"Are you back? Where did you go?"

Zhao Lianbing also contacted Xia Yi by relying on the emergency communication formation left by Xia Yi. After all, it was impossible for ordinary communication Yujian to do cross-border communication.

"I went home, but didn't dare to see my parents, so I entrusted others to say goodbye."

"Huh? Are you not going to see your parents in person?"

Zhao Lianbing was a little puzzled when he heard this. Is Xia Yi still a son of man? Obviously it is very likely to be the last side.

"I have a foreboding that I might cry. I am so old that I don't want to cry."

Xia Yi smiled. Although his tone was understatement, the facts he told were a bit sad, but Xia Yi still didn't want to see his parents crying. In the end, it was enough to see them smiling so happily. The smile must be the same. When he was born, he stretched out his hands and held his parents' fingers.

Although the parents' faces are not recorded in that photo, it must be the smile.

"You want to face and suffer, and you will be happy if you cry me all over?"

"How can I!"

"Don't you make me feel the same way, I don't even dare to see Master!"

"From the Taixuan Hall?"

"From the Profound Tool Sect! He is more like my father."

Zhao Lianbing himself seemed to have nothing to say, and even smiled like Xia Yi, but in fact, only the two of them could tell what it was like in their hearts.

This kind of... the feeling that even loved ones dare not face in the end is really unspeakable.

"You are ashamed to say me like me, so what's the matter?"

"The army of the fairy clan marched along the route provided by Cangmang, and it was really the most likely section of the road that Cangmang analyzed. The army of the fairy clan landed on an unowned star not long ago. The main star, they will pass through the meteorite belt after obtaining the supply of the earth veins."

"How did you prepare for the detonation?"

"Perfect, it's just that there is a ten-minute delay from our start to detonation."

"You judge at this time."


The immortal army is very close now. Three months will not be long, and it may not even take three months. If Xia Yi uses the Qingyun Nine Jue with all his strength, it may not take ten days to reach the starry sky where the immortal army is. There are still a lot of marches in the starry sky, and Cangmang has experience in this area and can guess the path of the immortal clan.

The supply of the starry sky march is very important, especially the energy of the flying boat. Generally, the earth veins are extracted. There are many planets in the starry sky, but the stars of life are very few. Even the stars with earth vein activity are not everywhere.

And in those meteorite belts, Xia Yi had sent people to hide a lot of nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs, anyway, it was useless to keep Xuanhuang, and they would be detonated together immediately, which was regarded as a meeting ceremony for the immortal clan.

Zhao Lianbing took out a metal-clad photo-taking crystal at this time. This was the first time Xia Yi saw this photo-taking crystal. He obviously added Xuanhuang technology. After she activated the photo-taking crystal, a dark side was reflected in the crystal. Starry sky.

Outside of a dimly colored star, Xia Yi saw the densely packed fleet of immortals like a swarm of locusts, and also saw the mothership of the immortal clan. It was absolutely as big as the entire land of the six small continents. He was really a giant. , Xia Yi couldn't help feeling shocked, the fairy clan was already surreal technology.

The fairy clan may also have mastered technology, even far ahead of Xuanhuang. It is just a practice technology. It is not a pure technological civilization like the modern Xuanhuang. Technology and craftsmanship are more or less manifested in many realms, such as agency people. The most typical technological process.

About an hour later, the immortal fleet completely flew away from the dim planet and entered the meteorite belt. Zhao Lianbing estimated the speed of the immortal fleet, and finally took out a formation disk to start it after waiting for half an hour.

After the activation, Zhao Lianbing and Xia Yi both looked at the photo-taking crystal with a little nervousness. The large-scale nuclear explosion of the meteorite belt was the first horn of Xuanhuang's counterattack.

Xia Yi never felt that time flies so slowly. These ten minutes are like suffering, until a certain meteorite suddenly bursts, which is like a signal. As the first meteorite bursts, the other meteorites are all dazzling. The strong light exploded one after another in an instant, and the photo crystal could not transmit the sound, but Xia Yi knew that the scene must be like an extinction scene, and some meteorites were pushed closer to the immortal fleet by the previous nuclear explosion. Local eruption.

This nuclear explosion lasted for a full five minutes before it stopped, and the originally dense meteorite belt was almost emptied.


At this moment, apart from Xia Yi and Zhao Lianbing, not many people knew that the fairy clan had already suffered the first wave of Xuanhuang attacks. When the light of the nuclear explosion dissipated, the next scene Xia Yi and Zhao Lianbing saw was for Xia Yi. Some are speechless, even uncomfortable.

All the flying boats of the fairy clan opened the golden transparent barriers, and none of the flying boats was damaged. What the fleet was like before and what happened afterwards, the nuclear explosion was completely incapable of winning the army of the fairy clan.

"Tsk... isn't it that simple? But it's too much to cause a loss. This is 70% of Xuanhuang's reserves, and blowing it all together can blow up Xuanhuang himself."

Xuanhuang’s 70% nuclear bomb and hydrogen bomb reserves bloomed in an instant, but it didn’t cause any trouble to the fairy clan, which made Xia Yi feel very uncomfortable.


"Xia Yi, look at it!"

However, Zhao Lianbing quickly discovered the abnormality. Several flying boats suddenly left the team and flew around, and even hit other flying boats and caused an explosion. At this moment, almost all the flying boats of the immortal clan were unstable. .

"This is... is it a cobalt bomb?"

Xia Yi's eyes lit up. The cobalt bomb was the weapon of the doomsday that Xuanhuang had only recently realized, and it was also the most polluting dirty bomb. The explosion itself may not have much lethality, but radiation can seriously affect the monks under the saint.

"It seems that the flying boat of the immortal clan is controlled by people under the saint, which means that the logistics personnel of the immortal fleet will be affected by the radiation of the cobalt bomb."

"good good good good!!"

Xia Yi breathed a sigh of relief and clapped his hands vigorously. This could also explain why the flying boats of the fairy clan were suddenly out of control, because the people who controlled them had problems. Such a large fleet could not be all inside. There must be people in the army who are in charge of other tasks, and as long as these people are not as good as the saints, they will be disgusted by the cobalt bomb.

Who said Xuan Huang had no resistance? Didn't this give the fairy clan a head first? This is still detonated in the starry sky, and the radiation cannot stay. If it is detonated in the immortal realm, the radiation will affect the realm for a long time, and a lot of people whose cultivation base is not as good as the saint will die.

"Notify Xuanhuang to immediately do its best to produce cobalt bombs regardless of wastage!"

If there are enough, they might be able to kill all those who are not as good as the saints in the fairy clan before the arrival of the immortal clan, even if the immortal clan has protective means, it will be enough to make them feel sick.

The Xian Clan fleet was in chaos for an hour. Twenty-three flying boats in the Xian Clan fleet were collided and damaged. Nearly half of the flying boats left the team, but they quickly recovered and re-arranged toward the mothership.

Xia Yi couldn't go there now, otherwise he really wanted to hear the immortal clan curse.

"Zhao Lianbing, where is the second trap?"

"It hasn't been set up. They are all semi-finished products. They can be deployed at any time. Now let’s see where the fairy clan marches next, where they go, and where do we set traps. Unless they turn around, they can only bite the bullet. Being beaten, the kid you called Lu Yingli is really yin, and he is handling the detailed layout plan."

"He is still very good, and I won't be **** to help if I don't have the ability."

Lu Yingli calculated dozens of routes that the fairy clan might choose, and made preparations for each of them. It was impossible for the fairy clan to reach the heavenly spirit intact, and would encounter various indiscriminate bombings along the way.

But in the final analysis, the first wave is definitely the most lethal. After all, that is Xuanhuang's 70% nuclear weapons reserves.

The fairy clan suffered an ambush in the starry sky. Although it did not lose much high-end combat power, it was really disgusting. The logistics function of the entire fleet was almost completely paralyzed. The low-end combat power lost two-thirds. Although not many people were killed, it was to heal the wounds. It was another expensive expense. The soldiers of the fairy clan had no logistical support, so they could only do everything on their own, and the speed of marching was suddenly slowed down a lot.

However, the news did not go out. Tianling didn’t know anything, or knew but didn’t want to say, whoever made contact with the fairy clan is the high-level, after all, it’s a good dog of the fairy clan, how dare the owner fall. Yeah.

However, correspondingly, Xia Yi has recently noticed frequent movements in the Tianding Holy Land in the Central Heaven Region. They seem to be interested in Xia Yi’s launch bases in various places in Dongxuan. Various people have been sent to infiltrate them. Whatever you say, as long as he is caught, all will be executed, no matter which force he is.

However, the most important launching station is still in Qingyunzong. There is only one target location, that is, Broken Sky City. The launching platform of Qingyunzong is the last hydrogen bomb. Death and underworld! There is even the yellow spring water provided by Xia Yi, which will detonate the multiple formations of Heavenly Broken City, freeing countless ghosts under Heavenly Broken Abyss from hell, crawling out of the abyss and harming the world again.

This is Xia Yi’s last resort, sacrifice Quandong Xuanzhao Youduming, not to mention whether it can stop the immortal world, that is, the entire region will be contaminated by the netherworld, and sealing it back is a big problem. The other four regions are most likely. The method is to completely seal the entire Eastern Profound Region.

In other words, once this final plan was launched, Dong Xuanyu would be buried everywhere, so Xia Yi didn't want to do it, but this was the last resort. This cruel and inhuman behavior was Xuan Huang's last hope.

With the death of others, begging for my life is sinful to the heavenly spirits, but to Xuanhuang is the salvation of the world.

One month later, the immortal clan was attacked by a cobalt bomb on the marching road. The immortal clan had deliberately avoided the meteorite belt, but was overshadowed by the spatial array that had been set up here long ago. A large number of weapons descended from the void. This round of attacks directly killed those logistics personnel and low-end combat forces who had not had time to heal their injuries.

How much is this half?

As many as tens of millions of lives, the immortal clan had not yet reached the sky, and thousands of people were inexplicably killed on the road. Although they were just logistics personnel and low-end combat power, they also made the immortal really angry. This is **** it. Xuanhuang still dare to resist? One hundred thousand years of anger completely drove the fairy clan crazy.

The immortal clan sent a message to the whole land of Tianling and asked Tianling to stop Xia Yi immediately, otherwise it would make Tianling pay the price.

And the immortal army directly increased its horsepower and marched towards the heavenly spirit. It is said that it seems to be marching directly with the deceased's remains as energy. The anger of the immortal race has been ignited. According to the boundless judgment, the current advancement speed of the immortal race is only needed. In seven days, it will descend on the heavens and the earth.

With the announcement of the fairy clan spreading to the heavenly spirits, the five forces representing the five domains also formally declared war on Xia Yi and Qingyunzong. In addition to the Eastern Profound Domain, the monks of the four territories gathered to attack the Eastern Profound Domain and kill Xia Yi. Qingyun vented his anger to the fairy clan.


On Qingyun Cliff, the black scorched earth under the mountain is shocking. Today's weather is still clear. Xia Yi fell under the pine trees on Qingyun Cliff and looked at the sky. Although the sun was shining, it was not permeable.

In the distance, the sound of Jiuding Qiming can be heard. There are Xiuzhen sects rebelling against Xia Yi in all parts of Dongxuan. Many of the nuclear weapons launched by Xia Yi were destroyed. Even if Xia Yi ordered the recovery of nuclear weapons in the first time, they only recovered A very small part.

To be honest, one thing Xia Yi did not expect is that the five deities representing the five realms of the heavenly spirits will join hands to oppose him. Buddhism does not fight for power, so it does not represent the Western Wilderness at all, and the Bodhi Buddha does not have any expansion power. Therefore, the representative of the Western Wilderness is Budo City.

Before facing the immortal clan, he must first face the heavenly spirit, and even Dongxuan could not completely grasp it. One is that the time is too short, and the other is that no one convinces him at all, because Xia Yi has not considered their interests at all. pass.

Xia Yi did not allow them to search for the people’s anointing, not allow them to be too unkind to mortals, and not allow them to fight against other small forces. In the long run, this is a plan to make the entire Dongxuan progress, but it is a pity that the strong are dissatisfied, Xia Yi Fundamentally moved the interests of all the strong.

It is hard to cultivate to a high and deep state, and finally there are countless elite disciples under his family, who do not fight for the world, do not order one party, and not to be superior. Doesn't it mean to cultivate for nothing, and live for nothing. The reason why they cultivate is because of profit.

All beings are good, not good to not survive.

The so-called distinction between public and private is nothing more than big gains and small gains. To benefit the world is to benefit, and to benefit oneself is also to benefit. In the eyes of some strong people, what is the same noble work for benefit?

But benefiting the world is noble, self-interest is not necessarily wrong, but self-interest must be at the expense of others!

Xia Yi has already ordered the Qingyun Sect disciples to return to the Sect, without any resistance, how can he get rid of the enemy by the five realms? This was already pushing Xia Yi to the worst development, and Xia Yi simply gave up all other means.

Because it's useless, let them enter the Eastern Profound Realm. Come on, the more you come, the better.

After that, we sacrificed together!

Those liberated forces shouted at Xia Yi’s guilt hoarsely, robbed them of their resources, and killed them. There was no benevolence at all. The Supreme Profound Hall also showed evidence that Zhao Lianbing was alive, even if mortals did not believe it. It doesn't matter, why should the gathering of the five-domain cultivators care about the opinions of mortals?

In addition, after some mortals were killed to defend Xia Yi's reputation, the mortals were silent, because Xia Yi did not respond, and learned that Xia Yi's general situation had already been seen, some mortals immediately turned down and turned to other monks.

Xia Yi didn't have any thoughts about this. The instinct to survive and seek profit is nothing more than human nature, but more mortals are still silent. They are already tired. Mortals’ intelligence is not lower than that of monks, and they are more or less. I noticed that I was just being used by Xia Yi and the monks.

It's just that Xia Yi took advantage of them willingly, because Xia Yi at least wouldn't kill the donkey. He would give them whatever he ought to, and would care about their livelihoods, even if they weren't benevolent sages, they were also wise monarchs of a generation.

Even when the frenzy of worshiping Xia Yi recedes, Xia Yi can still be regarded as benevolent. Although he is no longer so sacred, he wins in the real, and therefore appears to be even greater, because people know that Xia Yi is like them, not innate. The great good people never owe them anything.

This was enough for them to trust Xia Yi and recognize the real Xia Yi.

Not a holy sage, but an ordinary hero.

On this day, the major forces of Dongxuan rebelled and damaged the various facilities Xia Yi arranged in the Dongxuan Region. They personally destroyed the defense line against the enemy and against the immortal clan.

They are laughing, the fairy clan is laughing, and Xia Yi is also laughing. If Xuanhuang is really destroyed, Tianling must be the next target, don't they understand?

They must know, they must understand, but compared to **** deaths, they choose to live humiliatingly. Nothing is more important than being alive. It doesn't matter whether they live in a cesspit, live like a maggot, and don't allow other people to eat.

It is precisely because of these disgusting maggots that they have to afflict many truly innocent people who don't know how many people are truly innocent. The most difficult point for Xia Yi to accept is this.

He was a maggot himself, but he wanted to be a human again, but some people became more and more like real maggots. No matter how powerful they are, even if they are transfigured, what are they after they grow up?

It's a fly.

Only more maggots will be born, and a good environment will not survive, and the world must be turned into a cesspit, so if you want to ask Xia Yi what he did wrong, Xia Yi just doesn't want to eat shit.

But in the eyes of the maggots, you are guilty of not eating shit.

"Born in sorrow and dying in peace, peace is too long, and people's hearts are lost."

"Wolves are cruel because they are not full, dogs are animals because they are carefree."

"What is a good dog? Lovely and loyal."

"What is a ferocious wolf? Don't bow your head."

If it is about how to flatter, how to please people, a hundred wolves are not as good as a dog, but if it is about **** an enemy and how to live with more dignity, a hundred dogs are not as good as a wolf.

Groups of dogs are fierce, barking in front of people, lone wolves hunting, and howling under the moon.

Xia Yi got up and walked a few steps towards the edge of Qingyun Cliff. He took out the jade slip of transmission. For example, today, all the spirits are preaching a piece of inscription. This piece of inscription is combined by Tianding Holy Land with other Beihuang Palace, Taixuan Hall, and Demon Mountain. Jointly issued by Budo Castle.

"Fengtian Zhengren cut Xia Shu?"

"What a good luck, what a righteous person, what a good one to beat me!"

The title of this essay is enough to make Xia Yi feel funny, and the content is nonsense, beautifying selfishness into the common people of the world.

Its contents are as follows:

Heavenly King Xia Yi is inhumane, instigating war to endanger the world, and today he has completely taken back Xia Yi's position as the Heavenly King. This person is not worthy of being the King of the Heavens. He did the things that roared and robbed. Why is the Xuanhuang chaos and my heavenly spirits? Unhealthy, false benevolence and hypocrisy deceived the hearts of mortals, and later killed hundreds of millions of people for themselves. The first evil was protected by him, which shows his sinister intentions.

The battle between Xuanhuang and the immortal clan was originally a private grievance between the two. After the Xuanhuang talked about peace, the Xuanhuang still had nothing to do with others. He entered the immortal clan and destroyed the immortal clan's inheritance from generation to generation, dare to ask how the two emperors could fight against the five emperors. Strangely, the five emperors of the immortal clan are willing to stop, but the emperor Xuanhuang Tangtang made a sneak attack and was cut to the immortal clan for his own sake!

Although the ancient spirit emperor had a fight with the immortal clan, now the demon clan also knows that it is wrong, and is willing to take over for the spirit emperor and jointly fight against Xia Yi. Qingyunzong Zeng had done injustice, and the ancient Qingyun Xiaomo had also dictated arbitrarily. The extinction of the immortal clan offended by private indignation deserved it, and the heavenly spirit should not bear its anger, but Xia Yi went against it and continued the resentment of the blue clouds, disregarding the world and the common people.

Xia Yi is unrighteous and unrighteous, and he gives the heavens and the spirits to the water and fire. For the sake of showing the righteousness of the world and returning the world to peace, we are determined to take the initiative to challenge the thief, to destroy the sky and clouds.


"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

"Why don't those who write this essay go to Xuanhuang to write a paragraph!"

After reading the content of the message in the jade slip, Xia Yi burst into laughter on the spot. He was really good at talking. He avoided the importance and took the meaning out of context. Not talking about the benefits but only the impact. The full text was not intended to be reasonable at all, but was forcibly announced a new theory. .

And this essay was not written for him at all, but was written for the fairy clan, to show them how loyal and obedient they are, but it is so obedient, which dog can be so obedient, a little bit dignified You can't train your dog to be so behaved, right?

Confusing the distinction between public and private, sophistry between right and wrong, should a victim's face be taken for the Spirit Emperor?

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