The two murmured to themselves, and then drew their swords and swords at the same time.

"Tianjun... it's me!"

Both of them didn't even know what Tianjun was at this moment, but they felt that it seemed to be proof that they had existed before. Because Nether had lost his existence, he was so eager to gain his existence again!

On the black and white mountain peaks, the two figures are fighting with all their strength, and no one can help each other. There is no combat power, no spiritual energy of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, only the will of the two, and only the obsession of the two.

The sword turned into the sky to collapse, the mountains and rivers turned into huge swords to open the sky, the world was against the chaos of the will, and the two unconsciously took exactly the same steps.

Vertically ascend the ladder, step up to the blue clouds.

This is a battle of legends that no one has witnessed. It does not exist in this world and does not exist on the other shore. Everything is constantly annihilated and constituted. The sky and the earth do not distinguish between you and me, but they are reconstructed in black and white. .

One inadvertently, the world has changed again.

A huge black city dominates on the desolate earth, black clothes and withered bones look around, those things hidden in his will arouse the memory of his existence, and the black shadows turn into handsome figures.


The sword in the black-clothed withered bone began to tremble.

There is also white fog around the white hair and dead bones, and eventually form endless bones.


The knives in the hands of white hair and bones began to hum.

Then, the two looked at each other and saw what was behind each other.

The white hair and dead bone almost rushed to the black shadow, and the black clothes and dead bone rushed to the white mist in an instant. The two were under the black giant city. In the black giant city, the will of the two was confused, making the two indistinguishable. Who is who, but both know one thing, that is, everything in front of you is the enemy of the world.

"Xiao Mo! Be careful of that fairy clan divine way, what special skill he is going to use!"

Beside the gray hair and bones, an old man looked at the sky in shock. The sky was almost completely shrouded in Jinhui. The eyes of countless people nearby were dumbfounded. The black and white world appeared in a third color, because both have deep memories and overlap in everything. Can reproduce.


At this time, the black clothed bones were filled with grief and anger for some reason, and they were turning into monsters. A huge gray heart was beating nearby. He didn't want to rush to the gray heart, and the white hairs and bones leaped towards the sky.

Have you ever been desperate?

For what reason have you been willing to give up being a human being?

Have you ever been at the peak, have you ever fallen into the abyss, have you encountered all kinds of things and haven't given up?

Fly to Jinhui head-on, seeing a lot of gray hair and dead bones.

Grief and anger rushed to the gray heart, and the black clothes withered bones felt a lot.

Although they are not the other party, they feel the same, where the obsessions come from, different sorrows, different angers, and different joys and joys. The wills of the two will no longer fight separately, but begin to merge gradually.

Both want to show their deepest memories to prove their existence. If one person fails, then the two together prove that even outside of this cycle, they are not on the other side.


Beyond the sky.

The gray hair and bones looked down at him, and all the people were silent. People who knew each other had died a lot, and they stared at themselves tightly with unsatisfied eyes.

At this moment, the gray-haired and dead bones thought that he was Xiao Mo. When the immortal clan descended into the heavenly spirit, Xiao Mo was just a shabby scholar in a mortal kingdom.

The fairy clan attacked Xuanhuang back then and encountered Xuanhuang's stubborn resistance. The first round of offensive was stubbornly defeated. The deserters could only go to Tianling to recuperate. Obviously they were just deserters but could occupy Qingzhou in the name of the fairy clan. Increasingly arrogant, until in the name of asking for compensation, he demanded that the spirit of the sky be paid.

It was a test of Tianling's bottom line, but Tianling nodded in agreement.

Xiao Mo immediately wrote a large number of articles to spread the world. He didn’t understand why deserters could escape the law in the sky. The deserters of the immortal clan had no kindness at all. They ravaged the green continent and the hometown of Xiao Mo. Xiao Mo only used pen and paper to deal with the immortals. The immortal clan found a warning when he verbally criticized him. In order to avoid affecting himself, the imperial authority expelled Xiao Mo from official status, and even the nine clans were imprisoned and his parents were tortured to death.

Not long after, Xiao Mo himself also deceived the emperor on his back, arguing that the name of the world was scheduled to be beheaded at noon. He was iron-hearted, and before the knife fell, he questioned all the people nearby, the officials, and whether the executioner was ashamed of his heart! Thousands of people are speechless.

The vast green continent has no mortal words, no monks’ words, and he is the only sinner who lists the sins of the immortal clan, and the fleeing soldiers can also be fierce. Then we are not as good as pigs and dogs?

Fortunately, a cultivator happened to pass by. The Qingyunzong cultivator believed that Xiao Mo had lofty ambitions. Although he was a mere mortal, his ambition and enthusiasm surpassed countless robbers and thieves. Xiao Mo did not disappoint. Although his talent and other aspects were not as good as others, he was good. The heart and will are better than countless people.

Later, he knew why people didn’t resist, because people only saw themselves. If they didn’t affect themselves, the landslide would be at ease before the big landslide. Xiao Mo once asked what happened to the humanity, the Qingyunzong monk replied:

It's okay to be degenerate.

The Azure Cloud Sect monk was also unable to resist the status quo. Although he was angry, he did not dare to say clearly. Although he was a deserter, it was more powerful than a single Azure Cloud Sect. Xiao Mo repeatedly denounced the other forces for their short-sightedness, but he was ridiculed for short-sightedness.

Seeing the fairy clan deceive others, it's not me anyway.

Seeing the immortal humiliation, it's not me anyway.

Seeing the immortals treat people like grass and trees, killing like flying insects, people are grateful that it is still not me anyway.

Until I was killed and grief-stricken, I heard other people say: It’s not me, it’s not me.

Are things that are not mine beyond my reach? How did the human race be born from generation to generation!

Tomorrow Xiao Mo will be indifferent and numb. After Tianba, many people want to change the status quo but are unable to do so.

After that, Xiao Mo no longer offered any opinions to the immortal clan. He practiced all day long without asking questions about the world. In the days when the Heavenly Monarch battle was a blockbuster, he won the position of the Heavenly Monarch and amazed countless people in the heavenly spirit. Xiao Mo was born with a passion and will. He was born in a down-and-out tycoon, and tasted the warmth of the world. When he was a mortal, he knew that he was responsible for the rise and fall of the world, not to mention becoming a monk.

Ordinary people know the principles of the world to test their fame, but the monks did not live as well as pigs and dogs when they cultivated the Great Dao of the day. Xiao Mo knew the inconveniences in this world, so he would do it!

King Duotian, rebel against immortals, persuade chaos, help Xuanhuang, build heaven, and kill immortals!

He wants the heavenly spirit to regain the dignity, the heavenly spirit and the heavenly spirit, why should the heavenly spirit world be afraid of the immortal clan. His fame was originally to change the secular corruption of officials and corrupt officials. Brewing, to become a monk, he just wants to change more.

He has big ambitions. People say he is stupid, he is idiot, and he doesn’t know good or bad, but he knows that this is the right way in the world. He knows that he must do this. As long as he does this, he will definitely appear in the future to pass on him. People of will!

The will of the emperor, the inheritance of the sages, the will of the sages, he came to inherit, his will, the ambition of the blue clouds, there will be inheritors sooner or later, as long as the human righteous path is inherited, the humanity will be saved, just like him, not yet Deeply moved by the ancient sages.

Therefore, under the sword of Shinto, he was willing to dedicate his life. He only hopes that his dedication will one day be exchanged for countless people who inherit his ambitions. Humanity is like a fire, if it is not extinguished, it will burn. Only when the breeze rises, the fire burns. The world.

The black-clothed withered bones stood silently under the ruins of an imperial city. He looked at the plaque. The word Shun was very familiar. He bent down and stroked his fingers on the ground. The strokes were exactly the same. The word Shun was What he wrote.

"I am fair?"

"What is justice..."

"The world?"

"The world!"

The black-clothed and withered bones were clear. The existence he experienced was not his real existence, but it was an existence of the same origin. On the other hand, the white-haired and withered bones also fell to the ground, and he also knew that his existence was not a real existence.

They exist in each other, but they belong to the same source.

Black inheritance, white inheritance, continue from generation to generation, changing the world.

In the end, with a wisp of breeze, the world is no longer black and white, it is a warm spring with the fragrance of birds and flowers. On the edge of the blue cloud cliff, the two people look at the sect under the cliff side by side. The structure of the sect in the eyes of the two is different. , But the kernel is exactly the same.

Suddenly, the two turned their heads to look at each other and nodded silently together.

"The 94th Sect Master of the Lower Qingyun Sect, Xiao Mo."

"I am the 95th Sovereign of Qingyunzhi, Xia Yi."

The two smiled, and then looked down the mountain. Although they both knew it was fake, the familiar scenery made them worry about it.

"Does it have to be destroyed to usher in a new life?"

Xiao Mo asked so, Xia Yi sighed and shook his head.

"I have no other choice."

"It's true, but you are against your heart. You can survive this calamity, and you can't escape again."

"I know."

Xia Yi knew that he could only regain his sanity in the gap between this reality and the other shore. Now he is a monster, an asura who hates everything. Last time, asura was transformed into an asura, so many monks in the Eastern Profound Realm used it. It took a lot of means to repel him, this time...

I'm afraid it will be difficult to repel him.

"I won't persuade you to give up, you may be right."

After a long silence, Xiao Mo went on to say that he agreed with Xia Yi's approach. Although it was a helpless move, it was better than being unable to change anything.

"No, I was wrong! I understand this, but I can only continue to be wrong, otherwise what did I do? What am I doing today?"

You must never give up here, absolutely not, this is an obsession that cannot be washed away in reincarnation.

"I don't know why you are for. Anyway, I just want to not regret it. I never thought about being a great man. I just became a great man by doing something."


This is how Xiao Mo commented on himself, and Xia Yi felt a little bit to laugh after hearing this.

"Do you consider yourself a great man?"

Great people are judged by other people, how can they think of themselves.

"Isn't it? By your will, I may not be a great man, but I am a human being."

"I don't deny this."

Xia Yi chuckled. In fact, Xiao Mo was a great man in Xia Yi's eyes. Xiao Mo has the world in his heart. Even if some people have not made any great achievements, they have already surpassed countless people in the world. There are also people like Xiao Mo who knew the world when he was a mortal.

"Xia Yi, don't deny yourself."

"Me? What do I deny me?"

"You are a hero from beginning to end."

"Huh? Are you kidding..."

Can a maggot like him be a hero? He just numbs himself, he has always been self-righteous.

"Those who can be called true heroes by the world, are they born as heroes? I have always believed that the human soul can be qualitatively changed, and the transformation of the will can be transformed into a heroic soul, and I am a heroic soul now, and Ming can't obscure my spirit. "

"What can the heroic soul do? I just want to fulfill my long-cherished wish. Saving humanity is just taking advantage of the trend. You look at me too high."

"Follow the trend? It's a good one to follow the trend. This is what you said. How many people in this world will not follow the trend, but go against the trend and do the right thing with humanity. You can follow the trend, you can do it, you are not a hero, who is? hero!"

"This... well, then I am."

Xia Yi also saw everything that Xiao Mo had experienced. In many cases, it was extremely difficult to take advantage of the trend. Perhaps from the moment he wanted to become a hero and put it into practice, he was already there. There are not so many truths and falsehoods. , There is no root system in the end, what he did, he did something, so he is.

"The heroic soul is the proof of the immortality that you have existed, and the cycle of reincarnation is indestructible. Don't let yourself regret it anyway. When you fell into this abyss, you were a moving underworld at that time. I got you into the netherworld. From the world, I didn’t expect you to come back. You didn’t have a heroic soul at the time, but you came back.”

"You may have a previous life, you are the reincarnation of the heroic soul, awaken your heroic soul in this life, and regain your original power."

Xiao Mo said something that made Xia Yi dumbfounded. Based on this, Xiao Mo could actually judge that he had a previous life.

"Then can you reincarnate too?"

"Me? I may have no chance. I have consumed too much under this abyss, and the battle with you is almost exhausted. I live by your will now, and I will be in a while..."

"My Xiao Mo will stop here, too."

"However, I don't regret it. Your existence is the best proof of my existence. You have influenced countless people. I think I am selfish, or to protect my hometown. I don't want to see this Dongxuan. Die, so I proposed the second possibility."

"A heroic soul? But how can I have that immortal heroic soul."

He is just for the selfish villain of Xuanhuang, he is not worthy.

"The Buddhism has a saying, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha, and the heroic soul is the same. Your merit and virtue are all in line with your own recognition. You don't recognize that you are."

" do you want me to admit that I am a hero?"

"How many evil did I do? How many innocent people did I kill? How selfish I am?"

All these experiences reminded Xia Yi that he had completely soiled his hands.

"But you have protected more people, and you can save more people again. It's just a matter of one thought."

As he talked, Xiao Mo's figure began to blur. He was about to disappear. There was a touch of reluctance in Xiao Mo's eyes. Is he going to return to the darkness so completely? It's really helpless.

"Xia Yi, I'm going to die soon, I can't even see what you chose, but remember not to regret it."

"Don't forget... the initial touch!"

Xiao Mo said so, Xia Yi just shook his head.

"You said that the heroic soul is immortal, but aren't you dying now?"

"Of course the heroic soul is immortal, unless I willingly transfer my heroic soul to other people."


Xia Yi's eyes widened instantly, and as Xiao Mo passed away, his body began to shimmer.

"Sorry, my heroic soul is too weak, I can only make you return to being a human again. You have regrets in your heart, and I have regrets. I am too impulsive. I am sorry for Qingyunzong. The price of justice in my heart is kindness to me. Like the destruction of the Blue Cloud Sect, but you have returned to it, so you are my benefactor."

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