netizens not changed after so long?

"Hello, are you sending a jade slip in your hand?"

At this time, a pretty-looking woman approached Xia Yi to greet him, and Xia Yi nodded, saying that the communication jade slip is not popular enough in Xuanhuang now, after all, this thing can only be used when it becomes empty.

"Well, something?"

"It's nothing, I just saw the jade slip you used for messaging. I haven't seen a Yuan Ying as young as you."

She saw that Xia Yi was young and was still in college. She had already expressed her belief that Xia Yi was a great family member. It would be nice if she could get in touch with each other, so she came to say hello, but Xia Yi did not feel that way. .

"I'm just bored to take a look."

"If you can, can you tell me your name? I belong to the Lin family, the Hongsheng company, the company that manufactures Aura power engines. My father is the president. I think we..."

Before she finished her words, Xia Yi's immediate figure disappeared. He didn't come to Xuanhuang to do these boring things. However, many things in Xuanhuang have changed. The outside and the inside are still the Xuanhuang he is familiar with, such as unqualified netizens. Girls who want to climb high branches, all kinds of young people on the street who are eager to jump up and call themselves cultivators.

But think about it, what can be changed in only 25 years? Everything is better for Xia Yi. He secretly took a look at his parents. They actually gave him a younger brother. The younger brother is sixteen this year. By all accounts, he was born a year before the Tianjun war. Having been away from home for a long time, Xia Shi also feels special all day long, and wants to show her abilities, running around in his name, parents must be a bit lonely too.

Xia Shi put his love for his brother on his younger brother, and his parents also pin his love for him on that younger brother. Xia Yi has no children yet, and Xia Yi does not intend to have it. He does not want the tragedy to involve the next generation, but The parents don't seem to have this kind of consciousness.

Before he knew it, Xia Yi thought that his parents couldn’t keep up with him anymore. Dialogue with him was exhausting, so just wait and see from afar. In a sense, this is also the loneliness of being a strong person, and it is difficult to reconcile the worldly vision. Xia Yi gets along.

Amidst the laughter, Xia Yi watched from a distance through the window, not even daring to enter to disturb him. His status was so high that even his parents could not let go of him. In fact, it would be better to treat him normally?

But it's difficult!

Even if he wanted his mother to touch his head, his mother might also have scruples. His father didn't dare to criticize a word. In front of him, he only promised, and his relatives who were a little bit acquainted with him all used the Xia family's reputation in Xuanhuang's name. Consolidating one's own power, these Xia Yi are all in sight.

Only after staying in Xuanhuang for less than a month, Xia Yi became bored. He saw a lot of ugliness, but not much beauty. Under the filter called "familiar", beauty would only become irritability.

But he did not feel that it is not worth the sacrifice for this kind of realm. Common things and the same daily life are the most precious things. The kind of family members are short, the kind of vegetables, rice, oil and salt, light and comfortable, and not greasy after being tasted for a long time. , It used to be that taste, but it will still be that taste in the future.

Come back at any time to see that it is the same taste. As long as the taste has not changed, Xuanhuang is home, and it still carries the memories of Xia Yi or good or painful.

Suddenly, at Xia Yi's home, Xia Yi's younger brother seemed to be out on business, but when he stepped out of the house, he unexpectedly came to a tall building in a vertigo, where he happened to be able to see his home through the window.

"You have a cultivation base, and you are also cultivating. What is your Dao Mind?"

Next to him, there was one more person at the moment, and he couldn't see his appearance clearly in the dark night.

"Who are you, do you know that I am from the Xia family!"

He was a little scared now, so he emboldened himself by naming the Xia family.

"Your growth has been affected by external things, the flattery of others, and the benefits of the world. At the age of sixteen, you will not have enough energy. You will do less after that. Without Xia Yi, what are you? You don't even Will be born, you should know what the world is experiencing in this prosperous environment."

Although Xia Yi's younger brother doesn't know who the person next to him is, he doesn't feel hostility, as long as there is no hostility.

"What do I know, but who on earth are you? You tied me to this kind of place. If I have three long and two shorts, no matter how high your cultivation is, you can't survive. I am a member of the Xia family. Remember, the first family of Xuanhuang. , Xia Family!"

Xia Yi's younger brother repeatedly emphasized that the Xia family gave him strength, Xia Yi sighed, and kept shaking his head in the same place.

"Boss Xia family, you don’t understand the truth in your family, country and the world. With so many resources, it’s hard to do things well. What a dude, you don’t know that everyone around you is back after more than 20 years. I didn’t expect to kiss My brother is something like you."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, Xia Yi's younger brother felt cold sweat all over his body at this moment. Could this person be his mythical brother Xia Yi?


Xia Yi’s position in Xuanhuang no longer needs to be discussed. He is already a character in myths and legends, let alone has not shown up for so long. Xia Yi did not even step into the house after he came back to deal with the Boundary Devouring Tree last time. Entered and hurried back.

For the vast majority of people, they even have no real feelings about Xia Yi, especially young people, because Xia Yi is something that existed before they were born.

Every generation sees the world differently. Things that existed before they were born are taken for granted. Things that appeared when they were young can change the world, but things that appear when they are old are not in line with common sense.

Therefore, Xia Yi is a natural existence in the eyes of his younger brother. Compared with family affection, it has a greater symbolic meaning and is the source of his powerful self-esteem.

He didn't need Xia Yi at all, all he needed was his identity as Xia Yi's younger brother.

"Brother? That... are you my brother?"

Xia Yi’s younger brother hesitated for a long time before he figured out what would be better to say, but Xia Yi was not in the mood to continue talking with him. Although they were connected by blood, they were strangers. He didn’t know this brother. He was born when he was born and unknowingly grew to this age, even if he told Xia Yi that this was his younger brother, he would not have any special feelings.

Like parents and Xia Shi, in addition to the blood connection, it is more of the little bit of being together as a family. The blood will eventually fade, and the meeting is the fate.

Talents like Zhao Lianbing and Yu'er are more like family members in Xia Yi's heart.

"I'm running out of time."

Xia Yi did not admit or deny. Instead, he said something unclear. Xia Yi stared at the window at home and looked at the smiles on his parents’ faces. He could even hear what they were talking about. It is not as unbearable as he thought, because he at least respects his parents very much and knows how to please his parents and his sister.

And when you think about it carefully, as a mortal, his younger brother can be considered contented and happy. It would be better to say that this was the life Xia Yi dreamed of, but he is now extraordinary, and his concept and mentality have long been difficult to integrate into the mundane world.

"elder brother……?"

Xia Yi’s younger brother heard the seriousness in Xia Yi’s tone. Recently, the news that countries all over the world are madly producing nuclear weapons, he also knows that a war with another world is about to begin. Without them, they complained about their parents’ shortcomings. At the time, his brother was fighting the enemy, for them...

"Although you have been affected, you are not bad in nature. I only hope that you will be restrained in having fun. I do not intend to interfere in worldly matters. If you are not my brother, I will not even invite you to talk about it. The world you are in is completely different, but your world is still the same as your parents and your sister."

"So, take care of them for me, think a little bit more when doing things, I don't expect you to have any great luck, but don't let your heart be polluted by others."

"You should really feel the glory is not your last name or what you are in Xuanhuang, but you have to recognize one thing clearly, you are a person, a member of the human race, but suddenly you should not understand these things. Bar?"

Xia Yi said a lot of words in a series, this tone is completely testament, Xia Yi's younger brother felt that the world seemed to collapse for it, he grew up listening to Xia Yi's legend, and the person in the legend is him His own brother, this makes him inevitably proud.

After all, he was only sixteen years old this year, even when Xia Yi was sixteen, he didn't necessarily get any better.

"Brother, what are you..."

Xia Yi’s younger brother didn’t understand the status quo. It was too sudden. He suddenly saw the legendary brother Xia Yi, but Xia Yi didn’t feel as overbearing as in the legend, nor did he feel as dusty as the legend. Just like an ordinary brother, he is dressed in a modern way.

But what Xia Yi said was worrisome. He was worried for himself, for the people around him, and even for the world. Xia Yi's tone had this magical power, which made a small mortal worry about the world.

"I'm here to say goodbye, telling my parents to pay attention to the health, telling your sister to find someone to marry me, even if it is a monk, don't let bad habits be too much, unless you practice hard, but your parents should not have any talents. How many years have passed, still stuck in gathering Qi."

Xia Yi found out about his parents’ cultivation level, and they were all stuck in gathering energy, and even Yongquan couldn’t get up. Of course, this was also because the fundamental thing in the minds of his parents was this dunya. His mother was more concerned about what to cook at night than his cultivation, father. He cares more about his son's performance than his cultivation.

Although his vision is small, he is content with Changle. A small family is bigger than these heavens and all realms. There is nothing wrong with it. Xia Yi himself also grew up in this mundane world. Xia Yi's parents didn't know what they were thinking. They suddenly talked about Xia Yi and took out an album to read. The album contained photos of Xia Yi when he was a child.

Sleeping soundly in his mother’s arms, laughing on his father’s shoulders, fighting with his sister on the grass, the award issued to him by the school when he won the Miyoshi Student for the first time, and even those who died holding his family in the cold winter. The pet dog keeps it warm.

Xia Yi has forgotten this scene. When she was young, she did raise a pet at home. It was an ordinary brown-haired puppy. It was dead. His parents had also raised it for a long time. Xia Yi was young and didn’t know what death was. I just felt that it was much colder than before, so he slept with it in the doghouse at night.

After that, Xia Yi knew what loss was for the first time. Whenever he saw the empty nest, he couldn't help crying quietly.

The album even contained a math test paper for his first 100-point test.

Until the end, the album turned to the first page. A newborn baby stretched out his hands and held **** with his small palms. The baby had no cultivation skills, no common sense, and he had nothing, but just reached out and held it. Just hold **** and laugh.

At this time, Xia Yi lowered his head and looked at his hands. He can now break the void with a punch, but he can't hold the fingers of his parents. This is a bullshit, not even a baby!

Perhaps it is precisely because there is no pursuit of power that I can care about the ordinary bits so much.

Everything about Xuanhuang was proof that Xia Yi had existed. He existed here, and he was willing to die for it. At this moment, there was a phantom in his mind again.

No, not a touch!

It's a picture that keeps changing like a photo album.

Above the desolate, lonely dead star, he stood dazedly on the ruins of the city where even the wreckage could not be identified.


"I am going to go."

After being silent for a long time, Xia Yi suddenly spoke. He stretched out his hand to touch the sky. It was already clear what to do. Once selfish, he should be selfish. He is just a person. He wants to protect this ordinary everything.

Ordinary, he could only hold the fingers of his parents at the beginning. Those hands have grown up now. These hands are by no means weak, but are huge hands that cover the sky. Anyway, life does not bring death and does not take it away. Some things are lost, why is there any need for nostalgia?

"Brother...When will you be back?"

"A hundred years, a thousand years, or never going back."

"Then at least go back and meet your parents!"

Xia Yi’s younger brother felt it, and felt that Xia Yi didn’t blame him much at all. He hated iron for not making steel more. He even felt Xia Yi’s determination, but Xia Yi just shook his head.

He was afraid that his dignified seven-foot man would cry and bid farewell with his death consciousness. Xia Yi couldn't do such cruel things.

"It's just a meeting! Brother, no matter how busy you are, you won't even have time to see each other. You've wasted so much time on me!"

Xia Yi's younger brother is no longer afraid of Xia Yi. What he has done in Xia Yi's eyes is like a child's slapstick, completely out of Xia Yi's eyes, which made him feel ashamed and uncomfortable.

"You don't understand. If you really think that the Xia family is an honor, don't respect me, but pay more respect to our true ancestors. You should have learned it in elementary school, right?"

"Xia Yu, he has not entered the house for three times. Now this world is facing a monstrous flood that is countless times more ferocious than before. This time, I will treat it."

"Okay, go back, remember to be filial, help me tell my parents a word, just say..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Yi had disappeared in the same place, leaving only one sentence echoing nearby for a long time.

"Unfilial son Xia Yi is going."

A few hours later, Xia Yi returned to Tianling and returned to the six small continents of the Eastern Profound Region. The atmosphere in the Azure Cloud Sect was a little dull. The Tianding Holy Land has officially announced that it welcomes the arrival of the immortal army and frees up a vast expanse. The western wasteland is convenient for the immortal army to land.

Xia Yi came all the way to Qingyun Cliff, and Zhao Lianbing was standing here waiting for him.

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