It's really a good one to have won the spirit emperor. What qualifications do a group of maggots who only eat **** have to hold the spirit emperor! !

For peace, for the common people in the world, for the mountains and rivers?

Then you are going to resist the invaders! Kill the rebels on your side first, and peace will be made if no one resists? It's really a great joke in the world, they are still monks, and they have lived for thousands of years, all living on dogs.

If you like peace so much, then you will be peaceful. If you die without resisting, being a dog is also peaceful. Anyway, it does not cause conquests. This is indeed very peaceful, too peaceful.

I’m full of calculations, I’m still calculating, I’ll calculate today and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, I’ll do the calculations and see if the immortal clan will be reasonable, if the army is overwhelmed, you are still calculating the reasoning, and the knife is all there. It's on your neck, do you use an abacus to slash with a knife?

Forget it, count it for a thousand counts, count your own glory and wealth, not count future generations as slaves and servants, peace has never been asked for, peace is achieved by blood and blood, and the venerable? Where is it worthy of respect?

Except for his high strength, he is just a white-haired old dog.

Xia Yi understood. He didn’t make any mistakes at all. He was a man, a man of dignity. He was not a maggot eating shit. The reason why Tianling became like this was because Tianba died in a battle. There are too many sages, and if you want to change, you can only break and then stand. How to break?

It's very simple. Only by replacing all the people in power today can we return humanity and clarity!

But Xia Yi doesn't want to care about Tianling anymore. The immortal clan is coming. How will Tianling have nothing to do with him in the future? Xia Yi is indeed using Tianling for the sake of Xuanhuang, but isn't Xia Yi also for Tianling's good?

There is no conflict at all.

The Five Regions are besieging Dongxuan. They are not so decisive in dealing with the Immortal Clan. To deal with a small Xia Yi, the Five Regions are required to come out together. Of course, it is more to express their stance.

Only he is a human being, none of us are human!

The army of the five regions even slowed down deliberately. It is estimated that they intend to kill Xia Yi when the immortal clan arrives and show it to the immortal clan, and give Xia Yi's body to the immortal clan as a meeting ceremony. In theory, Xia Yi is no longer suitable. Staying in Dongxuan again, it is not suitable to stay in Tianling again.

Hui Xuanhuang, at least no one stabbed a knife in the back.

At the end of this last, Xia Yi just asked a word.

"If he dies, what about the immortal clan invading the heavenly spirit?"

This was a fact that Tianling could definitely foresee, and it was also Xia Yi's last doubt. He wanted to see how Tianling would resolve it, but Tianding Old Venerable only replied to the world.

"How can the fairy clan invade the heavenly spirits, the fairy clan and the heavenly spirits are originally allies living in harmony."

At this moment, Xia Yi knew the reason why the five statues were so arrogant and the core reason for daring to be so perverse. The feelings were to climb up to the master. There is no need for the fairy clan to destroy the heavenly spirits. For the fairy clan, the heavenly spirits have become The lower bounds they control are actually better.

So obedient, so loyal, so low-pitched, and finally the owner saw the income of the family, this tail wagging that called a joy, Xia Yi used to respect the respected venerable very much, after all, their strength lies there, just like Xia Yi once I also worship the power.

But if they stand in the same realm without the blessings of the realm, what can they be considered in Xia Yi's eyes?

On Qingyun Cliff, Xia Yi watched the disciples in the sect leave one after another. Xia Yi ordered them to leave. In the face of this kind of battle, the strength of the Qingyun sect was useless. Xia Yi had already instructed the Ling family to close the secret realm completely. It is not easy for the Lord to find out.

Yu'er was still in retreat, and Yu'er couldn't do anything. Until the end, only a few hundred people remained. The cultivation base of these few hundred people was very low, but their eyes were unusually firm.

"Senior Xia, we have sent a notice to the United Nations that the global space bases are on standby, and the Tinder program can allow 500 million people to escape to the stars."

"Only...500 million?"

"Ten don't save one!"

Xia Yi sighed. He made many preparations. In the worst case, Xuan Huang can continue to other realms like Daxia. The destination Xia Yi has been negotiated. It is boundless, and boundless is willing to receive the 500 million. People, the condition is Xuanhuang's existing technology.

Moreover, it was only when Cangmang dispatched a fleet of flying boats to transport 500 million people. With Xuanhuang’s current aerospace level, tens of millions of people would be the limit. A hundred thousand years ago, many forces such as Daxia and Mohism had already escaped once. Will there be another escape after ten thousand years?


Xia Yi was too helpless, and Xia Yi was not at ease along the way. After all, the **** Emperor Clan was also wagging his tail to the Xian Clan. Perhaps the Xian Clan was the general trend. They were just blocking the car with the man's arm.

In fact, from the perspective of the entire human race, the immortal race must be talented, have blood, and be particularly united. After the human race is ruled, it may usher in a better future. The immortal race has always had this courage. If it were not a deadly enemy, Xia Yi also didn't want to offend the fairy clan.

The immortal clan can undoubtedly form a whole according to the human clan, rather than a piece of scattered sand.

"You too, go with the other disciples to the Western Wilderness, and finally I will deal with it."

After Xia Yi asked, he did not intend to keep them. Many people said goodbye and dismissed the Azure Cloud Sect, paved the way for Xuan Huang. Xia Yi has done everything he can do. In the end, he only needs to do what he deserves. Things to do.

If he also flees now, it would be the same as the trajectory of a hundred lives, but he has no reincarnation stone, no one hundred and second, but the biggest regret is that he has not been able to say goodbye to Yu'er.

Yu'er was too anxious. He didn't need Yu'er to fight for Xuanhuang again. In fact, it was enough to stay with him for the past ten years, but now, at least, Yu'er in the retreat will not come out to die.

Although everything went against his wishes, Xia Yixing's actions were against the sky. The Xian Clan succeeded a hundred times again and again, but he was like an ant who was unwilling to give up, trying again and again.


The Qingyunzong disciples left, the Xuanhuang compatriots left, and the secret realm that had a fragile connection with the Qingyunzong was completely closed. Li Ming also transmitted Xia Yi, he had already destroyed the space channel connecting the heavenly spirit and Xuanhuang, that space channel was large. Probability was constructed by Li Qiang, and only the ancient gods had the ability to create space passages across the starry sky.

Only after a while, many people came back, all disciples of Qingyunzong, but these disciples looked older, and they all carried a coffin behind them.

Among them is An Yu and Xiao Yu.

"What are you guys?"

"Sect Master, where else can we go? We have lived here for countless years. Our ancestors have been here and buried here for generations. We have nowhere to go. We only hope to coexist and die with Qingyun Sect."

Holding a sword in his hand, An Yu just said in a tone with a hint of memory. These disciples who came back were all disciples from the Qingfeng Sect period. They have the strongest sense of belonging to Qingyun Sect, and the Qingyun Sect has been in their blood since ancient times. Of glory.

In the mundane world, the heart is above the blue clouds.

"Xia Yi, don't you remember me? I was injured when you punched me in front of the cave."

"Xia Yi, it's me, you gave me a spirit stone when you first started."

"Xia Yi, we fought together at Qingyun Site!"

"Xia Yi, I was by your side during the change of the sky!"

"Xia Yi..."

They were not called Sect Master Xia Yi, but Xia Yi's name. At this moment, Xia Yi seemed to be back when he first joined the Qingfeng Sect. It would be nice if Yu'er was still with him.

"Well, let's go with you, there are still a few days, let's talk about the past together."

Xia Yi's reconstruction of Qingyun Sect was actually affected by Xiao Mo. Although Xia Yi never told others, Xiao Mo used to be what Xia Yi wanted to pursue. He was unrestrained, approachable and joking.

Although Xia Yi had only heard of his legends and only seen his photos, Xia Yi respected Xiao Mo from the bottom of his heart. He is not Ling'er, and he has nothing to do with him, but he still stood up 10,000 years ago. Helped Xuan Huang.

He knew that he knew that Xuanhuang and Tianling were in a relationship between the lips and the teeth, and he did his best, so Xia Yi was so grateful to Qingyun.

The first wisp of breeze often surrounds my heart, and gradually grows in the face of the violent storms and rains from the outside world. Although the breeze is small, it is also high-spirited. If it succeeds, it will rise up without falling. It's nine days.

A few days passed without knowing it.

Xia Yi looked up and could see that the entire sky was full of golden brilliance. A huge monster obscured the sky, and other flying boats nearby were faintly visible. It was flying towards the Western Wilderness. It was originally planned to be the last line of defense at this time. Dongxuan's nuclear weapon launcher launched nuclear weapons together.

It’s just that those launching devices were destroyed by the monks of the Eastern Profound Realm, and Xia Yi, who was left in the Six Small Continents, didn’t plan to launch anymore, because it was useless, and the army of the Five Realms had completely liberated Dong Xuan, and only left. The next six small continents.

The Six Small Continents will not surrender. The mortals of the Six Small Continents have long stated that they will coexist and die with Xia Yi.

"Everyone, I'm going to do something next, I hope you don't blame it."

On Qingyun Cliff, Xia Yi got up to meet the rising sun. There were wine jars and coffins scattered everywhere. In the past few days, these disciples simply slept in the coffins. In the end, they didn’t want to survive, even if they knew they were about to die, they wanted to pull them. The next few people were buried.

It is not that simple to destroy the Azure Cloud Sect. A fierce wolf is still a fierce wolf to death, and it has to bite off a piece of flesh from the enemy.

It's just that when these disciples die, the Azure Cloud Sect may really exist in name. The original disciple died, and Xia Yi will never go back. The fate of the Azure Cloud Sect ends today.

Zhao Lianbing has been with Xia Yi these days, but he has not disturbed Xia Yi and these old disciples at all. When Xia Yi left, he glanced at Zhao Lianbing, Zhao Lianbing understood, and silently walked towards the back mountain.

On the edge of Yingzhou, outside of Broken Sky, the army was crushing the border.

Xia Yi took a long look and came to Duantianyuan. He looked at the dense formations on Duantianyuan. These formations have been reinforced for more than ten years, in order to prevent Nether from escaping, but today Xia Yi wants to liberate them. .

Xia Yi slowly stretched out his hand. He knew very well what his actions would cause, and he also knew that he would be a sinner through the ages in the future, but Xia Yi has made up his mind not to ask for a good name in the world, but to ask for something he loves. Endure.

Even if he knows that he is against the sky, against the earth, against people, and against the Three Realms and Six Paths, he still has something to do. This is the root system of man, resentment, madness, but also love.

In addition to destroying the immortal and destroying the god, he didn't do what he wanted.

Even if you don’t enter the other shore, don’t fall into reincarnation...


No longer resisting Ming's erosion, but let Ming completely control himself, abandon everything, and even give up being human, turning into an Asura with endless anger, and burning the injustice in this world.

The human flesh and blood dissipated, and the bright red karmic fire burned all over the body. This time, the entire face was turned into bones, and the white hair was hanging on the skull and dancing with the wind. It was strange but also a kind of inexplicable sadness.


When I spoke again, I could no longer speak human words, and the sand falling from my eyes was like tears.

Then... a kick.

After stepping through thousands of formations, there is a strange movement under the abyss, less than ten breaths...

Endless white bones crawled out of the abyss, greedily devouring the vitality of the world, but Xia Yi soon felt that something was wrong again. It was too weak. These Mingmen were too weak. The Mingmen underneath was blocked by something. .

Xia Yi immediately jumped down from Heavenly Broken Abyss. It was extremely dark under Heavenly Broken Abyss, but at this moment Xia Yi liked this environment very much. There were all creeping bones beside the cliffs, but they were all originally there. Xia Yi could feel it, fundamentally. The Ming that did not emerge from the Nether.

These ghosts are nothing more than the people who died here. No wonder they were able to guard the past, and no wonder these ghosts contaminated the source because the gates of the ghosts were blocked.

At the bottom of Broken Sky Abyss, there is no light here, and even time has stagnated, but the world in front of Xia Yi is dark red. This is not the ghost or the world, but a different time and space between the two.

Suddenly, something flew towards Xia Yi, and that thing passed Xia Yi. Xia Yi turned around and glanced at the thing. It turned out to be a golden bone ghost that was broken up by something. It is worth mentioning that there is something in the back. Many of the broken golden bone fragments, these bone consciousness have completely dissipated, and Ming couldn't make them act again.

Xia Yi continued to move forward, and finally saw a strange figure, also a pair of bones. He used many broken blades to close up a small reddish space, and countless hands of withered bones passed through the gap and wanted to grasp. What to live.

This skeleton has a long hair and is wearing a black-bottomed blue dragon auspicious cloud suit. This suit is not harmed by the underworld, and it exudes a dim gleam at the bottom of the abyss.

Xia Yi instantly recognized who was the owner of the bone in front of him, because he would wear this style of clothes on formal occasions of the Qingyun Sect. This bone should be the former Sect Master of the Qingyun Sect...



At this time, in the stagnant space, two withered bones looked at each other from a distance, and the white-haired withered bones exuded pure underworld energy. He had sacrificed himself to provide underworld energy to Netherworld, and the black-clothed withered bones in front hesitated. After a while, he finally raised his sword and aimed it at the white hair and withered bones.

In the next instant, the sword came.

Jian Feng pointed directly at the head with white hair and withered bones, and wanted to pierce it. The white hair and withered bones also stretched out his hand to accurately hold the sword in an instant.

Then, a knife appeared in the other hand of the white-haired dead bone, and it smashed directly across it. Once it hits, the black-clothed dead bone's head will be cut off 100%.

However, the black clothed bones are obviously not vegetarians. They are also Nether, but he has the thinking and fighting consciousness. He also stretched out his hand next to his head, and the blade accurately hit the black clothed bones wrist, but there was no way to cut it off.

At the same time, both of them are gaining strength. The black-clothed dead bone wants to pierce through the white-haired dead bone's head, and the white-haired dead bone wants to cut off the black-clothed dead bone's head. Both of them start to tremble at the same time, and both of them can't bear the other side's faintly. Intensity.

Until two sparks burst out in the deep darkness inexplicably, the white-clothed withered bone turned his head when he released his hand, and the black-clothed withered bone also bowed his head when he moved his hand.

Both attacks failed at the same time, but the next attack came in an instant. The black-clothed and withered sword pierced from the bottom to the top, and the white-haired and withered sword slashed diagonally.



With two strange noises, the two withered bones retreated several steps at the same time, the white-haired withered bones near the eye sockets shattered, and the black-clothed and withered face collapsed.

Obviously, both have the ability to completely kill the same kind.

The white-haired and dead-boned blade was covered with a strange scarlet flame, and the black-clothed and dead-boned sword had a dim gleam.

Under the influence of the underworld, the shattered eye sockets with white hair and withered bones began to gradually recover, and the collapsed piece of the black-clothed withered bones' face looked like before returning. The two did not communicate, but looked at each other.

White clothes and white hair, drew a knife and stood.

Long hair in black, sword pointing forward.


It's another fight. Neither can take any advantage. Although the two have the ability to kill each other, they will also be killed by the other. You can't see the other in the dark, but they can see the other's swords and swords in their eyes. I completely forgot everything at the bottom of this darkness, and only fought with the obsession in my heart.

The White Haired Bone still slightly remembered who he was before, but now he has completely forgotten. The Black Bone Bone didn't even know why he was standing there. He only knew to stop it.

The sound of bones breaking and flying was mixed with swords intersecting, and the will of the two reversed the time and space. This is the gap between the world and the ghost, outside the cycle of reincarnation, and not on the other shore.

Unconsciously, the darkness changed under the will of the two, and began to project the things buried in the will of the two, but it was not real, but like a landscape painting drawn by thick ink, the world of the two became black The phantom projection intertwined with white.

It was on a very high mountain, surrounded by Jiuding, and there were countless dark shadows cheering under the mountain.

"Let’s see Mr. Qingyun!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Xia Xia!"

The world is black and white. The black shadow cheers behind the mountain behind the dead bones, the white mist cheers behind the white hair and dead bones, and the black shadow and the white mist are intertwined with each other. This is not true at all, but both are gradually lifted. Ended up.

Black shadows appeared on the black-clothed and withered bones, and these shadows had temporarily formed flesh and blood, and the white-haired and withered bones also had white mist attached and formed flesh and blood.

Both looked at each other and didn't know who they were or who the other was, but they both heard a word.

"I... Am Tianjun?"

"I am... Tianjun?"

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